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52 Quality of Life features ESO could use

  • hafgood
    And how often do you buy a new house? Its not exactly something you are doing all day every day as there are a finite number of houses available to buy with gold. And their cost is available to see on a number of websites, so you can look up the price beforehand, take the gold out of your bank and then visit. If you buy great, if not then next time you do some banking put the gold back in the bank.

    It isn't hard, it doesn't take long and there are far better things to have added to the game than the ability to get your banker out in a house you don't own.
  • Grianasteri
    I just wanted to voice my support for almost every suggestion made by the OP.

    These really are, for the most part, the kind of QoL improvements that should be standard for a AAA game like ESO, in 2021.

    Part of the issue is that ESO is 6+ years old, take a moment to think about the evolution of the game in those 6 years, all the updates, additions, DLC etc, the game is in many respects unrecognisable in its present form when compared to 6 years ago.

    Yes, pretty much every QoL suggestion should be implemented... but can ESO cope? ESO is a truly incredible game, but it does lack a wide range of standard features that other similar games take for granted now (or worse, which PC users can access via an add on - a AAA game should not be leaving major QoL features to 3rd party add ons, and console users dont get any such benefit anyway - totally unacceptable for paying customers). When you raise these issues, often devs or players will argue "no we cant do that in ESO cos, reasons", reasons which are generally either plain nonsense, or unacceptable given ESO is a AAA game and other games DO have the features needed.

    Character slots is a perfect example. Some MMOs and similar games out there allow 50, or even 100+ character slots! ESO? 18, and you have to pay for most of them! This is totally and utterly unacceptable - yet devs and players argue ESO simply cant cope with more character slots.

    If ESO coding/design etc is in such a state that you cannot even allow regular paying customers more than 18 character slots, I see little prospect of most of the QoL improvements most folk know ESO should have, ever being implemented.

    So... is it time for ESO2? Effectively the same game but with modern, fresh coding, updated graphics and QoL improvements from the last 6 years and everything else besides that ESO/devs apparently cant cope with but which other games have as standard. What a wonderful opportunity to overhaul creaking stagnant (yet still enjoyable) systems like Cyrodiil for instance. Any such ESO2 would need a robust system of character AND account porting, every last drop of enthusiasm or interest I have in an ESO2 disappears if I cannot retain my 18 characters and account wide achievements/gear/resources etc.

    Mini rant over.
    Edited by Grianasteri on January 7, 2021 10:42AM
  • Susan_Sto
    I would love a zoom and/or preview feature when updating character appearence using Collections, similar to the function seen when previewing items in the Crown store.
  • volkeswagon
    I would really like the ability to search for a guild by name in the guildfinder. Also it would be nice to be able to filter out recipes, blueprints and motifs in traders that we already have learned so we just see stuff that need to learn.
  • ErythorBloodsheild
    I came here to see if a suggestion was achievements being account wide, not character wide. I wasn't disappointed. Or at least have end-game PVE content achievements be account wide.
  • barney2525
    jaws343 wrote: »
    I personally really only want 3 major qol changes.

    A way to search for unknown plans and motifs in traders.

    A way to search for non collected set pieces in traders.

    Stackable treasure maps that refresh the dig site when looted. Regular chests can spawn and despawn when you are directly on top of them treasure chests should do the same. Shouldn't need to ride away and back repeatedly to loot the same treasure map location 20 times.

    I just log out and log back in at the spot. Although multiple same treasure maps can't be carried in inventory. Gotta use one, pop out the Bank, get the other one, log out, log in.

    Surveys do stack so it works good with them tho.

  • volkeswagon
    Great list
    Number 6,12 ,43 resonates with me. Did you mention about being able to pick nodes, mount and open chests and doors while in combat. I don't know about you but if I'm being chased in real life I have no problem opening doors. Allowing this will stop people from stealing your nodes while in combat.
    Edited by volkeswagon on January 21, 2021 6:44AM
  • FlopsyPrince
    hafgood wrote: »
    And how often do you buy a new house? Its not exactly something you are doing all day every day as there are a finite number of houses available to buy with gold. And their cost is available to see on a number of websites, so you can look up the price beforehand, take the gold out of your bank and then visit. If you buy great, if not then next time you do some banking put the gold back in the bank.

