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PTS Update 30 - Feedback Thread for Companions

  • eaglexk
    "Magic Nova Star" skill from destruction staff (the 3rd one in the list) works quite weird: it can be placed under companion only but according to the new dodge mechanic companion will roll back when distance between him and opponent is too close so this skill will be useful only with frost staff. Possible solution: make this skill ranged like one of the morphs of the similar player's skills.
  • eaglexk
    Bastian is not using ultimate when using range weapon as he is fighting on a range greater that 10m from his target!
  • Mysticman
    Mysticman wrote: »
    I suggest you learn to use the pet attack/recall commands (Hold Y and left click to attack vs Hold Y and right click to hold off) if you want to stop your companions from resetting monsters by moving too far away.
    And why should there be any need for this?
    Since beta I NEVER saw any Sorc/Warden pet resetting a monster.
    If even dumb daedra companions can play this game since release, why can't the new human companions?
    It's needed because it gives players some control over the companions but if you would rather not use that control but perfer to complain about the lack of control over companions you're free to do so.
    Pets don't dodge roll or really do anything else but just stand there and take damage and pets are just another skill option that you can place on your skill bar. Companions are combat NPCs that will fight beside you instead of again you.
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Mysticman wrote: »
    It's needed because it gives players some control over the companions but if you would rather not use that control but perfer to complain about the lack of control over companions you're free to do so.
    Pets don't dodge roll or really do anything else but just stand there and take damage and pets are just another skill option that you can place on your skill bar. Companions are combat NPCs that will fight beside you instead of again you.

    The NPC's we get to fight beside us on quests actually do useful things like heal us. They don't die from 1 hit, or repeatedly roll dodge back and reset the fight. They don't aggro enemies, we don't have to constantly manage their positioning. They cast skills on about the same cooldown as a player.

    Companions... don't do any of that. Their damage is negligible, as is their healing. Their skill cooldowns are long, and they die from very little damage (or evade so much that it's useless) It's not even worth having them out for RP, as they either die doing nothing, or completely ruin the fight. At least with pets I can tell them to hit the boss once and they generally stay there, not needing to be reset every few seconds. BTW - for those of us with controllers for accessibility reasons it's not just "pressing y" it's a weird double stick or trigger (I haven't figured out what "button 3" is yet) plus a bumper. T Hat is NOT a comfortable grip, and it's not easy to use during combat. I've never had it work with gamepad ui on PC. My only option is heavy attack, and setting pet to passive at home on a target dummy.

    It's great if you are happy with companion controls. I was looking forward to having a companion out sometimes, and maybe getting that extra bit of healing I need when there's no one around to help with a world boss. (yes I asked in zone)
    However, as it stands, having a companion out to actually help with the fight is a big NO. Even for RP... it's a maybe. I can't just have them go everywhere with me, as their rapport will never go up, due to the very varied nature of ESO quests. Always having to unsummon a companion if you need to say... use a boat, or if you want to loot a thieves trove, or you did an oops and hit a spider in a dungeon, WELP that's some rapport gone. :( It's a great idea and a poor implementation. E.G. the Microsoft way,
    Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on May 12, 2021 9:12PM
  • Linaleah
    Mysticman wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    I suggest you learn to use the pet attack/recall commands (Hold Y and left click to attack vs Hold Y and right click to hold off) if you want to stop your companions from resetting monsters by moving too far away.
    And why should there be any need for this?
    Since beta I NEVER saw any Sorc/Warden pet resetting a monster.
    If even dumb daedra companions can play this game since release, why can't the new human companions?
    It's needed because it gives players some control over the companions but if you would rather not use that control but perfer to complain about the lack of control over companions you're free to do so.
    Pets don't dodge roll or really do anything else but just stand there and take damage and pets are just another skill option that you can place on your skill bar. Companions are combat NPCs that will fight beside you instead of again you.

