The issues have been resolved, and the ESO Store and Account System are now available. Thank you for your patience!
The issue is resolved, and the North American and European megaservers are now available. Thank you for your patience!

Yep, Another Achievement Poll: Please READ CAREFULLY!

Hi folks,

It's my opinion that this whole account-wide achievement debate is more multi-faceted than many people realize. I tried to make a poll that better captures all the different combinations of options and sentiments I've seen. I'm legitimately curious for the outcome. In case you missed it, ZOS is rolling out account-wide achievements and, as things currently stand on PTS, once completed we will no longer have individual dates for character achievements or pop ups on alts when an achievement is completed, if it was already completed on another character. Character-specific progress will largely be erased and titles will be account-wide. Some things, like motifs, will remain character-specific. More information can be found here.

My poll options are long but here is a little additional info to help you pick the best choice for you:
  • Pick "Character Only" if you are actively against an account-wide view, even if it were an additional view that takes nothing away from what we have now, and even if you could turn it off/hide it.
  • Pick "Both" if you'd like to see something like Kyoma's Global Achievements mod which is how many PC users are able to see both global and character-specific achievements today. If you were originally pro or anti account-wide achievements before you read all the discussions and would be happy with this solution as a compromise, you should also pick one of these choices.
  • Pick "Mixed" if you really like how ZOS made some achievements individual and left some character specific on PTS. There are some good pictures in the PTS area of the forums if you can't actually install PTS.
  • Pick "Share Titles and more ONLY" if you really only care about getting titles on your alts.
  • Pick "Account Only" if you are actively against having character-specific views alongside an account wide view, even if you could turn it off/hide it.
  • Pick "Other" if, despite my best efforts, I still didn't capture what you have in mind. For example, if what you really wanted was a class change token, this is the option for you.

Happy Polling!
My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
  • Advocate for this HERE.
  • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.

Yep, Another Achievement Poll: Please READ CAREFULLY! 258 votes

Character ONLY (NO TITLE SHARING): I want complete separation for my characters as much as possible and I have no use for an account-wide view. Heck, I was disappointed when gear became account-bound. I actively am against an account-wide view even if titles stay tied to characters and I can still view character specific data. Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
daryl.rasmusenb14_ESOAwesomestMattgresiacGythralSheridanHuyenGelmirnewtinmplsVevvevC0L0SSUSDojohodaUfretinBrodsonIgraynewhitecroworegonrobHailstoSithishaelgaanHlanuKitziboo 21 votes
Character ONLY (TITLE SHARING): I want complete separation for my characters and I have no use for an account-wide view. However I think titles are cosmetic and should be like dyes and collectibles; account-wide if you unlock them once. Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
Thrudra_Magia proprio.meb16_ESOiyxKatahdinSydneyGreyDaimonion82AllegedParadigmrauyranSerafinaWaterstarKimchiKing 10 votes
BOTH (NO TITLE SHARING): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. I think it is wrong for hard-earned titles to be shared across characters. Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
DarcyMardinAstridZephiran23skriggerstarlizard70ub17_ESOTavore1138jerek95tinythinkerElirankamimarkLyricsEchoJKorrhiydelillybitMyrnhielJim_PippKaspywolfie1.0.TristormExGRatharel 34 votes
BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
silvereyesvailjohn_ESOKesstryllolo_01b16_ESOCyberOnEsoDarkstorneVriendanwilliams2107b16_ESODolgubonBethgaeldzugarueb17_ESOIdinusebeckamaywhimsyontapElsonsoJoanOfOrcDarkheartMasterSpatulaRahuuOliviander 91 votes
MIXED (NO TITLE SHARING): I want one view, like on PTS, with some things account-wide and some things character specific. Maybe tweaks to what's in each category. EXCEPT I think it is wrong for hard-earned titles to be shared across characters. I'm OK with character data being overwritten/erased.
ldzlcs065stargazer69CleymenZeroRaveRaveRaveRave5criptElvenOverlordKredo 7 votes
MIXED (Share Titles and More): I want one view, like on PTS, with some things account-wide and some things character specific. Maybe tweaks to what's in each category. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) I'm OK with character data being overwritten/erased.
ShalidorsHeirDanikatSeraphaileSalmeynaReifMayraelSorcedWolfkekslivvy7678Dark_Lord_KuroMauinjaws343AVaelhamArchangelIsraphelhiziumtomofhyruleSylaeTaggundKhajiitLivesMatterDarian_Rath 23 votes
Share Titles and More ONLY: Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) I have zero opinion on achievement tracking if I can have this; I'll be happy with any version of it.
LadyLethallaTyharChickenSuckerJierdanitMiyukiShibaRPGplayer13579Nord_RaseriHroltharMeiox 9 votes
Account ONLY: I want any notion of character-specific data obliterated wherever possible. Even if I can hide a character-specific view and all achievement-related rewards become account-bound, it's not enough. I WANT my per-character data overwritten/erased/rolled up into one view ONLY.
monkidb16_ESOTX12001rwb17_ESOkojouDelgentHyzieWoelerredspecter23Enemy-of-ColdharbourJeffrey530BronzeCaimanpandoraderomanusdrsalvationTyrion87AuroanCerilonCarcharodontosaurusTPishekDanel_VadanjoergingerAraphorn 30 votes
Other: Please describe.
Thorntongueshadyjane62kargen27karekizGregaspartaxoxoGrandchamp1989FluffWit 8 votes
I Don't Care: I honestly wouldn't notice if any of the 8 options were implemented. Achievements and titles don't influence how I play or add to my enjoyment of ESO in any way.
tohopka_esoRDMyers65b14_ESOArthur_Spoonfondlepriestnall.andrewrwb17_ESOb101ukAstironRex-UmbraMartoVoodooPlatypusSmitch_59Bobby_V_RockitemilyhyoyeonduaglothSylvermynxmilllaurieMyrmbmnobleNorghGOAT4EVARZama666 25 votes
  • Araneae6537
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    I chose what best fit what I would like, but there’s a lot that I’m not fussed about, including whether or not titles are shared. I like some of the grindy kill x of y achievements being accountwide (I do want to unlock all dyes) but I am fine with the system as it is on live. I do like having an account overview as I currently gain with add-ons on PC.