    It isn't hard, it doesn't take long and there are far better things to have added to the game than the ability to get your banker out in a house you don't own.

    Of course. But it is an irritant and removing those is the point of things.

    Let me pay for the house from my bank without the banker and the problem would be solved.

    The question is not whether this is the worst problem, it is how to remove irritants.
    barney2525 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    I personally really only want 3 major qol changes.

    A way to search for unknown plans and motifs in traders.

    A way to search for non collected set pieces in traders.

    Stackable treasure maps that refresh the dig site when looted. Regular chests can spawn and despawn when you are directly on top of them treasure chests should do the same. Shouldn't need to ride away and back repeatedly to loot the same treasure map location 20 times.

    I just log out and log back in at the spot. Although multiple same treasure maps can't be carried in inventory. Gotta use one, pop out the Bank, get the other one, log out, log in.

    Surveys do stack so it works good with them tho.


    That can take a long time especially now and is prone to hanging. That is why a solution is needed, not ways to work around it!
    So... is it time for ESO2? Effectively the same game but with modern, fresh coding, updated graphics and QoL improvements from the last 6 years and everything else besides that ESO/devs apparently cant cope with but which other games have as standard. What a wonderful opportunity to overhaul creaking stagnant (yet still enjoyable) systems like Cyrodiil for instance. Any such ESO2 would need a robust system of character AND account porting, every last drop of enthusiasm or interest I have in an ESO2 disappears if I cannot retain my 18 characters and account wide achievements/gear/resources etc.

    Mini rant over.

    While that would be nice, it won't happen. Too much work to get back to the same place.

    I am personally wondering if the instability issues I am seeing more frequently now are indicating the game is going to die sooner rather than later. Not right away, but the code base clearly has some major problems.

    I hate to put all this time in on digital goods that will vanish.

    I would probably pick up another MMO if I found one that was more up-to-date and looked like it had a long shelf life. I did walk away from a lot of stuff in WoW when I quit that and all that I read about it says it has serious problems too.

    People will still keep playing these for quite some time of course, but I want something stable with good quality of life support. Not things I have to work against!
  • QuebraRegra
    when I got to add disguises as a costume I applauded... So much 'make it so" on that list.. nice work :)
  • Rittings
    I'd pretty much say impliment everything the OP says.. in fact, give the person a job in your RnD team because they clearly have their finger on the pulse :)
  • Alurria
    Why are we reviving old topics? From December 2020?
  • waterfairy
    alphabetize the style materials at crafting stations! the current setup by order they were released is ridiculous
  • Sotha_Sil
    I agree with all the points OP has stated. Make it happen.
    Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! - Spells and incantations for those with the talent to cast them!
  • Rittings
    Alurria wrote: »
    Why are we reviving old topics? From December 2020?

    Old? You think 3 months is old? Wait till you get to my age and you'll realize that 3 months is not time at all... it goes by in a blink... lol
  • Destai
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Adrikoth @ZOS_SarahHecker @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_BillE

    Looks like another post for the same QoL enhancements the community's been asking for a while. Can you engage the community how possible these are and if they've been communicated to the developers?

  • hafgood
    No please don't. These are not QOL improvements. [snip]

    [Edited for Rude Comments]
    Edited by Psiion on March 28, 2021 8:02PM
  • FlopsyPrince
    hafgood wrote: »
    No please don't. These are not QOL improvements. [snip]

    [Edited for Rude Comments]

    And your claim is backed up by what evidence?
    Alurria wrote: »
    Why are we reviving old topics? From December 2020?

    Because it remains relevant since nothing here has changed (that I recall).

    A few QoL improvements have made it through, such as multicrafting and additional things on the map, but many things have not and likely will never happen in spite of their great value.
    Edited by Psiion on March 28, 2021 8:02PM
  • Mojmir
    Jewelry hireling
  • tomfant
    Bit of a necro, but I just want to highlight how many of the QoL improvements listed in this old thread are in the game now. So, ZOS is listening (or reading), it just takes time...
  • FlopsyPrince
    tomfant wrote: »
    Bit of a necro, but I just want to highlight how many of the QoL improvements listed in this old thread are in the game now. So, ZOS is listening (or reading), it just takes time...

    Very few if I am tracking it right.

    Though that goes against your point.
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