trackdemon5512 wrote: »Frankly I see it as a fair counterplay to players using their positions above and the ease of simply taking a step back to fully heal up in a second and go back to raining down blows.
If that's the case, then they need to let us be able to to use Silver Leash, Fiery Grip, Swarm Mother, Beckoning Armor, and the like to do the same thing. And let us Leap or gap close up onto walls, too.
Honestly I'm surprised there's not some sort of pull immunity on the set to keep exactly that from happening. I don't think it would be too hard to make the pull apply SOME sort of CC immunity so you don't get bounced around like a pinball.
That's not a concession, that's cutting out solo healers who prefer to go in on their own and play by what they want to do instead of following a zerg or other group. It's also excessive and unnecessary when all they need to do to counter the overabundance of healing is make strong HoTs like Radiating Regen refresh on recast rather than stack. I truly don't understand why they haven't tried this yet, but have gone to the lengths of actively shutting down the solo healer playstyle to test the cross-healing thing (and even then that wasn't to address the overabundance of healing, it was to test if it "helped" server performance).
It's also not whinging to be upset when a playstyle you prefer is literally, 100% shut down and removed from the game.
It is just as bad. Well... when there's people there. It's pretty much just DC sets, werewolves, and nightblade gankers.
Not that I dislike the nightblades and werewolves. Its fun for me to fight gankers in IC and werewolves are mostly free telvar if you have the patience to chase them around for an hour.
However, at least on console, I think realization finally hit that telvar is incredibly easy to farm with DC set.
trackdemon5512 wrote: »Except DC doesn’t pull you down from walls or you up. It just brings you to the edge. I’ve had it happen a number of times. That’s when I simply learned to roll backwards away from the wall.
trackdemon5512 wrote: »
Negate. 1 person can shut it down as they try to run through a flag.
Also can someone link to a video of DC actually pulling people through walls? I played for hours and never saw this once. I see players dragged to the edges of walls and keeps. They end up roll dodging off the side but that’s more on them than the set. Like with the COH2 penultimate boss where players roll into one another.
Frankly I see it as a fair counterplay to players using their positions above and the ease of simply taking a step back to fully heal up in a second and go back to raining down blows.
I gave gray host a try this evening and I want to offer a few honest opinions.
- Dark convergence is everywhere. It is the zergs' new toy.
- Dark convergence disrupts gameplay; any kind of flow is destroyed.
- PVP is ruined by Dark Convergence and this is not the game I enjoyed a few weeks ago.
- Dark Convergence needs to be removed entirely.
StarOfElyon wrote: »
Counter a set which procs numerous times with one class-specific ultimate? Is that what you're saying?
Yes. The nerf is incoming (see PTS notes) but I’m confused as to why they nerfed hrothgar with Monday’s patch but not dark convergence. So we’ll literally have several more weeks of this?
katanagirl1 wrote: »When I get pulled by Dark Convergence it takes 2 successful dodge rolls to get out of range and avoid being killed.
Oftentimes though I press the keys and nothing happens (just like with skills and bar swaps) and I just stand there and get nuked.
I know it's your game ZOS but I think you do it atleast 50% for the money. We as players/customers must be important in that regard. Why do you want the majority of the people to stay mad and frustrated consuming your product? I am basing this off of in game chat with people I meet and the posts on this forum. I would say it's around 85% that hate this set as it is now. You changed Hrothgar set FAST why not do it with this one? Why is no one getting back to us?
markulrich1966 wrote: »
if the majority would hate this set, I doubt that the majority would use it.
And this is what many people write, like "DC everywhere". Something I cannot confirm though, as I wrote some weeks ago, I died most often by subterranean assault, boneyard and other skills.
There is a relatively small, but vocal minority of players complaining here.
I hope that ZOS does not make the same mistake as in other situations before, ruining the gameplay for a majority just because a few people cry "nerf, nerf, nerf".
I don't play Cyrodil that much but I can ASSURE you in PC EU there is a handfull of the same people running DC. The majority does not and every other match someone is complaining about it. Don't know about NA or console though
I like the idea of the function of the set, as it was meant to be used agains ball groups. Now of course all ball groups use it. I think it should have been a siege weapon with same function instead. Then it might have worked better for what it was meant to do.
But yes, i admit the set is fun to use. Also fun in dungeons. Not balanced or sensible, just fun.
trackdemon5512 wrote: »
Except DC doesn’t pull you down from walls or you up. It just brings you to the edge. I’ve had it happen a number of times. That’s when I simply learned to roll backwards away from the wall.
Also a lot of the grief here is from basically all players using it. If it were more limited to the number of players running it there definitely wouldn’t be so much anger. It either shows that DC is a problem or perhaps more likely just play styles in PvP are a bigger issue that needs to be addressed.
trackdemon5512 wrote: »
Sure. It's not like you're all not already running on sorcs after taking advantage of the broken streak that absorbed all projectiles for ages.
I mean IDK what ya'll want. The pull is being dropped down to 1 in the current PTS going live. Ya'll would rather the entire set be abolished and we go back to ball groups and Zergs mindlessly doing the same thing that's been going on for years. A strategy that's boring.
There are plenty of ways to mitigate the damage (which will drop next patch) so just learn to step out. You can literally walk out of a dark convergence pull next patch. You can basically do so this patch if you learn to stop freaking out.
neferpitou73 wrote: »
I've heard it's bugged to the point where it's pulled players of the third floor of keeps. I wouldn't know myself since I dropped CP soon after they added the set.
neferpitou73 wrote: »
I've heard it's bugged to the point where it's pulled players of the third floor of keeps. I wouldn't know myself since I dropped CP soon after they added the set.