YandereGirlfriend wrote: »
It's an obvious Monkey's Paw situation - you got your wish but it's not really what was asked for.
Surely the devs are not so out-of-touch that they believed players were actually asking for sets like Automaton or Seducer's to be disqualified. The overwhelming majority of player requests involved problematic sets such as Malacath, Crimson, Unchained Terror, Syvarra's, etc.
The developers can either sit back and laugh at players' misfortune like an evil lamp genie or they can begin to address the spirit of the player complaints and reign in the problematic sets while restoring the rest.
Goregrinder wrote: »
You can still wear Mythics in Battlegrounds. That's still PVP.
starkerealm wrote: »
I'm going to stop you there, as Cyrodiil doesn't have plenty of players. Seriously, we're looking at something like 1m active accounts, and there's room in Crrodiil for a couple hundred per alliance? Maybe? Probably less than that. (Seriously, there's less than 60k slots for PvP in ESO at any given moment across all six servers.)
And if Sony removed backwards compatibility and LINUX support from their PS3s through a firmware update, they'd face a class-action lawsuit which... oh, no, wait, Sony settled that suit eight years later to the tune of 65 bucks.
So... yeah, you could sue ZOS, it'd take a decade, and then get a buck-fifty if you're lucky.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »It is "plenty" of players in relative, not absolute, terms. I would suspect that there are proportionally more players who dislike this change than there are of sweaty, CP-Cyrodiil resource 1vX'ers who seem to be its primary proponents. The latter are definitely over-represented on the forums, though.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »And I don't know the details about what happened to Sony but I do know that citing that a lawsuit was settled for a paltry sum does not necessarily say anything about the actual legal merit of the case - only that one side potentially had better lawyers--and the ability to sustain them indefinitely in litigation--while the other side did not. I don't remember what a PS3 cost but getting refunded 65$ of its initial cost would still likely be ~10-15% of the total. If someone had been subbed to ESO for 6 years and had bought all of the expansions at launch, that same settlement percentage would be several hundred dollars.
starkerealm wrote: »Given the overall Cyrodiil population has increased since the test went live
Do you have a source for this statistic? In my experience of playing on Gray Host PC/NA for the last few months, the campaign has been pop locked at the same times as before the tests, and one, two, or three barred at the same times as usual. So I'd be interested in knowing where you acquired this "fact."
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Thanks to everyone for participating in this latest Cyrodiil test where we disabled all proc sets. Similar to what many of you have noted in your feedback, we found this test did not impact performance in a measurable amount; if anything, there was a very slight degradation of performance at times, likely due to a higher population of players in Cyrodiil.
We’ve heard from a lot of you that despite performance largely being the same, disabling proc sets has breathed new life into PvP gameplay and has made fights more enjoyable and fun. To that end, we’ll be leaving proc sets disabled until Update 31 launches in Q3. At that point, we will have implemented some new code so we can have more flexibility to campaign rulesets as it applies to proc sets. We’ll work on applying all this to consoles as well, and we’ll let you know when we have a date for this starting.
Now that we’ve had time to digest a lot of data and information, we have a better idea of next steps and the work needed to produce noticeable improvements to performance in Cyrodiil. This work is complex and will take a fair amount of time and effort. We are committed to improving the PvP experience, though, and we have already begun scheduling out this work. Please note that none of the scheduled work will implement any of the changes we made on PC during past tests, and at this time we don’t plan to run any additional tests.
When Update 29 launches on Monday for PC, we’ll be turning off double AP but proc sets will remain disabled as mentioned above. We appreciate the time everyone spent in Cyrodiil during these tests and all the feedback that’s been submitted.
starkerealm wrote: »
Emphasis added.
Unless you're assuming Gina is lying to us.
Will I still be able to use spinners and seducer ? They're not procs, are they?
They plan to reduce build diversity and make performance worse, why would this stop complaints?
It's literally NOT what anyone has been asking for.
You cant even use your CP in BG's that is a joke! this whole decision is a complete joke, it goes to show some of you are ok with forking over money to a company who can just tell you one day "hey we are disabling half the game Enjoy" and you guy's would be fine with it, you do realize this stops people from wanting to farm sets/monsters due to it not working in PVP where the MAIN population is at. IC can't even stay pop locked without an event going on, and what are they going to do when everyone moves down to IC and the performance tanks through the roof? disable proc sets down there as well?
15% base mitigation + 5k base health - how do you kill somebody? By spamming dizzy swing and executioner? This will only make people running even more in ball groups and massive zergs.
So less complains from PvP players who complain about the NEED to farm monster sets in PvE while not enjoying that. This is actually a big, fat plus, that you have not to run the content you have no interest for and change the whole build back and forth, from PvE to PvP or searching all the Skyshards to invest in the skill you do need in PvE only.
Kalik_Gold wrote: »Just create a new PvP zone - that only has 4 builds StamDD, MagDD, Tank and Heal. If they want it so basic.
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