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Save The Oakensoul Ring

  • dinokstrunz
    Miracle19 wrote: »
    Skoomah wrote: »
    Can we be intellectually honest here and someone tell me the last time they came across a werewolf in pvp they actually feared? ...or are werewolves more of an annoyance?

    You’ve fought against our premade with grim as WW… you know the class is already extremely strong, that ring makes it immortal completely without a healer…

    Werewolves are pushovers nothing more, minor annoyances. If you struggle with werewolves as a premade then I'm sorry that's on you.
  • WrathOfInnos
    I agree with the problem statement, and I don't want to see Oakensoul nerfed because of werewolves. However I'm not a fan of arbitrary exclusions (such as Zaan with Elfbane).

    IMO a better solution would be to allow WW to use 2 skill bars like any other build. Weapon skills could still be disabled since they are unarmed, but they could use various class/guild/alliance skills. This may require some minor adjustments to WW for balance, but it would add significant depth and variety to the build. It would also balance Oakensoul, since now WW's would be giving up an entire skill bar and 2 back bar gear set slots like anyone else.
    Edited by WrathOfInnos on April 22, 2022 2:18PM
  • Yarcanine
    Miracle19 wrote: »
    Skoomah wrote: »
    Can we be intellectually honest here and someone tell me the last time they came across a werewolf in pvp they actually feared? ...or are werewolves more of an annoyance?

    You’ve fought against our premade with grim as WW… you know the class is already extremely strong, that ring makes it immortal completely without a healer…

    If the class is so strong why aren't you or any of the other good groups making premades with werewolves? While everyone and their grandma is running restoration staff backbar on top of their other 3-4 heals that got a massive buff from the hybridization patch WW has one very expensive heal they have to spam that you have to invest a sustain set, race, and mundus at the minimum to be able to use more than 4 times. All the ring does is let you drop a sustain set and gives you damage and stats that make up for the race and mundus you have to run.
  • Miracle19
    Yarcanine wrote: »
    Miracle19 wrote: »
    Skoomah wrote: »
    Can we be intellectually honest here and someone tell me the last time they came across a werewolf in pvp they actually feared? ...or are werewolves more of an annoyance?

    You’ve fought against our premade with grim as WW… you know the class is already extremely strong, that ring makes it immortal completely without a healer…

    If the class is so strong why aren't you or any of the other good groups making premades with werewolves? While everyone and their grandma is running restoration staff backbar on top of their other 3-4 heals that got a massive buff from the hybridization patch WW has one very expensive heal they have to spam that you have to invest a sustain set, race, and mundus at the minimum to be able to use more than 4 times. All the ring does is let you drop a sustain set and gives you damage and stats that make up for the race and mundus you have to run.

    Our premade has a WW in the main group setup, which is the same setup that has destroyed every team we’ve fought. By a landslide if I may add.
    Edited by Miracle19 on April 22, 2022 3:02PM
  • divnyi
    I do have a 50k werewoof build now in Gaze that is impossible to kill and is annoying.

    If this ring will have full power on werewoofs.. oh boy. Extra set of recoveries. Several extra sets of damage. It will be more than annoying, it will be also doing damage.

    But most of all, I do not want it to stack with werewolfs because it is BORING.
    We already seen werefolfs.
    It's is 5 pre-defined abilities.
    No variativity.

    5 abilities on non-WW is actually a challenge. It reduces your bar in a half. Variations of what to remove is gonna be through the roof.

    WW? Slap it on it and go 🥱
  • Remathilis
    Players: Yawn. Meta is stale. All builds are the same. Game is getting boring.
    ZoS: *introduces items to shake up the meta*
    Players: zomg! Nerf them! Too broken!
  • React
    Remathilis wrote: »
    Players: Yawn. Meta is stale. All builds are the same. Game is getting boring.
    ZoS: *introduces items to shake up the meta*
    Players: zomg! Nerf them! Too broken!

    Yeah man, because everyone wants infinite-sustaining 40k hp werewolves that cannot possibly be killed 1v1, and who are able to hit 8-10k howls as the way zos chooses to "shake up the meta".
    Edited by React on April 22, 2022 5:29PM
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Remathilis wrote: »
    Players: Yawn. Meta is stale. All builds are the same. Game is getting boring.
    ZoS: *introduces items to shake up the meta*
    Players: zomg! Nerf them! Too broken!
    I have very similar thoughts recently. Seeing all the power creep that has gone into the game over last 2 years... Brutality ring, then Ring of Pale Order, then Gaze of Sithis, Dark Convergence, Plaguebreak and with now this on the horizon...

    I simply asked myself more like a philosophical question: With the Server Performance getting worse & worse, skills not working, potions not working, combat bug etc... Is any kind of balance even relevant any more ?

