Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

PC NA server unstable past hour

  • OrdoHermetica
    Zyva wrote: »
    whose bright idea was it to put on an event when the game is in such a awful state? its taking five minutes or more to do a single load screen (if i dont crash, and then be unable to log in through multiple different errors) and this has been going on for DAYS.

    ...I mean, this has been the MO for literally years now. How many years in a row was the group finder broken during the Undaunted event, for example?
  • DigiAngel
    Yea exploring isn't really even an option at this point....I was in Auridon, entered a delve.....and there it sat..finally gave up and alt-tabbed and killed the process to log in later. Having an event at this point just doesn't make sense. Grinding Spellscar is about the only thing I've been doing.
  • AzuraFan
    This morning when trying to log in, I was told I lost the connection to the lobby (whatever that means), then when I tried again got the message that I was already logged in. Third try was the charm.

    Earlier tonight I was able to log in no problem, but every time I zoned, I was on a very long load screen. A guildie said they were watching TikTok while waiting for zones to load lol.

    Anyway, I gave up and played another game for the rest of the evening. Hope this gets fixed soon.
  • Marcusorion1
    PC NA 830 PM west coast time - worse than ever, can't put an item in bank without crashing, can't open a door without crashing.

    Please sort this out...all other games and sites are working just fine on this PC - multiple windows open at the same time and no latency/lag issues. It is solely ESO that has the problem ( no other windows open at the time ) and has progressively worsened for the last 5 hours.
  • DigiAngel
    Last night around 20:00 group invites were getting all getting declined....I didn't think it could get any worse, but there it is.
  • zharkovian
    Yesterday was horrible, all the errors that have been identified, login queue of 1 second that turns into an error, load screens that turn into an error, trying to log on and the front end says already logged on or no valid internet connection, when online for a few minutes bank lag, mail broken, finally logged in then game crashed, did this several times and then I went and played another game.

    It does seem rather odd to instigate an event when issues from the patch have not been resolved although I suppose it had been in the schedule for a while. The last day or so has pushed me away from the game, perhaps that is a good thing.
  • Zyva
    Zyva wrote: »
    whose bright idea was it to put on an event when the game is in such a awful state? its taking five minutes or more to do a single load screen (if i dont crash, and then be unable to log in through multiple different errors) and this has been going on for DAYS.

    ...I mean, this has been the MO for literally years now. How many years in a row was the group finder broken during the Undaunted event, for example?

    this is worse than that. That was a specific event and a specific tool that was broken (a tool that is also broken now ironically). Currently, It takes forever to put things in a guild store, forever to change zones and sometimes go through a simple door, forever to log in (if you even can), you crash at random times (we wont even talk about how awful cyrodil is if you wait in queue for a half hour only to get in and crash and be set back to outside cyrodil) , and then an event (that no one even knew was happening?) is just plopped down in the middle of half the people i know being unable to play, while in zone chat in most places i go people are confused and asking others why they cant hardly switch zones and do content, have dungeon queues that last hours, etc. Does that sounds like a good time to bring MORE people into the game? put more stress/load onto it with double exp/node drops?

    I'm not saying either were brilliant ideas. If anything, it shows that someone is not learning from past mistakes. The annoyance level across the board is rising and finding reasons to even try to log in is going down.
    Zyvä (Nightblade) ~ Purricâne (Sorcerer) ~ Boñfürr (Dragonknight) ~ Cätnïp (Warden) ~ Boñespùrr (Necromancer)~ Catsänova (Templar)
  • Gederic
    Wonder if they will actually say something about this and when we can expect things to normalize... Or ya know, keep pretending everything is fine.
    Edited by Gederic on March 18, 2022 2:22PM
    Ours is the Fury
  • KMarble
    PC/NA, logged in around 7PM central last evening (17th):
    - the armory station didn't work. It either gave me a "you're busy" text or tried to load and failed. I tried this on 2 different characters
    - guild store interface non-responsive while trying to list items for sale
    - very long loading screens, although they do get better over time
    - loaded with one char while inside a house and got a notice that the companion was being unsummoned for some reason. It took a few tries until I could summon the companion again. Most of my other characters loaded with no companion, despite the fact that they had companions out when I last played with them. Summoning companions took a few tries before it worked.
  • c363b
    ZOS must have fixed something. Load times and other malfunctions seen yesterday were back to normal this AM.
  • Iselin
    c363b wrote: »
    ZOS must have fixed something. Load times and other malfunctions seen yesterday were back to normal this AM.

