ectoplasmicninja wrote: »If I'm riding/running past enemies and aggro them, my companion may hop off their mount and attack. But if I just keep going, they break off pretty quick and zip over to me. I've never had one hang back and fight to their death. They do occasionally dodge roll backwards too much and cause a boss to stray, but I haven't seen one actually reset yet.
The gear grind is very real though. Bastian is at level 20, max rapport, all his skill lines maxed, and I still don't have a second ring for him. In all our time adventuring I've found one necklace and one ring, period, and only two pieces of purple gear at all.
I have not picked them up and don't think I will. From what I have been reading they sound like grind work and have annoying personalities.
Seeing as how the amount of people I see running around with them is that much greater than those that aren't, i'd say yeah. Majority of people like companions in an rpg-like game. Who would have thought.
jenwa72ab14_ESO wrote: »Seems like their cooldowns need to be shaved by at least 50%, the DPS/#'s are just way under par.
It's really the only issue I have, just not strong enough as they count as much as a human player in groups, 1.
They have to be able to carry that of an average player and they aren't.
Most games are scared to have AI allies be strong/worthy, I don't understand why, what's the point otherwise?
I like the idea of having them, just need to be worthy.
Other than unlocking slots etc, does the companion's get stronger, larger dmg/heal #'s each level they earn?
It's the new shiny. Give it some time for the sheen to wear off and you'll see only the players who take the Companions seriously while everyone else either stops summoning them, or just stops playing cause they only got the game just because of the new shiny.
I love 'em, now my duo partner and I can do more than just a small handful of the easiest dungeons without having to hunt around for hours for two other friends who aren't occupied. She won't pug, ever, and I don't like to, so we weren't getting dungeons done. This will help so much.
I don't think that will happen,just take a look at the people who want to gate keep others from queing in vet dungeons. I would rather play with a companion than to play with judgemental players who thinks it's their right to tell me I am not good enough. I like companions and feel they will only get better with time. At least they are not bunny hopping around and complaint they are bored. The companions have a pleasent attitude and don't get mad if I stop and pick flowers or fish. They don't rush me through content and I can stop and read a book or quest if I want to without being judged.