    I mean sure, it is, but in a grand scheme of things, does it even matter ? If the game lags this badly, does it matter what class are you or what gear are you using ? So does winning still matters ? Or maybe it is all about the fun ? Maybe people in PvP just want to have some fun ? And what fun is that if the game does not work as it should ?

    Look, we have all of those broken proc sets, or even classes... I look at recent trends Zeni is pushing and... I don't think they care about the balance. I mean just look at the patch notes. Any thing that makes sense from a class balance perspective there ? Look at the sets that they introduced and the ones that will be introduced. Order's Wrath is basically a Better Medusa... A DLC Crafted set is better than Base game Dungeon set...

    I think that ZOS simply wants to somehow keep as many PvP players that are still left in the game - so they would keep playing the game. Oakensoul is just a carrot on the stick. And next year we will have something new & even more powerful. 100% guaranteed.

    Also... I wanted to say that... I am very disappointed. Disappointed with HTM. Yes. Unfortunately. I watch his content and I must say that he is doing a lot of great stuff... But I did not expected him to try to divide dwindling PvP player base like this. When I saw the title of this thread and what it is about... I honestly thought that it is simply some one who has similar forum name to a known YouTube ESO content creator. But, then I have checked his Patch Notes review... yep... it was not an imposter - it was him... I had a better opinion of him... :(

    Implying that werewolves are a problem and that The Oakensoul Ring should somehow be "saved" from the nerfs that bad Werewolves will cause... I felt very um... I guess insulted is a best word... but at the same time I felt um... rejected ? As if, you know Werewolf players have no place in ESO and there is no place for them in ESO community... 2nd class citizens... An obstacle... :cry:

    Anyway, I am not trying to bait into discussion or something. I am just writing my thoughts. As for the Oakensoul Ring... I think it is cursed. It is not even on a live server, and not even in its final form, but it already managed to cause damage... To divide player base and make us argue about pixels. At this point I wish it was removed & never added to the game.
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on April 22, 2022 6:24PM
  • Ryuvain
    Maybe its finally time that werewolf got a rework. Think about it, why are we only restricted to 5 moves while even normal npc werewolves can use their own class abilities/magic while in form? Werewolves using necromancy, sorcery, and other skills a lot, and thats not just behemoths either. Remember the pack from blessed crucible? Normal werewolves using all kinds of class skills in form.

    Right now, werewolf is so binary that it won't work at all in any content, pve or pvp, without just being a big enough stat stick to where being binary doesn't matter. Imo, they should drop the 1 bar restriction and allow werewolves to use class and guild skills. No weapons due to being unarmed. Also allow bar swapping but only between bars that have werewolf ult equipped + the werewolf bar itself, so werewolf would act as a third bar if you didn't want a ultimate.

    With these changes then werewolf would have a downside while also making it MUCH more fun to play. No more stat stick fighting and they could reduce some passive stats it has.

    They could also add new skills that we already have in game due to playable behemoth. And even add behemoth as an alternate werewolf form/ult. Sometimes I really wish ZOS would actually communicate and read the forums. This game could use a lot of updating and fixing and the community does come up with good ideas. *Sigh*
    Edited by Ryuvain on April 22, 2022 6:35PM
    That one khajiit obsessed with werewolf behemoth and vampire lord. Lady Thorn is bae, dont @ me.
    Werewolf behemoth=vampire lord>blood scion>werewolf>vampire.
  • guarstompemoji
    Keeping them balanced separately will let both exist. It also brings up that WW shouldn't need an item like this to be good.

    When they alter this item in the future, if the two are tied together, WW will go with it, instead of being considered separately.

    Many reasons to keep them separate!
  • Necrotech_Master
    Ryuvain wrote: »
    Maybe its finally time that werewolf got a rework. Think about it, why are we only restricted to 5 moves while even normal npc werewolves can use their own class abilities/magic while in form? Werewolves using necromancy, sorcery, and other skills a lot, and thats not just behemoths either. Remember the pack from blessed crucible? Normal werewolves using all kinds of class skills in form.

    Right now, werewolf is so binary that it won't work at all in any content, pve or pvp, without just being a big enough stat stick to where being binary doesn't matter. Imo, they should drop the 1 bar restriction and allow werewolves to use class and guild skills. No weapons due to being unarmed. Also allow bar swapping but only between bars that have werewolf ult equipped + the werewolf bar itself, so werewolf would act as a third bar if you didn't want a ultimate.

    With these changes then werewolf would have a downside while also making it MUCH more fun to play. No more stat stick fighting and they could reduce some passive stats it has.

