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Overland Content Feedback Thread

  • FlopsyPrince
    Many of those wanting harder overland content want something "new and exciting" from what I am seeing, perhaps most.

    That is an impossible thing to achieve in an MMO, given that it is replayed so much. It may be new the first time, but it will get quite old very quickly, perhaps even the second time through, no matter how hard it is!

    The game has plenty of hard content, but I don't see people repeating that much, which makes me question the desire for "hard content". I rather see it as "hard new feeling content" which will not last.

    Thus it is likely significant effort could be spent on making overland hard and then only provide minimal ongoing benefit.

    Perhaps someone who disagrees can note why you are not doing "hard content" now and exactly what such content would look like to you.
  • FlopsyPrince
    Rudrani wrote: »
    Make a vet instance, why complain?
    Make it a LOT harder. like a LOOOOT.

    Make the instance drop things that end game players actually need (gold mats, transmutes, more gold.)

    Its more realistic than adding a new craglorn.
    They dont want to add new things that only 5% of the players will use.

    Then why should they create vet overland, if only 5% of the players will use it.
    Because those 5% are bored, and this will help keep them in the game.
    So its not 5%, its 105%

    And there you have it. It isn't just a "harder zone" that is wanted, but "harder" rewards.

    Do those who still want the harder overland think it is just a matter of a slider and not LOTS and LOTs of tuning to make sure it is realistic EVERYWHERE?

    How would this happen without that?

  • ZOS_GregoryV
    Greetings all!

    Just a friendly reminder that Flaming is a violation of the Community Guidelines and is stated as follows:
    • Flaming: It’s okay to disagree and debate on the official ESO forums, but we do ask that you keep all disagreements civil, constructive, and on-topic. If a discussion gets heated and turns into a debate, remember that you should stick to debating the post and/or thread topic. It is never appropriate to resort to personal comments or jabs about those participating in the thread discussion.
    Not to say that anyone is Flaming anyone in particular, but just more of something to keep in mind. If there may be any questions in regards to the rules, please feel free to review them here.

    Thank you for your understanding,
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • LashanW
    Many of those wanting harder overland content want something "new and exciting" from what I am seeing, perhaps most.

    That is an impossible thing to achieve in an MMO, given that it is replayed so much. It may be new the first time, but it will get quite old very quickly, perhaps even the second time through, no matter how hard it is!

    The game has plenty of hard content, but I don't see people repeating that much, which makes me question the desire for "hard content". I rather see it as "hard new feeling content" which will not last.
    I don't exactly need something "new and exciting". I certainly don't expect a veteran overland to be as difficult as vet DLC dungeon/trials. I just want my combat gameplay to have some impact while doing the quests. Currently it has no impact. I'm not looking for mobs and minor quest bosses to have some wild never seen before mechanics like you do in newer dungeons/trials. But basic things such as dodging/blocking , healing/shielding, interrupting should matter.

    As for current hard content not being repeated much, I disagree. Some people like overcoming challenging by working together as a team, especially friends and guildies (I personally LOVE it, Co-Op is my favorite online gaming aspect). Some people prefer pugging vet content again and again (absolute mad lads). Trial guilds often have progression groups that start doing a veteran trial and doing it again and again to get better and then go for HM clear and eventually the trifecta achievement. These people don't get bored because they have already seen and experienced what the hard content has to offer. This content requires a lot of effort to complete and have good rewards (excellent gear, achievements and what not). It's not boring at all.

    For example I've done Cloudrest and Halls of Fabrication so many times for the past 1-2 year I have pretty much completed my stickerbook for these two. First I did them for HM clear and then for trifecta achievement. And I'd do these trials again if I get the chance because they are fun!

    But unfortunately you need 4/12 like minded people to be free on same schedule to do this type of hard content. And that can be next to impossible for some people considering time zones. Which may be one reason if this content is not being repeated as much as they deserve to be.
    ---No longer active in ESO---
    Platform: PC-EU
    CP: 2500+
    Trial Achievements
    Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, vMoL no death

    Arena Achievements
    vMA Flawless, vVH Spirit Slayer

    DLC Dungeon Trifectas
    Scalecaller Peak, Fang Lair, Depths of Malatar, Icereach
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    I think it's genuinely (and not baiting here) jealousy that they'd not be *good* enough to participate and get more rewards. I mean sure, it's true, but we'd need rewards catered to us for sure.