    I'm sorry, it gives some.... control over companions? WHAT CONTROL? them rolling away and resetting bosses in a way that I EXPLICITELY CANNOT CONTROL is the OPOSITE of having control over companions.

    companions have more or less the same degree of control as class pets... except much MUCH worse. heck.. my matriarch allows me to heal myself and others around me AT WILL. I don't have to build up ultimate to use the heal. i don't have to wait for cooldowns. its there for me to use as needed on key press. can't do that with a companion. so tell me... what "control" are we talking about here???

    P.S. as for rapport - given how awfully its implemented, but still needed to unlock their achievements and as far as i know prerequisite to having them as house guests, I plan on parking my designated character at a spot that gives rapport and every 5 minutes perform an action that gives it, while doing something outside of the game the rest of the time (watch a show, or read a book most likely). or in other words, we are going to sit in a mage guild and click a book shelf periodicaly. would I rather gain it more organically? heck yes. but the way they designed it, its just not happening with any degree of reliability, so sitting in mage guild, clicking on bookshelf every 5 minutes is going to be it.
    Edited by Linaleah on May 12, 2021 11:09PM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Kuratius
    Mystic guard and stalwart guard still cannot target companions.
  • Elsonso
    Now that companions have been fixed and updated a little better, I was able to do more useful testing.
    • General
      • Which areas or zones were you in with your companion? Blackwood, Fungal Grotto I, Dels Claim, Limbscather
      • What types of gameplay were you doing with your companion? Solo in group situations
    • Interaction
      • Was it clear how to access the Companions interface? Yes
      • Was the Companion ability system clear and intuitive to use? Yes
      • Did your companion use the slotted abilities as you expected them to? Seemed to
      • Did you feel the companion talked too much or too little in various circumstances? With the recent updates, it was fine. Bastian's comments about my resources were particularly on target.
    • Combat
      • What did you think of the Companion combat abilities in general? Were there any that felt too powerful or not powerful enough? At low companion level, not too powerful. At high companion level and good gear, was powerful enough for world bosses and some dungeon bosses.
      • Were you able to configure your companion to perform the role you wished? Yes. Ran Bastian as a tank using gear provided for testing.
      • Were you able to effectively utilize keyboard/gamepad shortcuts to direct companion target behavior? (Hold Y and left click to attack vs Hold Y and right click to hold off) No, I did not use this, and did not need it. I used heavy attacks to direct him.
    • Customization/Progression
      • How did the companion progression feel in terms of time to level up, advance skills, unlock abilities, improve rapport, or acquire equipment? Was the progress clear in terms of how to access everything? Leveling was not really fast. Slower than the character. Gear drops were non-existent. Just two dropped during testing, and were not useful.
      • Was the companion cosmetic customization experience clear and function as expected? Yes
    • Rapport
      • Did you understand how to influence your companion through the rapport system? Yes
      • Was it clear when rapport was being adjusted and why? Somewhat. Definitely when going down. Harder to tell when going up due to lack of chatter.
    • Do you have any other general feedback? Yes, I shall not carry my companion's burdens.

    Contrary to popular forum belief, Bastian outfitted with a quick tank build and not much thought behind it was able to carry a Level 9 through a lot of hard content. He was geared with a combination of vigorous and bolstered to increase health and reduce damage, along with heavy armor, sword, and shield. Skillful use of directing him, and making sure to not counter those orders, allowed him to tank the boss while I took out the adds. I had two taunts slotted, along with some defensive abilities. He did lose taunt a couple of times on Limbscather and I had to do a lot of healing to keep him alive, but the boss died before either of us. Even with that, I think it should be possible to craft a tank build for him that will work quite well. It will require a healer.

