Codex entries lost with Waking Flame update

As a big collector in this game i had almost all codex entries and was only missing some mythics from blackwood last patch. Now, my codex is completely messed up. In some zones, more than 50% of entries are gone and a lot show up as never collected at all.

There are even entries which conflict with each other, like in the following screenshot with thrassian stranglers:
It tells me i have 12 entries, but no thrassians collected, which is impossible.

Here it can be seen why: I got 4 of the pieces 3 times each, but the 5th piece just completely vanished.
This kind of stuff goes through my whole collection.

I hope this can be fixed asap and doesnt affect my account permanently, since many hours of grinding went into completing the codex.
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Thank you for the report @Marcelovski. We're taking a look and will follow up if we need any more info from you. The screenshots are very helpful.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Hey @Marcelovski may we get your UserID and character name? Assuming this is on the PC-EU server?
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Marcelovski
    Hey, yes this is on PC-EU. My UserID is also @Marcelovski and my character name Marcelovski.
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Hey, yes this is on PC-EU. My UserID is also @Marcelovski and my character name Marcelovski.

    Thank you!
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • Zaraina
    I have the same issue. Not all entries, but lots are now lost. Have a furniture pieces that show 0/3 and i literally have 8 of them in the bank
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Zaraina wrote: »
    I have the same issue. Not all entries, but lots are now lost. Have a furniture pieces that show 0/3 and i literally have 8 of them in the bank

    Could you pass along your UserID an example of an entry that appears to be lost? Thanks!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
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  • colossalvoids
    Same issue with some entries, a few but still, esoid: @colossalvoid if @ZOS_JessicaFolsom would be interested in some other accounts.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Same issue with some entries, a few but still, esoid: @colossalvoid

    Thanks! Could you clarify if you are on PC NA or EU, and if you have an example of an entry that doesn't appear to be accurate?
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Zaraina
    Same username as here: Zaraina
    Here are the coupe of examples:

    Ebony Fox:
  • Borg
    Same issue here. I also noticed that the 30 days timer is back AND worked retroactively on leads that were obtained more than 30 days ago ... The missing codex entries i've seen on my account seem to be linked to the leads that were erased because of the timer ...
  • Wolfkeks
    Same issue here, ID is Wolfkeks (PC EU),
    missing quite a few entries, especially from the Mythic items (for example I'm missing one entry from the Ring of the Wild Hunt, but I'm still able to craft it).
    "Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?" - Fadomai
    EU PC 2000+ CP professional mudballer and pie thrower
    Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, vAA hm, vHelRa hm, vSO hm, vMoL hm, vHoF hm, vAS+2, vCR+3, vSS hm, vKA, vRG, Flawless Conquerer, Spirit SlayerGod Slayer

    Alith Legion - Social - EP 🐉
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    Brave Cat Guild - Trading - AD 🦅
    Casual Canines - Endgame PvE and PvP - DC 🦁
  • Lady_Galadhiel
    My codex entries seem fine but all my leads did disappear? o.O
    I had many golden and purple leads without scyring from all sorts of stuff and ALL did dissapear.
    What the actual ....?
    Total ESO playtime: 8325 hours
    ESO plus status: Cancelled
    ESO currently uninstalled.
  • DreamyLu
    How to verify what entries have disappeared?

    On my side, almost all my blue and purple leads have disappeared. I can't give names though, because I don't know how to check on name of those that are gone.

    Game ID: @LuDreamy
    Edited by DreamyLu on August 24, 2021 3:49AM
    I'm out of my mind, feel free to leave a message... PC/NA
  • colossalvoids

    Thanks! Could you clarify if you are on PC NA or EU, and if you have an example of an entry that doesn't appear to be accurate?

    Hey! Pc/eu and from the top of my head it was bloodlord's embrace mythic at the very least.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Thanks so much for the info, everyone. We're continuing to investigate.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Ekzorka
    My codex entries seem fine but all my leads did disappear? o.O
    I had many golden and purple leads without scyring from all sorts of stuff and ALL did dissapear.
    What the actual ....?
    It looks like ZOS removed the endless repository of repeated leads. And they didn't warn us about it before this Update.
    I had about 20 leads, now there are only 3 of them and one of them will soon expire.
  • colossalvoids
    Actually yeah my list of active leads seems at least a half emptier it was before, gladly I'm excavating all I actually want the same day so nothing of value but might be an issue for some indeed.
  • GenjiraX
    This is quite worrying - I've been holding onto my leads for just such an endeavour as this week's weekly.

    I've cancelled my download but is there any point? Should I just let it continue as all this is in the game databases, not in my client?
  • Lady_Galadhiel
    PC EU @Lady_Galadhiel all leads gone,and I had over 20 without scyring,purple and golden ones from all sorts.
    Total ESO playtime: 8325 hours
    ESO plus status: Cancelled
    ESO currently uninstalled.
  • Nelyawyn
    PC EU @Nelyawyn

    My codex is messed up as well, and my guess is that I lost about 20 leads that I was saving for a weekly endeavor like this week's. I'm sorry to say that I am pretty angry about this. Luckily I almost always excavate things for which I don't have all the codex entries yet within 30 days, so (unless I missed something with my codex the way it is right now) I didn't lose anything important.

