Maintenance for the week of July 1:
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· [IN PROGRESS] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

52 Quality of Life features ESO could use

I love this game. And I love to complain about this game. This time, I thought I'd do something different for a spell and present my complaints in the form of possible solutions. This is a list of Quality of Life (QoL) improvements ESO could greatly benefit from. Each one of these points is a result of being frustrated with the game in some way or another but they should prove to be constructive. This has been in "development" (aka me jolting things down while complaining to party members on discord :D ) for a few months now. Since a new year is about to begin and I had 52 points written down I thought I'd present them now, one possible QoL improvement for each week of 2021 :). Now I'm no programmer, so I can only very roughly assess how much time and effort it takes to implement any of this, but I believe most are on the easier side and at least some of them could (and should) be done by the end of 2021.

I've purposely omitted anything to do with game balance and performance, as they are a whole different beast that are out of scope for this topic :). The order the points are written in isn't anything to be concerned with, it's just how I have chronologically written them down when playing the game. Feel free to quote, comment, agree, disagree, and/or present your own QoL improvements you'd like to see.

Anyway, here we go. 52 game improvements ZOS should implement in 2021 (don't let it deter you from fixing game performance as a priority though >:) ) :

1. Start being consistent with wording
Especially in item/skill/passive tool tips. See example below, heal for the % damage done vs. restore % of the damage dealt. Are they mechanically the same or not? Ring of the Pale Order for example does not heal from damaging shields, while sweeps does. Is this an intended mechanic? No one knows, because the language is not consistent throughout the game.

2. Get rid of the horse feeding mechanic
It is antiquated and non-alt friendly. It worked in 2014 when the game was new because we were all progressing our characters for the first time but now is just a nuisance and a greedy ploy to sell crown training books. If you don't want to get rid of it, at least vastly reduce the cooldown and make "horse food" buyable and portable (just like crown training books are). For example: 1-2 hours between each feeding, apples give speed, wheat gives carry capacity, carrots give stamina.

3. “Dragons! In your own homeland!”
Yes, I CAN believe it. I killed hundreds of them. Seriously, who does not get annoyed by that? Please make the NPCs stop repeating their lines once the associated quest has been completed, with an option to turn it off completely (for alt characters).

4. Get rid of the hidden cooldowns between motif drops
For example, I heard that when stealing from NPCs in Vvardenfell and receiving a motif page there is a 15-30 min cooldown before you can get another one. Additionally, for purple Ayleid furniture recipes (the really expensive ones) I HEARD it's 8 hours. Right now, many people don't even realize there are such cooldowns and everything is based on hearsay. If there is truly a good reason not to get rid of these cooldowns completely at least standardize them and make it clear there are cooldowns between drops.

5. Fix the bug that resets your inventory every time you open a container
Why hasn't this been done yet? There is an addon that fixes this issue so ask the creator how to do it if you can't do it in house.

6. Make style pages bankable

7. Implement a different color health bar for people that can not be healed by others
Ring of the Pale order prevents heal from anyone but yourself. This leaves many healers confused as to why they can't heal their teammates. A visual indicator that says "this person cannot be healed by you" would be nice. A greyed out health bar for example. Blood for blood is another skill that makes your character unhealable by others.

8. Mail refresh option
Implement a button to force refresh mail. Right now, the mail automatically updates when you login with a character. After that, you can manually refresh it ONCE by opening the mail. If you want to refresh your mail after you've done it once, you have to travel to a different zone. Please add the ability to manually refresh mail without traveling to a different zone.

9. Unlocking perfected weapon / item set in sticker-book should unlock corresponding non-perfected version

10. Using an exp/ap gain buff while having one up already should either extend it or override it
As it stands now we cannot use an exp buff if we have one up already. For example: 50% exp boost from crown scrolls cannot be overridden by a 100% ambrosia. A boost expiring within the next few minutes cannot be extended until it fully runs out. Even if it is due to expire in less than a minute. I've failed to have an exp buff before the end of the random daily (a massive chunk of exp gain) due to this several times, as I could not extend my buff before the run and I've forgotten to apply a new buff in the middle of the run once the old one ran out. At least make us able to cancel these buffs by right clicking (with a prompt to confirm), so we can then reapply them that way.

11. Implement a deposit all currency button in bank
Having to deposit my gold, AP, tel var stones and sometimes even writ vouchers after every session with an alt is tedious. I see no reason why everything but gold isn't account wide, but since that isn't the case a deposit all currency would be a nice QoL improvement.

12. Increase the number of event tickets we can hold
Every event I lose tickets because I forget to visit the impressario. 12 tickets is way too low, especially since we cannot visit the impressario every day due to the price of wanted items always being 5 or 10 tickets and the fact that we can earn 3 tickets per day. If I forget to spend my tickets for just one day (when going for the 10 ticket items) I am already losing on tickets. I understand this mechanic is in place to avoid stocking up on tickets for future events, but as it stands now it's just not player friendly. One solution: make us be able to stack tickets during the event and then make and hoarded tickets slowly decay to 12 before next event start. The event merchant should also stay for a few days after the event ends to allow for late ticket spending.