    Edited by Elsonso on May 13, 2021 2:06AM
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • stefj68
    where are mirri interesting group buff? does she have any?
  • crazepdx
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Now that companions have been fixed and updated a little better, I was able to do more useful testing.
    • General
      • Which areas or zones were you in with your companion? Blackwood, Fungal Grotto I, Dels Claim, Limbscather
      • What types of gameplay were you doing with your companion? Solo in group situations
    • Interaction
      • Was it clear how to access the Companions interface? Yes
      • Was the Companion ability system clear and intuitive to use? Yes
      • Did your companion use the slotted abilities as you expected them to? Seemed to
      • Did you feel the companion talked too much or too little in various circumstances? With the recent updates, it was fine. Bastian's comments about my resources were particularly on target.
    • Combat
      • What did you think of the Companion combat abilities in general? Were there any that felt too powerful or not powerful enough? At low companion level, not too powerful. At high companion level and good gear, was powerful enough for world bosses and some dungeon bosses.
      • Were you able to configure your companion to perform the role you wished? Yes. Ran Bastian as a tank using gear provided for testing.
      • Were you able to effectively utilize keyboard/gamepad shortcuts to direct companion target behavior? (Hold Y and left click to attack vs Hold Y and right click to hold off) No, I did not use this, and did not need it. I used heavy attacks to direct him.
    • Customization/Progression
      • How did the companion progression feel in terms of time to level up, advance skills, unlock abilities, improve rapport, or acquire equipment? Was the progress clear in terms of how to access everything? Leveling was not really fast. Slower than the character. Gear drops were non-existent. Just two dropped during testing, and were not useful.
      • Was the companion cosmetic customization experience clear and function as expected? Yes
    • Rapport
      • Did you understand how to influence your companion through the rapport system? Yes
      • Was it clear when rapport was being adjusted and why? Somewhat. Definitely when going down. Harder to tell when going up due to lack of chatter.
    • Do you have any other general feedback? Yes, I shall not carry my companion's burdens.

    Contrary to popular forum belief, Bastian outfitted with a quick tank build and not much thought behind it was able to carry a Level 9 through a lot of hard content. He was geared with a combination of vigorous and bolstered to increase health and reduce damage, along with heavy armor, sword, and shield. Skillful use of directing him, and making sure to not counter those orders, allowed him to tank the boss while I took out the adds. I had two taunts slotted, along with some defensive abilities. He did lose taunt a couple of times on Limbscather and I had to do a lot of healing to keep him alive, but the boss died before either of us. Even with that, I think it should be possible to craft a tank build for him that will work quite well. It will require a healer.

    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?
  • Elsonso
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    For the tank build I just eyeballed a gear split between damage reduction and health boost, all heavy armor, all purple. Sword and shield. I spent all of about 30 seconds on this build. Goal was health and damage mitigation, which is why I had to do all the healing. I am sure that this can be improved on, which is why I am not going into exact gear and numbers. To be honest, this was a little OP for what I was doing, but I think I proved to myself that a level 20 Bastian tank with top gear can carry a low level character if the player is skilled enough.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Elsonso wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    For the tank build I just eyeballed a gear split between damage reduction and health boost, all heavy armor, all purple. Sword and shield. I spent all of about 30 seconds on this build. Goal was health and damage mitigation, which is why I had to do all the healing. I am sure that this can be improved on, which is why I am not going into exact gear and numbers. To be honest, this was a little OP for what I was doing, but I think I proved to myself that a level 20 Bastian tank with top gear can carry a low level character if the player is skilled enough.

    It's pretty obvious after 10 seconds that Bastian was intended as a tank, and MIrri as a DPS. The problem is some of us don't want a tank at all, but a healer. Bastian SUCKS at this, or did when I tried to make him into one. I was hoping to use MIrrir as a DPS when my main (a PvE tank) quests, because even with outfitting a trials tank in some semi-DPS gear, killing quest bosses takes forever. I'm not hearing anything good about MIrri's DPS but I'm not making a NB a healer, that's worse than a DK healer. Mirri's personality will at least allow me to raise her rapport - Bastian will take effort sine he hates 90% of what I do in-game.