    They could also add new skills that we already have in game due to playable behemoth. And even add behemoth as an alternate werewolf form/ult. Sometimes I really wish ZOS would actually communicate and read the forums. This game could use a lot of updating and fixing and the community does come up with good ideas. *Sigh*

    #replace WW berserker morph with behemoth

    that would be interesting with WW lol

    personally the main problem i find with WW is the both the expensive heal, and the lack of ranged abilities

    this ring would certainly help my mag sustain issues on my WW toon
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Xinihp
    divnyi wrote: »
    ...full power on werewoofs..
    My new favorite word. XD

    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Yeah man, because everyone wants infinite-sustaining 40k hp werewolves that cannot possibly be killed 1v1, and who are able to hit 8-10k howls as the way zos chooses to "shake up the meta".
    Hyperbole much? MAYBE the ring could use a Battle Spirit adjustment for wolves, BUT, I hardly call an extra 450 resources every 2 seconds "infinite sustain." Especially not when their heal costs 4k magicka to cast. It would take the ring ~20 seconds to regen the cost of ONE heal. In a high pressure PVP environment. "Infinite" sustain? I think not.

    Also, the ring gives 3737 health. So... Where is the other 36k coming from? Because if it is health-based sets they are losing damage stats to gain that HP.

    No one is saying the ring isn't really good on WW but come on now, let's be reasonable here.

    Edited by Xinihp on April 22, 2022 9:22PM
  • WeylandLabs
    the mythic is only part of what makes ww a problem, seeing you can do something very close to what i show in this video on the live sever. the problem with WW is uptime you should be able to have 100% up time

    There's nothing in the game since 2016 that gives 10k HP recovery, if you believe this potato. Then the game as a whole is in trouble, because these HP stats for pvp is not true. And id put 100$ on it to prove me wrong and if you can hit 10152 HP recovery in pve ! Dude is a drama queen trying to get it nerfed because of bias views in pvp.

    Sure WW will be strong but when but that doesnt mean you cant counter it with a templar so and with the CP nerf and healing buff ... Templars are gods !

    Disbuildinformation !
  • React
    Xinihp wrote: »
    divnyi wrote: »
    ...full power on werewoofs..
    My new favorite word. XD

    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Yeah man, because everyone wants infinite-sustaining 40k hp werewolves that cannot possibly be killed 1v1, and who are able to hit 8-10k howls as the way zos chooses to "shake up the meta".
    Hyperbole much? MAYBE the ring could use a Battle Spirit adjustment for wolves, BUT, I hardly call an extra 450 resources every 2 seconds "infinite sustain." Especially not when their heal costs 4k magicka to cast. It would take the ring ~20 seconds to regen the cost of ONE heal. In a high pressure PVP environment. "Infinite" sustain? I think not.

    Also, the ring gives 3737 health. So... Where is the other 36k coming from? Because if it is health-based sets they are losing damage stats to gain that HP.

    No one is saying the ring isn't really good on WW but come on now, let's be reasonable here.

    You clearly do not have an understanding of how a proper PVP build is made, where the stats come from, and how things scale in 2022.

    You just asked "where the other 36k hp comes from". [snip] Base health, battle spirit, undaunted passives, heavy armor passives (even just wearing 1-2 pieces), prismatic glyphs (which most high tier pvp setups will have 5-7 of, with the others being health glyphs on large pieces of gear), racial passives (current meta WW race is likely imperial/orc), boundless vitality if you choose to slot it, FOOD, class passives if applicable, etc.

    Sets wise, the best PVP WD/SD is clever alch, which has two lines of health on it, and is what I am using on the PTS (on pretty much every build, not just this broken WW). Then the ring adds 3700+ health. The other set I'm using doesnt have health on it, but I havent even min maxed the setup and on imperial with the above I'm already managing to hit 38.5k HP.

    Regen wise - takeaway broth, 1 piece magma incarnate (setup currentley is 5/5/1/1), imperial reduce cost, sorc reduce cost, 1 piece light reduce spell cost, 5 piece medium reduce stam cost, 5 piece medium reduce roll/sprint, sustained by suffering, survival instincts, tri pots, 15%stam regen on WW, stam return on the heal, then + 475 mag AND stam regen from this broken mythic. I have over 2500 stam recovery and over 1500 mag regen after a potion. The heal is the ONLY magicka ability on the entire bar - it literally does not matter that it has a base cost of 4k (close to 3k after all the reductions). If you cannot sustain the heal with over 20k mag and 1500 regen + tri pots as the only mag ability on your bar, I do not know what to tell you.

    This setup literally has everything, and completely dominates everything 1v1. I don't even have to try to stay alive - if I find myself on low HP, I just spam the healing between rolls and there isn't a player in the game that can kill me.

    This mythic on WW is a joke.

