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"Gates of Oblivion" selling point

  • Cireous
    I'm curious about the new "systems" they will add. As much as I love what antiquities brings to the table, while super happy they surprised us with it, I hope they finally start adding the systems we have been asking for for years. If they add at least 2 from the list below, my hype will be through the roof.
    1. Spellcrafting :weary:
    2. Optional zone difficulty changes
    3. A truly impressive cap-less reinvention of the Champion Point system that changes the way our characters play
    4. In game, Zos-run gold-to-crown/crown-to-gold exchange
    5. New magicka weapon
    6. A way to either trade with others or feed an errand boy our survey reports
    7. Planters and other gatherables for our homes
  • Starlock
    If there's no new class, odds are I won't be interested.

    All the other new chapter features they've added - with the sole exception of classes - have been a very mixed bag. Both jewelry crafting and antiquities are largely useless at their apex for anyone who can't stand grindfests. Psijic, while not terrible, was a missed opportunity by not being handled in the same way TG and DB was (Psijic Order really, really deserved it's own fully-fledged story DLC rather than a breadcrumb trail story arc). Chapters have gotten very formulaic too, and while the yearlong story arc was well done in Elsweyr (each expansion worked well as a standalone piece of content) that was not the case for Greymoor at all.
  • MajThorax
    I am bought for any of the following
    • grow my own alchemy flowers and fungi
    • change my character's class
    • spellcrafting
  • Dracane
    I would like Spellcrafting.
    For me, good combat balance changes are more than enough selling point though.
    Edited by Dracane on December 23, 2020 3:34AM
    Auri-El is my lord,
    Trinimac is my shield,
    Magnus is my mind.

    My debut album on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Gleandra/videos
  • Raideen
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    The ESO team is 95% artists, 5% tech talent. New release will be new map, new skill line, new quests, new art resources, nothing ambitious. They are making a profit running this on a skeleton crew, they don't have the bandwidth for sweeping changes.

    Is the same old, same old.

    Sadly this seem to be the case.
  • logan68
    Raideen wrote: »
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    The ESO team is 95% artists, 5% tech talent. New release will be new map, new skill line, new quests, new art resources, nothing ambitious. They are making a profit running this on a skeleton crew, they don't have the bandwidth for sweeping changes.

    Is the same old, same old.

    Sadly this seem to be the case.

    You know nothing john snow :)
  • Chrysa1is
    The selling point should definitely consist of content make us remember classic Oblivion.

    - Oblivion Gates that appear have timers. Once the first person enters, you must fight enemies to proceed. Once you reach the sigil stone at the end, the gate is destroyed and you are teleported back. Sigil Stones reward the player with classic loot, as well as a chance to get new set pieces, and rarer chances to give a new motif chapter piece. If the timer expires, the gate closes and you are teleported back. More players = more enemies and more chaos.

    - Order of the Virtuous Blood: New guild skill line. Once unlocked, get unique rewards from killing vampire PvE enemies and/or players in the game. Saving up Vampire Ash or Vampire Fangs allows you to purchase leads for a new mythic item from the special guild vendor.

    -New skills for the original 4 classes. (Probably a mega long shot but im just throwing it out there) Seeing as Gates of Oblivion is taking us back in time to the legendary game Oblivion, it would be fitting to give the first 4 classes some new active skills to play with, then bring out new skills for the other classes in the future.

    -Spellcrafting would be cool but i don't see how it could ever work. It would favour mag builds mostly, and it would be weird making stamina skills with spellcrafting. Unless they found a way round it to make creating a stamina ability fit in without being silly then go ahead.

    - Gladiator Arena. 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 matchmaking with CP10-160 filters etc. Enter the queue and face against an unknown player opponent. Start at either end and "Let the battle begin!". This could also perhaps be a new skill line. Use skill points to unlock passives that help with the Gladiator Arena fights. OR there could be a leaderboards system to see who has the most victories. Perhaps other players could place bets in a spectator booth. It'd be fun to learn by watching others. Rewards could include new rank titles, like cyrodiil ranks, sets unique to the arena. Bring back the adoring fan, but he only follows you around the arena and only you can see your fan, or, make him a pet that follows.

    Can't think of anymore right now, but these are my ideas.