    Nope. Have to really disagree with you here.

    Those that want a vet whatever have frequently stated its about the challenge, not the reward. So that should be sufficient. Surely?

    Vet versions of dungeons & trials are already part of how they design the game, and the rewards are part of this. But you don’t have to do vet versions to get them - due to the sticker book, you can get the gear in normal versions, and monster heads are available for AP (if have patience, granted).

    And personally I am quite capable of doing difficult vet content. But on the whole it bores me.

    The gear in normal versions differs from the vet versions in all the new releases (perfected versus just the regular version). Not only that, there are titles, skins, and achievements that you cannot get in normal. So for me personally, while just having the optional challenge is enough, extra rewards are common sense to implement. But as I said, I don't personally care for it. :)

    The differance is that trial and dungeon are repeatable but not overland
    Acheivement? Coplete the zone in normal and you are forever locked from it on that character
    Collectible? You could create a new character for the sole purpose to get those but your main still wont have the acheiment

    Perfected gear? Only trial and arena have those, i dont expect overland to get them when dungeon dont

    That why i thing the better reward cant be something unoptonaible in normal, tought it could be purple quality item instead of blue for exemple or even a bit more gold and exp
  • summ0004
    Many people dont want super hard mobs or quest bosses that can one shot you, or requires a 5 minute fight with a skeever or anything like that. ok maybe a tiny minority of hardcore players do, but most dont.

    But what many people want is combat that is actually impactful and not made for the lowest denominator. Even my kids can grab the gamepad and just mash any old button and mobs still die easily, so the skill required for overland and story questing is far too low currently and something needs to be done going forward.

    Whether the solution is to just bufff overland mobs, quest and story bosses in general to a level where they are difficult enough to make combat impactful but not too difficult., Or just to have optional sliders on quest instanced bosses, or many other possibilites, its hatd to knoiw the best solution.

    But currently it is keeping a significant number of people away from purchasing the new chapters and content as it represents poor value for money for many people.

  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    If the answer is just creating new zones that are considered "vet zones", rather than overhauling the overland we already have, I'm good with that. That was my original proposal in this thread, to just dedicate one of the 2 zones per chapter to more difficult vet content, with the other zone being standard normal content. I think that is fair, won't split the playerbase, doesn't force harder difficulty on those who don't want it, gives vet players some questing and story content that is engaging for them, and won't divert dev resources away from new content.

    I really feel this is a win / win situation, and I can't see how anyone on either side would be against it.

    If the new zones are a hit, then devs get feedback that players actually *do* want harder content, and the original Cadwell's was just poorly designed, and if the new zones are a bust, then we'll know that the efforts aren't actually worth dev time, with concrete, relevant data, and they don't have to continue with it going forward.

    It does force player who want the whole chapter story into the second zone so its a no go
  • Franchise408
    Many of those wanting harder overland content want something "new and exciting" from what I am seeing, perhaps most.

    That is an impossible thing to achieve in an MMO, given that it is replayed so much. It may be new the first time, but it will get quite old very quickly, perhaps even the second time through, no matter how hard it is!

    The game has plenty of hard content, but I don't see people repeating that much, which makes me question the desire for "hard content". I rather see it as "hard new feeling content" which will not last.

    Thus it is likely significant effort could be spent on making overland hard and then only provide minimal ongoing benefit.

    Perhaps someone who disagrees can note why you are not doing "hard content" now and exactly what such content would look like to you.

    How do you "not see" people repeating the hard content that exists? Am I just imagining all the groups I've been in vet DLC dungeons with? Or imagining all the repeat vet trial runs my guild has done?

    I don't see how you can say you're "not seeing" repeated hard content. Do you have access to the data of how many vet DLC dungeon and vet trial runs there are?
  • Franchise408
    If the answer is just creating new zones that are considered "vet zones", rather than overhauling the overland we already have, I'm good with that. That was my original proposal in this thread, to just dedicate one of the 2 zones per chapter to more difficult vet content, with the other zone being standard normal content. I think that is fair, won't split the playerbase, doesn't force harder difficulty on those who don't want it, gives vet players some questing and story content that is engaging for them, and won't divert dev resources away from new content.