    [edited for minor baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 23, 2022 11:09AM
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • WeylandLabs
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Xinihp wrote: »
    divnyi wrote: »
    ...full power on werewoofs..
    My new favorite word. XD

    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Yeah man, because everyone wants infinite-sustaining 40k hp werewolves that cannot possibly be killed 1v1, and who are able to hit 8-10k howls as the way zos chooses to "shake up the meta".
    Hyperbole much? MAYBE the ring could use a Battle Spirit adjustment for wolves, BUT, I hardly call an extra 450 resources every 2 seconds "infinite sustain." Especially not when their heal costs 4k magicka to cast. It would take the ring ~20 seconds to regen the cost of ONE heal. In a high pressure PVP environment. "Infinite" sustain? I think not.

    Also, the ring gives 3737 health. So... Where is the other 36k coming from? Because if it is health-based sets they are losing damage stats to gain that HP.

    No one is saying the ring isn't really good on WW but come on now, let's be reasonable here.

    You clearly do not have an understanding of how a proper PVP build is made, where the stats come from, and how things scale in 2022.

    You just asked "where the other 36k hp comes from". [snip] Base health, battle spirit, undaunted passives, heavy armor passives (even just wearing 1-2 pieces), prismatic glyphs (which most high tier pvp setups will have 5-7 of, with the others being health glyphs on large pieces of gear), racial passives (current meta WW race is likely imperial/orc), boundless vitality if you choose to slot it, FOOD, class passives if applicable, etc.

    Sets wise, the best PVP WD/SD is clever alch, which has two lines of health on it, and is what I am using on the PTS (on pretty much every build, not just this broken WW). Then the ring adds 3700+ health. The other set I'm using doesnt have health on it, but I havent even min maxed the setup and on imperial with the above I'm already managing to hit 38.5k HP.

    Regen wise - takeaway broth, 1 piece magma incarnate (setup currentley is 5/5/1/1), imperial reduce cost, sorc reduce cost, 1 piece light reduce spell cost, 5 piece medium reduce stam cost, 5 piece medium reduce roll/sprint, sustained by suffering, survival instincts, tri pots, 15%stam regen on WW, stam return on the heal, then + 475 mag AND stam regen from this broken mythic. I have over 2500 stam recovery and over 1500 mag regen after a potion. The heal is the ONLY magicka ability on the entire bar - it literally does not matter that it has a base cost of 4k (close to 3k after all the reductions). If you cannot sustain the heal with over 20k mag and 1500 regen + tri pots as the only mag ability on your bar, I do not know what to tell you.

    This setup literally has everything, and completely dominates everything 1v1. I don't even have to try to stay alive - if I find myself on low HP, I just spam the healing between rolls and there isn't a player in the game that can kill me.

    This mythic on WW is a joke.

    [snip] Who really cares this isn't an esport bro - trust me I remember when things was fun and it was light hearted. If you played during the viper meta youd understand. but seems you take this game seriously.

    Im going I am very happy that players like you feel like this when web3 gaming comes out fully.

    [edited for baiting & to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 23, 2022 11:11AM
  • Silversmith
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Xinihp wrote: »
    divnyi wrote: »
    ...full power on werewoofs..
    My new favorite word. XD

    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Yeah man, because everyone wants infinite-sustaining 40k hp werewolves that cannot possibly be killed 1v1, and who are able to hit 8-10k howls as the way zos chooses to "shake up the meta".
    Hyperbole much? MAYBE the ring could use a Battle Spirit adjustment for wolves, BUT, I hardly call an extra 450 resources every 2 seconds "infinite sustain." Especially not when their heal costs 4k magicka to cast. It would take the ring ~20 seconds to regen the cost of ONE heal. In a high pressure PVP environment. "Infinite" sustain? I think not.

    Also, the ring gives 3737 health. So... Where is the other 36k coming from? Because if it is health-based sets they are losing damage stats to gain that HP.

    No one is saying the ring isn't really good on WW but come on now, let's be reasonable here.

    You clearly do not have an understanding of how a proper PVP build is made, where the stats come from, and how things scale in 2022.

    You just asked "where the other 36k hp comes from". [snip] Base health, battle spirit, undaunted passives, heavy armor passives (even just wearing 1-2 pieces), prismatic glyphs (which most high tier pvp setups will have 5-7 of, with the others being health glyphs on large pieces of gear), racial passives (current meta WW race is likely imperial/orc), boundless vitality if you choose to slot it, FOOD, class passives if applicable, etc.

    Sets wise, the best PVP WD/SD is clever alch, which has two lines of health on it, and is what I am using on the PTS (on pretty much every build, not just this broken WW). Then the ring adds 3700+ health. The other set I'm using doesnt have health on it, but I havent even min maxed the setup and on imperial with the above I'm already managing to hit 38.5k HP.