    I do like earning various dungeon and trial achievements on different characters and will be sad for that to be taken away. What is MOST important to me is that I can still play any quest I want on as many characters as I wish and that the game will respond to characters appropriately based on what that character has done and not based on accountwide achievements.
    Edited by Araneae6537 on February 4, 2022 1:55PM
  • PeacefulAnarchy
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    I don't care about titles either way. I want an accountwide view but being able to see character level detail is nice, and I know some people really value it and I don't see why it has to be lost for accountwide achievements. I'd be ok with some appropriately mixed thing, but that seems like a lot of complication for a tiny benefit, while an accountwide view with character level detail is relatively straightforward (a couple of PC addons get pretty close to it) and while it doesn't satisfy everyone should satisfy most use cases.
  • spartaxoxo
    Other: Please describe.
    I picked other because while I'd like both, the add-on in question doesn't give your achievements or titles account wide. And that's not acceptable to me. Achievements have to be obtainable account wide in order for a solution to work because just telling us information we already know about our alts is not the same thing as having the achievement completed in our list.

    Achievements and titles should be account wide, but I don't mind if they also retain character specific tracking at the same time. I personally think it should be being able to opt out, but just telling the earned date and continue to give the flashy notification when you've earned it probably would work for most.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on February 3, 2022 6:13AM
  • Auroan
    Account ONLY: I want any notion of character-specific data obliterated wherever possible. Even if I can hide a character-specific view and all achievement-related rewards become account-bound, it's not enough. I WANT my per-character data overwritten/erased/rolled up into one view ONLY.
    I chose "Account Only", but I actually wish I chose "Other". I personally am an Account-Wide fanatic, but after taking a step back and looking at the grand scheme of things, I do believe developers of a game should do their best to try and make their game as fun as possible. While fun is subjective, I think one of the most universal features that players find fun in any game is freedom (this is why ESO is, IMO, the best MMO on the market. No other MMO grants as much freedom as ESO does. Plus, the combat's fun, lol). Thus, the best option for players in this regard is the freedom to choose whether they want to have account-wide achievements, or not.