    It seems ZOS is again saying "play your way but not really." Want a frost damage warden? Hope you like being a buff bot.
  • Kesstryl
    Elsonso wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    For the tank build I just eyeballed a gear split between damage reduction and health boost, all heavy armor, all purple. Sword and shield. I spent all of about 30 seconds on this build. Goal was health and damage mitigation, which is why I had to do all the healing. I am sure that this can be improved on, which is why I am not going into exact gear and numbers. To be honest, this was a little OP for what I was doing, but I think I proved to myself that a level 20 Bastian tank with top gear can carry a low level character if the player is skilled enough.
    Elsonso wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    For the tank build I just eyeballed a gear split between damage reduction and health boost, all heavy armor, all purple. Sword and shield. I spent all of about 30 seconds on this build. Goal was health and damage mitigation, which is why I had to do all the healing. I am sure that this can be improved on, which is why I am not going into exact gear and numbers. To be honest, this was a little OP for what I was doing, but I think I proved to myself that a level 20 Bastian tank with top gear can carry a low level character if the player is skilled enough.
    Elsonso wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    For the tank build I just eyeballed a gear split between damage reduction and health boost, all heavy armor, all purple. Sword and shield. I spent all of about 30 seconds on this build. Goal was health and damage mitigation, which is why I had to do all the healing. I am sure that this can be improved on, which is why I am not going into exact gear and numbers. To be honest, this was a little OP for what I was doing, but I think I proved to myself that a level 20 Bastian tank with top gear can carry a low level character if the player is skilled enough.

    Meanwhile, low level players have to grind the companion levels, and grind to get that purple gear which will be impossible to get with all the grind. Keeping him alive with heals is ok, that is an acceptable group mechanic that players in groups do for each other, but him losing taunt is not acceptable for him as a tank. Companions still need a lot of work.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Elsonso
    crazepdx wrote: »
    It's pretty obvious after 10 seconds that Bastian was intended as a tank, and MIrri as a DPS. The problem is some of us don't want a tank at all, but a healer. Bastian SUCKS at this, or did when I tried to make him into one. I was hoping to use MIrrir as a DPS when my main (a PvE tank) quests, because even with outfitting a trials tank in some semi-DPS gear, killing quest bosses takes forever. I'm not hearing anything good about MIrri's DPS but I'm not making a NB a healer, that's worse than a DK healer. Mirri's personality will at least allow me to raise her rapport - Bastian will take effort sine he hates 90% of what I do in-game.

    Right now, I am having a hard time really assessing the DPS ability of the companions. I went with a tank test because it is pretty easy to see when the companion fails at that.

    My early Mirri DPS testing with this latest patch tells me that she can take down and kill creatures largely on her own, which surprises me. I expected ZOS to put a switch in so that the companions could not do the final kill. This testing has been largely overland, since I was assessing behavior. I wanted to see how she did when I was just doing a light attack every so often to make her think I was helping.

    In non-challenging delve content (Del's Claim) she stayed out of the way, even when the boss came after her.

    (Note: It looks like the companions can kite bosses out of their tether range so that they reset... something to keep in mind)

    I have not tested them in a healing role. My expectation is that companions will not make good healers due to the rather mindless rotation and cool down that they are saddled with. If the companion has a healing ultimate, and I admit I have not looked to see if there is one in the current update, that might change things.
    Kesstryl wrote: »
    Meanwhile, low level players have to grind the companion levels, and grind to get that purple gear which will be impossible to get with all the grind. Keeping him alive with heals is ok, that is an acceptable group mechanic that players in groups do for each other, but him losing taunt is not acceptable for him as a tank. Companions still need a lot of work.

    I do want to point out that, up until now, I have been doing testing with low level companions. Once I upgrade them to max level, I cannot go back until ZOS copies over the NA characters. I have already given my initial impressions of low level companions in group content at an earlier patch level.

    As for losing taunt, don't forget that companions are not players and are not intended to be players. Players can adapt to changing situations. Humans can see when they lose taunt, or someone needs an emergency heal, or they are about to get flanked. The AI is not going to do this. If the companion can hold taunt for most of the time, that is still better than no taunt. Companions are never going to carry the day, as I said a few days ago. That is not their purpose. Besides, my Bastian Tank might be able to be tweaked to better hold taunt.

