Does anyone like Companions?

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  • Veinblood1965
    Tessitura wrote: »
    I don't like them either, honestly I feel like I am in the minority for that too. Of all the things they could have added they decided to add the one thing that tends to only get added to dying games. It's a grind that doesn't really pay off and man the gear is expensive if you dont want to grind.

    Also, I don't need them for anything. Nothing at all. This game is probably one of the worst games you could add this to honestly. It's already a balance nightmare and it has the most self sufficient characters of any mmo with many people not even needing healers. So they can only work in one of two ways. Either they break the game by being useful and making it so people can solo even more group content, or they are useless and serve no purpose.

    Maybe they will prove me wrong at some point but I doubt it. Chances are they did this just because they knew it was a new thing they could add to the cash shop like SWTOR. They got companions you can buy. Things like alien creatures and droids. Imagine them adding things like wolves, death hounds, ( For the vampires out there. ) Skeleton's, zombies, daedra, and so on to the cash shop for like $50-$60. People would buy those useful or not because they look cool and fit a character fantasy. More ways to milk us rather then add a skill system they can only sell once with a chapter.

    Pretty much everything said here. I like them due to being something new. Get tired talking to mine when I intend to jump or dismissing it when i want to assassinate an NPC.
  • PigofSteel
    I like idea but execution is rushed and unpolished.
  • AScarlato
    I love my companion very much. Thanks for asking :)
  • geonsocal
    Marcus Titus Alessian takes his bowl of Bewitched Sugar Skulls cereal over to the inn's table where Bastian sits, drinking milk and reading the day's edition of The Black Horse Courier.

    Bastian nods in greeting, then asks, "How are your teeth not rotted through from eating that stuff every morning?"

    "Must be magic." Marcus says. "Anything interesting in the paper?"

    Bastian goes quiet. Then he turns to the opinion section. The headline reads, "Does anyone like Companions?"

    Marcus considers the question seriously, then realizes that Bastian's mournful eyes make him look too much like a kicked puppy.

    So he says, "After the days I made you spend doing the Alikr Dolmen run and then hunting for those stupid tide glass beads in Shadowfen, I feel like I should be asking if you still like me."

    Immediately, Bastian brightens up. "Yeah! Though if you want to do me a favor..."

    It can't be that bad, can it?

    "Alvur Baren from the Mages Guild wants me to hunt down some of Sheogorath's relics."

    Marcus nearly chokes on a sugar skull. As he coughs, Bastian continues quickly, clearly anxious, "I was scared to go after them in Sanguine's Demense on my own, but you can handle yourself. Will you help me?"

    The very last thing Marcus wants to do is return to Shadowfen, run around collecting Sheogorath's lost buttons, or risk getting turned into Wabbajerky. But Bastian has been a very faithful companion, as well as being a complete lightweight around any type of hard liquor. He can't very well let Bastian walk into Sanguine's eternal frat house party alone.

    "Uh, sure. What are we looking for?"

    "The Eidar Scrolls. Like the Elder Scrolls, but made of cheese."

    "I don't need to be a Moth Priest to see that this is going to be an interesting trip. Heh, "trip.""

    Bastian glowers with disapproval. "The way you chug potions and eat questionable substances, maybe I shouldn't bring you along."

    "Don't worry about it, Bastian. Whatever they say in the Courier, I appreciate someone keeping me on the straight and narrow."

    hey @VaranisArano been holding out on the good stuff, more of this please :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Tessitura
    danno8 wrote: »


    The point of the thread is to give opinions. You really don't have to reply to people with a differing opinion than yours with a "That's just your opinion". Yes, we know, that's the point.

    [Edited to remove Baiting]

    You know what buddy? I understand where you are coming from. People usually only say things like that to be pointedly dismissive of someone's thoughts on something. People often lose sight of *** and get offended when you say you dont like something they like. The one I hate the most is when someone tells you to go play another game if you criticize anything about the game you are playing. Like dude, just cause I dont like this one thing doesn't mean I hate it all.

    I say all this like I don't get a little up my own ass about the things I like sometimes too. lol
    Edited by Tessitura on June 15, 2021 10:06AM
  • Chadak
    Yep I do. I think they're a handy tagalong for extra damage, healing and being my little pawns to send in to die first.