    My Solution:
    Achievements should be tied to the account. No, I don't mean to the game, I mean to the actual account, almost in like a "cloud", so to say.
    I haven't tested this yet, but let's assume the way the current Account-Wide Achievement system works is by bouncing off of what already exists. If this is the case, that'd mean that if a player deletes all their characters, then makes a new character, that new character wouldn't have any achievements because it has nothing to bounce off of since it's the only character now.
    My solution would have the achievements in a cloud, tied to the overall account. When making a new character, before finalizing the character, a prompt should appear asking if the player wishes to "opt" into Account-Wide Achievements, tying them to the cloud. The cloud is a hivemind, and all characters tied to the cloud will share everything. There won't be a single character based achievement. This would please the people that only want character independent achievements, as well as individuals that only want account-wide achievements.

    How ZOS can monetize:
    We have a couple different tokens in the Crown Store to change things such as race and name change. No class change token though (however, account-wide achievements is the "fix" to this). People make mistakes, and some people just change their mind based on various factors. It's natural. ZOS could introduce new tokens for players to purchase:

    Synchronize Token: The player can use this token on a character to completely sync that character to the achievement cloud. Any achievement that is tied to the account/cloud is now tied to the character.

    Desynchronize Token: The player can use this token on a character to completely remove the character from the achievement cloud, thus making them character independent again.

    Copy Token (Minor): The player can use this token to select a specific achievement from the cloud that they wish to unlock on another character.

    Copy Token (Major): The player can use this token to select a specific achievement field (IE, "Veteran Dungeon", "Holiday Events", "Exploration", etc.) from the cloud that they wish to unlock on another character.

    Copy Token (Full): The player can use this token on a character to copy the achievements of another character. This won't sync their achievements together. Why do this instead of just using a Synchronize Token? Let's say the player created a character that didn't opt into Account-Wide Achievements, and they've accumulated maybe 1/4 of the available achievements. The player creates yet another character, but the player doesn't want all the achievements, just the small hand full that the other character got (for whatever reason they so deem). The player can copy the character that has 1/4 achievements onto the other character. After the copy is completed, the characters will continue to have character dependent achievements.

    Obviously, people would love if content like this was free and they could freely sync/desync characters from their account achievement cloud. However, I know ZOS is a business that needs to make money, and this would certainly be a way to guarantee stable revenue. Players that want character dependent achievements get what they want. Players that want account-wide achievements get what they want. Players can change their minds at any time. Players have freedom. Thus, players will have fun. Everyone wins.
    Edited by Auroan on February 3, 2022 6:39AM
    "And the Scrolls have foretold, of black wings in the cold,
    That when brothers wage war come unfurled!
    Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound,
    With a hunger to swallow the world!"
    60k Achievement Point Club
  • PeacefulAnarchy
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I picked other because while I'd like both, the add-on in question doesn't give your achievements or titles account wide. And that's not acceptable to me. Achievements have to be obtainable account wide in order for a solution to work because just telling us information we already know about our alts is not the same thing as having the achievement completed in our list.

    Achievements and titles should be account wide, but I don't mind if they also retain character specific tracking at the same time. I personally think it should be being able to opt out, but just telling the earned date and continue to give the flashy notification when you've earned it probably would work for most.
    I think the implication of it being like the addons is that a ZOS implementation would do that, the addons can only simulate that because they can't actually change account data, only the display.
  • spartaxoxo
    Other: Please describe.
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I picked other because while I'd like both, the add-on in question doesn't give your achievements or titles account wide. And that's not acceptable to me. Achievements have to be obtainable account wide in order for a solution to work because just telling us information we already know about our alts is not the same thing as having the achievement completed in our list.

    Achievements and titles should be account wide, but I don't mind if they also retain character specific tracking at the same time. I personally think it should be being able to opt out, but just telling the earned date and continue to give the flashy notification when you've earned it probably would work for most.
    I think the implication of it being like the addons is that a ZOS implementation would do that, the addons can only simulate that because they can't actually change account data, only the display.

    Perhaps. But I've seen multiple say to keep everything character specific but put an account tracker as a compromise, and cite the add-on as an example. And I don't think that's a compromise at all, personally. So I had to be sure.
  • kargen27
    Other: Please describe.
    I've resigned myself to the fact this is happening. I would like for accomplishing achievements to be character advancement only. That means if I haven't got Master Fisher yet then one character must catch all the trophy fish to get the achievement. No sharing fish other characters caught.
    If that is not to be then I at least want the ability to toggle whether or not one characters actions advance other characters. My main is so close to many achievements and I enjoy trying to finish those achievements on my main. I don't want her to get those achievements because of something another character did.
    The rest while I have opinions on really wouldn't affect me one way or the other.