    We'll see in a while. Every day it has been fine in the morning and late at night but starts screwing up around 7:00 PM Eastern and the it's bad for 3 or 4 hours.
  • MageCatF4F
    c363b wrote: »
    ZOS must have fixed something. Load times and other malfunctions seen yesterday were back to normal this AM.

    Maybe? We have 3 machines in the family. The oldest, which could handle the game fine before U33 hit last Monday, now stutters and freeze frames all over the place in cities. Acts slightly better in overland.

    And this has been happening every day since U33, including today.

    This wonderful patch just made our oldest machine all but useless for ESO. I know, we should just go out and buy a new computer. While I'm at it I'll pick up a new car too.
  • blackpool9
    Iselin wrote: »
    c363b wrote: »
    ZOS must have fixed something. Load times and other malfunctions seen yesterday were back to normal this AM.

    We'll see in a while. Every day it has been fine in the morning and late at night but starts screwing up around 7:00 PM Eastern and the it's bad for 3 or 4 hours.

    This. Very much this. All this week I've been fine in the AM (Eastern US) and early afternoon. As it gets to late afternoon, load times start getting longer and I start to see more delays interacting with guild banks and guild stores. Then between 7pm and 11pm the game becomes virtually unplayable. After 11pm things start improving slightly, but I'm usually in bed before it gets back to normal. The one thing I haven't done is try using group finder in the AM, to see if that is any better at that time of the day.

    It would be nice if we got *some* kind of acknowledgment from ZOS on these issues, but other than a perfunctory "we're aware of the reports of performance issues and are investigating" back on Tuesday it's been pretty much radio silence from the ZOS team.
  • Iselin
    blackpool9 wrote: »
    Iselin wrote: »
    c363b wrote: »
    ZOS must have fixed something. Load times and other malfunctions seen yesterday were back to normal this AM.

    We'll see in a while. Every day it has been fine in the morning and late at night but starts screwing up around 7:00 PM Eastern and the it's bad for 3 or 4 hours.

    This. Very much this. All this week I've been fine in the AM (Eastern US) and early afternoon. As it gets to late afternoon, load times start getting longer and I start to see more delays interacting with guild banks and guild stores. Then between 7pm and 11pm the game becomes virtually unplayable. After 11pm things start improving slightly, but I'm usually in bed before it gets back to normal. The one thing I haven't done is try using group finder in the AM, to see if that is any better at that time of the day.

    It would be nice if we got *some* kind of acknowledgment from ZOS on these issues, but other than a perfunctory "we're aware of the reports of performance issues and are investigating" back on Tuesday it's been pretty much radio silence from the ZOS team.

    The matchmaking part of group finder seems to be a separate issue. I'm retired so I play all kinds of off hours. It hasn't worked at any time on PC NA since Monday afternoon (it was fine for a few hours right after the Monday patch) but if you do a group of 4 manually through chat and then queue for a random you get in instantly.
  • Marcusorion1
    PC NA West Coast Canada - 3:15 PM local west coast time, crashing out earlier than yesterday - opening a door was too much. Previous dungeon was a slideshow but at least it didn't boot me !
  • SimonThesis
    Still hasn't been fixed in the slightest and no meaningful update with a timeline and a description of what the problem is. And they wonder why we want better communication.
    Edited by SimonThesis on March 18, 2022 10:33PM
  • Raevenglass
    9:20 EST - Login took upwards of 5 minutes, but I got in. I then used a wayshrine and it took a few minutes to port. Now I'm trying to port back by wayshrine and I've been waiting for 15 minutes?

    Not kicked yet, but certainly not playing the game.
  • Tevalaur
    Tevalaur wrote: »
    Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that we are aware there are issues right now including lag, long loading screens and issues logging in, to name a few. While we are fairly certain we've identified the problem, it's likely not something we can fix tonight. We'll let you know when we have an update but just wanted to set realistic expectations here.

