HalfRain216 wrote: »I’m lost with the argument that there isn’t enough tanks or healers in the game because they can’t do enough DPS for overland content.
IMO if your using a tank or healer as a main your playing the game a bit oddly.
Why would you not make a DPS for your main to do overland content and quests and another character for tank and healer?
I have 8 characters most people surely would have more than 1, why would you play the game in a way making it harder for yourself.
Tanks and healers are only useful in group content and if you enjoy playing that role you make another character specifically for group content if you need the skill points spec for dps up to lvl 50 and go and collect skyshards do delves, quests and what not and then respec once you hit cp for the role you would like to play...
Baffles me.
Well... no. I have 8 characters, all of them at some point do some quests. I just like it and absolutely have no issues with overland. I mean... overland is way too easy.
ThoughtRaven wrote: »Ah yes, the longstanding MMO problem of there just being too many tanks and heals, and not enough dps. Tale as old as time.
It's surmountable, but tanks having trouble solo is a real issue.stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO wrote: »I have no idea why people think that playing a tank or a healer makes you ineligible for normal solo content. My tanks have no trouble slotting some damage skills to breeze through anything except the veteran solo arenas. Sure, it takes a few seconds longer to kill a quest boss, and a world boss might take a few minutes to whittle down if you insist on doing it solo, but nothing that the quests or the overland content can throw at me is any real challenge. My healers can easily deal more than enough damage if I just change their gear and slot different skills. For most of the solo content, I even get away with staying in the tank or healer gear and just change some skills around. My healers and magtanks don't even have to change weapons, because both run a destro/resto staff setup, and to even bother with changing their CP configuration for "quest mode" seems like an overkill.
HalfRain216 wrote: »Why would you main a tank when you could have a dps and set up another character as a tank for group content?
Your making your own life harder than it needs to be.
Like I said though up to cp it cost barely any gold to respec change for dps change back for group content if you like tanking.
I’m unsure where the problem is.
It's surmountable, but tanks having trouble solo is a real issue.
I typically main tanks in MMOs. Thinking back to when I started playing ESO I remember spending 5 minutes in brutal(ly long) death match with the bear public dungeon boss in Stonefalls.
I wasn't in any danger of dying. The bear was ... in very little danger.
That's when I realized speccing as a tank wasn't going to work when questing. Had to put a lot of time and energy into farming more skill points and gear so that one tank character could be useful in a group and also do things solo. That's a barrier for players.
ThoughtRaven wrote: »Ah yes, the longstanding MMO problem of there just being too many tanks and heals, and not enough dps. Tale as old as time.
HalfRain216 wrote: »That’s what I’m trying to understand.
Why would you main a tank for solo how is it enjoyable? Where is the benefit?
stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO wrote: »
If I play solo on my tank, in tank gear and with tanking skills only, I end up dealing around 3-4k dps. That is perfect for letting the quest bosses finish their dialog and not be cut off half way through their initial taunt: "You worthless worm, you can't possibly expect to... arrgh UNPOSSIBLE". Even my trial-grade healer (with no care taken to be able to double as dps) deals 6-7k dps by mere accident, and has to hold back to hear out the quest dialog.
My response to your question would be another question: how is it enjoyable to do a quest to supposedly save the world, or at least save the day, when hordes of mobs barely slow you down, when you cut every animation sequence and every dialog short, and when the final boss fight is over in less than ten seconds with no sweat at all? I absolutely loathe questing with my DD characters. They need to light attack their way through quest fights, slowly, or they are overpowered.
HalfRain216 wrote: »I’m lost with the argument that there isn’t enough tanks or healers in the game because they can’t do enough DPS for overland content.
IMO if your using a tank or healer as a main your playing the game a bit oddly.
Why would you not make a DPS for your main to do overland content and quests and another character for tank and healer?
I have 8 characters most people surely would have more than 1, why would you play the game in a way making it harder for yourself.
Tanks and healers are only useful in group content and if you enjoy playing that role you make another character specifically for group content if you need the skill points spec for dps up to lvl 50 and go and collect skyshards do delves, quests and what not and then respec once you hit cp for the role you would like to play...
Baffles me.
HalfRain216 wrote: »I’m lost with the argument that there isn’t enough tanks or healers in the game because they can’t do enough DPS for overland content.
IMO if your using a tank or healer as a main your playing the game a bit oddly.
HalfRain216 wrote: »
That’s what I’m trying to understand.
Why would you main a tank for solo how is it enjoyable? Where is the benefit?
Why not have a dps and a tank considering it would be just as quick if not quicker to get the needed skills points for both rather than trying to max out skill points for one to use as both?
Not dissing you can play how you like just trying to understand the psychology?
Because sky shards and skill points are things in game that tanks and healers need?
Because going through extra hoops to roll a tank is not great gameplay design?
Because respecing and carrying around extra gear every time a player wants to NOT do group content is not a way of encouraging people to play that role?
Because if the players main is a dd, why even bother then making a tank?
Because maybe the player simply likes the look of sword and board?
Because maybe they still see Elder scrolls in the title and think they can play it like an Elder Scrolls game?
You know what? If the players of this game don't understand that making tanks (and healers) NOT fun to play is a direct correlation into why the dungeon queues are so long, then I say fine. Enjoy the long queues. Make them two hour long for all I care.
How many times do we have to tell the obviousness of the situation? The players have only themselves to blame.
jbjondeaueb17_ESO wrote: »I don't know for tanks but my main is a healer, and even keeping the same CPs as for trial, and most of the times the same gear i have no issue doing all overland content, i just swap some skills too.
I only change part of my gear when doing world bosses solo, it's a bit longer than with a pure DD, but it's only a matter of having a little bit more patience.
HalfRain216 wrote: »Why would you main a tank for solo how is it enjoyable? Where is the benefit?
Why not have a dps and a tank considering it would be just as quick if not quicker to get the needed skills points for both rather than trying to max out skill points for one to use as both?
Not dissing you can play how you like just trying to understand the psychology?
HalfRain216 wrote: »I also don’t experience that when I’m doing quests If I wanted to hear the dialogue I’d probably just sit back for a minute and listen to it, not go crazy and button smash to take out the boss in a few seconds as I’m questing not in a dungeon or pvp why would I want to put in the effort of doing a full rotation and trying to hit max dps instead of just hitting a few moves having fun.
For most players a 100k boss still takes atleast 20 or so seconds.
Some character profile slots would helped with the problem (switchable outside of combat), but I guess that there is no problem at all, because these pesky heals and tanks get queue immediately, and they need to be punished for this.