    I really feel this is a win / win situation, and I can't see how anyone on either side would be against it.

    If the new zones are a hit, then devs get feedback that players actually *do* want harder content, and the original Cadwell's was just poorly designed, and if the new zones are a bust, then we'll know that the efforts aren't actually worth dev time, with concrete, relevant data, and they don't have to continue with it going forward.

    It does force player who want the whole chapter story into the second zone so its a no go

    Not at all.

    I didn't say that the 2nd zone has to be a continuation of the story. In fact I said in another post it can be a completely different story. They can change their "year long" formula (which many people are burnt out on already anyways) and give the normal crowd a story for part one, and the vet crowd a zone for part 2.
  • Fingolfinn01
    The only way the can add difficulty to overland is to instance the quests. Which would solve another problem of other
    players killing quest boss and you get one hit in and the quest is complete. Very unsatisfying. However to instance every quest in the game would be a massive undertaking.

    What are some of zos solutions ??

    I am sure they are thinking about it. However i would like to hear from some devs on how they would fix the problem?

    If they have plz guide me to the posts, this is now page 27.
  • AlexanderDeLarge
    Many of those wanting harder overland content want something "new and exciting" from what I am seeing, perhaps most.

    That is an impossible thing to achieve in an MMO, given that it is replayed so much. It may be new the first time, but it will get quite old very quickly, perhaps even the second time through, no matter how hard it is!

    The game has plenty of hard content, but I don't see people repeating that much, which makes me question the desire for "hard content". I rather see it as "hard new feeling content" which will not last.

    Thus it is likely significant effort could be spent on making overland hard and then only provide minimal ongoing benefit.

    Perhaps someone who disagrees can note why you are not doing "hard content" now and exactly what such content would look like to you.

    The overwhelming majority of the content sold on a yearly basis is trivial after a certain point in progression where the hardest thing about it is the tedium of riding a horse for five minutes to the quest objective, hopping off, doing half of your rotation and everything around you dropping dead. I would argue that point in progression is rather low, let's say CP300. CP300 ain't that hard to hit anymore and anyone who has played for a reasonable amount of time across even two-three chapters and a little bit of the base game without being alt-oholics would hit that point in progression. You can observe this for yourself in the open world where enemies drop dead faster than they can complete their dialog lines or perform a single scripted attack. It's ridiculous.

    You're projecting a lot onto our request, we just want to have a modicum of difficulty in the content we're paying $40-$100 for every year and for the entire 15-30 hour campaign to not be a handful of quest chains resulting in an incredibly anti-climatic boss fight that ends in ten seconds. How is that remotely acceptable to anyone?
    Edited by AlexanderDeLarge on November 11, 2021 4:44PM
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 7 paid expansions. 22 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the vast majority of this game.

    "ESO doesn't need a harder overland" on YouTube for a video of a naked level 3 character AFKing in front of a bear for a minute and a half before dying
  • summ0004
    Disable CP for overland and questing would make some interim benefit. That way the CPs only work in dungeon and trials, and it would eliminate some of the powercreep that is the issue in overland.
  • Toxic_Hemlock
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Disable CP for overland and questing would make some interim benefit. That way the CPs only work in dungeon and trials, and it would eliminate some of the powercreep that is the issue in overland.

    It seems to me that I suggested just this a while back. Well disable CP for overland (optional), not so much for dungeons and trials, but I don't do those so I didn't think it wise to comment on them. It seems to be as toxic a conversation as most other self nerf ideas though. It seems most just want more dynamic fights and to not have to just make yourself weaker so someone comes along and one shots what you are fighting. Edit: spoiler alert, anything that is optional would allow this to happen, but at least you could feel like a fresh level 50 again.

    My idea was only based on what is currently possible (cyrodiil) though and the time required for such a change was minimal. I still believe that it could bridge the chasm of divide here and give the devs a way to see how utilized it is to warrant future changes to overland.

    If you don't want self-nerfing potions (I understand), then this is a compromise to, very dev intensive, totally instanced environments IMO.

    edit: added sentence.
    Edited by Toxic_Hemlock on November 11, 2021 12:53PM
  • Sylvermynx
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Disable CP for overland and questing would make some interim benefit. That way the CPs only work in dungeon and trials, and it would eliminate some of the powercreep that is the issue in overland.