    Regen wise - takeaway broth, 1 piece magma incarnate (setup currentley is 5/5/1/1), imperial reduce cost, sorc reduce cost, 1 piece light reduce spell cost, 5 piece medium reduce stam cost, 5 piece medium reduce roll/sprint, sustained by suffering, survival instincts, tri pots, 15%stam regen on WW, stam return on the heal, then + 475 mag AND stam regen from this broken mythic. I have over 2500 stam recovery and over 1500 mag regen after a potion. The heal is the ONLY magicka ability on the entire bar - it literally does not matter that it has a base cost of 4k (close to 3k after all the reductions). If you cannot sustain the heal with over 20k mag and 1500 regen + tri pots as the only mag ability on your bar, I do not know what to tell you.

    This setup literally has everything, and completely dominates everything 1v1. I don't even have to try to stay alive - if I find myself on low HP, I just spam the healing between rolls and there isn't a player in the game that can kill me.

    This mythic on WW is a joke.

    I have never heard of a mmo that balances PvP around 1v1.
    There are many builds that are unkillable in 1v1 with this tank meta.
    In an organized group, Werewolves do not have an optimal role like other classes.
    Probably the best thing about a werewolf is giving teammates minor courage.

    The best class to use this ring will not be a werewolf. It will be a 1 bar frontman in a organized group that gives them their backbar buffs. That frontman could be a werewolf but you'd get better value with a MagDK or MagPlar instead.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 23, 2022 11:12AM
  • fred4
    Number one: I'm with the OP. Number two: I find it really strange that Oakensoul provides unnamed buffs. Instead of resistances, provide Major Resolve. Instead of crit, provide Major Savagery. Instead of weapon damage, provide Major Brutality or Courage. Instead of the health / mag / stam stats: There is IMO no justification for those whatsoever. Instead of the recoveries: I'm not sure. No class has a backbar skill that provides that much combined sustain and health recovery. I think the recoveries need to be toned down. There. Problem solved, werewolves and all.

    Conclusion: This being an aid for players who want to or can only play one bar is something of a red herring. I agree that should be what the ring is for, but ZOS have constructed it in such a way that it allows for more than that. OP werewolves. Builds with very high crit, and so on. They should be aware of this. They invented the Major / Minor system after all exactly to curb runaway buff stacking, such as this. What is their agenda? Take a guess...
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • J18696
    the mythic is only part of what makes ww a problem, seeing you can do something very close to what i show in this video on the live sever. the problem with WW is uptime you should be able to have 100% up time

    There's nothing in the game since 2016 that gives 10k HP recovery, if you believe this potato. Then the game as a whole is in trouble, because these HP stats for pvp is not true. And id put 100$ on it to prove me wrong and if you can hit 10152 HP recovery in pve ! Dude is a drama queen trying to get it nerfed because of bias views in pvp.

    Sure WW will be strong but when but that doesnt mean you cant counter it with a templar so and with the CP nerf and healing buff ... Templars are gods !

    Disbuildinformation !

    I am the person who made the build he is showing the stats of in that video and it is certainly possible to reach over 10k hp regen the fact you don't know how todo it is the reason I'm not making it public do we really need these types of wolves in cyro
    1. You will never kill them
    2. They will just annoy you untill you cave in and die
    3. And ontop of that it can still reach mid 5k weapon damage range and its more than enough to kill majority of ppl in cyro
    Edited by J18696 on April 23, 2022 11:54AM
    PC NA Server
    Pridē - Dragonknight
    Vanıty - Arcanist
  • JonnytheKing
    the mythic is only part of what makes ww a problem, seeing you can do something very close to what i show in this video on the live sever. the problem with WW is uptime you should be able to have 100% up time

    There's nothing in the game since 2016 that gives 10k HP recovery, if you believe this potato. Then the game as a whole is in trouble, because these HP stats for pvp is not true. And id put 100$ on it to prove me wrong and if you can hit 10152 HP recovery in pve ! Dude is a drama queen trying to get it nerfed because of bias views in pvp.

    Sure WW will be strong but when but that doesnt mean you cant counter it with a templar so and with the CP nerf and healing buff ... Templars are gods !

    Disbuildinformation !

    sure ill take that bet. better have the $100 ready
    TWITCH jtk__gaming
    GM of Elder-Skills DC PVP Guild NA
    Main Toons
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    J18696 wrote: »
    the mythic is only part of what makes ww a problem, seeing you can do something very close to what i show in this video on the live sever. the problem with WW is uptime you should be able to have 100% up time

    There's nothing in the game since 2016 that gives 10k HP recovery, if you believe this potato. Then the game as a whole is in trouble, because these HP stats for pvp is not true. And id put 100$ on it to prove me wrong and if you can hit 10152 HP recovery in pve ! Dude is a drama queen trying to get it nerfed because of bias views in pvp.

    Sure WW will be strong but when but that doesnt mean you cant counter it with a templar so and with the CP nerf and healing buff ... Templars are gods !

    Disbuildinformation !