13. Allow us to change equipped items when character is dead (and out of combat)

14. Allow us to change equipped skills when character is dead (and out of combat)

15. Allow us to open mail when character is dead

16. Allow us to open mail when in combat

17. Allow us to change quick slot items in combat
This one irks me the most of the last 5. Forgot to put siege in your quickslot before attacking/defending a keep? Tough luck. Next opportunity to change quickslot items is in 30 minutes.

18. Account already logged in?
Any time I disconnect it takes 5 minutes to relog into the game. Half of it is due to crazy long loading screens, and the other half is the game not realising you have disconnected and it does not let you log in because the "account is already logged in". Please force a disconnect of the old instance after a new connection attempt. Include a prompt if necessary, eventhough I don't see why it would be.

19. Standardize daily reset times
Daily quests, writs, and undaunted reset at the same time in the morning. But activities through group finder (daily random, daily battleground) reset in 20 hours. Why the discrepancy? Get rid of it.

20. Group finder with a premade group should be instant
Queuing for a dungeon with 4 group members should trigger the accept prompt immediately, no "searching" required. Many times it gets stuck and we have to requeue. Also it should completely ignore the group roles.

21. Group finder should include queuing for several roles
I can easily take any role with my templar on a normal or non-DLC vet dungeon, just by changing my gear and skills. Many healers can act as DD without even changing gear. Allow us to queue for more than one role and then notify us what role we were selected before accepting so we can equip appropriate items and skills. See World of Warcraft for example.

22. Group finder should have an option to queue for nonstandard group compositions
4 dd, 3dd+tank, 3dd+heal are all viable for normal modes and tank+3DD is viable most vet dungeons as well. I prefer to rush through my dungeons. Some prefer the trinity of tank+healer+damage in all content, regardless of difficulty. Make us all happy. As with the prior request, allow for queuing for multiple options at once to speed up the group finder.

23. Introduce a proper MMR system in battlegrounds
Right now it is based purely on time spent playing (I think?). A league system would be awesome and advancing through the tiers would be something to look forward to. See League of Legends for example.

24. Add more tiers to Cyrodiil campaign rewards
Currently you can get a maximum of 50 transmute stones when you reach tier 3 rewards in cyro campaign. This can easily be done in one afternoon. After that, the progress on that character is halted. However, you can log in into an alt and reach tier 3 rewards for another 50 transmutes. So playing 18 characters = 50x18 = 900 transmutes. Playing one character for the equal amount of time = 50 transmutes. Do you see the issue? Rework the reward progression. I would suggest to make it account wide and make reward tiers go all the way up to 20, 30, or even 50. Guild Wars 2 has an awesome PvP reward system if you need inspiration. Could also apply to battlegrounds. Both PvP options could use some love and a lot more players in them.

25. Change the Imperial City Tel Var mechanic
Whether it's worth it or not is debatable, but noone is farming Tel Var stones. One of the reasons is because of how easy it is to loose them. Anyone farming the stones risks losing 80% of them dying to a ganker, while gankers risk nothing going into sewers with 0 stones on them. Not to mention the gankers also have the advantage of the surprise on a distracted opponent and a dedicated ganking build vs. a farming build. I would include a similar multiplier mechanic that exists for farming Tel Vars, but for the gankers: when you kill an enemy player you steal 0% of their Tel Vars with no bonus active, 20% with 2x bonus, 50% with 3x bonus, and finally 90% with 4x bonus. If you want to gank players for their stones, you should risk some of yours as well.

26. Better rewards for killing dragons
Everytime I go into Alik'r desert there is a literal horde of players going from dolmen to dolmen. It's ridiculous. On the other hand, it's tough to find people to take down dragons, especially in southern Elsweyr. Unlike dolmens, they can not be soloed and the wayshrines are often in unpractical locations so it's way harder to reach and complete them in the first place. The rewards from killing dragons do not offset this. Increase the rewards from killing dragons, let's see some dragon trains instead of dolmen trains.

27. Remove broken dungeons from the undaunted rotation until fixed.
Scalecaller peak hard mode is not working for several months now, and it is often a daily from Urgalag Chief-Bane. Should be a simple enough procedure to remove broken dungeons from him until fixed. Same should have been done for Fang Lair and Wayrest Sewers I when the lich bosses were bugged and would crash everyone. Also applicable for any future situations that will inevitably arise.

28. Increase housing furnishing limit
Some of the things the housing community in this game achieves is A-MA-ZING. Sadly they are limited by a very small furnishing limit. The "performance" excuse is getting old by now. Find a way to increase the limit.

29. Allow the use of merchant/banker in housing
I know you can place one as a furnishing if you are the house owner, but you can not bring him/her/it out like you do normally anywhere else when in your own or someone elses home.