    The only way for a companion to respond to an emergency situation is through the Ultimate (Y) or by directing them to a target, both of which are non-AI activities initiated by the player. I don't expect this to change. I could see this as a looming problem, as I think that all ultimate skills are restricted for early use.

    Edited by Elsonso on May 13, 2021 12:16PM
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Mysticman
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    Hack The Minotaur has put out a new video featuring 7 companion builds including 2 tank builds you might find helpful. I tried his " Bastian Hybrid" build on the PTS yesterday and it performed well. I'm looking forward to trying out his other builds too.
    Edited by Mysticman on May 13, 2021 5:51PM
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Elsonso wrote: »

    I have not tested them in a healing role. My expectation is that companions will not make good healers due to the rather mindless rotation and cool down that they are saddled with. If the companion has a healing ultimate, and I admit I have not looked to see if there is one in the current update, that might change things.

    I'm not looking for an actual healer, just some extra heals so I spend less of my magicka on healing and more on DPS. The thing is, I often need to run dailies for DLC style materials for housing. The time of day I have free to do this, some zones are dead. Or no one wants to come out to help. There are quite a few DLC world bosses I can *almost* solo. Or can solo but I'd like it to take less than 20 minutes. WBs are tauntable, but some are kinda wonky. Plus, "stand and block" isn't a good strat for most of them. Thus, I wanted a healer. Even getting some heals whenever is fine, Pale Order does the rest. THe problem I had was if Bastian stood close he just died to ground AoE. If he stood farther back he would only LA. Even the healing skill that is supposed to be cast when I'm under 75% health triggered maybe 20% of the time I was under 75% health.
    Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on May 13, 2021 6:05PM
  • Mysticman
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    I suggest you learn to use the pet attack/recall commands (Hold Y and left click to attack vs Hold Y and right click to hold off) if you want to stop your companions from resetting monsters by moving too far away.
    And why should there be any need for this?
    Since beta I NEVER saw any Sorc/Warden pet resetting a monster.
    If even dumb daedra companions can play this game since release, why can't the new human companions?
    It's needed because it gives players some control over the companions but if you would rather not use that control but perfer to complain about the lack of control over companions you're free to do so.
    Pets don't dodge roll or really do anything else but just stand there and take damage and pets are just another skill option that you can place on your skill bar. Companions are combat NPCs that will fight beside you instead of again you.

    I'm sorry, it gives some.... control over companions? WHAT CONTROL? them rolling away and resetting bosses in a way that I EXPLICITELY CANNOT CONTROL is the OPOSITE of having control over companions.

    companions have more or less the same degree of control as class pets... except much MUCH worse. heck.. my matriarch allows me to heal myself and others around me AT WILL. I don't have to build up ultimate to use the heal. i don't have to wait for cooldowns. its there for me to use as needed on key press. can't do that with a companion. so tell me... what "control" are we talking about here???

    P.S. as for rapport - given how awfully its implemented, but still needed to unlock their achievements and as far as i know prerequisite to having them as house guests, I plan on parking my designated character at a spot that gives rapport and every 5 minutes perform an action that gives it, while doing something outside of the game the rest of the time (watch a show, or read a book most likely). or in other words, we are going to sit in a mage guild and click a book shelf periodicaly. would I rather gain it more organically? heck yes. but the way they designed it, its just not happening with any degree of reliability, so sitting in mage guild, clicking on bookshelf every 5 minutes is going to be it.

    You're trying to comparing apples to oranges, combat pets are just skills companions are not. If you were expecting companions to be just another type of combat pets you got it wrong.
    Edited by Mysticman on May 13, 2021 6:10PM
  • Linaleah
    Mysticman wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    I suggest you learn to use the pet attack/recall commands (Hold Y and left click to attack vs Hold Y and right click to hold off) if you want to stop your companions from resetting monsters by moving too far away.
    And why should there be any need for this?
    Since beta I NEVER saw any Sorc/Warden pet resetting a monster.
    If even dumb daedra companions can play this game since release, why can't the new human companions?
    It's needed because it gives players some control over the companions but if you would rather not use that control but perfer to complain about the lack of control over companions you're free to do so.
    Pets don't dodge roll or really do anything else but just stand there and take damage and pets are just another skill option that you can place on your skill bar. Companions are combat NPCs that will fight beside you instead of again you.

