PirateShaped wrote: »
Slotted this for years. It's a great skill that I think is underutilized. You will never get the damage of a proxy det surprise bomb but you get multiple smaller bombs. It is also more spammable than what people give it credit for. It will never wipe a good group on its own but it can be a lot of added pressure if there are other people supporting you. I actually find this skill more effective the better the group is. Simply because inev det gets stronger the closer you stack and the more often you purge.
Greasytengu wrote: »
Blood altar has a very strong heal as its synergy and the healing from lifesteal really adds up.
Its no more server intensive than any other AOE ability, possibly less as it does not have to calculate the healing done. Minor lifesteal provides a flat 600 healing per tick. You can only have one instance of any major/minor buff on you at any time, so its not like the server has to calculate the healing from 3 different blood altars.
This blatant witch-huntery has to stop. Its honestly getting ridiculous, Nobody is deliberately causing lag, and furthermore, lag is detrimental to a group that tends to fight a larger number which is specifically what ball groups do, so why would they want to cause it?
Lag happens because the servers cant handle the load, because the anti cheat measures have created a data bottleneck, because the spaghetti coding.
Again, please forgive my ignorance as I am new to this game.
From this explanation, it seems like the moth being drawn to the flame. Except for us, we can figure out that it is better to leave that flame alone and go somewhere else. That would effectively kill the use of these ball groups. Just a thought.
master_vanargand wrote: »
Blood Altar is known as a very server-intensive skill.
It requires much more computation than a normal AoE skill.
Again, please forgive my ignorance as I am new to this game.
From this explanation, it seems like the moth being drawn to the flame. Except for us, we can figure out that it is better to leave that flame alone and go somewhere else. That would effectively kill the use of these ball groups. Just a thought.
TheEndBringer wrote: »The other thread was closed because of mean people. Let's have a constructive thread.
Ball groups aren't going anywhere. Change whatever you want, the players will adapt.
The issue for me is that they tend to exploit inherent weakness in the combat system while also overloading the server with aoe spasm that further make it hard to kill them.
Strategically, they can avoid most attacks by going into towers which also prevents the most effective counter attacks.
Most siege is useless at best because either you can't directly hit them or they simply shrug off the damage.
We need a better counter. For example what if there was a new siege weapon that exploded on impact, dealing increased damage for each additional player hit?
What if resource towers were destructible?
If groups want to ball up, I'm all for it. But there needs to be a better counter than sending 30 people to kill 12. I think ball groups might actually enjoy a better challenge but hey, easy ap is hard to turn down.
Any other (non trollish) ideas?
TheEndBringer wrote: »The other thread was closed because of mean people. Let's have a constructive thread.
Ball groups aren't going anywhere. Change whatever you want, the players will adapt.
The issue for me is that they tend to exploit inherent weakness in the combat system while also overloading the server with aoe spasm that further make it hard to kill them.
Strategically, they can avoid most attacks by going into towers which also prevents the most effective counter attacks.
Most siege is useless at best because either you can't directly hit them or they simply shrug off the damage.
We need a better counter. For example what if there was a new siege weapon that exploded on impact, dealing increased damage for each additional player hit?
What if resource towers were destructible?
If groups want to ball up, I'm all for it. But there needs to be a better counter than sending 30 people to kill 12. I think ball groups might actually enjoy a better challenge but hey, easy ap is hard to turn down.
Any other (non trollish) ideas?
So I get that if you're not in a ball group and only encountered them as part of a zerg coming together to hit the ball group you would associate the ball groups with lag, but ... it's not us. Genuinely.
Greasytengu wrote: »
You got any sources for that claim?
CrustyCroco wrote: »As long as some of the AoE skills work as they do, I don't have much hope for a lot of performance improvements.
I know this is also ultimately a lot of assumptions, but at least there is some data to work with compared to other wild speculations of some forum-posts (addons, player behaviour etc.).
Taking Blood Altar as an example, cause i think it's the worst offender in this case:
Cast Time: Instant
Target: Area
Range: Radius: 28 meters
Cost: 4320 Health
Skill description
Sacrifice your life essence to conjure a fountain of blood to apply Minor Lifesteal to enemies in the area, healing you and your allies for 600 Health every 1 second when damaging them. Allies in the area can activate the Blood Funnel synergy, healing for 40% of their Maximum Health.
The Altar looks for the 6 closest enemies to apply the lifesteal debuff, every 0.5sec (!). After an enemy got hit with the "aura", they get the debuff applied on them and actually having 2 debuffs. This can be tested with cleanse for example -> 2 debuffs removed = more healing and also esologs shows 2 different lifesteal IDs and uptimes.
The Altar "ticks" every 0,5 seconds in a 28m radius, looking for the closest enemies constantly.
I tested the Altar in the first skyreach room, i think 12 mobs (maybe one more or less, doesn't really matter here tho), around 70 seconds and moving around, so different enemies were closest to the altar frequently. The "aura"-debuff got applied 912 times, switching enemies depending on which was closest to the altar placement. Same for the debuff itself, so together it was 1824 debuff refreshes.
The raw data for the esologs opened in word is ~240 pages with 2750 entries of the aura debuff and 1832 of the lifesteal debuff, together 4582 entries (that's ~65,5 entries per second). Cause the logs not only get updated, when a new effect is appplied, but also, when one is removed again. This shows a high amount of info that has to synced with the players client and the servers.
Example: IIRC ID 80020 is the actual debuff ID and 86304 the "aura" ID.
And this was only me casting the Altar and only 12 enemies.
Imagine 12 people using it for example, the debuffs would try to overwrite each other every 0,5seconds, which already would give an insane number of infos having to be synced.
Now imagine this in Cyrodiil in a big fight, where even more than 12 enemies are around.