31. Make ALL quest areas accessible after completing their related quest
For example: I am unable to access Summerset quest areas with books in them and I cannot complete my eidetic memory collection because of it. It's annoying. There are more examples of this in older content as well. Most books have been fixed, but not all. It should prove to be an easy fix for the rest, but is clearly not on the list of the priorities. Allowing access to old quest areas would be a possible work-around. Make containers unlootable if necessary.

32. Make all quest related lore books available after finishing their corresponding quest
Not necessarily an alternative to the prior point, I would like to see them both implemented. But this one would probably take less time to implement and achieve the same result: being able to collect all books. Some progress has been done on this issue, but it isn't finished yet. Certain Summerset books not able to read since 2017.

33. Automatically drop combat when not taking damage and not using offensive/healing skills for x seconds
For the purposes of mounting when being stuck in combat in Cyrodiil and to open bugged doors in dungeons. I'm sure everyone and their mom included knows that one bugged door in Wayrest Sewers.

34. Implement a disable/enable all add-ons button
Going through all of them manually when trying to get the vanilla experience for whatever reason is just tedious. Add a check mark next to the one already existing ("allow out of date add-ons?") that simply states "allow add-ons?" so we can disable/enable them all at once without getting carpal tunnel syndrome.

35. Unify repair kits
Wall repair kits, door repair kits, siege repair kits, crown repair kits, grand repair kits. Too. Many. Repair. Kits! At the very least, wall, door and siege repair kits should be unified into one item. The best quality of life improvement would be to unify them with item repair kits as well. Slot in quickslot to repair alliance war stuff, right click -> use to repair equipped items.

36. Standardize the dailies NPC conversation options
What I mean is, if there is a daily NPC and I want to take a quest from him, I sometimes have to choose the first option to get the quest, then second option to say goodbye. Other times, on other NPCs I have to press 1 three times to get the quest and then press 1 again to leave the discussion. Other times, If you keep pressing 1 you are stuck in a conversation loop. It's a minor thing, I know, but still a possible quality of life improvement. Talk to the NPC, press option 1 to see what the quest is, 1 again to take it (or 2 for the lore) and then 1 again to leave the conversation.

37. Implement a skill duration tracker
This should (in my opinion) be part of the base UI.

38. Consistency in account name / character name being displayed
I have the "prefer account name" option toggled on in the options. This means I'd prefer to see the @ name everywhere, not just in player nameplates. The name in health bars and when pressing the party hotkey that is being displayed is still the character name. Keep it consistent please. I recognize people by mostly by account names in the first place, and additionaly since everyone likes to be (or atleast we think we are) witty with our alt character names it is often difficult to tell who is who when partying up. Even with friends I have to sometimes hover my mouse over them in the party window in raids to recognize them since the displayed name is that of the character instead of their @ name.

39. Make all crown store items with the same name stackable
If I get 25 tristat potions from daily login rewards, and I get 25 of identical potions from a crown crate reward, they don't stack with each other but instead take up 2 inventory slots. Eventhough they can both be placed in the bank and transfered, they cannot be put together in the same stack. Same goes for crown exp scrolls, repair kits, etc. Make identical items stack. Additionally, remove the character-bound trait from rewards obtained from level up advisor so they can stack as well, and be transferred. It's not like it's viable to stock up on any of those rewards through levelling alts over and over again. The only real value comes from the 4k gold at lvl 30, 6k gold at lvl 40 and 10k gold at lvl 50, which can be banked and transferred anyway.

40. Disguises should unlock a costume
Some quests require you to loot a disguise and wear it to complete the quest. Get rid of the quest items that drop and instead unlock the disguise via the costume system when looted. This way the disguise can be used as an outfit/costume after completing the associated quest.

41. Make fast travel free
I can bypass the fast travel cost by porting to a friend or guild mate and I'll land next to a wayshrine, then proceed to teleport anywhere I want for free. Let's skip a loading screen and make fast travel free, shall we?

42. Champion and attribute point presets
Just like we have outfit slots, we should have champion and attribute point preset slots. 2 to start with to switch between and additional ones to be bought with crowns. This could extend to skills and items so we can switch "specialisations" with the use of presets. Addons allow for a part of this already, you can switch skills and gear with the click of the button, which should already exist in the base game anyway. Shout out to console brothers, poor souls have to live without addons such as url=""]dressing room[/url] :'(

43. Awesomeguildstore functionality for guild store
I recently found this addon and boy, was I missing out! I especially love the feature where you can filter items depending if you have knowledge of them or not, it gets rid of literally hundreds of items when I'm searching for motifs I haven't got yet. This is a classic example of a QoL improvement that should prove easy enough to implement with tangible results.