    All my mains have CP over 300 - and did at the time they've done chapter and Q4 story bosses - they died repeatedly to Molag Bal, Mulaamnir, Vandacia.... Not fun. Not remotely fun. I can hardly wait (NOT) to deal with Kaalgrontiid (nope, haven't done all of that quest line yet) or Dagon....

    I realize that my issues are not those of everyone - but there are sufficient folks who've had some of the same issues (if for other reasons than high ping and aging reflexes) that at least I don't feel completely alone here.

    Now if it's an option to disable CP, that's fine - but of course, one can already do that, right?
  • Toxic_Hemlock
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Disable CP for overland and questing would make some interim benefit. That way the CPs only work in dungeon and trials, and it would eliminate some of the powercreep that is the issue in overland.

    All my mains have CP over 300 - and did at the time they've done chapter and Q4 story bosses - they died repeatedly to Molag Bal, Mulaamnir, Vandacia.... Not fun. Not remotely fun. I can hardly wait (NOT) to deal with Kaalgrontiid (nope, haven't done all of that quest line yet) or Dagon....

    I realize that my issues are not those of everyone - but there are sufficient folks who've had some of the same issues (if for other reasons than high ping and aging reflexes) that at least I don't feel completely alone here.

    Now if it's an option to disable CP, that's fine - but of course, one can already do that, right?

    It can be done through the armory with one slot for no CP and another for other things, but this is a waste of an armory slot. You can also do it through paying to respec your CP, but that requires you to save (PC), remember, or write down you current points/slotted stars. Edit: or just not bothering to allocate them in the first place. All ideas are an utter pita, and just adding a switch that nullifies all CP in overland would be preferable IMO.

    Unlike a potion it wouldn't remove your ability of having another potion slotted and could be turned off and on though settings. Even adding a permanent ALL CP OFF on this character in overland would suffice IMO. Then again your rewards would be the same as before with this method and it seems to me this might just be the only real issue here..

    Edit: clarity
    Edited by Toxic_Hemlock on November 11, 2021 2:43PM
  • summ0004
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Disable CP for overland and questing would make some interim benefit. That way the CPs only work in dungeon and trials, and it would eliminate some of the powercreep that is the issue in overland.

    All my mains have CP over 300 - and did at the time they've done chapter and Q4 story bosses - they died repeatedly to Molag Bal, Mulaamnir, Vandacia.... Not fun. Not remotely fun. I can hardly wait (NOT) to deal with Kaalgrontiid (nope, haven't done all of that quest line yet) or Dagon....

    I realize that my issues are not those of everyone - but there are sufficient folks who've had some of the same issues (if for other reasons than high ping and aging reflexes) that at least I don't feel completely alone here.

    Now if it's an option to disable CP, that's fine - but of course, one can already do that, right?

    Well thats why the other solution is to have instanced quest bosses with optional difficulty sliders. i know that star wars the old republic does a similar thing in its instances and it it has a few different difficulty settings, and it worked pretty well when I used to play it.

    Anoother idea is you scale all the mobs to a higher level than 160 CP, and then it scales players who are lower than this to thr required level.

    I hate to say it, but mobs in overland and quest and delve bosses in the earlier zones are absurdely easy if you have any basic understanding of how to play this game. So much so, that even my 8 year and 10 year kids can do it.
  • AlexanderDeLarge
    ]It can be done through the armory with one slot for no CP and another for other things, but this is a waste of an armory slot. You can also do it through paying to respec your CP, but that requires you to save (PC), remember, or write down you current points/slotted stars. Edit: or just not bothering to allocate them in the first place. All ideas are an utter pita, and just adding a switch that nullifies all CP in overland would be preferable IMO.
    Agreed. I will never buy armory slots to have a CP disabled build on principle. The armory system should have a built-in toggle to enable/disable champion points by default if anything because the only reason a player would do that is to raise the difficulty for themselves or as a utility to test their builds with/without CP.

