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Do skins give an idea of your level of experience/expertise? If so which skin is the most impressive

With the amount of people spamming in zone chat 24/7 about “selling all end game trials/dungeon carries”. Do skins even mean anything anymore?

Do skins give an idea of your level of experience/expertise? If so which skin is the most impressive 241 votes

Zmajas Shadow - vCR+3
SorianaAwesomestMattJacozillarollingphoneseb17_ESOXuhoraDrayzonbrassmaster12MirelaUmbrellaRatzkifalblkjagallhailskippyMarcoLQSeminolegirl1992WrathOfInnoscarlos424ZatoxChaos2088ankeorAgenericnamecolossalvoids 43 votes
Sanctified Silver - vAS+2
Athrys5SilverIce58phileunderx2amir412ArbitErMurazor 6 votes
Fabrication Sheath - vHOF
meekeyceeHal 2 votes
Ice and Fire - vSS
GOAT4EVAR 1 vote
Dro Mathra - vMOL
karthrag_inaknesakinterVoxAdActa 3 votes
Seaborn Silver - vKA
Arena skins - vBRP/ vVH
RiptideLehnuinSickleCiderjaws343ganj1234SDKTJ 6 votes
Dungeon skins
CloudtraderSqueaky_CleanazjuwelzSylaeStarlight_Whisper 5 votes
People pay for carries. No one cares.
Kikazaruvailjohn_ESOck37090BelegnoleThorntongueGlassHalfFullGreevirDarcyMardinBrutalDeluxeAlurriawenchmore420b14_ESOlolo_01b16_ESOnpukIzanagi.Xiiib16_ESOCoatmagicApoAlaiaMaster_FluffwheresbesWraithShadow13Aektann 175 votes
  • Nowa133
    People pay for carries. No one cares.
    None, tbh. You can buy those carries and get everything without a hussle.
  • Vaoh
    People pay for carries. No one cares.
    Most skins had their time but simply don’t carry that weight anymore.

    Atm only the Dawnbringer totems and Godslayer mount (and soon the Rockgrove fleshripper mount) are “prestigious” like that.
  • Kiralyn2000
    People pay for carries. No one cares.
    Did skins mean anything before?

    (seriously, outside the "competitive trials scene", did the average player even know enough to see a skin someone was wearing, and realize that it meant anything other than "I think this looks cool"?)

    edit: case in point
    Atm only the Dawnbringer totems and Godslayer mount (and soon the Rockgrove fleshripper mount) are “prestigious” like that.
    I've no idea what the first one is, or what the second one looks like.
    Edited by Kiralyn2000 on May 4, 2021 11:19PM
  • zvavi
  • Vaoh
    People pay for carries. No one cares.
    Did skins mean anything before?

    (seriously, outside the "competitive trials scene", did the average player even know enough to see a skin someone was wearing, and realize that it meant anything other than "I think this looks cool"?)

    The vMoL skin was a huge deal back then for everyone because very few skins existed.

    The rest.... not as much. Though the vCR skin did seem pretty well known too since it was comparatively much harder to get than other skins.
  • JamieAubrey
    I don't even stop to see if people are wearing skins, too busy killing them and moving on to take notice but I would never spend 50m gold for a skin
  • MoreTune
    People pay for carries. No one cares.
    I saw someone rocking a vCR3 skin in a random dungeon I was tanking. And they were probably dishing out a maximum dps of 15-20k. Spamming the same ability over and over again.

    Needless to say, I’m pretty skeptical with people “showing off” skins
  • oldbobdude
    Did skins mean anything before?

    (seriously, outside the "competitive trials scene", did the average player even know enough to see a skin someone was wearing, and realize that it meant anything other than "I think this looks cool"?)

    edit: case in point
    Atm only the Dawnbringer totems and Godslayer mount (and soon the Rockgrove fleshripper mount) are “prestigious” like that.
    I've no idea what the first one is, or what the second one looks like.

