Starlight_Knight wrote: »NO - Its harder to play with one, the AI is dreadfull. So much missed potential. the dammage is trash, they stand in stupid and melt, they cant hold block long enough to actually block a charged hit.
They are eveywhere all looking the same, its making the game look tacky.
You cant even control them to make them open the gate in Direfrost.
They could have done so much more than give us thease stupid things.
Just know, we had Companions, when we could have had any of the issues bellow that have been popular fourum topics.
Class overhauls.
Pet AI improvments and skins for wardens and sorcs.
More cyrodill enhancments / Auriels bow
mounted combat / flying mounts
account wide acheivments
class change ability
bosmer could have even had their stealth passive back!
We got companions.
Pretty much eveything ESO do. Just enough to get the money in but little refinment.AWinterWolf wrote: »I don't mind them, but I do think they could've been polished a bit better
That's your opinion. I find them enjoyable.
Seriously, my guild completed a trial using companions there were 5 of us and guess what we made it through. At one point we decided to die to go back to the wayshrine and our companions kept us alive for quite a while. We tried to purposely die to a trash mob. Everytime I would get to 3000 hit points I would get healed. We had fun and we're pleasantly surprised. My companion is level 10 and has a mix of blue, green and white gear. He's ranged DPS and they did really well the 5 of us had a good time. And you know that is all that matters, we had a good time. If people don't like companions it's simple don't use them. It's that simple.
This is not a typical MMO and yes I like companions. If you don't like them don't use them.
See lots of soloers like them. I mean who even starts to play an MMO and intend to play solo? LoL
VaranisArano wrote: »Marcus Titus Alessian takes his bowl of Bewitched Sugar Skulls cereal over to the inn's table where Bastian sits, drinking milk and reading the day's edition of The Black Horse Courier.
Bastian nods in greeting, then asks, "How are your teeth not rotted through from eating that stuff every morning?"
"Must be magic." Marcus says. "Anything interesting in the paper?"
Bastian goes quiet. Then he turns to the opinion section. The headline reads, "Does anyone like Companions?"
Marcus considers the question seriously, then realizes that Bastian's mournful eyes make him look too much like a kicked puppy.
So he says, "After the days I made you spend doing the Alikr Dolmen run and then hunting for those stupid tide glass beads in Shadowfen, I feel like I should be asking if you still like me."
Immediately, Bastian brightens up. "Yeah! Though if you want to do me a favor..."
It can't be that bad, can it?
"Alvur Baren from the Mages Guild wants me to hunt down some of Sheogorath's relics."
Marcus nearly chokes on a sugar skull. As he coughs, Bastian continues quickly, clearly anxious, "I was scared to go after them in Sanguine's Demense on my own, but you can handle yourself. Will you help me?"
The very last thing Marcus wants to do is return to Shadowfen, run around collecting Sheogorath's lost buttons, or risk getting turned into Wabbajerky. But Bastian has been a very faithful companion, as well as being a complete lightweight around any type of hard liquor. He can't very well let Bastian walk into Sanguine's eternal frat house party alone.
"Uh, sure. What are we looking for?"
"The Eidar Scrolls. Like the Elder Scrolls, but made of cheese."
"I don't need to be a Moth Priest to see that this is going to be an interesting trip. Heh, "trip.""
Bastian glowers with disapproval. "The way you chug potions and eat questionable substances, maybe I shouldn't bring you along."
"Don't worry about it, Bastian. Whatever they say in the Courier, I appreciate someone keeping me on the straight and narrow."
biminirwb17_ESO wrote: »The first thing I did is swap armor, put light on Bastion and medium on Mirri.
Levelled Bastion as a healer got resto staff to 20, then swapped to destro staff now have healer or DD on tap.
Just unlocked Bastions Ult at lv20 before maintenance, will see how that works soon I hope.
As mainly a solo player they make things faster to clear especially for tanky builds. So far I like them.
VaranisArano wrote: »Marcus Titus Alessian takes his bowl of Bewitched Sugar Skulls cereal over to the inn's table where Bastian sits, drinking milk and reading the day's edition of The Black Horse Courier.
Bastian nods in greeting, then asks, "How are your teeth not rotted through from eating that stuff every morning?"
"Must be magic." Marcus says. "Anything interesting in the paper?"
Bastian goes quiet. Then he turns to the opinion section. The headline reads, "Does anyone like Companions?"
Marcus considers the question seriously, then realizes that Bastian's mournful eyes make him look too much like a kicked puppy.
So he says, "After the days I made you spend doing the Alikr Dolmen run and then hunting for those stupid tide glass beads in Shadowfen, I feel like I should be asking if you still like me."
Immediately, Bastian brightens up. "Yeah! Though if you want to do me a favor..."
It can't be that bad, can it?
"Alvur Baren from the Mages Guild wants me to hunt down some of Sheogorath's relics."
Marcus nearly chokes on a sugar skull. As he coughs, Bastian continues quickly, clearly anxious, "I was scared to go after them in Sanguine's Demense on my own, but you can handle yourself. Will you help me?"
The very last thing Marcus wants to do is return to Shadowfen, run around collecting Sheogorath's lost buttons, or risk getting turned into Wabbajerky. But Bastian has been a very faithful companion, as well as being a complete lightweight around any type of hard liquor. He can't very well let Bastian walk into Sanguine's eternal frat house party alone.
"Uh, sure. What are we looking for?"
"The Eidar Scrolls. Like the Elder Scrolls, but made of cheese."
"I don't need to be a Moth Priest to see that this is going to be an interesting trip. Heh, "trip.""
Bastian glowers with disapproval. "The way you chug potions and eat questionable substances, maybe I shouldn't bring you along."
"Don't worry about it, Bastian. Whatever they say in the Courier, I appreciate someone keeping me on the straight and narrow."
I like them so far from an RP perspective since I mainly play solo now. Got tired of all the performance issues with PVP and tired of keeping up with the meta for Trials since I have all the gear.
Really the only negative comment I have is I was hoping they would have more commentaries during actually quest where you have to make a positive or negative decision. Also that this would effect their rapport in a negative or positive way. I'm hoping this is going to be an addition later on but leave it to ZOS to put something unpolished