  • Dagoth_Rac
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    -Spellcrafting would be cool but i don't see how it could ever work. It would favour mag builds mostly, and it would be weird making stamina skills with spellcrafting. Unless they found a way round it to make creating a stamina ability fit in without being silly then go ahead.

    I see no reason it would favor magicka over stamina. It would be a crafting profession. And just like you can craft weapon power potions that are just as powerful and useful as spell power potions, or create stamina glyphs that are just as powerful and useful as magicka glyphs, you could craft stamina skills that are just as useful and powerful as magicka skills. If anything, it might be more useful for stamina. Stamina builds are often more tightly aligned to weapon skills than magicka builds. Having crafted stamina skills that are not tied to a weapon could open things up for stamina builds. And I see no reason a stamina skill would be silly. Existing stamina skills like Vigor and stamina morphs like Power of the Light are already "spells" for all intents and purposes.

  • Vlad9425
    Dracane wrote: »
    I would like Spellcrafting.
    For me, good combat balance changes are more than enough selling point though.

    Spellcrafting sounds like something that would ruin balance not make it better, I honestly don’t understand the obsession some people on here have with it.
  • Aptonoth
    The only thing is new weapons like holy jibblets its so limiting. A new race could be added reachmen for DC, maoromer neutral, gorilla folk ad, and Naga argonian or fox race for the ep. Antiquities and psijic so boring and grind ill pass on a system thanks but I don't have 5 lives to play this game. Ice elves should also be playable they look too cool to die off like aeylieds.
    Edited by Aptonoth on December 27, 2020 12:43AM
  • Muttsmutt
  • Sylvermynx
    Vlad9425 wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    I would like Spellcrafting.
    For me, good combat balance changes are more than enough selling point though.

    Spellcrafting sounds like something that would ruin balance not make it better, I honestly don’t understand the obsession some people on here have with it.

    Me either. Spellcrafting in TES III was.... worse than god mode. In a single player machine resident game, the only thing it could do was make your character completely overpowered - and that's exactly what it did. I played with it, but jeez.... it was so easy to put things together that made you invincible.

    I quit using it. It wasn't fun. In an MMO? It would be a nightmare. Or it would be a stupid useless system.
  • Muttsmutt
    Cireous wrote: »
    I'm curious about the new "systems" they will add. As much as I love what antiquities brings to the table, while super happy they surprised us with it, I hope they finally start adding the systems we have been asking for for years. If they add at least 2 from the list below, my hype will be through the roof.
    1. Spellcrafting :weary:
    2. Optional zone difficulty changes
    3. A truly impressive cap-less reinvention of the Champion Point system that changes the way our characters play
    4. In game, Zos-run gold-to-crown/crown-to-gold exchange
    5. New magicka weapon
    6. A way to either trade with others or feed an errand boy our survey reports
    7. Planters and other gatherables for our homes

    i geniunely like all of your suggestions, i hope zos is taking notes.
  • idk
    We will find out later next month. At this point we can only speculate as those who actually know will not say.
  • James-Wayne
    I'm expecting a WOW Cataclysm type Chapter where the entire world is completely changed even Cyrodiil so we need to revisit every zone again trying to fix the portals to Oblivion.... a throw back to Dagon in ES4.

    Probably not happening but you never know!
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  • Aptonoth
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Vlad9425 wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    I would like Spellcrafting.
    For me, good combat balance changes are more than enough selling point though.

    Spellcrafting sounds like something that would ruin balance not make it better, I honestly don’t understand the obsession some people on here have with it.

    Me either. Spellcrafting in TES III was.... worse than god mode. In a single player machine resident game, the only thing it could do was make your character completely overpowered - and that's exactly what it did. I played with it, but jeez.... it was so easy to put things together that made you invincible.

    I quit using it. It wasn't fun. In an MMO? It would be a nightmare. Or it would be a stupid useless system.

    If people want to be overpowered death gods in a a solo game let them its harmless. I know I enjoy it. Pvp and balance is for online stuff. In a single player game if people are using over powered *** and its an rpg you don't have to use it lol. I miss truly powerful magic in games it always feels so weak and wimpy in modern gaming.
  • Jaraal
    Looking forward to the new overpowered proc sets. So much fun watching entire zergs suiciding on necro emperors wearing Thews and Crimson! But what I'm not looking forward to is what long-standing useful skills will they take away from players, or what lore will be corrupted to sell chapters. Or what wonderful new animated and particle heavy furnishings they will continue to release without ever raising the sad furnishing caps. I mean, this was the year of performance, right? Surely performance has been improved enough to let us add more things to our empty looking homes?