    I'm sorry, it gives some.... control over companions? WHAT CONTROL? them rolling away and resetting bosses in a way that I EXPLICITELY CANNOT CONTROL is the OPOSITE of having control over companions.

    companions have more or less the same degree of control as class pets... except much MUCH worse. heck.. my matriarch allows me to heal myself and others around me AT WILL. I don't have to build up ultimate to use the heal. i don't have to wait for cooldowns. its there for me to use as needed on key press. can't do that with a companion. so tell me... what "control" are we talking about here???

    P.S. as for rapport - given how awfully its implemented, but still needed to unlock their achievements and as far as i know prerequisite to having them as house guests, I plan on parking my designated character at a spot that gives rapport and every 5 minutes perform an action that gives it, while doing something outside of the game the rest of the time (watch a show, or read a book most likely). or in other words, we are going to sit in a mage guild and click a book shelf periodicaly. would I rather gain it more organically? heck yes. but the way they designed it, its just not happening with any degree of reliability, so sitting in mage guild, clicking on bookshelf every 5 minutes is going to be it.

    You're trying to comparing apples to oranges, combat pets are just skills companions are not. If you were expecting companions to be just another type of combat pets you got it wrong.

    no, that's the thing. I'm saying that companions are WORSE. you kept harping about needing to control them - yeah wouldn't that be nice, except the game is NOT. LETTING. ME. not even to a degree that class pets can be controled.

    I expect companions to be at least comparable IN PERFORMANCE to my class pets. and they are not even comparable to that despite being a whole separate npc vs a single class skill. IF... you max them out and optimize them to the nth degree, they are STILL worse. I expected them to be companions ala companions I have experience in multitude of other games that has them - including multiplayer games. I was hoping for something comparable to GW1 recruits at least. since this is what these... things are advertised to do. assist with group content you otherwise cannot solo. and these ESO companions? are NOT accomplishing that.
    Edited by Linaleah on May 13, 2021 6:26PM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Linaleah wrote: »

    no, that's the thing. I'm saying that companions are WORSE. you kept harping about needing to control them - yeah wouldn't that be nice, except the game is NOT. LETTING. ME. not even to a degree that class pets can be controled.

    I expect companions to be at least comparable IN PERFORMANCE to my class pets. and they are not even comparable to that despite being a whole separate npc vs a single class skill. IF... you max them out and optimize them to the nth degree, they are STILL worse. I expected them to be companions ala companions I have experience in multitude of other games that has them - including multiplayer games. I was hoping for something comparable to GW1 recruits at least. since this is what these... things are advertised to do. assist with group content you otherwise cannot solo. and these ESO companions? are NOT accomplishing that.

    Save your breath @Linaleah , @Mysticman seems to be in the "ZOS can do no wrong" camp.
  • crazepdx
    Mysticman wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    Hack The Minotaur has put out a new video featuring 7 companion builds including 2 tank builds you might find helpful. I tried his " Bastian Hybrid" build on the PTS yesterday and it performed well. I'm looking forward to trying out his other builds too.

    I'm aware of that video, which is why I'm asking. Where are you going to get that gear in those traits outside of test?
  • Elsonso
    crazepdx wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    Hack The Minotaur has put out a new video featuring 7 companion builds including 2 tank builds you might find helpful. I tried his " Bastian Hybrid" build on the PTS yesterday and it performed well. I'm looking forward to trying out his other builds too.

    I'm aware of that video, which is why I'm asking. Where are you going to get that gear in those traits outside of test?