    What's not to like about that?
  • Alpha_AC
    Not sure why they limited group size to 12 players to fix performance if they were going to give everyone their own npc
  • Wandering_Immigrant
    I'm enjoying them more than I thought I would. They're stronger than I expected, even at low levels and in white gear I was taking them into public dungeons and didn't feel like I really had to hold their hand too tightly through it. I haven't had one die for yet.

    My favorite thing is they make things less predictable. I haven't been able to motivate myself to do any new zone quests since Northern Elsweyr, but today I was questing most of the day and actually enjoying it again. So I'm now looking forward to catching up on story things with a companion in tow.

    When it comes to tackling genuinely difficult tasks, maybe I'll take my companion maybe I won't. I expect some of my characters might be better off on their own, but I'll have to see how the companions are once they're levelled more. Either way though, for the rest of the game they add a definite fun factor.
  • Taggund
    Bow Mirri works well with my Mag Sorc. The immobilize helps keep mobs at distance. She has only died once, and that was early on. I'm just using Medium white gear, and one piece of blue gear from a drop. Not spending any time on her gear or builds, just choosing items/skills as they are gained. It will be nice once I get the guild skills up and no longer need to do the dailies for those.
  • Agenericname
    I think they're okay. They weren't something that I was looking forward to in the first place. If Im questing, gathering, or doing anything overland, I'll summon one.

    I dont find myself in many scenarios where I quest with others. The "its an MMO" argument has little bearing for me. I was soloing this content regardless.

    I mainly did it for the keepsakes. I could see those being useful in some ways. I started a new character and got them. I havent put anything extra into them. Just equip what I find when I find it and let it all happen organically.

    My initial thoughts; I enjoy them more than I expected and they need a bit more polishing. They're not something I'm overly excited about, but they add a little flavor and depth while questing.

  • karmamule
    Having lots of fun running around w/Bastien, and think companions are a wonderful addition to the game. For a first step of a major feature I'm pleased with it. I'm hoping they add new companions at a regular cadence in the future, it'll make for more stuff to look forward too with major DLCs and/or expansions.

    Plus, once I saw the Elven Hero armor plus the right materials gave Bastien tight black leather pants w/o a butt-flap in the way I was even happier. >.> One must have priorities....

    Edited by karmamule on June 15, 2021 2:46PM
  • Riptide
    I think they serve two niches.

    That small window where overland is challenging alone is the first, but I dunno - I’ve always found that trivial.

    The second is traipsing through normal dungeons with my lady as a duo and our companions. It is a very trifle more amusing, if perhaps no more efficient than pale order rings.

    And that is about it.
    Esse quam videri.
  • Lugaldu
    Soloing group dungeons is always quite time consuming for an average player like me, which is why I haven't done it often in the past. Together with Basti, I now have more fun with it because things are going a little faster.
  • JB_den
    Companions are 'ok', I don't like the companion only gear system, it kinda sucks. Don't really see a big issue with giving them player gear, but no we got this companion gear thing.
  • Mik195
    I like them, but the whole idea of romancing Bas gives me gross teacher-student vibes because he's obviously not an equal partner. There are other NPCs in the game that are weak, but seem like adults. He's written as baby adventurer. Maybe Mirii is better.
  • tronco01
    I love Mirri and Bastian and doing 2DPS dungeons with companions. There is a lot of potential for even more companions and more quests for the two companions we now have and any others.

    But I do agree there is polishing needed. here are some: they get on your was A LOT, I don't need to see them in underwear each time I summon them.
  • VoidCommander
    My only desire for the companions was to have full customization privileges.

    Was so excited until I found out we can’t equip helmets nor hats, and skins are out of the picture as well.

    For that reason companions are just an eye-sore in my book since its the same face I see everywhere x100
  • Slyclone
    I loved the idea, but can't stand what they did/did not do (mostly: did not do) with them.
    That's it, that's all.
  • SammyKhajit
    This one likes them, even the bellyaching, cereal eating Bastian :p

    But one thing that puzzles Sammy is there seems to be no more personal quests beyond the two family related ones per companion. Would be nice to have more character and story development.
  • Tinyfangs
    My only desire for the companions was to have full customization privileges.

    Was so excited until I found out we can’t equip helmets nor hats, and skins are out of the picture as well.