    For the record I was adamantly opposed to the idea of account wide accomplishments and titles. It is going to happen though and all I can hope for is a solution so I can still play as I wish.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • tomofhyrule
    MIXED (Share Titles and More): I want one view, like on PTS, with some things account-wide and some things character specific. Maybe tweaks to what's in each category. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) I'm OK with character data being overwritten/erased.
    I do think that some of the grindier achievements should be account wide, but I don't at all agree with deleting the entire character history in order to do so. I'd particularly think that the basic zone completion (delves, WBs, public dungeons) and quests should be per character as a record of what they have done. Especially as it is on PTS where a new character will already have zones half complete as soon as they leave the tutorial. It's very easy to track alts on live with what they need to do by which map markers are still black, and on PTS... it loses a lot of replay value.

    However, grinds like Black Market Mogul or Monster Trophies should have always been account wide from the beginning. I also think that dungeon challengers should be account wide (but perhaps not the individual components so the replay value of the speedrun/nodeath/hardmode is still available on alts). There are only two grindy multi-collect achievements I think should stay character bound: fishing (mad respect to the person with 18 master anglers) and museum pieces.

    We see on PTS that they can do character- and account-achievements, so it must be possible. I'd just have pushed a lot more onto the character side. I'd have done:
    CHARACTER: All Skyshards, all Quests, Levelling, superior/epic items, Guild levels, Alliance ranks, Alchemy effects, Rune translations, Crafting certification, Zone completion (delves, world events, world bosses, striking locales), Public and Group Dungeon completion, DLC dungeon hardmode/speedrun/nodeath/trifecta, Fishing, Prologues
    ACCOUNT: Housing, Champion points, Vampire/Werewolf, Monster trophies, Justice, PvP kills, BGs, Guild dailies, Crafting writs, Harvester/Decon/Refine, Motifs (the achievement, not the knowledge), Destroying X world events, World event Generals, Dungeon slayers, DLC dungeon challengers, Random dungeon achievements, Prologue annoyances (like Jee-Lar), Holidays

    Note that I'd also make it so the account view would show any of the character ones as 'complete' (and offer any associated rewards) on a character who didn't do them similarly to how the Account Achievements addon does it. However, it would still allow that character to complete it for their own.
    Any 'Character' achievements would show the date completed and all characters who have done it, again, like the Account Achievements addon. 'Account' achievements would show a date, but not show a single character since all characters may contribute.

    In terms of titles, I see them as any other cosmetic and think that sharing them is no problem. Very few people even know what each title means, so 'flexing' a title is more personal than anything else, and there are several examples of players with RP alts who would fit perfectly with a title... that's locked behind harder content. I'm not going to say they shouldn't use it. In fact, I'm very excited to be able to put some of my main's titles on my RP alts who would fit it perfectly.
  • silvereyes
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    I don't really care about account-wide stuff on PTS, tbh. What I really wanted was for lore books and motifs to go account-wide. I've never felt the need to chase achievements, titles and dyes. But I understand a lot of people do, so I'd like to let them get their shinies.

    Still, I enjoy completing the same achievements multiple times on multiple characters, mainly for the dopamine rush when the system says I've done something significant, so I'd like that feature to be preserved.
  • silvereyes
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I picked other because while I'd like both, the add-on in question doesn't give your achievements or titles account wide. And that's not acceptable to me. Achievements have to be obtainable account wide in order for a solution to work because just telling us information we already know about our alts is not the same thing as having the achievement completed in our list.

    Achievements and titles should be account wide, but I don't mind if they also retain character specific tracking at the same time. I personally think it should be being able to opt out, but just telling the earned date and continue to give the flashy notification when you've earned it probably would work for most.
    I think the implication of it being like the addons is that a ZOS implementation would do that, the addons can only simulate that because they can't actually change account data, only the display.

