baselesschart wrote: »Case in point, if said exploit exists in the game, and can be used by anybody it is technically fair game. And to punish the player for using it is ridiculous, it would be the developers fault after all.
You can define it any way you like, it is ALL the SAME THING. And lets be clear, what people like you MEAN is that anything YOU personally are doing is perfectly alright and it's someone else's fault for allowing you to use it to your advantage, and cheating is whatever someone else is doing or doesn't exist. [snip]
We had 1 month of players complaining about Dark Conversion and Hrothgar being bugged.
1 month.
If we want to ban people for knowingly abusing broken sets, we might as well just ban everyone.
And even after they admitted it was bugged I used it a few more times, and I was cheating. See how easy it is to admit something, I cheated in 2 BGs by using Hrothgar.
But each and every player is responsible of whether they use these exploits/cheats for themselves.
As stated above, there are move/attack speed hacks, positional desync issues, graphical hiding places, broken gear/skill/passives, things accepted as part of game like inviso and LA AC and even cheesy jumping up and down and many other things that go from totally cheating to accepted exploits and even though I don't play any more if they fixed many of those I would probably come back.
The problem is that it's not easy for players to see what is an exploit and what is an intended mechanic.
This is rubbish. If you rob a bank using a computer that no one can track and you get away with it doesn't mean you did not steal the money. Obviously a complex game is going to have bugs and glitches that the best devs won't find until someone stumbles on to them. The PROPER reaction is to NOT USE IT and inform them, NOT TO USE IT to your advantage in the game against other real people while saying it is devs fault they didn't fix it. That is ridiculous and shows exactly where your head at, YES YOU ARE DEFENDING CHEATING.
Obviously the punishment for each exploit is the company's responsibility, but lack of punishment is NOT justification to abuse the system and other players.
That's not cheating. Cheating is attacking the game by technical means, not by actions ingame.
There are different types of players.
You want Spikes to stop being Spikes.
Not gonna happen.
Idk what are you talking about.
People just stack movement speed, there is no hack.
There are animation cancel rules, but they are uniform across the whole game and never change.
LA is cancelled with Skill, Skill is cancelled with bash/block. That's quite easy to understand and use, and even if you don't, that's like fractions of second difference and Skill usage cooldown is a subject to GCD (Global CoolDown) of 1s, so the advantage is not huge.
Jumping doesn't give any advantage. In fact, it gives disadvantage - you slower hit the ground if you were knockup-stunned.
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »The amount of people in this game that just genuinely don't know about certain mechanics is also pretty high.
So you'd be able to tell how someone got to movement speed cap? As in what sets/traits/glyphs they use?
Swift trait 3x = 21%
Minor + Major expedition = 45% (66% total)
Medium armor 2% per piece while CC immune = 10-14% for stam builds (76% total)
Steed mundus - yes, people use that (86% total)
If you throw Ring of the Wild Hunt that's over 100% in PvP
CP star for +10%
Wood Elf +5%
And sprint also adds 40% base, modified by medium armor passive.
You can go way over the cap.
I've seen and reported blatant cheating captured on video and no one at ZOS even bothers to view the private link I send them. Still remains at the same views as when I report. So since they are obviously not caring enough to even look at evidence, I highly doubt anyone is getting in trouble for it. With that, you can bet your butt there is a ton of cheating going on because why not? No one gets banned anyway.
baselesschart wrote: »Trust me you would know if someone was cheating. To my knowledge there has not been very many cheaters in the games lifespan. Easy to bust too, most people have access to recording software that has a "record last 5 minutes of gameplay" feature.
atherusmora wrote: »Cheaters are not reported, or are not treated as cheaters by ZOS because doing so would mean banning a huge chunk of players from the game. Yes, I am referring to all the DC users
I was talking about being able to tell if somebody has 200% movement speed without sacrificing anything. Why run swift when you can keep the infused weapon damage? Why lose a cp for just movement speed? Why use steed and lose damage/regen?
Is being able to have 200% movement speed without needing to lose anythin an advantage? Can you tell?
Then don't use any of those. 5x medium and major+minor exp + sprint = cap.
How can I tell if someone gains more of the hidden stats then he should? I can't, but neither you can, so that's conspiracy theory at this point.
You wouldn't notice if a player is cheating unless he/she obviously flies around or not dying at all. Years ago when the cheat engine scandal uncovered by the protesters, it showed everyone that it was possible to tweak any parameter you wish on your character. Like you could have set 1m recovery and no one would ever notice that.To not get get caught is harder, but as said here, it isn’t that easy to tell. Which means that it is easier than many other games to not get caught.
Hidden stat? All stats are hidden…
But of course any obvious and dumb cheaters will be caught.
Do people want to cheat: Yes
Is it easy to cheat: Yes
To not get get caught is harder, but as said here, it isn’t that easy to tell. Which means that it is easier than many other games to not get caught.
Yes and as has been mentioned earlier in thread I also have talked to some 'good' PVPers who won't play ESO any more and admit they were using things like the SPEEDER hack ALL THE TIME. And IT IS RAMPANT among sweaties, watch any BG and you'll see half of them running at top speed for the whole match. Primarily NBs, Sorcs but works on any build.
Here's a test make a build with all the speed buffs/gear/etc and go into BGs or Cyro and see if anyone is faster than you.
"After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
So i just watched a video of this "speeder" hack and while it is working, it comes with some obvious signs of cheating. When he jumps he is floating in the air and jumping 2x higher and he falls down very slowly. Someone commented on the cheat:
Please find There the source code of your "demo", a badly made ahk script that will just ensure anyone using this to be banned for bad speedhack.
This is not worth a penny, and definitely not a ban.
Stop selling these, now."
They do exist but the cheaters will most likely get banned quickly when using a bad hack like this example. Movement speed cap is not hard to achieve with new cp's and medium armor. Most tanky players are actually running medium armor, not heavy armor like a year ago (notice how most of them use shuffle). So assuming 5 medium 2 heavy, you get 40% from sprint, 30% from major (either race against time or shuffle), 10% orc, 4% cp, 13% armor. Totaling to 97% movement speed which gives 197/200 % movement speed. When i play mag i put in movement speed cp, giving 10% replacing the orc passive which gives almost same total movement speed (armor passives reduced a little bit).
It is also possible to sprint while getting stamina back using a stamina tick tracker, stamina ticks every 2 seconds and is constant. It is therefore possible to let go off sprint just as the stamina ticks, giving you stamina back. (not many people know this). The addon is called Miat's tick tracker.
I did not find a cheat for immortality or other cheats created less than a couple months ago on the forum i visited so i cannot comment about those (when i search for immortality cheat, the first thing that comes up is ESO forums lul).
biminirwb17_ESO wrote: »Strange things happen in the early mornings, players that are "normal" during the day become Gods. Small man groups of 4 that often wipe to npcs suddenly demolish a 12 man guild.
Players who die regularly in a group with a healer suddenly don't need one and always heal when one dot tick away from death.
Must have something to do with the moons.