    For that reason companions are just an eye-sore in my book since its the same face I see everywhere x100

    Agreed, but not sure how hard it would be on the servers (?). It does make it less enjoyable, to see the same two faces everywhere. I love the companion idea, but even introducing a greater variety of them would not change this issue enough.

    Changing hair styles is the minimum needed. Body markings on top, then we'd be really grand. Maybe they were just waiting to see how popular this new feature is, to add to it with extra quests, romance options, customisation. Dearly hope that is the case <3
  • opaj
    Mik195 wrote: »
    I like them, but the whole idea of romancing Bas gives me gross teacher-student vibes because he's obviously not an equal partner. There are other NPCs in the game that are weak, but seem like adults. He's written as baby adventurer. Maybe Mirii is better.

    Right? Bastian is obviously my apprentice, and yet he keeps calling himself my partner!

    To help him learn his place, I've taken to having him do all of the fighting in overland while I leisurely stroll after him and critique his form. If I end up having to draw my own weapon, that's an extra hour of spell inscription practice for him when we get back to town.

    (Seriously, though, I'm getting a lot of value out of these companions.)
  • moo_2021
    I need them when solo against world bosses and dungeons. It's much easier when they're not dead.

    But also annoying that they frequently run in front of me when I stop and block my actions to other NPCs.

    This evening the idiot Bastian even fired on a dragon unprovoked when there were only 4 players and dragged us into a terribly hard and unprepared battle.
  • Iccotak
    ErMurazor wrote: »
    See lots of soloers like them. I mean who even starts to play an MMO and intend to play solo? LoL

    The vast majority of people who came from playing Skyrim - which is why the thing that people hold against ESO again-and again-and-again-and-again is that it is not "Skyrim 2.0 with Friends" - which is fair because that is what people wanted when the game launched
  • CMDR_Un1k0rn
    Loving them. I have always ran my tank builds even in overworld, unless I am in a PvP spree, so the Companions have changed the game for me.

    Although I admit, they definitely compliment tanks better than other roles, as I taunt everything thus keeping them off my followers.
    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
  • Caligamy_ESO
    I think they would be 1000x better if we could build them ourselves in a character creation and just select a voice template, and attached predetermined storyline. Add in the fact that their gear is so mundane and unimaginative is also a big giant bore. If they could have used overland or crafted sets it would have been far more interesting to me figuring out how to build them rather than say, "Okay pile on light armor for my healer with reduced cool down effects." The End.
    love is love
  • Merforum
    I actually like the companions. They are still very weak but provide a bit of extra help. For instance, I had tried soloing normal dragonstar arena in the past and had bad luck. I could DUO it with me and my brother fairly easily but never solo. Anyway yesterday I tried it again and I had bastian and we blew threw most all the way, only died a few times on the stage where peasant changes into dragon on altar if you don't kill them fast enough and 1 time on the blue guardian that you HAVE TO INTERRUPT. But it was fairly easy until the final boss(ES).

    I don't have enough DPS to burn him down fast enough so I have to deal with literally like 10-15 bosses chasing me around and CCing the hell out of me. I got killed like 20-30 times but then I changed bastian to all heals and ranged (dual wield got him killed too fast even though I like him using his melee whip to set even bosses off balance). With those few extra heals from bastian and focusing 100% on only damaging main boss and rolling like crazy, I finally finished dragonstar. Didn't get the master SnB or bow I wanted but did get mythic lead.
  • RedTalon
    Love them the dark elf is the best, the other guy is two moral for my tastes

    We need a evil one!
  • Merforum
    I think they would be 1000x better if we could build them ourselves in a character creation and just select a voice template, and attached predetermined storyline. Add in the fact that their gear is so mundane and unimaginative is also a big giant bore. If they could have used overland or crafted sets it would have been far more interesting to me figuring out how to build them rather than say, "Okay pile on light armor for my healer with reduced cool down effects." The End.

    Yeah, my ideal would have been to allow us to activate ANY of our toons as additional group members. Something like Divinity Original Sin, where you spec out every aspect of every toon and can use 4 at a time. Only difference for ESO would be that you control only the primary toon and the other 3 to 11 are controlled by the system.