    Veteran players such as myself are already buying chapters and DLCs so I can't believe people are suggesting that we spend more to remedy the power creep problem that ZOS has acknowledged and hasn't really addressed in the years since it's been acknowledged as a side effect of the Champion Point system. For anyone that wasn't around back then, this was being discussed when Morrowind first came out, perhaps even earlier. Frankly there is not a chance in hell that I'm ever spending a dime to remedy an inherent problem in their design. That's utterly ridiculous to suggest that their most dedicated players should spend more in a game that is selling loot boxes on top of yearly retail expansion packs and quarterly DLCs along with XP scrolls and all the other crap you see in the crown store.

    I'd be happy with disabling combat-related champion points as an immediate remedy as this would be enough to get me overnight to login and start doing those chapters and DLCs I've been putting off for years but veteran players deserve a little more than this as a solution long-term.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 7 paid expansions. 22 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the vast majority of this game.

    "ESO doesn't need a harder overland" on YouTube for a video of a naked level 3 character AFKing in front of a bear for a minute and a half before dying
  • summ0004
    ]It can be done through the armory with one slot for no CP and another for other things, but this is a waste of an armory slot. You can also do it through paying to respec your CP, but that requires you to save (PC), remember, or write down you current points/slotted stars. Edit: or just not bothering to allocate them in the first place. All ideas are an utter pita, and just adding a switch that nullifies all CP in overland would be preferable IMO.
    Agreed. I will never buy armory slots to have a CP disabled build on principle. The armory system should have a built-in toggle to enable/disable champion points by default if anything because the only reason a player would do that is to raise the difficulty for themselves or as a utility to test their builds with/without CP.

    Veteran players such as myself are already buying chapters and DLCs so I can't believe people are suggesting that we spend more to remedy the power creep problem that ZOS has acknowledged and hasn't really addressed in the years since it's been acknowledged as a side effect of the Champion Point system. For anyone that wasn't around back then, this was being discussed when Morrowind first came out, perhaps even earlier. Frankly there is not a chance in hell that I'm ever spending a dime to remedy an inherent problem in their design. That's utterly ridiculous to suggest that their most dedicated players should spend more in a game that is selling loot boxes on top of yearly retail expansion packs and quarterly DLCs along with XP scrolls and all the other crap you see in the crown store.

    I'd be happy with disabling combat-related champion points as an immediate remedy as this would be enough to get me overnight to login and start doing those chapters and DLCs I've been putting off for years but veteran players deserve a little more than this as a solution long-term.

    Good points, this seems like the best temporary solution and it would actually make me want to buy the chapters and have a play through which I have been put off by so far by the sheer lack of anything that resembles action combat.
  • FlopsyPrince
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Disable CP for overland and questing would make some interim benefit. That way the CPs only work in dungeon and trials, and it would eliminate some of the powercreep that is the issue in overland.

    Allow people to do that themselves. Don't force it. Make it a flag on that screen perhaps?
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Disable CP for overland and questing would make some interim benefit. That way the CPs only work in dungeon and trials, and it would eliminate some of the powercreep that is the issue in overland.

    All my mains have CP over 300 - and did at the time they've done chapter and Q4 story bosses - they died repeatedly to Molag Bal, Mulaamnir, Vandacia.... Not fun. Not remotely fun. I can hardly wait (NOT) to deal with Kaalgrontiid (nope, haven't done all of that quest line yet) or Dagon....

    I realize that my issues are not those of everyone - but there are sufficient folks who've had some of the same issues (if for other reasons than high ping and aging reflexes) that at least I don't feel completely alone here.

    Now if it's an option to disable CP, that's fine - but of course, one can already do that, right?

    They would say "Get Gud!" I would disagree with that as I am sure you would, but that is the flaw here. A few love high twitch stuff. Some of us don't do so well at that and do not want it pushed into this game.

    Play a twitch game if you want that.
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Disable CP for overland and questing would make some interim benefit. That way the CPs only work in dungeon and trials, and it would eliminate some of the powercreep that is the issue in overland.

    All my mains have CP over 300 - and did at the time they've done chapter and Q4 story bosses - they died repeatedly to Molag Bal, Mulaamnir, Vandacia.... Not fun. Not remotely fun. I can hardly wait (NOT) to deal with Kaalgrontiid (nope, haven't done all of that quest line yet) or Dagon....

