the set is kind of an issue, because it can pull you into walls. and lag is constantly present
Tbh. This is maybe a nerf in a very specific scenario, but for the most part it will be the same or even worse. I mean base damage is reduced by 60%, but damage per target bonus went from 10% to 50% . So now this set will probably do even more damage if it pulls 5+ people (which it will very often) and very similar damage if it pulls like 3-4 people.Yes. The nerf is incoming (see PTS notes) but I’m confused as to why they nerfed hrothgar with Monday’s patch but not dark convergence. So we’ll literally have several more weeks of this?
the rest of us love the sets.
they break up zergs and huge groups.
i hope there is no changes to the set, its just awful that they changed it, but looks like they did change it.
its a zerg killer and it does good work in killing zergs, it needs to stay.
trackdemon5512 wrote: »Dark Convergence does it’s job very effectively, if not a bit sloppily. It shuts down these nigh unstoppable ball groups which ruin Cyrodiil play. The majority of complaints are the pills that drag players in constantly because everyone is using it.
Well you’re getting that addressed. 1 pull versus 2. Also initial dmg toned down. But now it’s sucking in an unlimited amount of ppl and has upped the dmg caused by more ppl in the stack. That’s still going to aggravate the majority of Cyrodiil players. Why?
For years y’all have stacked for everything in main Cyrodiil. Open a keep door, everyone storms through. Farm an outpost, spam destros and heals in a ball and just roll over people. Take down a door, have 15 players on a ram waiting to get in. Using the hammer, have an entire server stacked on top of it.
Many of these problems and the deaths from Dark Convergence are entirely your fault for super hard stacking. Dark Convergence loses most of its power when you learn to separate yourselves from each other. When you learn to strategically siege well fortified keeps by opening multiple breaches.
It took one week on PS4 NA to players to learn the rules to stop stacking and Dark Convergence lost its luster to most. The set needs a few adjustments but it’s fine. Just learn to play with it in the field.
the rest of us love the sets.
they break up zergs and huge groups.
i hope there is no changes to the set, its just awful that they changed it, but looks like they did change it.
its a zerg killer and it does good work in killing zergs, it needs to stay.
Marcus_Aurelius wrote: »
It's not a zerg killer, It's a gameplay killer. Try some BGs or small scale fights. Dark Convergence is just everywhere.
At this point they should release a set equivalent to a tacnical nuke and call it a day.
trackdemon5512 wrote: »Dark Convergence highlights another problem with BGs: y’all stack too much. For years it’s been the group that sticks together wins.
trackdemon5512 wrote: »
Dark Convergence highlights another problem with BGs: y’all stack too much. For years it’s been the group that sticks together wins. That’s not due to strategy but rather overlapping heals and buffs and attacks. Y’all have trained yourselves to roll up en masse on enemies in BGs. And because you have 8 opponents DC becomes a super effective way of managing all that chaos.
Fix the tanky BG ball meta and you see fewer ppl wear DC. And might I add that many non-hardcore players don’t have multiple builds for BGs. Whatever they have on for Cyro is fine due to the costs and low rewards of making gear for BGs and then winning. You’ll easy see it as a pervasive set due to this.