    I am the person who made the build he is showing the stats of in that video and it is certainly possible to reach over 10k hp regen the fact you don't know how todo it is the reason I'm not making it public do we really need these types of wolves in cyro
    1. You will never kill them
    2. They will just annoy you untill you cave in and die
    3. And ontop of that it can still reach mid 5k weapon damage range and its more than enough to kill majority of ppl in cyro
    I looked up that build and It is quite cool. Too bad it requires Emp buff though ;)
    Yes, someone made an Emperor day 1 on PTS and 1 day later this video with a .jpg of stats was posted on YouTube :D:joy:
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on April 23, 2022 2:49PM
  • belial5221_ESO
    Here's the WW build I'm testing for pts,no emp buff.Have fun with it,incase things change.NonWW is alot better stats,and PVE is alot higher.Oakensoul is powerful,but malcath still better for the most part for damage.
    Edited by belial5221_ESO on April 23, 2022 4:12PM
  • Yarcanine
    J18696 wrote: »
    the mythic is only part of what makes ww a problem, seeing you can do something very close to what i show in this video on the live sever. the problem with WW is uptime you should be able to have 100% up time

    There's nothing in the game since 2016 that gives 10k HP recovery, if you believe this potato. Then the game as a whole is in trouble, because these HP stats for pvp is not true. And id put 100$ on it to prove me wrong and if you can hit 10152 HP recovery in pve ! Dude is a drama queen trying to get it nerfed because of bias views in pvp.

    Sure WW will be strong but when but that doesnt mean you cant counter it with a templar so and with the CP nerf and healing buff ... Templars are gods !

    Disbuildinformation !

    I am the person who made the build he is showing the stats of in that video and it is certainly possible to reach over 10k hp regen the fact you don't know how todo it is the reason I'm not making it public do we really need these types of wolves in cyro
    1. You will never kill them
    2. They will just annoy you untill you cave in and die
    3. And ontop of that it can still reach mid 5k weapon damage range and its more than enough to kill majority of ppl in cyro

    HP recovery is a garbage stat to invest so much into. Recovery ticks every 2 seconds so 5000health recovery in PvP is 2500hp per second. Most classes run 3-4 heals that tick for more than that on top of what ever recovery they have. There's nothing in the WW kit that is unique to or enables anything in this build
  • WeylandLabs
    J18696 wrote: »
    the mythic is only part of what makes ww a problem, seeing you can do something very close to what i show in this video on the live sever. the problem with WW is uptime you should be able to have 100% up time

    There's nothing in the game since 2016 that gives 10k HP recovery, if you believe this potato. Then the game as a whole is in trouble, because these HP stats for pvp is not true. And id put 100$ on it to prove me wrong and if you can hit 10152 HP recovery in pve ! Dude is a drama queen trying to get it nerfed because of bias views in pvp.

    Sure WW will be strong but when but that doesnt mean you cant counter it with a templar so and with the CP nerf and healing buff ... Templars are gods !

    Disbuildinformation !

    I am the person who made the build he is showing the stats of in that video and it is certainly possible to reach over 10k hp regen the fact you don't know how todo it is the reason I'm not making it public do we really need these types of wolves in cyro
    1. You will never kill them
    2. They will just annoy you untill you cave in and die
    3. And ontop of that it can still reach mid 5k weapon damage range and its more than enough to kill majority of ppl in cyro

    Ok cool what is it then ?

    All I see is words sir ? I'd like to test theories for practicable application for a better understanding.

    "I'm not making it public" shows I can perhaps photoshop numbers then claim it to be factual. I been theorycrafting for 7 years, so your claims seem a bit unreasonable. The last time HP regen hit 10k was in 2016 with org scales and beekeeper and that was a proc for 10k when HP regen wasn't nerfed in pvp and they would still die. So help me understand your point, because for competent players who understand seems a bit fishy.
  • WeylandLabs
    Edited by WeylandLabs on April 23, 2022 6:29PM
  • Yarcanine
    J18696 wrote: »
    the mythic is only part of what makes ww a problem, seeing you can do something very close to what i show in this video on the live sever. the problem with WW is uptime you should be able to have 100% up time

    There's nothing in the game since 2016 that gives 10k HP recovery, if you believe this potato. Then the game as a whole is in trouble, because these HP stats for pvp is not true. And id put 100$ on it to prove me wrong and if you can hit 10152 HP recovery in pve ! Dude is a drama queen trying to get it nerfed because of bias views in pvp.

    Sure WW will be strong but when but that doesnt mean you cant counter it with a templar so and with the CP nerf and healing buff ... Templars are gods !

    Disbuildinformation !

    I am the person who made the build he is showing the stats of in that video and it is certainly possible to reach over 10k hp regen the fact you don't know how todo it is the reason I'm not making it public do we really need these types of wolves in cyro
    1. You will never kill them
    2. They will just annoy you untill you cave in and die
    3. And ontop of that it can still reach mid 5k weapon damage range and its more than enough to kill majority of ppl in cyro

    Ok cool what is it then ?