    I realize that my issues are not those of everyone - but there are sufficient folks who've had some of the same issues (if for other reasons than high ping and aging reflexes) that at least I don't feel completely alone here.

    Now if it's an option to disable CP, that's fine - but of course, one can already do that, right?

    Well thats why the other solution is to have instanced quest bosses with optional difficulty sliders. i know that star wars the old republic does a similar thing in its instances and it it has a few different difficulty settings, and it worked pretty well when I used to play it.

    Anoother idea is you scale all the mobs to a higher level than 160 CP, and then it scales players who are lower than this to thr required level.

    I hate to say it, but mobs in overland and quest and delve bosses in the earlier zones are absurdely easy if you have any basic understanding of how to play this game. So much so, that even my 8 year and 10 year kids can do it.

    Note that you are no longer playing SWTOR, which shows that having that did not help much.


    I would have no problem with an overall "turn off CP" flag for those who wanted that. Though it wouldn't solve the problem of some wanting bigger rewards, which is the core elephant in this area that is often being avoided.
  • AlexanderDeLarge
    Note that you are no longer playing SWTOR, which shows that having that did not help much.
    The Old Republic will be ten years old a month from now. People take breaks in MMOs all the time and it is unreasonable to expect someone to play a game for ten years straight. The difficulty settings in The Old Republic are very nice and improved their respective expansion packs significantly.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 7 paid expansions. 22 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the vast majority of this game.

    "ESO doesn't need a harder overland" on YouTube for a video of a naked level 3 character AFKing in front of a bear for a minute and a half before dying
  • BlossomDead
    I couldn't disagree more with making overland content more difficult. It's difficult enough as it is, after two years I personally still find world bosses quite difficult to tackle and I'm able to do so recently due to companions.

    Dungeons/Trials are still a distant goal for me for instance and I don't think I'm alone in this.

    If you are at the level where everything feels too accessible, you're probably a minority of players in my opinion. Catering to this minority would negatively impact most of the players.

    @ZOS Could we have a poll? I'm quite curious to see how many people would think leveling should take 100 years atop of leveling skill lines, guilds, passives, etc. This game is not that easy as it is really.
  • AlexanderDeLarge
    If you are at the level where everything feels too accessible, you're probably a minority of players in my opinion. Catering to this minority would negatively impact most of the players.

    Statistical minority meaning less than 49%? Sure but it's an incredibly loaded term that implies it hardly affects anyone when in fact it's readily apparent if you observe. Go out in the open world and watch a CP300+ player's combat encounters, first one you see. I mean it, go watch YouTube videos or a stream, I know I'm not the only one having these problems. TTK (Time to Kill) is so fast NPCs can't even perform their scripted actions and if they have dialog in delves, they probably can't even get through two or three lines worth of dialog before dying and those are "bosses".

    How does a difficulty scaling option or even a separate veteran mode phase for overland affect people who like the difficulty as-is in any way? Because it segregates the population? That's a laughable argument on these forums considering how often we've been told to isolate ourselves in veteran instanced content whenever this subject comes up.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 7 paid expansions. 22 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the vast majority of this game.

    "ESO doesn't need a harder overland" on YouTube for a video of a naked level 3 character AFKing in front of a bear for a minute and a half before dying
  • summ0004
    I couldn't disagree more with making overland content more difficult. It's difficult enough as it is, after two years I personally still find world bosses quite difficult to tackle and I'm able to do so recently due to companions.

    Dungeons/Trials are still a distant goal for me for instance and I don't think I'm alone in this.

    If you are at the level where everything feels too accessible, you're probably a minority of players in my opinion. Catering to this minority would negatively impact most of the players.

    @ZOS Could we have a poll? I'm quite curious to see how many people would think leveling should take 100 years atop of leveling skill lines, guilds, passives, etc. This game is not that easy as it is really.

    World bosses are not supposed to be done solo, its omly the powercreep on some veteran players that allow this. World bosses are not the issue here, I am refering to the mobs and quest and delve bosses in much of the overland.
  • Sylvermynx

    How does a difficulty scaling option or even a separate veteran mode phase for overland affect people who like the difficulty as-is in any way? Because it segregates the population? That's a laughable argument on these forums considering how often we've been told to isolate ourselves in veteran instanced content whenever this subject comes up.

