marshill88 wrote: »This thread is one reason why I'm so glad other players can't see your skill bar...look at some of the comments here form players who, after seeing my hotbar, think in their minds "yea, I'd kick him too"...yikes.
Tsar_Gekkou wrote: »
Healers are only not needed with very optimized groups. The average pug dies pretty quickly without heals.
I apologies. I had to. Jokes aside, most healers in pug do bring bad reputation for healers.
Healers are a in a bad place,
Move aside for the dps race,
yo yo,
Wear buff sets and support,
Or else we kick and report,
ye ye,
Sanctuary is a big no no,
Just take a third dd and lets go,
go go,
Healers are a in a bad place,
Move aside for the dps race,
yo yo,
Healer just heals and I am sad,
Pale order will be worn instead,
ye ye,
A sole orb thrown is so rare,
For the group it is not fair,
no no,
Healers are a in a bad place,
Move aside for the dps race,
:drops mic:
marshill88 wrote: »Well I knew it was bound to happen...I queue up for a 4 person dungeon to do undaunted quests and I get kicked before we even began. I've been doing dungeon queues only for about a week, and I've already had at least a couple dozen runs, everyone is so friendly and most runs have been smooth. I queue up as a healer, I'm a magcro and I have a pretty powerful heal build. I've gotten several compliments from BG's keeping my teammates alive. I'm not a pro healer, but I'm pretty decent. My entire build for this dungeon run is for heals, both bars are loaded with healing skills.
So the moment I enter the dungeon, I'm just snacking on my chips and salsa and I didn't even read the of the guys in there was immediately challenging me on my "build". This kind of thing has never happened to me before (I've read about it on the forums, but now I get to experience it).
My happy demeanor immediately changed and I decided this guy was giving me a judgmental audit.
Here is the entire conversation from the moment I entered the dungeon to the moment I was kicked, which was all of about 60 seconds. He didn't even let me go on a single fight.
I'm blacking out the names to protect players. My intent with this post is to just vent about one of those rude players you hear about who love to kick people who don't measure up to their stereotypes and presuppositions.
I had waited a while for my dungeon run to start, so it was kind of disappointing to be booted like that. I wondered why other group members just "go along" when a know-it-all decides to kick someone. Funny, if I was in a group and someone was trying to kick a player for this, I'd probably start a vote to kick them instead. I like to stand up for the little guy, but that's just me.
I'm just venting, it feels better to come here and share my experiences sometimes. I understand this sort of thing is probably common place and it's all good, even though players who do this are pretty lame in my book.
marshill88 wrote: »But guys like this who boot players after a pre-run inspection are the Build Patrol...they are like school hallway monitors. No one wants some know-it-all to give them a build inspection on a quick undaunted 4 person dungeon run. Do the run, if its not working then you can kick. Its not even 20 minutes long.
All dungeons and probably 95% of trials can be healed with two resto skills.
Just like all dungeons and 95% of trials don’t need a tank to taunt anything. Tanks are just taking up space where a dps can be.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
A lot of people like that are bad dps that need a healer to carry them, tbh. I can run any of the vet dungeons with a healer of your type and have. I'm not gonna trifecta them with this level of healing because I would need some buffs, but I don't need a healer at all to just finish them to be perfectly frank. Which is all I'm looking for out of activity finder.
They probably saved you a lot of trouble. They should really only need some light healing here and there for the most part on any of these dungeons, or the rare burst heal, just to get them back stable because sometimes damage is just tough to avoid or we will all make mistakes sometimes. Because they shouldn't be standing in stupid in the first place and regular vet is not that bad you need to be policing people like this, especially not the healers who's build frankly matters the least in a dungeon
Goregrinder wrote: »I honestly can't feel bad for ya this time, because you basically showed up to a rec ice hockey game with everyone in their gear, and you're out here wearing pillows duct tapped to your legs, ice skates from 1972, a field hockey stick, and a stainless steel pot strapped to your head like "..alright guys, let's go do some hockey!.."
marshill88 wrote: »
no, mate. I showed up for a vet dungeon, possibly 20 minutes, most of which are simple. Kind of like showing up at a 5 year olds birthday party to blow some bubbles, it's not that difficult. is it really that hard for you? PVP trounces most PVE content in difficulty. And if you don't like the gear someone has, you would boot them without even asking them to switch it huh?
It all comes down to this: A player boots someone before even asking them to change skills, before even letting the run begin....and that is lame. Will always be lame, always was lame.
slt101880b14_ESO wrote: »Elitist's tend to ruin most things for anyone "below" them.
Hell, in a normal dungeon I was harrassed for 5 straight minutes because I was running an ice themed warden with winters respite. After refusing to take the bait and argue back, he refused to continue on till everyone agreed to kick me.
Yes, and I'd love to. And if you have any advice for a particular boss, I will gladly follow it, I'm not one who ever wants to be a weak link.Ceejengine wrote: »Are you PC NA? I will tank for you any time. If you want build help / advice we can get you all squared away.
marshill88 wrote: »
no, mate. I showed up for a vet dungeon, possibly 20 minutes, most of which are simple. Kind of like showing up at a 5 year olds birthday party to blow some bubbles, it's not that difficult. is it really that hard for you? PVP trounces most PVE content in difficulty. And if you don't like the gear someone has, you would boot them without even asking them to switch it huh?
It all comes down to this: A player boots someone before even asking them to change skills, before even letting the run begin....and that is lame. Will always be lame, always was lame.
marshill88 wrote: »
Yes, and I'd love to. And if you have any advice for a particular boss, I will gladly follow it, I'm not one who ever wants to be a weak link.
Ceejengine wrote: »
Heck ya. I'm at work for now, once I get home we can meet up.
Never worry about being a weak link. The only way to get better is to get in the dungeon and make all the mistakes there are to make. Its only frustrating if you don't take it as learning.
Anyone who ever puts you down for not getting it right the first time is someone too stupid to remember their first time.
When we meet up we can come up with a gear scheme that you enjoy and we'll get in and farm it out. I'll shoot you a message for my in-game tag.
marshill88 wrote: »
Yes, elitists....that is exactly how they act. the delusion is they think the other guy is "below" them, but most likely they are the weak who need to be carried so they have to inspect people's setup and don't you dare have a setup they don't "approve" of. No, they aren't elite, they are spoiled and entitled and only think they are elite. Put them in a BG and they'll be dead before they even get into the flag circle.
The fact that you have completed other vet dungeons in the past, speaks more for the rest of the group carrying you, than your build
He did you a favor. People that vote kick before the first fight, do so because they need to be carried.
marshill88 wrote: »
BUILD PATROL, like Hallway Monitors, are a sad lot to me.