    Can we please have an update on what exactly would be "realistic expectations"? I wasn't able to find a word about the situation in today's DevTracker posts and it appears to be happening again tonight. Are we talking days or weeks to get it fixed? Can we have details on what went wrong and how likely it would be to recur?

    This has been happening every evening this week. Seriously, can we please get an update @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin ? Now that I've healed a bit from the mastectomy and lymph nodes they removed I'd really like some distraction from thinking about the chemo I'm starting in the next week...
    Is Uncle John's band calling you? Do you daydream about Sugar Magnolias? Is your favorite sunflower a China Cat? Tired of Truckin' alone to Terrapin Station? If so, share some Space with other hippies & deadheads in the guild Sunshine Daydream! Send a message in game (PC-NA) to Kaibeth for your invitation.
  • BlakMarket
    I'm so sick of this tbh, all I want to do is play my favorite game. Cant queue, cant pvp, cant log in - then the icing on the cake NO COMMUNICATION FROM ZOS.

  • roykirkb14_ESO
    Very surprised we're not getting a response from ZOS about this issue. It's been the same thing every night PDT since the patch.

    I log on from work in the early afternoon, and everything seems fine as I quickly do my writs and endeavours. I go home, log on around dinnertime, and get stuck in endless queue, then get told I'm already logged in after waiting 5+ minutes at the "requesting character login", only to finally successfully log in and find that if I want to travel to any zone in which I don't currently reside, I will have lots of time to surf the web as I wait.

    Then, after about 30 minutes to an hour every night, the problems seem to slowly clear up.

    I talk to my guildies during all this, and they're experiencing the same thing, so badly that they leave the game because it's not worth the time and struggle. Zone chat is filled with similar stories.

    This thread has been going since Monday and nothing from ZOS at all?

  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Hi All,

    We are working on addressing some of the instability issues and working toward improvements over the weekend. If we have any additional updates, we'll communicate those as they arise. Thanks for your patience.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • RedTalon
    Was laaggy last night but was able to do things, tonight nothing got in once then lagged out loading into zones and once during a bg
  • M0ntie
    Currently the load screens in the game are the worst since the patch went in.
    Dungeon finder still not working unless you do them with a preformed group of 4.

    If you're trying to fix things ZoS, it is making it much WORSE.
  • MasterSpatula
    Welp, hard to do tonight's guild events if I can't log into the game....
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Bloody-Goodbyes
    PC/NA East Coast. As I write this I'm 8 minutes into a load screen trying to log in -again- after being dropped from the server for the 10th time. Load times are ridiculous, guild stores won't load and the already broken dungeon queue is lagging or not porting everyone in when we group manually. Every single evening since the patch the game becomes unplayable.
    The Order of Magnus | Royal Bank of Tamriel | Made In Canada | Bad Luck Charms
  • Brymstone
    OK, this is day three of this junk of a NA server.

    A low pin is 230 ish and a high ping is usually 2000+ normal is 100 +/1 on NA server and I am in Northern BC.

    Game is unplayable, waste of an event and a waste of my time.

    Sad when I think New World is a better spot right now.

    So happy I have not paid for the new expansion. Almost everyone in the guild is saying the same thing!

    I post about once every 5 years thats how mad I am at Zenimax right now. Fix the game before you add anymore things to break!

    OH, and Zenimx owes me an "E" key and new keyboard because it has been taking all the abuse that they deserve.

    To the forum folks, sorry you need to put up with all this but just a note on what is happening does wonders
  • Scaletho
    Forth day of this...


    ... and lag even inside my Summerset house!
  • Barbara73
    Another night of an event, another night of timed out logins and kicks on pc/na zero xp gained
    Not Every Player Is a Guy FFS
  • BloodWolfe
    My god ZOS, this is still going on?!?! What the actual **** is wrong with you? This is just a simple DLC and not even an entire expansion/chapter and it's like you guys are rookies and never done this before. Get your acts together already, what a joke!
  • shadyjane62
    Got all the usual problems. Fake queue, login timeout, lost lobby connection check for valid connection, and finally get in and time out to get in. Tried 4 more times with various success, but cannot change zones without getting kicked.

    Just got kicked out again character already logged in.
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