    I have no argument at all with optional, if ZOS can manage that in a way that's actually usable for everyone.

  • summ0004
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Disable CP for overland and questing would make some interim benefit. That way the CPs only work in dungeon and trials, and it would eliminate some of the powercreep that is the issue in overland.

    Allow people to do that themselves. Don't force it. Make it a flag on that screen perhaps?
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Disable CP for overland and questing would make some interim benefit. That way the CPs only work in dungeon and trials, and it would eliminate some of the powercreep that is the issue in overland.

    All my mains have CP over 300 - and did at the time they've done chapter and Q4 story bosses - they died repeatedly to Molag Bal, Mulaamnir, Vandacia.... Not fun. Not remotely fun. I can hardly wait (NOT) to deal with Kaalgrontiid (nope, haven't done all of that quest line yet) or Dagon....

    I realize that my issues are not those of everyone - but there are sufficient folks who've had some of the same issues (if for other reasons than high ping and aging reflexes) that at least I don't feel completely alone here.

    Now if it's an option to disable CP, that's fine - but of course, one can already do that, right?

    They would say "Get Gud!" I would disagree with that as I am sure you would, but that is the flaw here. A few love high twitch stuff. Some of us don't do so well at that and do not want it pushed into this game.

    Play a twitch game if you want that.
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    summ0004 wrote: »
    Disable CP for overland and questing would make some interim benefit. That way the CPs only work in dungeon and trials, and it would eliminate some of the powercreep that is the issue in overland.

    All my mains have CP over 300 - and did at the time they've done chapter and Q4 story bosses - they died repeatedly to Molag Bal, Mulaamnir, Vandacia.... Not fun. Not remotely fun. I can hardly wait (NOT) to deal with Kaalgrontiid (nope, haven't done all of that quest line yet) or Dagon....

    I realize that my issues are not those of everyone - but there are sufficient folks who've had some of the same issues (if for other reasons than high ping and aging reflexes) that at least I don't feel completely alone here.

    Now if it's an option to disable CP, that's fine - but of course, one can already do that, right?

    Well thats why the other solution is to have instanced quest bosses with optional difficulty sliders. i know that star wars the old republic does a similar thing in its instances and it it has a few different difficulty settings, and it worked pretty well when I used to play it.

    Anoother idea is you scale all the mobs to a higher level than 160 CP, and then it scales players who are lower than this to thr required level.

    I hate to say it, but mobs in overland and quest and delve bosses in the earlier zones are absurdely easy if you have any basic understanding of how to play this game. So much so, that even my 8 year and 10 year kids can do it.

    Note that you are no longer playing SWTOR, which shows that having that did not help much.


    I would have no problem with an overall "turn off CP" flag for those who wanted that. Though it wouldn't solve the problem of some wanting bigger rewards, which is the core elephant in this area that is often being avoided.

    Firstly I am no longer playing SWTOR because it is an old and dated tab targetted game that is feeling its age, its nothing to do with the difficulty slider.

    And I am nowhere near a twitch style player, I dont play meta end game and dont do 100K dps but still the overland questing its absurdely easy. Anyone with more than 8K dps and more than 16K health can blitz through mobs with ease, if you are willing to learn how to play. My 8 year old daughter can grab my gamepad and mash a few buttons and still rarely struggles.
  • BlossomDead
    If you are at the level where everything feels too accessible, you're probably a minority of players in my opinion. Catering to this minority would negatively impact most of the players.

    Statistical minority meaning less than 49%? Sure but it's an incredibly loaded term that implies it hardly affects anyone when in fact it's readily apparent if you observe. Go out in the open world and watch a CP300+ player's combat encounters, first one you see. I mean it, go watch YouTube videos or a stream, I know I'm not the only one having these problems. TTK (Time to Kill) is so fast NPCs can't even perform their scripted actions and if they have dialog in delves, they probably can't even get through two or three lines worth of dialog before dying and those are "bosses".

    How does a difficulty scaling option or even a separate veteran mode phase for overland affect people who like the difficulty as-is in any way? Because it segregates the population? That's a laughable argument on these forums considering how often we've been told to isolate ourselves in veteran instanced content whenever this subject comes up.