    That is the real question. This gear is like the new Cipher and Dust, and my guess is even when the rare drop does happen, it will be exactly what you don't need.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Dragonredux
    crazepdx wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    Hack The Minotaur has put out a new video featuring 7 companion builds including 2 tank builds you might find helpful. I tried his " Bastian Hybrid" build on the PTS yesterday and it performed well. I'm looking forward to trying out his other builds too.

    I'm aware of that video, which is why I'm asking. Where are you going to get that gear in those traits outside of test?

    Speaking of which, has anyone found purple companion gear as a drop. I just been getting blues from normal dungeons. Are they only dropped in vet content?
    Edited by Dragonredux on May 13, 2021 8:40PM
  • Mysticman
    crazepdx wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    Hack The Minotaur has put out a new video featuring 7 companion builds including 2 tank builds you might find helpful. I tried his " Bastian Hybrid" build on the PTS yesterday and it performed well. I'm looking forward to trying out his other builds too.

    I'm aware of that video, which is why I'm asking. Where are you going to get that gear in those traits outside of test?
    You should read the article in the news section of this site titled "COMPANIONS SYSTEM GUIDE—THE BASICS".
    "Fine (green), superior (blue) and epic (purple) quality Companion equipment with traits can be obtained as rare drops from monster throughout the world, particularly from bosses if you have active Companions present. This equipment is tradeable, so players may buy and sell it as desired."
  • jwellsub17_ESO2
    Okay, I finally got Bastian to admit that we have been to Eyevea. I was able to get the achievement by doing the Mage's guild story line quest `The Mad God's Bargain`. Will test again next week after the reset.

    EDIT: Bastian still shows 0/100 on Mage's guild progression, though I have done the full Mage's guild story line quest with him.

    EDIT #2: Did a Mage's guild daily completing Bastian's favor and unlocking the Mage's guild skill line. Bastian was immediately at 50/100 towards level 2. First Mage's guild skill unlocks at level 2. I will also test this again next week.
    Edited by jwellsub17_ESO2 on May 13, 2021 9:34PM
  • Mysticman
    Linaleah wrote: »

    no, that's the thing. I'm saying that companions are WORSE. you kept harping about needing to control them - yeah wouldn't that be nice, except the game is NOT. LETTING. ME. not even to a degree that class pets can be controled.

    I expect companions to be at least comparable IN PERFORMANCE to my class pets. and they are not even comparable to that despite being a whole separate npc vs a single class skill. IF... you max them out and optimize them to the nth degree, they are STILL worse. I expected them to be companions ala companions I have experience in multitude of other games that has them - including multiplayer games. I was hoping for something comparable to GW1 recruits at least. since this is what these... things are advertised to do. assist with group content you otherwise cannot solo. and these ESO companions? are NOT accomplishing that.

    Save your breath @Linaleah , @Mysticman seems to be in the "ZOS can do no wrong" camp.

    I'm in the let's see what the companion system looks like after all the changes, adjustments and tweaks have been made and
    companion system goes live on June 1, 18 days from now camp.
  • Mysticman
    Elsonso wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    Hack The Minotaur has put out a new video featuring 7 companion builds including 2 tank builds you might find helpful. I tried his " Bastian Hybrid" build on the PTS yesterday and it performed well. I'm looking forward to trying out his other builds too.

    I'm aware of that video, which is why I'm asking. Where are you going to get that gear in those traits outside of test?

    That is the real question. This gear is like the new Cipher and Dust, and my guess is even when the rare drop does happen, it will be exactly what you don't need.

    You would do what you do now with player gear, sell what you don't need and use the gold to buy the gear that you do need or trade the unwanted gear to another player in exchange for the gear you want.
  • crazepdx
    Mysticman wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    Hack The Minotaur has put out a new video featuring 7 companion builds including 2 tank builds you might find helpful. I tried his " Bastian Hybrid" build on the PTS yesterday and it performed well. I'm looking forward to trying out his other builds too.