    Perhaps. But I've seen multiple say to keep everything character specific but put an account tracker as a compromise, and cite the add-on as an example. And I don't think that's a compromise at all, personally. So I had to be sure.
    I admit the above the fold wording was misleading, talking about that addon, since it doesn't aggregate, just reports. However, if you read the wording of the radio button text, it says:
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    Emphasis mine.
    So yes, poor wording, but the option does say that the account-wide achievements would reduce grind, which a simple report wouldn't do.
  • colossalvoids
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    I don't need any grind reductions as I'm already at around 47k points if I remember it correctly, wouldn't change anything for me really. What it would help with is playing alts way more, more like to start actually playing them again since long time as they would contribute to "total" and could make some things like future "30 daily quests" etc. more bearable, also allowing me to join raid and dungeon activities on them lot more for same reasons or to have more optimised experience if needed. And surely I want a character screen to see what's done or not on this one being part of his history. Better question now would be how zos is going to retain engagement levels for things like trifecta runs (but not only, some of us are multiple anglers etc.) giving titles previously, as they opened reward and satisfaction can of worms yet again and now probably won't be able to slide from it.
    Edited by colossalvoids on February 3, 2022 7:53AM
  • proprio.meb16_ESO
    Character ONLY (TITLE SHARING): I want complete separation for my characters and I have no use for an account-wide view. However I think titles are cosmetic and should be like dyes and collectibles; account-wide if you unlock them once. Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    lol i voted wrong one... scale me down 1 place if it matters :D
  • Grandchamp1989
    Other: Please describe.
    Eh, I find this poll a tad bit confusing.
    While I sense your passion for the subject, I think there is a bit too many feelings reflected and involved..

    I like the achievement sharing, I hated that I had to complete everything on one character, it slowed progression to a halt for me, and sharing achievement for trials etc involved too many character relogs.

    While I still hope we can complete certain quests multiple times, like the music box one in Skyrim, I still find it a small price to pay to streamline the achievement mess. Well worth it IMO.

    For me personly I hope Zos proceed in this direction.
    Maybe with a small few adjustments.
  • CombatCoati
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    My main concern is loosing the ability to track my progression per character, so I could go with every option that allows me to do so.

    I voted "Both (Share Titles and More)" because I think this option would be the best compromise to cater both to players like me that want to track their characters individual progress as well as those that want account wide achievements. I can absolutely see the want or even need for some things to be account wide, even if I personally am fine with the system as is.

    I could think of a system that keeps most of the character specific achievements as is and adds a new global layer of achievements. Keep, for example, "Level 50 Hero" as reaching level 50 per character, and add a global achievement for reaching level 50 with one of your characters. Achievements that require one to do things that add up should be kept per character, but should accumulate for the global achievement - so you still can kill 200 Deadra with each of your 18 characters and get the achievements per toon, but for the global achievement it would be sufficient to kill, say, 50 Deadra on 4 toons each. In addition, one could think of adding global achievements that inherently can only be reached account wide, things like "Reach Level 50 with a charcter of each class".
    Possible rewards like dyes or titles should not be tied to the achievements per character, but to the global achievements.

    I think such a system should be OK both for those that want account wide achievements as well as for those that want achievements per character. Sure, it would be a compromise that requires to step down a little from a "I only want it THAT way and nothing else" position - but wouldn't that be better than swinging to one of those sides only (as it seems to be the case now on the PTS)?
    CAUTION! Rider breaks for resource nodes!
  • MasterSpatula
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    I'd prefer they just leave it alone, but since Account Wide makes some people happy, "BOTH" is an acceptable compromise.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Sylvermynx
    I Don't Care: I honestly wouldn't notice if any of the 8 options were implemented. Achievements and titles don't influence how I play or add to my enjoyment of ESO in any way.
    It's not something I care about personally - I don't pay attention to achievements and I don't use titles. I would like to see ZOS do something to make everyone happy about this though.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    I Don't Care: I honestly wouldn't notice if any of the 8 options were implemented. Achievements and titles don't influence how I play or add to my enjoyment of ESO in any way.
    For me personally I don't care, since I rp and do PVE, PVP, etc content whether the achievements exist or not. I think the share titles option is the best one though for all sides and in terms of health of the game.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin, imperial pumpkin seller & ghost hunter
    PC EU
    main TES character: Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Dragonlord573
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    If I can use my mounts, skins, personalities, body markings, and dyes I get from achievements from other characters then using titles from other characters is no problem to me. It makes it that I can do trifecta runs across different characters, and really helps with holiday events. Cause during Witches Fest I spent 500k gold on writs to get the 28 writ achievement on two characters, my main and a character who I wanted the title on. If we had account wide achievements I wouldn't have needed to spend as much gold.
  • Thrudra_Magia
    Character ONLY (TITLE SHARING): I want complete separation for my characters and I have no use for an account-wide view. However I think titles are cosmetic and should be like dyes and collectibles; account-wide if you unlock them once. Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.