44. Mail unlooted boss drops from dungeons
Not looting the boss is in a vast majority of cases a mistake. Due to simply forgetting, or due to a disconnect, or forced teleport out of the dungeon because of being removed from the group. Sometimes it's due to a bug and being unable to loot for whatever reason. Very rarely is it a choice. We get our daily rewards mailed to us, so why not any items we left unlooted? World of Warcraft does this for a long time now.

45. Get pets out of the way
Sorc twillights especially are a nuisance in any major town. Make them fly away from their owner, sit down in some corner, or scale them down and make them sit on the owners shoulders and some have suggested in the past, just do something. I don't really care what route we go, just get them out of our faces. The same applies to warden bears and any other creatures that like to stand in the way of NPCs and crafting stations.

46. Move rapid maneuver back to where it was
Nobody asked for this. Rapid maneuver is basic quality of life skill for all characters. Vigor on the other hand is used only by stamina characters.

47. Reduce War Tortes pricing
This is a major WTF. Base item, the Colovian war torte (50% boost) is OK. Currently sold for around 1k per piece. But Molten War Torte (100%) goes for 80k on the guild traders and I haven't even seen the White-Gold Torte (150%) being sold anywhere. Not even the material used to make it, for that matter. Reduce the cost of materials for this food tenfold or find a different way to farm for them.

48. Make flaps from heavy armor chests hide-able
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... Do I need to go on?

49. Make shoulder armor hide-able
See above.

50. Give a way to get 2 skill points for players that save Valaste
An additional quest rewarding those who went the good guy route like me. Out of all the quests in the game, this is the ONLY choice that actually makes a difference and therefore matters. I'm out of 2 skill points because I made the »wrong« choice in 2014 :neutral:

51. Revise dungeon difficulty levels
All presently normal difficulty non-DLC dungeons are fine as they are. But all normal DLC dungeons, with the exception of ICP and WGT should be called veteran by default, with the normal option removed. Why? Because they are closer to the difficulty of veteran versions base game dungeons than they are to normal. As an example, compare normal Stone Thorn mob and boss health to those in veteran Spindle 1. Veteran base game dungeons can stay as they are, and a new difficulty level should be implemented for vet DLC, as they are a whole different kind of beast. They can for example be called mythic ehm I mean champion. Note that I am not talking about changing the actual difficulty of these dungeons (well maybe tweak the old normal, new vet DLC just a tiny bit - more trash pack damage and more damage from boss mechanics?), I'm just talking about renaming the difficulties. Newer players will understand that veteran Fungal Grotto 1 and champion Lair of Moon Hunter Keep are not the same difficulty, as right now it just doesn't make sense they are both veteran difficulty.

52. Implement a story mode for dungeons
Through the group finder, include an option that lets you queue solo/duo for a dungeon to explore and experience the story. Monsters and bosses could be scaled to a public dungeon level and drop no exp and no loot if necessary.

Disclaimer for the points that are to follow: They are a bit more than simple QoL, so they get their own list. Some are contentious even between the player base, and some would require a lot of time and resources to implement to change mechanics of the game. I know it is unrealistic to expect any of them to go through. Nevertheless, I strongly feel they would majorly impact the game quality in a positive way.

-> Implement an option to scale overland content
Member Cadwell silver/gold when vet levels were still a thing? I member. Stuff was hard! Either scale up the difficulty of all overland content or at least allow us to »hard-mode« story boss fights that makes them comparable to vet arenas. For gods sake, the speed we mow through overland mobs is comparable to ARPGs like Diablo, not an MMO! And as in ARPGs, I don't even remember the names of the bossess I fought in overland ESO as they die in less than 10 seconds.

-> Take the R away from RNG
How many people ran vMA for 100+ runs just to get that one weapon that just didn't want to drop? Completing an arena should have a higher chance to drop a weapon you are still missing in your sticker-book. A similar mechanic should apply for any drop, anywhere in the game. If you run a dungeon with a group and all 4 of you have for example collected the head motif, the x/y/z set inferno staff and the helm in medium, then the game RNG should be tampered with to favor dropping for example a chest motif, x/y/z set dagger and helm in heavy. Let's say I am missing a motif page from a dungeon to complete the entire motif book, I should be able to run that dungeon and expect a very high chance for one of the teammates receiving that page as a drop if we do hard mode. It should be more favorable to run that specific dungeon than dropping 20k gold on the auction house, no? This mechanic could also apply to other drops. I've killed enough mammoths to be named an extinction level event, yet I haven't received their trophy item yet. Don't even get me started on hunting for mythic item leads that drop from dungeon bosses :tired_face: . Diablo 3 includes a system that raises the odds of dropping a legendary item after every kill, until eventually you are guaranteed one. A custom tailored RNG system that isn't completely random would greatly benefit a game like ESO.

-> Either implement class change OR implement account wide achievements
Give us some form of account wide progress. A toggle on the character to merge the alts achievements with those with a main through a family system is what I am leaning to. The other possibility is to rework the achievements and make some achievements account wide (such as monster trophies) and add new account wide achievements, example: level each class to 50, get 100 kills in PvP with each class etc..
Anything to make achievement hunters more inclined to play anything but their main, really. The other option would be to sell a class change at a premium so we can class change the main character.