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Even if this was a bug fix, it would have been nice if you had notified the community of this change beforehand, since there was no indication (at least to my knowledge) that this wasn't an intentional feature.I'm sure nobody would have minded to dig up all the leads they wanted within those 30 days if they had gotten a warning. As I said, I didn't lose anything important and all my "endless leads" were there because I didn't really need them and thought, well, they might count towards an endeavor at some point. But people may have lost stuff that they put hours of grinding into, as some leads have abysmal drop rates (I once spent over 20 hours on one).

    Anyway, people who have lost a Font of Auri-el or something similar, I feel for you.
    Edited by Nelyawyn on August 23, 2021 2:18PM
  • Marcelovski
    Borg wrote: »
    Same issue here. I also noticed that the 30 days timer is back AND worked retroactively on leads that were obtained more than 30 days ago ... The missing codex entries i've seen on my account seem to be linked to the leads that were erased because of the timer ...

    I can confirm this. I know I had 2 duplicate Ancestral Nord leads still sitting around and now they are gone, together with their respective codex entries. Seems like instead of only deleting older leads for apparently reactivating the 30-day timer, the codex for those leads got deleted as well.
  • Flo_R
    Soul Shriven
    PC EU @Flo_R
    Some codex entries are missing for me as well, there seems to be a link between leads I had to scry before patch and entries that are missing now.
    For example: before patch I had completed death dealers fete completely and had 2 new leads already, being 'Sturdy Silver Prongs' and 'Weighted Spiked Bridge'. I did not scry these leads yet.
    Now after patch it says I only have 3/15 codex entries, being the other 3 then the previously mentioned ones and the leads for the 2 mentioned also dissapeared. So it took away the leads and the codex entries I had of the 2 items mentioned.
    The weird thing is that it did not happen to all the leads I had gathered but not scried, only a couple.
  • K9002
    PC-NA @K-9002
    I lost one Ancestral Reach lead and its codex entry plus a lot of gold and purple furnishing ones, more than half of what can be found. The lead timer was really uncalled for. It's tedious to constantly get things like the void-crystal anomaly and it's even worse to repeatedly dig up duplicate ancestral motif pages. Isn't it also more taxing for the servers to actively keep track of the timers instead of passively storing information about players having the lead or not? Modding experience tells me that stacking timers does cause more script lag.
    Edited by K9002 on August 23, 2021 4:00PM
  • Holmarion19
    Just excavated a spellscar shard in Craglorn, of which I possess many.

    Got a codex entry saying this was my first one @Holmarion, PC EU
  • tomofhyrule
    Oof, same here.

    I have been hoarding leads I didn't do yet since they all seemed to have infinite timers and then I'd prefer to do them on a day with a relevant endeavor. I just checked, and I did end up losing a whole list of leads with no warning.

    I don't think I lost anything major, but it would have been nice to have gotten a warning about that...

    I don't remember everything I lost, but I do remember I had a few pieces of a second Aldmeri Symphonia around, so I can confirm that losing a lead also drops your codex entries for that thing. I had one full box and a single piece of a second dug up; now I'm only showing with 2 codex entries total - both for the one piece I did dig up. The leads for the other pieces and the previous codex entries are both gone.

    EDIT: remembered something else - I had a couple Ancestral Altmer leads that I was just holding since I didn't think they'd go anywhere, and since they only have one codex, they just deleted themselves back down to 'hidden entry'

    PCNA, @tomofhyrule
    Edited by tomofhyrule on August 23, 2021 5:30PM
  • MrPowow
    I've also lost all my leads except for one, more than 15 of them!

    I've also been hoarding them for the endeavors, and would have otherwise excavated them.

    PC EU
  • Luke_Flamesword
    Not only leads are messed up - it shows as incomplete some locations in Blackwood - one Ayleid Well and 3 Wayshrines. I cleared whole zone weeks ago and I had it completed for 100%

    PC EU.
    PC | EU | DC |Stam Dk Breton
  • Vedova
    Just logged in after todays patch, my lead list is almost empty now !!!

    And i see i have timers again on the ones i have already dug up that i have waiting to dig up when ever I needed to.
    This update has broken the leads, as i had about 20 or so purple and blue ones as well as I'm sure a gold one or two still to re- dig up.

    And was keeping some of these ones i had dug up already when got a duplicate for my alts to dig up if need be to help level this time consuming skill line. So take it the update has broken the leads/codexes big time. :(

    im on PC EU server.


    Edited by Vedova on August 23, 2021 4:58PM
  • Sheridan
    Same problem here. Several leads that were active before the patch are now gone, and their existing codex progress reseted to zero:

    - St. Alessia, Paravant (lost 3 codex entries)
    - Sweet Khenarthi's Song (lost 2 codex entries)
    - and even Ancient Fishing Rod (basic blue lead from Khenarthi's Roost that was left active after digging one more green one) is gone along with its 3 entries

    I understand that all those active leads in fact were probably overdue by 30 days (though they had no timer) and got deleted because of it. But the accompanying nullification of the codex is totally unjustified. I even have two of the Sweet Khenarthi's Song in my bank and the codex still says that I've never dug them out.

    PC EU
    Edited by Sheridan on August 23, 2021 5:04PM
  • GenjiraX
    I don’t see how this could’ve been a bug fix gone wrong because it would have been mentioned in the patch notes.
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