    I haven't seen any information about how is ZOS going to handle achievements that give a skill point the first time it's done, such as group public dungeon events and other similar achievements?

    I don't want to hear speculation from the community, I want an answer as this is a pretty important point in CHARACTER development.
  • silvereyes
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.

    I haven't seen any information about how is ZOS going to handle achievements that give a skill point the first time it's done, such as group public dungeon events and other similar achievements?

    I don't want to hear speculation from the community, I want an answer as this is a pretty important point in CHARACTER development.
    It's right in the PTS patch notes:

    Public dungeon group event achievements are specifically excluded from being account wide. They have a special icon to denote that they are character-specific on PTS. Note, this includes Maelstrom Arena achievements as well:
  • whitecrow
    Character ONLY (NO TITLE SHARING): I want complete separation for my characters as much as possible and I have no use for an account-wide view. Heck, I was disappointed when gear became account-bound. I actively am against an account-wide view even if titles stay tied to characters and I can still view character specific data. Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    When I first started playing the game in 2016 they seemed weird because I was used to Steam achievements that appear the first time you do something in a game, period. But once I understood the idea of having multiple characters it made much more sense to me. And now, it is the only thing that makes sense.
  • kojou
    Account ONLY: I want any notion of character-specific data obliterated wherever possible. Even if I can hide a character-specific view and all achievement-related rewards become account-bound, it's not enough. I WANT my per-character data overwritten/erased/rolled up into one view ONLY.
    I am totally ok with how it is implemented on PTS currently.
    Playing since beta...
  • Vevvev
    Character ONLY (NO TITLE SHARING): I want complete separation for my characters as much as possible and I have no use for an account-wide view. Heck, I was disappointed when gear became account-bound. I actively am against an account-wide view even if titles stay tied to characters and I can still view character specific data. Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    I'm not against account wide gear binding though. Adding that into this choice seems a bit biased as it pushed me to not chosing it.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Danikat
    MIXED (Share Titles and More): I want one view, like on PTS, with some things account-wide and some things character specific. Maybe tweaks to what's in each category. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) I'm OK with character data being overwritten/erased.
    I want to be able to play all the content on each character, I don't care about the achievements. I don't need the game to flash a sign in my face to tell me I've done the thing I just did, I already know that because I was the one who did it.

    I also like the idea of titles being unlocked account wide (as dyes and other achievement rewards already are) because I use them purely for thematic purposes and it's not always practical to repeat the activity it happens to be linked to in order to use it. (My usual example is wanting to use 'Explorer' for a new character who is just starting out and has not yet found their place in the world rather than someone who has already been all around the base game maps.)

    There's some things which are currently unlocked account wide on the PTS which I think should be character specific - like Kari's Hit List. If a new character joins the Thieves Guild I'd like to be able to complete that collection again with them, not have it auto-completed. But other than a small number of examples like that I like the way it's working on the PTS.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Stanx
    This is such a convoluted poll.
  • silvereyes
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    Stanx wrote: »
    This is such a convoluted poll.
    It is, but it's a complex feature. There are so many variables that ZOS has changed on PTS right now, and each combination seems to have proponents and opponents, many of whom site irreconcilable differences. Trying to simplify the poll to not catch that nuance will yield results that every camp except the plurality says don't represent them, making it pointless.

    At least with this one, we get a general idea that, yes, there are indeed people in each camp, and it helps to visualize it, even if the ratios are skewed and most certainly not representative of the player base as a whole, unscientific as it is.