-> Implement rewards for achieving certain achievement point thresholds
Guild Wars 2 does it the best. I would like to see something similar in ESO, maybe a reward chest every 500 points with a unique title every 5000 points. The chests could include some gold and items similar to the ones we get from daily logins (repair kits, exp scrolls, tristat potions etc..) or even crown store items. We could even go as far as a small reward for every single achievement -> some achievements already have this! For example a lot of dungeon achievements give exp and undaunted xp. PvP achievements could give some AP, etc.
On the topic of achievement points, 50 points is standard for collecting motifs and I feel this is way too high, especially if a reward system based on the points is implemented. For example in Fang Lair you can get 50 achievement points for collecting a motif (which you can buy in the guild store) but only 10 points for Deadric Deflector (which is a difficult achievement).

-> Item drop rates
What are the drop chances of a tomb urn from mummy enemies? What are the odds of fishing out a blue fish? Which mobs drop Ayleid motifs? What is the chance? What is the cooldown once I get a certain item? Nobody knows. And I'm sure I'm not the only one that would like to know these things.

-> ESO armory
We have this through an addon, and it's amazing. Sadly it's limited to low population since you have to download a plugin and manually update your data. It should be included in the base game, with an opt-out (or opt-in) system by checking a tickbox.

-> Disconnects/crashes should not make you automatically fail no death achievements
I only put this in the contentous category because there might be a way to abuse it. But I find this can be prevented by the devs setting it in place correctly. In solo content such mechanic could prevent you from having to restart your vMA / vVH run if you got disconnected in between fights (which happened to me twice when going for no death for the first time! completing with 15/15 lives remaining and not having the achievement is a bummer!). The same goes for group content if crashing in between bosses, or by some miracle if you crashed in a fight and the team managed to keep you alive until your character got thrown out of the game (unlikely, but possible!). You should be able to log back in and continue the dungeon still viable for the no death achievement in that case in my opinion. The achievement should of course still fail if a boss is killed while you are offline to prevent abuse.

-> Pets should not take target priority
This goes out for the PvPers. Remember when pet sorc was meta? Do the words engine guardian trigger your PTSD? Ever tried duelling a warden with his bear out? Anyone that has experienced any of it knows what I'm talking about. And even on the PvE side, the amount of ultimates dropped on critters is just way too high.

-> Implement a crowns <-> gold conversion system in the crown store
Or, alternatively, implement an option to sell/buy crowns between players through the guild bank.

-> Stop it with the predatory monetization of the game
Clown crates. Limited offer this, limited offer that. Just stop it please. It's debatable whether or not loot boxes should even be legal, but it is a fact that is predatory, taking advantage of players compulsion and excitement of gambling.

-> BONUS: Start communicating with your playerbase
Not a quality of life improvement per se, but god knows we could do with some communication from the devs. Matt Firors end of the year letter is a step in the right direction, but it's just that. One singular step in what should be a marathon. We need more. The letter is quality PR - it's really well written - but you have to understand that hearing you will devote more time to stability and performance and less time for new systems in 2021 does not make us overly optimistic considering the catastrophic performance of 2020, "the year of performance". All I take from from that statement is "no nice things in 2021!", as if it was the item set stickerbook to blame for the lack of performance fixes in
2021. Or was it the scrying/excavation?

Anyway, what what I would like instead of blanket PR statements is for ESO devs to back up your promises with some evidence. How exactly do you plan on tackling 2021? What is going to make it different from 2020? Why should we expect anything else than a repeat of 2020? We need substance. We want to hear what you, the devs are thinking. We want to know what you are prioritizing. Is trial performance first, Cyrodiil secondary, or maybe the same fixes apply to both? Are you taking on crashes first and then latency/skill delays as a secondary goal? Or the other way around? Or even more specific: are you satisfied with class balance? What (if any) are the plans for future changes to classes? What are your thoughts on the PvP meta? Are you happy with proc sets dominating no-CP? What are the crit changes we have been told about? When can we expect them? Or are theyy scrapped? And what about CP rework? Is it coming? What can we expect from it? Give us your thoughts, give us your opinions, give us your soul. Erm, I mean pour out your soul o:)

  • Qbiken
    Would like to add:

    * Remove the ability to queue/port from IC-->Cyrodiil or Cyrodiil-->IC while in combat. This "trick" is heavily abused by people in IC who doesn't wanna risk or lose their telvar when farming bosses. I

    Regarding your #25 point:
    It's always 50% telvar loss regarding if you die to a player or a mob. Used to be 80% if I remember correctly but was changed quite some time ago.
  • WiseSky
    You missed the most important one:

    Let us Control the WEATHER since its instanced!
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • Artorias24
    You dont steal 80% of the telvar anymore. Its always 50%
  • zvavi
    Make notifications account wide.
    Include in-game explanation about stats.
    In-game combat metrics.
    In-game auto repair and recharge.
  • Nairinhe
    28. Furnishing limit is a dead horse. How is performance excuse is getting old? Did the whole playerbase suddenly upgrade they CP/consoles? Or did ZOS redo their engine?