    Even if we could just take one extra toon that we have already created. Imagine it will already have it's own gear/skills/stats/cp/etc. Why recreate the wheel as they did. And I would make it so you can switch which toon is active without logging off. For instance, toon1 is logged in and you activate toon2 as companion, and in game you should be able to switch toon2 to active and toon1 to companion, for easily switching gear/skill etc. Or cuz maybe you have to actively control your tank toon on some fights and leave them as companion on others.

    I have 13 toons and my greatest wish when I first heard about companions was that I could take most of them into a trial. BTW if they has a system of giving command to you toons like DragonAge that would be awesome. The current companion system has a minimal version of this but doesn't really work, but saying 'if health below X% cast Skill1', 'if team mate has >50% health cast skill2', 'if boss below 25% health cast skill3', etc. Allowing like 20 conditional statements per companion would be great.

    I do like companions though so not complaining. But one thing they could do is since companions can't swap weapons, why not at least let them have more the 5 slottable skills, why not 10.
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    I don't have one so I can't speak to if I like them or not.

    But they don't interest me. Companions weren't even a twinkle of a thought of something that I wanted in this game, and I can think of a billion things I'd rather have had than companions.

    *A new class
    *A new weapon skill line
    *Revamped overland mechanics for a more challenging and engaging solo questing experience
    *Better balance for the sets and content that we already have

    I've been around since beta, with intermittent breaks here or there, and in all honesty, Blackwood is the least excited or interested I've been in a chapter since the beginning. Morrowind gave us a great class and a great map, Summerset gave us a great skill line and jewelry crafting, along with a great map, Elsweyr gave us a great class and a great map and a great world event, Greymoor gave us a great map, a new skill line in antiquities, and a revamped vampire line, Blackwood gave us... companions. *yawn*

    As a group content player, I literally spent $40 on a trial and a mount. Oops.
  • Merforum
    Merforum wrote: »

    Yeah, my ideal would have been to allow us to activate ANY of our toons as additional group members. Something like Divinity Original Sin, where you spec out every aspect of every toon and can use 4 at a time. Only difference for ESO would be that you control only the primary toon and the other 3 to 11 are controlled by the system.

    Even if we could just take one extra toon that we have already created. Imagine it will already have it's own gear/skills/stats/cp/etc. Why recreate the wheel as they did. And I would make it so you can switch which toon is active without logging off. For instance, toon1 is logged in and you activate toon2 as companion, and in game you should be able to switch toon2 to active and toon1 to companion, for easily switching gear/skill etc. Or cuz maybe you have to actively control your tank toon on some fights and leave them as companion on others.

    I have 13 toons and my greatest wish when I first heard about companions was that I could take most of them into a trial. BTW if they has a system of giving command to you toons like DragonAge that would be awesome. The current companion system has a minimal version of this but doesn't really work, but saying 'if health below X% cast Skill1', 'if team mate has >50% health cast skill2', 'if boss below 25% health cast skill3', etc. Allowing like 20 conditional statements per companion would be great.

    I do like companions though so not complaining. But one thing they could do is since companions can't swap weapons, why not at least let them have more the 5 slottable skills, why not 10.

    There are a few changes that have happened that I don't like. This past week my companions didn't receive ANY XP from my writs. Literally ZERO. I know because Bastian was 1K away from level 12 and should have got ~1.3K for each toon but got none. But last week, when I got 20K for writ Mirri got 5K and leveled up. So they broke that. Not only is writ XP down to 5.6K from 20K with no warning, companions get ZERO XP now.

    Other thing that is annoying is the aggro meter is turned too high on companions this past week. I played for the full PTS cycle and test companions a lot and I was able to run right past mobs easily and companion NEVER aggroed. I even tested with Mirri basically standing right on top of a monster and as long as I was out of aggro range (red flashing on head) NO FIGHT. I could even have enemy attacking me and out run them, with companion following me.

    NOW, this past week, as soon as ANY monsters head starts to flash red, Mirri/Bastian attack them. And especially when someone actually attacks me because I don't run by fast enough, companions attack. I can't believe how many times I am running along and Companions are way behind in middle of fighting, it is ridiculous. PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK to ONLY WHEN I LITERALLY ATTACK someone does that can my companion attack, they should go back to ignoring anything until I ATTACK. It is almost as if this week the devs decided they want to help us level up companions by making it so you can NEVER skip any mobs.
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