    All I see is words sir ? I'd like to test theories for practicable application for a better understanding.

    "I'm not making it public" shows I can perhaps photoshop numbers then claim it to be factual. I been theorycrafting for 7 years, so your claims seem a bit unreasonable. The last time HP regen hit 10k was in 2016 with org scales and beekeeper and that was a proc for 10k when HP regen wasn't nerfed in pvp and they would still die. So help me understand your point, because for competent players who understand seems a bit fishy.

    It's not that complicated, you just stack percentage modifiers. I played around in the build edditor for a bit and got similar numbers with Alessians and Willows with some recovery glyphs on a nightblade.
  • WeylandLabs
    Yarcanine wrote: »
    J18696 wrote: »
    the mythic is only part of what makes ww a problem, seeing you can do something very close to what i show in this video on the live sever. the problem with WW is uptime you should be able to have 100% up time

    There's nothing in the game since 2016 that gives 10k HP recovery, if you believe this potato. Then the game as a whole is in trouble, because these HP stats for pvp is not true. And id put 100$ on it to prove me wrong and if you can hit 10152 HP recovery in pve ! Dude is a drama queen trying to get it nerfed because of bias views in pvp.

    Sure WW will be strong but when but that doesnt mean you cant counter it with a templar so and with the CP nerf and healing buff ... Templars are gods !

    Disbuildinformation !

    I am the person who made the build he is showing the stats of in that video and it is certainly possible to reach over 10k hp regen the fact you don't know how todo it is the reason I'm not making it public do we really need these types of wolves in cyro
    1. You will never kill them
    2. They will just annoy you untill you cave in and die
    3. And ontop of that it can still reach mid 5k weapon damage range and its more than enough to kill majority of ppl in cyro

    Ok cool what is it then ?

    All I see is words sir ? I'd like to test theories for practicable application for a better understanding.

    "I'm not making it public" shows I can perhaps photoshop numbers then claim it to be factual. I been theorycrafting for 7 years, so your claims seem a bit unreasonable. The last time HP regen hit 10k was in 2016 with org scales and beekeeper and that was a proc for 10k when HP regen wasn't nerfed in pvp and they would still die. So help me understand your point, because for competent players who understand seems a bit fishy.

    It's not that complicated, you just stack percentage modifiers. I played around in the build edditor for a bit and got similar numbers with Alessians and Willows with some recovery glyphs on a nightblade.

    I'm not talking about build editor I'm talking practicable on the PTS ! Solo on WW in PVP 5076k HP regen w/ no group buffs - its very simple to understand. As he stated in the video he reached 10k in pve so show me 10152 + in pve with no group buffs just solo !
  • Yarcanine
    Yarcanine wrote: »
    J18696 wrote: »
    the mythic is only part of what makes ww a problem, seeing you can do something very close to what i show in this video on the live sever. the problem with WW is uptime you should be able to have 100% up time

    There's nothing in the game since 2016 that gives 10k HP recovery, if you believe this potato. Then the game as a whole is in trouble, because these HP stats for pvp is not true. And id put 100$ on it to prove me wrong and if you can hit 10152 HP recovery in pve ! Dude is a drama queen trying to get it nerfed because of bias views in pvp.

    Sure WW will be strong but when but that doesnt mean you cant counter it with a templar so and with the CP nerf and healing buff ... Templars are gods !

    Disbuildinformation !

    I am the person who made the build he is showing the stats of in that video and it is certainly possible to reach over 10k hp regen the fact you don't know how todo it is the reason I'm not making it public do we really need these types of wolves in cyro
    1. You will never kill them
    2. They will just annoy you untill you cave in and die
    3. And ontop of that it can still reach mid 5k weapon damage range and its more than enough to kill majority of ppl in cyro

    Ok cool what is it then ?

    All I see is words sir ? I'd like to test theories for practicable application for a better understanding.

    "I'm not making it public" shows I can perhaps photoshop numbers then claim it to be factual. I been theorycrafting for 7 years, so your claims seem a bit unreasonable. The last time HP regen hit 10k was in 2016 with org scales and beekeeper and that was a proc for 10k when HP regen wasn't nerfed in pvp and they would still die. So help me understand your point, because for competent players who understand seems a bit fishy.

    It's not that complicated, you just stack percentage modifiers. I played around in the build edditor for a bit and got similar numbers with Alessians and Willows with some recovery glyphs on a nightblade.