    35. Let's join them with food and potion as well! Those are different items with different purposes.

    39. Those are not identical. Daily rewards cannot be turned into gems, level rewards are character bound. And they must remain character bound, otherwise it becomes exploitable, no matter if players will or won't use that opportunity.

    48. Not happening. This would require making flaps a separate model on all the styles. Cannot imagine ZOS doing all that work.

    50. That's the point of the quest. Have profit or be a decent person. There's more than enough skill points anyway.

    51. DLC dungeons vary in difficulty greatly. MHK and MGF are hecking hard (to duo on potatoes at least), Unhallowed grave I think I could even solo. As all the DLC content is more difficult than base game, I don't see what's the problem. Someone fails to clear several times, so what?

    52. Dead horse again. IIRC Finn said that it's not happening.

    Overall, what's that with standardization, unification, "make all one click" and "let me shortcut wherever it's possible"?
  • EvilAutoTech
    52, like a dirty deck of cards.
  • barney2525
    or weeks of one year.

    Implement one per week


  • omegatay_ESO
    18 for real. It's almost 2021 zos. What is with the long load times into the game. Slow laptop, fast pc, does not matter.
    It makes alting painful. Fix it already. Please..
  • wheresbes
    Amazing list!
    #37 is more than QoL, a skill duration tracker is sorely needed.
    #40 would be super exciting to have! more costumes, yay!!
    #51 agree, when I get a normal DLC dungeon for random daily, I always think "that's not what I've signed up for"; to me, they're not necessarily too hard (if DDs are good) but too long compared to non-DLC ones.
    #52 is also great, in fact, I had to skip all the dialogues in dungeons' quests, which I didn't like.

    I don't agree with "Implement an option to scale overland content", I'm fine the way it is, this way I can be creative with my builds and still find the experience enjoyable.
  • zaria
    53: reply to mail button. Requested this during beta :)

    Else its was plenty of good ideas here.
    WiseSky wrote: »
    You missed the most important one:

    Let us Control the WEATHER since its instanced!
    Or rater make it the same for all in instance, it will just require a byte extra data to synchronize weather in instance.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Dysprosium
    Big vote for me for the story mode solo option for dungeons. I still don't know the story of most dungeons even the lowbie normal ones and I am CP950. Everyone is just madly running through the dungeon and won't even stop for a heavy sack or chest. Even if you say you have quest typically no one says a word or stops. Maybe they could even drop the green versions of the gear?

    I think adding some options to the dungeon finder on what your goals are in doing the dungeon would help many people and prevent toxic situations.

    Speed running can be wonderful when we just want to get a daily done but it can be rude and inconsiderate to not wait for other team members to see why they're running the dungeon. Not all of us are in there for the random norm daily or pledges. Eg, some want to get a quest done so we can get the skill point. Far too often I get into the dungeon and before can even grab the quest the speed runner is way ahead. For the rest of the dungeon the 3 other group members are just madly sprinting from start to end of dungeon. Not even a chance to get parts of the quest that happen throughout the dungeon (many blabby moments happen which I don't pay attention to because I'm on edge hoping the person doesn't kill the next boss before I advance the next stage of my quest). The other 3 group members can't slow it down- they're forced to run after the speed run person because they're at the next boss and have it dead before anyone else can get a hit in. Then at the end they disband the group so everyone can get the dungeon boot.

    There are 3 other people in the dungeon. Maybe they just want to finish the quest or grab a chest/find and open a chest for a gear set?

    By adding some options to the dungeon finder on what your goal is in doing the dungeon, it could help group like minded people together so we all can enjoy our ESO experiences.
    Edited by Dysprosium on December 29, 2020 2:46PM
  • Sarannah
    The only ones I agree with are: 11-12-28-32-39-40-41-42-44-45-49-50-51-52. Every other suggestion is either about balance, would change the gameplay too much, or is personal preference. Great list though!

    PS: About 46, remove rapid maneuver from the game in my opinion. And incorporate it into the base mount speed.
    Edited by Sarannah on December 29, 2020 4:13PM
  • Deter1UK
    zaria wrote: »
    53: reply to mail button. Requested this during beta :)

    THIS! I don't understand why it's not there. WHY?

    (Great list btw)
  • Ezhh
    I just want some kind of "all settings are shared between all characters option". One of the reasons I delayed making my latest new character for such a long time is simply that I was so sick of setting up chat the way I happen to like it over and over...

    Yes, per character options are nice... AS AN OPTION! But in general, I want my chat to stay the same, my controls to be the same, how nameplates display and how combat looks to be... the SAME, no matter which character I am on.

