I don't like them either, honestly I feel like I am in the minority for that too. Of all the things they could have added they decided to add the one thing that tends to only get added to dying games. It's a grind that doesn't really pay off and man the gear is expensive if you dont want to grind.
Also, I don't need them for anything. Nothing at all. This game is probably one of the worst games you could add this to honestly. It's already a balance nightmare and it has the most self sufficient characters of any mmo with many people not even needing healers. So they can only work in one of two ways. Either they break the game by being useful and making it so people can solo even more group content, or they are useless and serve no purpose.
Maybe they will prove me wrong at some point but I doubt it. Chances are they did this just because they knew it was a new thing they could add to the cash shop like SWTOR. They got companions you can buy. Things like alien creatures and droids. Imagine them adding things like wolves, death hounds, ( For the vampires out there. ) Skeleton's, zombies, daedra, and so on to the cash shop for like $50-$60. People would buy those useful or not because they look cool and fit a character fantasy. More ways to milk us rather then add a skill system they can only sell once with a chapter.
VaranisArano wrote: »Marcus Titus Alessian takes his bowl of Bewitched Sugar Skulls cereal over to the inn's table where Bastian sits, drinking milk and reading the day's edition of The Black Horse Courier.
Bastian nods in greeting, then asks, "How are your teeth not rotted through from eating that stuff every morning?"
"Must be magic." Marcus says. "Anything interesting in the paper?"
Bastian goes quiet. Then he turns to the opinion section. The headline reads, "Does anyone like Companions?"
Marcus considers the question seriously, then realizes that Bastian's mournful eyes make him look too much like a kicked puppy.
So he says, "After the days I made you spend doing the Alikr Dolmen run and then hunting for those stupid tide glass beads in Shadowfen, I feel like I should be asking if you still like me."
Immediately, Bastian brightens up. "Yeah! Though if you want to do me a favor..."
It can't be that bad, can it?
"Alvur Baren from the Mages Guild wants me to hunt down some of Sheogorath's relics."
Marcus nearly chokes on a sugar skull. As he coughs, Bastian continues quickly, clearly anxious, "I was scared to go after them in Sanguine's Demense on my own, but you can handle yourself. Will you help me?"
The very last thing Marcus wants to do is return to Shadowfen, run around collecting Sheogorath's lost buttons, or risk getting turned into Wabbajerky. But Bastian has been a very faithful companion, as well as being a complete lightweight around any type of hard liquor. He can't very well let Bastian walk into Sanguine's eternal frat house party alone.
"Uh, sure. What are we looking for?"
"The Eidar Scrolls. Like the Elder Scrolls, but made of cheese."
"I don't need to be a Moth Priest to see that this is going to be an interesting trip. Heh, "trip.""
Bastian glowers with disapproval. "The way you chug potions and eat questionable substances, maybe I shouldn't bring you along."
"Don't worry about it, Bastian. Whatever they say in the Courier, I appreciate someone keeping me on the straight and narrow."
The point of the thread is to give opinions. You really don't have to reply to people with a differing opinion than yours with a "That's just your opinion". Yes, we know, that's the point.
[Edited to remove Baiting]
VoidCommander wrote: »My only desire for the companions was to have full customization privileges.
Was so excited until I found out we can’t equip helmets nor hats, and skins are out of the picture as well.
For that reason companions are just an eye-sore in my book since its the same face I see everywhere x100
I like them, but the whole idea of romancing Bas gives me gross teacher-student vibes because he's obviously not an equal partner. There are other NPCs in the game that are weak, but seem like adults. He's written as baby adventurer. Maybe Mirii is better.
See lots of soloers like them. I mean who even starts to play an MMO and intend to play solo? LoL
Caligamy_ESO wrote: »I think they would be 1000x better if we could build them ourselves in a character creation and just select a voice template, and attached predetermined storyline. Add in the fact that their gear is so mundane and unimaginative is also a big giant bore. If they could have used overland or crafted sets it would have been far more interesting to me figuring out how to build them rather than say, "Okay pile on light armor for my healer with reduced cool down effects." The End.
Yeah, my ideal would have been to allow us to activate ANY of our toons as additional group members. Something like Divinity Original Sin, where you spec out every aspect of every toon and can use 4 at a time. Only difference for ESO would be that you control only the primary toon and the other 3 to 11 are controlled by the system.
Even if we could just take one extra toon that we have already created. Imagine it will already have it's own gear/skills/stats/cp/etc. Why recreate the wheel as they did. And I would make it so you can switch which toon is active without logging off. For instance, toon1 is logged in and you activate toon2 as companion, and in game you should be able to switch toon2 to active and toon1 to companion, for easily switching gear/skill etc. Or cuz maybe you have to actively control your tank toon on some fights and leave them as companion on others.
I have 13 toons and my greatest wish when I first heard about companions was that I could take most of them into a trial. BTW if they has a system of giving command to you toons like DragonAge that would be awesome. The current companion system has a minimal version of this but doesn't really work, but saying 'if health below X% cast Skill1', 'if team mate has >50% health cast skill2', 'if boss below 25% health cast skill3', etc. Allowing like 20 conditional statements per companion would be great.
I do like companions though so not complaining. But one thing they could do is since companions can't swap weapons, why not at least let them have more the 5 slottable skills, why not 10.