    Still, I fear it that, as with most polls, this one will be used as a bludgeon to try and prove that one group's view is more legitimate than another's. This poll does nothing of the sort. It only serves to demonstrate the diversity of opinions on the subject.
  • drsalvation
    Account ONLY: I want any notion of character-specific data obliterated wherever possible. Even if I can hide a character-specific view and all achievement-related rewards become account-bound, it's not enough. I WANT my per-character data overwritten/erased/rolled up into one view ONLY.
    I wouldn't mind grinding from scratch with a new character if not because this game is far too tedious to do so.
    It takes a year and a half to fully upgrade a horse (unless you buy stuff from the store).
    Replaying all quests, hunting all skyshards, even tho there's a choice to buy them, it's something I don't wish to go through again.
    I don't see any reasons to have alt characters other than physical appearance and class but knowing that I have to start from 0 again is something that keeps me from ever investing my time on an alt. I wanted to switch to dragonknight -from templar- but starting from 0, on a very slow horse, having to grind for centurion title on pvp again, and doing all dark brotherhood quests, sacraments, etc. It's something I'm absolutely NOT looking forward to.
    I have a single main who can do all crafting, pvp, tank, vet dungeons, normal trials, all story content, skyshards, delves and exploration... I spent so much time on the map, I find it hard to switch to another character.
    Account wide achievements do simplify it a bit more, but honestly just give us class change tokens and call it a day.
  • Araneae6537
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    I believe I understand why many people would like accountwide achievements but I truly don’t understand the 10% who want everything character-specific obliterated. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems more like wanting to stick it to people who enjoy the game different than you. :confused: Like in threads about character slots; it’s fine that people like to play only one character themselves, but some voice an additional wish to take away the option from others. Likewise with achievements, if it’s accountwide, then you already have all the rewards, even the meaningless numbers, and it takes away nothing to also be able to see what has been done on specific characters. If you don’t care, that’s fine, but why take away from those who do?

    Edit: Maybe most people are just choosing the option that best fits and wouldn’t go as far as the wording. The “obliterate” upsets me, especially as I feel this is what ZOS is doing with what has been reported on the PTS. :pensive:
    Edited by Araneae6537 on February 4, 2022 12:54AM
  • Sylvermynx
    I Don't Care: I honestly wouldn't notice if any of the 8 options were implemented. Achievements and titles don't influence how I play or add to my enjoyment of ESO in any way.
    I wouldn't mind grinding from scratch with a new character if not because this game is far too tedious to do so.
    It takes a year and a half to fully upgrade a horse (unless you buy stuff from the store).
    Replaying all quests, hunting all skyshards, even tho there's a choice to buy them, it's something I don't wish to go through again.
    I don't see any reasons to have alt characters other than physical appearance and class but knowing that I have to start from 0 again is something that keeps me from ever investing my time on an alt. I wanted to switch to dragonknight -from templar- but starting from 0, on a very slow horse, having to grind for centurion title on pvp again, and doing all dark brotherhood quests, sacraments, etc. It's something I'm absolutely NOT looking forward to.
    I have a single main who can do all crafting, pvp, tank, vet dungeons, normal trials, all story content, skyshards, delves and exploration... I spent so much time on the map, I find it hard to switch to another character.
    Account wide achievements do simplify it a bit more, but honestly just give us class change tokens and call it a day.

    It's actually 180 days for full mount training - 60 days for each of the three options, so that's 6 months not a year and a half.
  • silvereyes
    BOTH (Share Titles and More): I want an account-wide view and per-character achievement tracking. Reduce grind by having everything tied to achievements be account-wide (titles, furnishing shopping, etc.) Please don't erase any per-character data and please allow it to still be tracked going forward.
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind grinding from scratch with a new character if not because this game is far too tedious to do so.
    It takes a year and a half to fully upgrade a horse (unless you buy stuff from the store).
    Replaying all quests, hunting all skyshards, even tho there's a choice to buy them, it's something I don't wish to go through again.
    I don't see any reasons to have alt characters other than physical appearance and class but knowing that I have to start from 0 again is something that keeps me from ever investing my time on an alt. I wanted to switch to dragonknight -from templar- but starting from 0, on a very slow horse, having to grind for centurion title on pvp again, and doing all dark brotherhood quests, sacraments, etc. It's something I'm absolutely NOT looking forward to.
    I have a single main who can do all crafting, pvp, tank, vet dungeons, normal trials, all story content, skyshards, delves and exploration... I spent so much time on the map, I find it hard to switch to another character.
    Account wide achievements do simplify it a bit more, but honestly just give us class change tokens and call it a day.

    It's actually 180 days for full mount training - 60 days for each of the three options, so that's 6 months not a year and a half.
    Use some of your daily login XP scrolls to grind to level 10, then go unlock the Assault skill line in Cyrodiil for the Continuous Attack passive. You can also stick 100 CP into the Gifted Rider star. Between those two mount speed buffs, you can be at +40% mount speed within an hour.
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