Just this one skill is most likely a higher offender to data traffic than any player behaviour, may it be ballgroup, zerggroup or "solo" player in a zerg could cause.
EDIT: The synergy is not even included here, wouldn't be surprised if it also constantly checks the health of the friendly players in the area, if it's below 50% (or what was the right number again to show up?) to offer the synergy.
Looking at different AoE abilities shows they work in different ways.
Caltrops (only the debuff, damage gets applied to everyone inside of the AoE) for example has a lower range and if more than 6 people are standing inside of it, hits the enemies standing in it, which are closest to the center of the impact (kinda similar to altar, just that caltrops can be aimed and altar is dropped on the caster's position).
Graveyard is really weird, if more than 6 people are standing inside of it, it seems to hit (again only the debuff) the 6 people that got loaded within sight first, when entering the area. Not 100% sure on this, but it always hits the same 6 same targets, if they are inside of the skills area, additional targets will never be hit. Since it's a rather new skill compared to others, i think they already tried to reduce the data load by changing the way enemies are selected to get hit by the debuff, so it doesn't update all the time when enemies are moving a bit, not sure how much of improvement that does tho. Could as well be, that they just coded it different by "accident", new dev for example etc.
master_vanargand wrote: »
Read the following.
I have confirmed that this is correct.
Next is your turn.
You got any sources for your claim?
AureleosRex wrote: »Solution to ball groups is simple.
Don't let their AOE stuff stack and limit synergies.
And limit the number of people that can receive buffs from sets. The person wearing the set and three others per group.
And what exactly do you hope this would achieve in the end?PvP quality of combat improvements (I've been suggesting this at least once a year):
1. Change positive effects so that a player can only have one of each on them. 10 people casting radiating regen? Only one of them will tick at any given time. 6 people casting Vigor? Only one of them will tick at any given time. Each application overwrites the previous one. If 6 RRs are applied to the same person in the same second, only one of them sticks. 4 Illustrious on the ground in the same area? Only one's tick will apply to each person. The code is already there for named effects only applying once, make this work for heals too.
2. Change negative effects so that a player can only have one of each on them. 5 instances of burning applied at the same time? Only one should stick. Issues with 20+ negative effects and the insane healing capabilities from 2-3 players spamming cleanse are thus (mostly) resolved.
And what exactly do you hope this would achieve in the end?
If hots are nerfed, groups will spam more blessing of restoration. Sure, HoTs are a bit more reliable in a way, but if you have 3 ppl spamming a 10k burst heal, it still puts out the same HPS, so given high enough HP it will be the same.
Loosing Cleanse heals also isn't a big deal and would be very welcome for any group I think as it makes removing the debuffs that you really want to remove much easier (Oils, etc).
Sandman929 wrote: »
Anyone who's ever run in a ball group knows that stacking hots and group purging is the greatest defensive strength of group play. But yes, I welcome the changes...I'm sure these great groups will do just as well trying to use blessing of restoration to the same effect.
People keep coming up with complicated solutions to ball groups....all that is needed is addressing stacking hots and group purging.
In fact, I'd love to see a ball group try the power of blessing of restoration without group purging right now. I'm sure the survivability is the same, right?
TheEndBringer wrote: »That's why I was thinking of something that could be added to the game rather than fundamentally changing existing code because that won't happen.
A true group buster siege would be great. And returning the destructible towers. Ball groups would adjust but wouldn't the challenge be welcomed?
One thing we are forgetting, I think, is that this PVP is designed specifically for 12 to 24 man groups. I'm not really sure why it has been slowly pushed to smaller and smaller groups. I miss the old days when we could have hundreds on screen all fighting at the same time with the fight able to go either way. We ended up in an ulti race to see who could CC the most and then hit with ulti's first.
Am I the only one who remembers the fun of the old days?
Lord_Draevan wrote: »The only way I can think of to reliably get rid of ball groups would be to add a siege weapon or ability that insta-kills all players (regardless of blocking/health/gear/CP passives) if X number of players are within a Y radius when the siege or ability goes off. Number of players and radius to be determined by ZOS.
Otherwise, the only reliable way to kill a ball group seems to be with another ball group.
Lord_Draevan wrote: »
Remember when pop-lock meant 600 players, so a 3-way pop lock meant 1800 players, and Forward Camps had unlimited spawns and you could rez to the camp from anywhere on the map? Crazy times, the Beta/early access/shortly after launch PvP.
I actually do miss those days. Hella fun back then. We also played without lag before they changed the game due to gold spammers. That little thing changed everything from then on out. I would love to see us return to the days before the "arms race" and the day of the Meta build.
Lord_Draevan wrote: »The only way I can think of to reliably get counter ball groups would be to add a siege weapon or ability that insta-kills all players (regardless of blocking/health/gear/CP passives) if X number of players are within a Y radius when the siege or ability goes off. Number of players and radius to be determined by ZOS. That way you can still run in one if you want, but you'll be vulnerable.
Otherwise, the only reliable way to kill a ball group seems to be with another ball group.
You aren't too far off with that. When we had 24 man raids that were organized, the ball groups had a run for their money. Not all 24 mans were ball groups and not all ball groups are 24 man raids. They do different things and behave differently. I used to love coming in with a 24-man and killing ball groups. They were sometimes still a challenge because of different ways of fighting between the two, but it was fun when things could go either way. We started going wrong when everything because an "arms race" instead of relying on imagination to come up with new tactics and strategies.
I guess what I'm saying is if you want ball groups to start losing more (at least I think that's what we are talking about), put the 24-man raid back into play. It will give them a challenge again.
One thing we are forgetting, I think, is that this PVP is designed specifically for 12 to 24 man groups. I'm not really sure why it has been slowly pushed to smaller and smaller groups.