    I'm not talking about build editor I'm talking practicable on the PTS ! Solo on WW in PVP 5076k HP regen w/ no group buffs - its very simple to understand. As he stated in the video he reached 10k in pve so show me 10152 + in pve with no group buffs just solo !
    Lol what? Just do what I said and you can get the same numbers on PTS...
  • WeylandLabs
    J18696 wrote: »
    the mythic is only part of what makes ww a problem, seeing you can do something very close to what i show in this video on the live sever. the problem with WW is uptime you should be able to have 100% up time

    There's nothing in the game since 2016 that gives 10k HP recovery, if you believe this potato. Then the game as a whole is in trouble, because these HP stats for pvp is not true. And id put 100$ on it to prove me wrong and if you can hit 10152 HP recovery in pve ! Dude is a drama queen trying to get it nerfed because of bias views in pvp.

    Sure WW will be strong but when but that doesnt mean you cant counter it with a templar so and with the CP nerf and healing buff ... Templars are gods !

    Disbuildinformation !

    I am the person who made the build he is showing the stats of in that video and it is certainly possible to reach over 10k hp regen the fact you don't know how todo it is the reason I'm not making it public do we really need these types of wolves in cyro
    1. You will never kill them
    2. They will just annoy you untill you cave in and die
    3. And ontop of that it can still reach mid 5k weapon damage range and its more than enough to kill majority of ppl in cyro

    ? Speaking of unkillable😂
    Edited by WeylandLabs on April 23, 2022 6:45PM
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Tbh. I kinda wish I had thought about it sooner, but you know what they say - better late than never.

    Ok... so lets assume for second that WW wont be able to use it. Imagine that for a second. Every build can run it, but WW abilities don't work. Now I want you to compare Oakensoul bonuses & Werewolf passives. You see where I am going ?

    On a non-ww build Oakensouls gives you basically WW passives & bonuses without any drawback. You can use ultimate, you can use all the skills you want and you have accesses to all of those juicy passives. It allows you to become stat-wise - basically a WW.

    So to all who think that WWs should not be able to use this mythic.... I just wanted for all of you to think about the consequences of something like this. Is it ok & fair ? Should WW be replaced by a mythic ? Or maybe we should all just use the other 2 transformations (Necro & Vamp) instead ?

    Maybe at this point, at least give to those few WWs who still play the game a WW polymorph or some cosmetic item...

    ^ That is why I think the OP idea is baaaad. Very bad in fact. Making an awesome mechanic & class pointless... Yep... seems to be a super awesome move... :|
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on April 23, 2022 7:05PM
  • WeylandLabs
    Yarcanine wrote: »
    Yarcanine wrote: »
    J18696 wrote: »
    the mythic is only part of what makes ww a problem, seeing you can do something very close to what i show in this video on the live sever. the problem with WW is uptime you should be able to have 100% up time

    There's nothing in the game since 2016 that gives 10k HP recovery, if you believe this potato. Then the game as a whole is in trouble, because these HP stats for pvp is not true. And id put 100$ on it to prove me wrong and if you can hit 10152 HP recovery in pve ! Dude is a drama queen trying to get it nerfed because of bias views in pvp.

    Sure WW will be strong but when but that doesnt mean you cant counter it with a templar so and with the CP nerf and healing buff ... Templars are gods !

    Disbuildinformation !

    I am the person who made the build he is showing the stats of in that video and it is certainly possible to reach over 10k hp regen the fact you don't know how todo it is the reason I'm not making it public do we really need these types of wolves in cyro
    1. You will never kill them
    2. They will just annoy you untill you cave in and die
    3. And ontop of that it can still reach mid 5k weapon damage range and its more than enough to kill majority of ppl in cyro

    Ok cool what is it then ?

    All I see is words sir ? I'd like to test theories for practicable application for a better understanding.

    "I'm not making it public" shows I can perhaps photoshop numbers then claim it to be factual. I been theorycrafting for 7 years, so your claims seem a bit unreasonable. The last time HP regen hit 10k was in 2016 with org scales and beekeeper and that was a proc for 10k when HP regen wasn't nerfed in pvp and they would still die. So help me understand your point, because for competent players who understand seems a bit fishy.

    It's not that complicated, you just stack percentage modifiers. I played around in the build edditor for a bit and got similar numbers with Alessians and Willows with some recovery glyphs on a nightblade.

    I'm not talking about build editor I'm talking practicable on the PTS ! Solo on WW in PVP 5076k HP regen w/ no group buffs - its very simple to understand. As he stated in the video he reached 10k in pve so show me 10152 + in pve with no group buffs just solo !
    Lol what? Just do what I said and you can get the same numbers on PTS...

    Ok show me ! Build editor isn't the actual game ESO there are things that can manipulate the stats. Show me on the PTS that's it and I'll send you a bill EZ peazy lol

    Show me 10152 HP regen with no group buffs solo on a WW in Pve ? Then Show me 5076k Hp regen Solo no group buffs in on a WW in Pvp ?
    Edited by WeylandLabs on April 23, 2022 6:55PM
This discussion has been closed.