    I have no idea what a skin even is or what one looks like.
    Edited by oldbobdude on May 4, 2021 11:57PM
  • Bradyfjord
    I am a player that doesn't have the time/skill to complete trials (really it's the time to put together a cohesive group that is most daunting). That said, I think interesting looking skins/mounts/gear are awesome to see, though I wouldn't say I was 'impressed' by them. I respect the time and cooperation it takes to complete challenging content.
  • Starlock
    Using them means one has a terrible sense of fashion - and isn't that all that matters? :p
  • DarcyMardin
    People pay for carries. No one cares.
    I hate skins — not my taste at all. Never use them. And if people wear them to impress other players, it’s lost on me because I dislike the look of them so much that I have absolutely no idea what any of them represent.
  • Berchelous
    No. Skins are mostly ugly imo except maybe meridian.
  • Supertonicbaker
    People pay for carries. No one cares.
    Every time I see someone with a visual that’s obviously unlock-able, I think to myself: “Wow, they look pretty cool!” and then be on my merry way. I’ve played MMOs far too long to think that whatever a character has unlocked visually means anything regarding skill in the long run. But, they do look pretty cool.
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    People pay for carries. No one cares.
    I am very proud of my vMOL skin.
  • jssriot
    People pay for carries. No one cares.
    Really. I have to put the carry sellers in zone chat on my ignore list because they are constant. They're more obnoxious than the WTB Your Mats people who have to pout and argue when someone PC's their scammy lowball prices. But the carry sellers are like every 5 minutes when they're in a zone. ZOS needs to seriously add a long cooldown for people selling things like that in chat.

    In addition to paying for carry, there are a lot of players who get carries from guild connections just to get this or that skin. I've known so many players who brag about getting carried to get their skins that I long lost any interested in skins as a reward for doing this content. Plus I think most skins are pretty ugly anyways.
    PC-NA since 2015. Tired and unimpressed.
  • iksde
    got all except vCR+3 yet and not using any of them on characters I play except sometimes when lvling under 50lvl char to break some immersion by wearing veterant content skin with personality on character not viable to even enter into this content :>
  • Sheezabeast
    People pay for carries. No one cares.
    I lost respect for skins when people began to sell carries more prevalently.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • Gythral

    (Almost) all seem to be well hdiden fashion abominations!
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Grebcol
    People pay for carries. No one cares.
    Skins are ugly :D
    Former Mod Dev. of the Edain Mod for The Battle for Middle Earth 2
  • ErMurazor
    Sanctified Silver - vAS+2
    So much envy in here, either you dont have the skill to get the skins or the money to buy them.
  • LashanW
    People pay for carries. No one cares.
    Atm only the Dawnbringer totems and Godslayer mount (and soon the Rockgrove fleshripper mount) are “prestigious” like that.
    I've no idea what the first one is, or what the second one looks like.
    ---No longer active in ESO---
    Platform: PC-EU
    CP: 2500+
    Trial Achievements
    Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, vMoL no death

    Arena Achievements
    vMA Flawless, vVH Spirit Slayer

    DLC Dungeon Trifectas
    Scalecaller Peak, Fang Lair, Depths of Malatar, Icereach
  • colossalvoids
    Zmajas Shadow - vCR+3
    90% of times (other 10% are probably sold accounts) it's an indication in a pug that the player can learn at least and probably have some semblance of how the game works and actively showing it, zmaja one being obviously the hardest to get, shame it rarely looks good.

    For me personally zone chats filled with wts are nothing more than an indication that there are a lot of able groups, not that they have a lot of customers and especially customers that will use the skin to show off later. After participation in one of those carry runs myself I have an impression that it's mostly for gear farming or suiting needs of roleplayers getting themed skin or a furnishing, maybe now it's not the case anymore but it was year or two back then. That person even shown us their themed house and talked about the concept later, for ones interested in it (like 5-6 of us?)

