Iron_Warrior wrote: »I said this in another thread but i repeat it again here:
Make the tel var loss high risk high reward for both sides, right now ic is risk free for gankers. Example: i have 20k stones in my pocket, if someone wants to steal 10k of it, he should also have 20k in his pocket. If he has 14k stones he should get 7k of my telvars and if he has no telvars he shouldn't be able to steal anything. So basically when a fight happens, the winner will get telvar stones equall to half the amount of the person that has lower stones. This way the ganker should also put something on the line.
Iron_Warrior wrote: »I said this in another thread but i repeat it again here:
Make the tel var loss high risk high reward for both sides, right now ic is risk free for gankers. Example: i have 20k stones in my pocket, if someone wants to steal 10k of it, he should also have 20k in his pocket. If he has 14k stones he should get 7k of my telvars and if he has no telvars he shouldn't be able to steal anything. So basically when a fight happens, the winner will get telvar stones equall to half the amount of the person that has lower stones. This way the ganker should also put something on the line.
SkaraMinoc wrote: »Easy.
- Increase boss difficulty
- Give players sets worth farming
- Players go to IC
Iron_Warrior wrote: »I said this in another thread but i repeat it again here:
Make the tel var loss high risk high reward for both sides, right now ic is risk free for gankers. Example: i have 20k stones in my pocket, if someone wants to steal 10k of it, he should also have 20k in his pocket. If he has 14k stones he should get 7k of my telvars and if he has no telvars he shouldn't be able to steal anything. So basically when a fight happens, the winner will get telvar stones equall to half the amount of the person that has lower stones. This way the ganker should also put something on the line.
There is one issue with idea like that. Group vs group scenario.
Exactly. This is a hybrid PvEvP zone so truly make it one. Bosses should be more difficult as they would be in PvE zones, with higher health pools, more engaging and tactiful mechanics to counter, etc. Make it more incentivizing for PvE players to go there with their friends and guilds and allow them to employ their knowledge and skills as PvE players, but with the added challenge of encountering PvP. And, like others have suggested, allow the use of siege equipment making PvP tactics viable as well, therefore unifying both the PvE and PvP aspects of the zone. I think this would help to increase and diversify the population that would engage in IC.drsalvation wrote: »Imperial city has potential for so many things.
It was first advertised as a hybrid PvEvP.
MindOfTheSwarm wrote: »So the question remains, how do we make Imperial City alluring for PvP l. I remember a time it was booming and lots of fun.
SkaraMinoc wrote: »Easy.
- Increase boss difficulty
- Give players sets worth farming
- Players go to IC
Leftover_Pizza wrote: »I, and probably lots of players with me, am totally not into PvP and avoid the zone like the plague. I have no PvP skills, nor have I any motivation to gain them. Also, there is no appeal to grind a currency and turn into a farming node myself and see all my hard grind go to waste.
If Cyrodiil and Imperial City weren't mandatory PvP, I might have a look at how the place looks like. A PvP toggle would be great. Until that day, no Cyrodiil and Imperial City for me and many others.
Getting people to go there would be helped if PvP could be toggled.
redspecter23 wrote: »Imperial City is a place for farmers and gankers.
Getting ganked makes the ganker happy, but the one getting ganked feels like an absolute pile of... stuff.
If time to kill, specifically against newer or non pvp specced players was increased above 1 second, you could see people more interested.
You can say git gud or L2P all you want, but that doesn't bring in the masses. If you want lots of players, appeal to a large amount of players.
endgamesmug wrote: »Last time i was there was 2016, they destroyed it all by not allowing you to respawn quickly. I really cant be bothered going through all that trouble to get back to the fight. That place is dead to me
Non-killable players in IC would defeat the purpose though. The game has 99% overland questing non-pvp zones, making one of the two only pvp zones non-pvp seems a little counter productive in my opinion.
I understand how you feel though, i was in a similar situation with PVE content, but i dipped my toes in and now i'm confident to complete all vet dlc PVE content on all roles. I guess it's just twice the fun enjoying both PVE and PVP!