    I love this game, but QoL when running a lot of characters isn't big.

    This is before we get into something like how I retired my first character due to not liking changes to the class, and made her a crafter, and now I'd need to re-buy/farm a lot of expensive motifs to get the achievements on what has been my main for about two years now. I really feel something like motifs learned should be account wide (especially the crown store only ones!!) but... never going to happen.
  • Elissn
    I agree with most of your points, a lot of these have annoyed me for a long time.

    Especially the summoned pets getting in the way. For years I played a pet sorc and I also love my warden with her bear, but by the eight, those pets can be so annoying! I'd personally prefer for them to become invisible in safe zones (towns, cities, etc.) with an option to make them invisible all times outside of combat. An easy way to unsummon them would also be awsome.
    But this way it's just ridiculous. Bring a flock of Daedra into town, no problem. But gods beware if you accidentally touch a certain axe at a certain writ turn-in.

    I have an addition as well: Swimming mounts. By that I mean let all the mounts have the ability to swim. I don't mind if they get a speed penalty in water, that would only be fair. But there's nothing more annoying then having to re-mount after crossing the tiniest of streams.
    By the way, almost all animals are able to swim irl, I think even camels are. Likely guars and kagoutis can swim as well, they live in swamps after all. And all those atronarch glowy magic and whatnot creatures are obviously magically enough to cross an arm-wide river, no? The only thing I'm not sure about are the Dwemer constructs, but for one who is skilled enough to build their own riding robot it should be child's play to make it water resistant.
  • JamieAubrey
    53: Lets us use disguises in Cyro again, I want to see everyone running around as a goblin again
    Edited by JamieAubrey on December 29, 2020 6:45PM
    Husan wrote: »

    41. Make fast travel free
    I can bypass the fast travel cost by porting to a friend or guild mate and I'll land next to a wayshrine, then proceed to teleport anywhere I want for free. Let's skip a loading screen and make fast travel free, shall we?

    Fast travel should never be made free, its a massive gold sink.
  • karthrag_inak
    This one would add a few.

    Allow surveys to be placed in craft bag. This is not to alleviate slots (they don't take up that many so this is not a big deal) but rather to make them available to all characters.

    Have survey stacks give all resources at once. So if you have a stack of 20 blacksmith surveys in Auridon, and you go to the Auridon location, each node gives 20x the usual survey node resources. This would be a -huge- boon for those of us with many (read : thousands) of surveys.
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
  • Sarannah
    Allow surveys to be placed in craft bag. This is not to alleviate slots (they don't take up that many so this is not a big deal) but rather to make them available to all characters.
    NO! That would mean characters with low crafting skills would waste them. Or they would pop, if I were doing something else entirely. There isn't always time to pick them up.
    Surveys do take up much space, like half my bank is full of them. If this were to happen, we would need to be able to toggle using surveys off/on.
  • karthrag_inak
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Allow surveys to be placed in craft bag. This is not to alleviate slots (they don't take up that many so this is not a big deal) but rather to make them available to all characters.
    NO! That would mean characters with low crafting skills would waste them. Or they would pop, if I were doing something else entirely. There isn't always time to pick them up.

    Just because a survey appears on the map, or in the world, doesn't mean you have to dig it up. It is not consumed unless you actually do dig it up.

    As an aside, you can use this to cherry pick what kind of alchemist mats the survey gives - run to survey location, and observe mats available on ground. If they do not suit your fancy, reset survey (by running away and running back) and you will have different alchemical mats available.
    Surveys do take up much space, like half my bank is full of them. If this were to happen, we would need to be able to toggle using surveys off/on.

    Well, not for this one, but if you think so, then by all means, this is another reason why they should go into the craft bag.
    Edited by karthrag_inak on December 29, 2020 9:19PM
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
  • Mik195
    Remove"stupid" mechanics in group dungeons. If there's a mechanic like the only way to kill a boss is for 4 people to roll barrels (and then blow them up) at the boss 30 seconds apart, that should stay. But for all those dungeons that need people to stand on plates to open a door or even the skeleton one, remove them to allow people looking for difficulty to try the dungeons with less than a full group. I'd be interested to see how long it takes someone to solo a trial (no difficulty nerfs just irrelevant mechanics removed).
  • Jeremy
    I'm glad to hear #5 is a bug because I thought that was an intended change. Out of the ones you mention, #45 is probably the one that annoys me the most. Though if I played as a healer I imagine that ring would be driving me crazy too. Though it's pets in way during combat that irritate me the most, especially when I'm trying to watch for an animation to block.
  • Finedaible
    You can add "Fillet stack" for fish to those QoL improvements. Simple ui change that has been wanted forever.
  • Jeremy
    Finedaible wrote: »
    You can add "Fillet stack" for fish to those QoL improvements. Simple ui change that has been wanted forever.

    Carving those up 1 by 1 does get tedious. No doubt.
  • idk
    1. The difference in wording provided for the first point is not that important.