    Personally using skins for a themed characters or if I feel like being glowy/darker for some outfit related reason and not to show what I've done (but when I've got my first vmol clear and vhof back then it was surely for a show off lol, still like how they both look on a darker dunmeri skin)
  • Lady_Galadhiel
    Zmajas Shadow - vCR+3
    Cloudrest skin is rare to see,or at leats more rare than other.
    The people I saw using that skin always had end game titels going along with it like GH or GS.
    Total ESO playtime: 8325 hours
    ESO plus status: Cancelled
    ESO currently uninstalled.
  • WiseSky
    Only when I see a DragonKnight with the GodSlayer Title
  • Athan1
    Skins are ugly and break immersion. Don't use them folks. I'm saying this after spending $80 to buy a skin I ended up never using because of how ugly it was.
    Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
  • colossalvoids
    Zmajas Shadow - vCR+3
    Athan1 wrote: »
    and break immersion
    Honest question with zero provocation in mind, any examples of when/how it can be immersion breaking? Or is it a lack of in-game justification for them existing on a player characters, I'm actually interested as always reading this point on forum but don't remember being thrown off by any skin yet. I'm more concerned about some names and skimpy outfits myself, lol.
  • SickleCider
    Arena skins - vBRP/ vVH
    Only one I tend to really notice is the vVH skin because it's the hardest one to get carried for. But on the other hand I had it the day after I stopped futzing around in normal for void pitch so it doesn't wow me, personally.

    Skins are awful. I really don't understand the appeal. Incidentally the vVH one is the only one I've used, on a khajiit necro, to make her look like a spooky, wrinkly sphinx cat. It works for that.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • Fischblut
    I'm torn between options: "Dungeons skins" and "People pay for carries" :D

    If somebody has trial/dungeon skin, I can't know how they got it. But even if they got it by skill, I know that I could get it too. It's impossible for me to get into veteran trial groups, simply cause I don't use voice chat. So no matter my personal skill, I can't find other 11 people who are not afraid to do content without voice :/

    Once I could get into vAS + 0 without being on voice chat, simply because the guild group was short of 1 person and they couldn't find anyone else. They were often dying, so based on my observations, voice chat didn't help them :D Unlike them, I was familiar with mechanics thanks to lot of normal runs + helpful videos from Youtube.
    Sadly, we can't have skin for simple vet clear in that trial :/

    I got into vMoL once with same group, for same reason. It was unbelievable luck for me, cause vet clear rewards the skin there <3 I almost never use this skin, but it looks cool:


    Luckily, it's rather easy to get into dungeon/arena group without voice chat :) So these rewards are not out of my reach.

    Only two times I saw people freaking out without voice chat in dungeons: one time somebody in pug said "we won't clear this dungeon without voice chat" when group finder ported us into vWGT :D And other time somebody asked if we can get into voice chat, when we reached final boss in vRoM :o He didn't even know that boss herself calls out the start of statue mechanic - he was so used to hear other group members calling out mechanics for him.

    The first dungeon skin I was really proud of was Spiderkith. It is needed when I want to have a "zombie cheerleader" look on my stamplar :)


    And it's permanent look of my "necromancer at heart" vampire sorcerer. Before Greymoor and awful changes to vampirism, she was often undisguised vampire at 4th stage - with striking pale look.
    Since Greymoor, she is always vampire on 1st stage, and that look is not good for her. So she has to wear Spiderkith skin permanently:


    I'm proud of all my skins, but at the same time I understand that for other people seeing those skins doesn't mean anything.
    Even Soulshriven skin had lot of value when it was rare drop from Molag Bal :'( I got it back in those days. Nowadays it's greatly devalued by being in runebox + being sold for tickets during IC events... I still sometimes use it on my stamplar, my main PvP character - it was her who got that skin to drop back in the days <3
  • hasi
    People pay for carries. No one cares.
    Skins don't matter that much. Scores, World-First Clears, World-First Titles etc. matter more in general I would say.
    Trifecta Titles generally too - yes, some people buy them, but it is more pricey than just the Skins and speaking as a Console Players everyone kind of knows or can see, who bought something or not.

    I personally see a lot of people wearing no skins (although they own every one/a few) OR they're using the Vhof or Vmol Skin. They're the best looking skins after all.🤷🏻‍♀️
  • colossalvoids
    Zmajas Shadow - vCR+3
    Fischblut wrote: »
    It's impossible for me to get into veteran trial groups, simply cause I don't use voice chat. So no matter my personal skill, I can't find other 11 people who are not afraid to do content without voice :/

    Just a heads up on this one, keep searching if you have an actual interest in it as it's actually possible, but would require not a typical group but a decent people and even better friends or ones that can treat you like one from the very beginning.

    Possibly it requires more skill to have a start without a voice as you need to perform better than anyone else or at least on par to get a spot but it might be worth it for you. You'll have way better chances to get into just starting group than an already formed and clearing one but that should be obvious:)
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