    Read my post again and you will notice I did not comment against this specific implementation?!

    There already is scaling in the game in the form of taking on different types of content with increasing levels of difficulty.

    I doubt it will ever change to your suggestion or if the cost/benefit justifies it at all.

    I could hardly see a scenario where wolfs dying after half an hour to a party of 12 would be feasible or enjoyable for that matter.
  • Seminolegirl1992
    If you are at the level where everything feels too accessible, you're probably a minority of players in my opinion. Catering to this minority would negatively impact most of the players.

    Statistical minority meaning less than 49%? Sure but it's an incredibly loaded term that implies it hardly affects anyone when in fact it's readily apparent if you observe. Go out in the open world and watch a CP300+ player's combat encounters, first one you see. I mean it, go watch YouTube videos or a stream, I know I'm not the only one having these problems. TTK (Time to Kill) is so fast NPCs can't even perform their scripted actions and if they have dialog in delves, they probably can't even get through two or three lines worth of dialog before dying and those are "bosses".

    How does a difficulty scaling option or even a separate veteran mode phase for overland affect people who like the difficulty as-is in any way? Because it segregates the population? That's a laughable argument on these forums considering how often we've been told to isolate ourselves in veteran instanced content whenever this subject comes up.

    Read my post again and you will notice I did not comment against this specific implementation?!

    There already is scaling in the game in the form of taking on different types of content with increasing levels of difficulty.

    I doubt it will ever change to your suggestion or if the cost/benefit justifies it at all.

    I could hardly see a scenario where wolfs dying after half an hour to a party of 12 would be feasible or enjoyable for that matter.

    Noone is asking for that, my friend.
    @Seminolegirl1992 PC/NA CP 2400+ PVE, PVP, RP, Housing: Tel Galen, Fair Winds, Moon Sugar, Grand Psijic, Forsaken, HOTLC, Bastion, Ravenhurst, Gardner, Alinor, Hakkvild's, Gorinir, Kragenhome, Hundings, & more- feel free to come see!
    Former Empress | Swashbuckler Supreme | Godslayer | Gryphon Heart | Immortal Redeemer | Tick Tock Tormentor | Dro-m'athra Destroyer | Dawnbringer
  • AlexanderDeLarge
    There already is scaling in the game in the form of taking on different types of content with increasing levels of difficulty.
    Which is a small fraction of the content being sold to us every year hence the problem. People keep talking about cost/benefit analysis yet no one seems to recognize the irony of the vitriol that comes towards veteran players, the ones continuously buying this content every year, for merely asking for higher difficulty in the majority of content being bought as if we're not worth implementing a mere debuff food/item/memento/whatever meanwhile the "majority" gets companion NPCs to complete incredibly easy PvE content.

    Frankly it's insulting.

    [Edited for Baiting]
    Edited by Psiion on November 12, 2021 4:12AM
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 7 paid expansions. 22 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the vast majority of this game.

    "ESO doesn't need a harder overland" on YouTube for a video of a naked level 3 character AFKing in front of a bear for a minute and a half before dying
  • BlossomDead
    There already is scaling in the game in the form of taking on different types of content with increasing levels of difficulty.
    Which is a small fraction of the content being sold to us every year hence the problem. People keep talking about cost/benefit analysis yet no one seems to recognize the irony of the vitriol that comes towards veteran players, the ones continuously buying this content every year, for merely asking for higher difficulty in the majority of content being bought as if we're not worth implementing a mere debuff food/item/memento/whatever meanwhile the "majority" gets companion NPCs to complete incredibly easy PvE content.

    Frankly it's insulting.

    [Edited for Baiting]

    You're not the only ones buying said content. Doesn't it usually come with world bosses/arena/dungeons etc? We must be buying different stuff then.
    Edited by Psiion on November 12, 2021 4:12AM
  • spartaxoxo
    ... for merely asking for higher difficulty in the majority of content being bought as if we're not worth implementing a mere debuff food/item/memento/whatever meanwhile the "majority" gets companion NPCs to complete incredibly easy PvE content

    The hate against a debuff has come almost entirely from the pro-vet Overland crowd.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on November 12, 2021 3:05AM
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