    We should talk about important information such as listing every aspect that defines the damage behavior such as damage type and direct or indirect.

    5. The cooldowns on motifs may be for ensuring the database is updated properly. I am just guessing but I have seen the need for a delay when the servers are a great distanced from the user (lag). I work on servers from Asia to Australia to the Americas.
    7, Zos should have thought about this when they chose to make this change to grouping and healing in Cyrodiil. It is a no brainer that we now need something to differentiate an ally we can heal vs one that we cannot.
    10. If we have the perfected weapon unlocked in our sticker book why worry about the lesser version. It is so unimportant.

    13 & 14 are just not going to happen unless Zos could make sure our character remained in combat when dead and combat is occurring around us. Otherwise, it goes against the very clear choice Zos made two years ago when they made it so we cannot change gear and skills while in combat even if we avoided combat for a short period of time.

    We should be requesting the real issue be fixed, the in-combat bug. Especially the obvious one when we die, rez at a keep not under attack or the home bases and are still in combat. There is no excuse for this.

    17. Be prepared.
    18. When the client crashes the server does not know and as such has protocols to go through.
    19. Another obvious standardization that should have happened ages ago. Why should players have to guess when their random daily will reset or keep track of time.
    20. A pre-made 4 person group does not queue instantly because the GF design is bugged. Yes, it should but we have been challenged with GF designs as we are on at least our third GF.
    21. LOL, Zos implemented this, seemingly, to combat fake roles. All it did is force players who can legitimately perform multiple roles to choose the support role. There was no perceivable logic behind this.
    22. Form your own group if a special group design is desired.
    24. There are more tiers to Cyrodiil rewards. iirc, the leaderboard players get more rewards and if one's own alliance wins the campaign then the rewards are richer, I think.
    28. A logical argument that speaks to the reason Zos has given for the furnishing limits would be needed.
    29. We can use the banker and merchant in our homes. Place them as a deco.

    I stopped there. Have a good day.
  • Lady_Lindel
    Awesome post!!!!!
  • GrimTheReaper45
    Lots of good ideas
  • Husan
    Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate it.
    Qbiken wrote: »
    Regarding your #25 point:
    It's always 50% telvar loss regarding if you die to a player or a mob. Used to be 80% if I remember correctly but was changed quite some time ago.
    Artorias24 wrote: »
    You dont steal 80% of the telvar anymore. Its always 50%
    Yep, sorry guys, my bad. They must have changed this mechanic since I was last farming for tel var stones. Still, my point stands. You risk nothing going in sewers as a ganker with 0 stones on you and you take half of your unlucky opponent who actually did all the work. Because of this rarely anyone farms stones.

    @Nairinhe It's understandable we are going to have different opinions on certain matters, and I see what you are trying to say in your points. That's why I'll not challenge you on those even though I disagree. I'd like to ask you instead what do you think about the other points? Is there anything on the list you'd like to see implemented? I'd also like to hear your thoughts on #19 (Standardize daily reset times) since you seem to have taken a stance against standardization?

    Edited by Husan on December 30, 2020 7:56AM
  • Nairinhe
    @Husan You definitely had some nice ideas on that list:

    4. As a big fan of Fashion Scrolls, I support.

    5 and 32. As any bugs those should be fixed, of course.

    6. Yes, pls. Bankable and stackable. I wonder why they decided to make it a container and not just a consumable.

    10. Don't know how many times I was like "gimme a minute, my XP scroll is running out, don't want it to run out mid-battle".

    12. ZOS is very fond of artificial scarcity through limiting, for some reason. Like, I have everything from Impresario for the current event and 12 tickets. Is there a reason for me to go on with the event? Nope. I see why they do it, but I don't like it. Also would be nice to be able to farm tickets during the event I enjoy and skip the one I don't like. But I don't think losing excess tickets over time is a good idea. It's such an anxiety-inducing scenario.

    18. Good point.

    19. Yes. I have never been able to get full advantage of that 4-hour period. Like, I won't get up at 3 AM to feed my horse or run a random, right? I'd rather prefer to be able to log in on Saturday morning and do something I did late in the evening on Friday.

    44. This definitely wouldn't hurt.

    45. Yes!!! So much fun doing quests when there're only flapping wings that you see. (No) Also had some quite fun time trying to target Breda at the start of event. (Also no)

    With the rest I'm not much bothered by the current state of things, but wouldn't mind the change.

    On additional list: I wholeheartedly agree with "RNG should favour things you don't have yet". And raise drop rates for monster trophies while we are at it!

    As for communication, I kinda have given up. Mr. Firor's letters are all the same - only promises and PR. Though, I don't recall outright "we skip on new systems in favour of the performance and fixes" before. Also MS deal may change things. So I'm going to trade hope for popcorn and just wait and see what happens.
  • Yellow_Monolith
    @Husan A small change I would like is the ability to change the Frame Border colour under nameplates as it's hard to see being colourblind.
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