I actually like the companions. They are still very weak but provide a bit of extra help. For instance, I had tried soloing normal dragonstar arena in the past and had bad luck. I could DUO it with me and my brother fairly easily but never solo. Anyway yesterday I tried it again and I had bastian and we blew threw most all the way, only died a few times on the stage where peasant changes into dragon on altar if you don't kill them fast enough and 1 time on the blue guardian that you HAVE TO INTERRUPT. But it was fairly easy until the final boss(ES).
I don't have enough DPS to burn him down fast enough so I have to deal with literally like 10-15 bosses chasing me around and CCing the hell out of me. I got killed like 20-30 times but then I changed bastian to all heals and ranged (dual wield got him killed too fast even though I like him using his melee whip to set even bosses off balance). With those few extra heals from bastian and focusing 100% on only damaging main boss and rolling like crazy, I finally finished dragonstar. Didn't get the master SnB or bow I wanted but did get mythic lead.
There are a few changes that have happened that I don't like. This past week my companions didn't receive ANY XP from my writs. Literally ZERO. I know because Bastian was 1K away from level 12 and should have got ~1.3K for each toon but got none. But last week, when I got 20K for writ Mirri got 5K and leveled up. So they broke that. Not only is writ XP down to 5.6K from 20K with no warning, companions get ZERO XP now.
irstarkey57 wrote: »No, seriously. I, for one, donnnnnn’t. Can’t help but to think what could have been fixed, improved, added, developed with all the time it took them to bring us good ol Mirri and Bastion. I have yet to see them be any use in the game. All I’ve seen is a grind. The one positive is new life in the guild stores. Other than that, total meh for me. I’m sure people have different opinions though. Let’s hear it!
ectoplasmicninja wrote: »
If your companions were getting XP from writs before, that was a glitch. They were always meant to only level from combat XP. It was that way on the PTS and is stated in their menu UI, and on live mine have never gotten XP from writs, quest turn ins, or anything else other than kills.
I can't say I've seen any adjustment to writ XP either, I'm still getting what I was getting before the patch, which at my CP level (1479) is 5.8k for all seven writs without enlightenment. Sounds like you had enlightenment active for your previous writs.
There is really no downside to using a companion. They are great for what they are. The only thing missing is more variety. They need to have one of every race. Also the option to display headgear. I can't believe they didn't allow this.
NOW, this past week, as soon as ANY monsters head starts to flash red, Mirri/Bastian attack them. And especially when someone actually attacks me because I don't run by fast enough, companions attack. I can't believe how many times I am running along and Companions are way behind in middle of fighting, it is ridiculous. PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK to ONLY WHEN I LITERALLY ATTACK someone does that can my companion attack, they should go back to ignoring anything until I ATTACK. It is almost as if this week the devs decided they want to help us level up companions by making it so you can NEVER skip any mobs.
captainwolfos wrote: »I love the companions -- I hate their irritating habit of getting right up in my face when I'm trying to pick something up.
rotaugen454 wrote: »How many "like" points do you need? I've been reading bookshelves over and over with Bastian, see I get the point, but after grinding this for a LONG time, it doesn't look like the scale is moving.
Finally if Companions are not popular why do I see a metric ton of folks playing with them everytime I log on.
It's the new shiny. Give it some time for the sheen to wear off and you'll see only the players who take the Companions seriously while everyone else either stops summoning them, or just stops playing cause they only got the game just because of the new shiny.
SammyKhajit wrote: »This one likes them, even the bellyaching, cereal eating Bastian
But one thing that puzzles Sammy is there seems to be no more personal quests beyond the two family related ones per companion. Would be nice to have more character and story development.
starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »This one believes that there will be more quests for companions when new companions come out. Maybe even updating some of the older companions quest lines.
I like them better than how some players are acting now that they have a companion. Like today in Deshaan I was doing dolmens with Mirri to run out the timer on a XP pot I had drank and there was someone else there, CP800 or so, just standing there with a resto staff occasionally casting regen and letting their Mirri and me with my Mirri do everything, including close the pinions. The player wouldn't even move 2 steps to close the pinion they were standing right next to. So at the final boss, I pulled back and let them fight it with their resto staff and their underperforming Mirri, only killing an ogrim that had aggro'd on my Mirri. People, don't be this person.
Also, it would be super awesome if we could at least store extra companion gear on companions. They may not be sworn to carry our burdens, but they could at least carry theirs.
Have to laugh when people suggest companions don't do much. Every now and then my Bastion one-shots mobs, killing them quicker than me (and dps on all my alts is 35-40K). Happened today in a Blackwood PubD. He normally need 3-4 skills to kill, but that's still doing a lot. More ...
1. Bastian tanked the big salamander WB for the Justicier daily. Didn't die, had no trouble holding aggro.
2. I collected all the skyshards in Blackwood today, meaning PubDs and Delves -- we were magnificent as a team burning through mobs and bosses.
3. Bastian is along for the Mage, Fighter, and Dauntless dailies, and with him they go a lot quicker.
For those saying the companions are near useless -- max their level and get them in all blue gear (I've got Bastian is blue HA, with a split between crit and pentration traits. His sword and board are blue, but I've got a purple bow on him most of the time.
Soloing, I've always got Bastian out, and I've no intention to run without him.
“Cowards die many times before their deaths – The valiant never taste of death but once."
I can so imagine Bastian quoting you this with a straight face
Seriously though, I agree, there are a few tweaks to their behaviour and pathing that would make companions a safer, more reliable pair of hands in their assigned roles.