    I'm aware of that video, which is why I'm asking. Where are you going to get that gear in those traits outside of test?
    Mysticman wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    Hack The Minotaur has put out a new video featuring 7 companion builds including 2 tank builds you might find helpful. I tried his " Bastian Hybrid" build on the PTS yesterday and it performed well. I'm looking forward to trying out his other builds too.

    I'm aware of that video, which is why I'm asking. Where are you going to get that gear in those traits outside of test?
    You should read the article in the news section of this site titled "COMPANIONS SYSTEM GUIDE—THE BASICS".
    "Fine (green), superior (blue) and epic (purple) quality Companion equipment with traits can be obtained as rare drops from monster throughout the world, particularly from bosses if you have active Companions present. This equipment is tradeable, so players may buy and sell it as desired."

    In almost 4 weeks on the pts I've seen one purple drop. This was from a dungeon that is crazy overtuned for drops that starts with a V. Even in that area I get a piece of random quality every 30-40 mobs. Let's do some math assuming a drop rate of 1 in 30, 11 slots, 3 levels 3 armor typesand 10 possible traits. That 30×11×3×3×10= a 1 in 29,700 chance to get the slot, armor type and trait you want in purple each slot.

    I'll ask again. Where are you going to get the armor for that build?
  • Chaos2088
    They need a buff, they are too weak.
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • crazepdx
    Mysticman wrote: »
    Elsonso wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    Hack The Minotaur has put out a new video featuring 7 companion builds including 2 tank builds you might find helpful. I tried his " Bastian Hybrid" build on the PTS yesterday and it performed well. I'm looking forward to trying out his other builds too.

    I'm aware of that video, which is why I'm asking. Where are you going to get that gear in those traits outside of test?

    That is the real question. This gear is like the new Cipher and Dust, and my guess is even when the rare drop does happen, it will be exactly what you don't need.

    You would do what you do now with player gear, sell what you don't need and use the gold to buy the gear that you do need or trade the unwanted gear to another player in exchange for the gear you want.

    Since they are rare drops and only specific traits really help, how much do you think they will sell for on guild traders? I'm betting purples will go for 200k+ expecially since Hack made that video and those traits will be in high demand. How many average players have 2 mil+ gold on hand? Also I'm willing to bet there will be a huge price disparity between preferred and off traits judging how the traders work now. Thoughts?
    Edited by crazepdx on May 13, 2021 10:24PM
  • Mysticman
    crazepdx wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    Elsonso wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    Mysticman wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    When you say a quick tank build, what is the build you are thinking of, and while you were testing Bastion how many pieces of gear dropped for you, what traits and quality?
    Finally what was the quality of the great you were using on Bastion while testing the quick tank build you are saying is possible to put together?

    Hack The Minotaur has put out a new video featuring 7 companion builds including 2 tank builds you might find helpful. I tried his " Bastian Hybrid" build on the PTS yesterday and it performed well. I'm looking forward to trying out his other builds too.

    I'm aware of that video, which is why I'm asking. Where are you going to get that gear in those traits outside of test?

    That is the real question. This gear is like the new Cipher and Dust, and my guess is even when the rare drop does happen, it will be exactly what you don't need.

    You would do what you do now with player gear, sell what you don't need and use the gold to buy the gear that you do need or trade the unwanted gear to another player in exchange for the gear you want.

    Since they are rare drops and only specific traits really help, how much do you think they will sell for on guild traders? I'm betting purples will go for 200k+ expecially since Hack made that video and those traits will be in high demand. How many average players have 2 mil+ gold on hand? Also I'm willing to bet there will be a huge price disparity between preferred and off traits judging how the traders work now. Thoughts?

    No one will have a level 20 companion wearing all purple gear the first week after the update goes live. Just like when the housing system was added no one started out with a 3M in gold house fully furnished. It will take time before your companions will be where you want them to be. But isn't leveling your companions, accumulating gear, learning how to efficiently use them part of the fun of having a new system in the game to master.
  • crazepdx
    If that's true should shouldnt you be doing your testing with your companions in white gear with maybe 1 or 2 greens and blues in off traits to show they are something that will help a low level or avg player?
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