    Edited by Jaraal on December 27, 2020 3:41AM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Zorgon_The_Revenged
    I had a thought that they might add a solo/story mode to dungeons. It strangely fitted with the teaser trailer when I thought about it.

    I'm not sure how possible it would be to retro fit that sort of thing, due to dungeon/boss mechanics. Being an MMO you might ask why, but some do have solo story mode often to unlock the dungeon. If it is possible, eases strain on the group finder, increases sales of anything or even retains a certain part of the player base, it could happen.
  • Ekzorka
    Another lore-breaking or strange stuff for fan service.
  • Foto1
    someone's still waiting for spellcraft, seriously? he left with Nick Conkle in 2015
    PC/EU CP 1200+
    Artaxerks stamina dk khajiit
    Wayna Qhapaq magicka dk argonian
    Rorekur stamina sorc orc
    Maria de Medici magicka sorc breton
    Cordeilla stamina warden wood elf
    Quienn Gwendolen magicka warden high elf
    Nefertari stamina necro khajiit
    Boadicea Icenian magicka templar dark elf
    Clarice de Medici healer nb breton
  • Foto1
    as Firor said, there will be nothing new. I don't even know why buy a chapter next year
    PC/EU CP 1200+
    Artaxerks stamina dk khajiit
    Wayna Qhapaq magicka dk argonian
    Rorekur stamina sorc orc
    Maria de Medici magicka sorc breton
    Cordeilla stamina warden wood elf
    Quienn Gwendolen magicka warden high elf
    Nefertari stamina necro khajiit
    Boadicea Icenian magicka templar dark elf
    Clarice de Medici healer nb breton
  • Ekzorka
    Foto1 wrote: »
    as Firor said, there will be nothing new. I don't even know why buy a chapter next year
    Did you play TES IV? You'll have an Oblivion nostalgia in 2021 like a Skyrim nostalgia in 2020 and a Morrowind nostalgia in 2017! DoN't YoU hAvE a NoStAlGiA??? :D
  • rpa
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Vlad9425 wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    I would like Spellcrafting.
    For me, good combat balance changes are more than enough selling point though.

    Spellcrafting sounds like something that would ruin balance not make it better, I honestly don’t understand the obsession some people on here have with it.

    Me either. Spellcrafting in TES III was.... worse than god mode. In a single player machine resident game, the only thing it could do was make your character completely overpowered - and that's exactly what it did. I played with it, but jeez.... it was so easy to put things together that made you invincible.

    I quit using it. It wasn't fun. In an MMO? It would be a nightmare. Or it would be a stupid useless system.

    I faintly recall making a spells like "damage self 1pt / heal self 1pt" &cet. and parking to next to altar or whatever the mana dispenser thing was (not needed in Oblivion) to max related skills in both the Morrowind and the Oblivion.
    Edited by rpa on December 27, 2020 7:05AM
  • Faulgor
    Vlad9425 wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    I would like Spellcrafting.
    For me, good combat balance changes are more than enough selling point though.

    Spellcrafting sounds like something that would ruin balance not make it better, I honestly don’t understand the obsession some people on here have with it.

    All Spellcrafting does is add more skills. That's it.
    People are "obsessed" with it because their characters are getting stale after 6 years, and they want something new.
    Nobody expects to craft a 1000000 point damage spell for 50000 magicka, promise. And I have a hard time believing people are against adding new skills on principle. Since launch, the number of skills added to ESO are miniscule compared to most MMOs.

    We get tons of new, often incredibly imbalanced gear sets every year, yet virtually nobody asks ZOS to stop adding new sets altogether. In fact, they ask for specific new ones all the time (magicka Deadly Strikes, please).
    So I don't see how more skills would be fundamentally different, considering they are just as limited and even more standardized than gear.

    But considering Firor's recent statement, we'll be lucky to see the champion system rework next year, lol.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Anotherone773
    I think we will get official guild halls. They will have two types. A gold version that cost like 10 million gold and is relatively small in size and player limit say 25 players and a large crown one for like 50k crowns that can have 50 players. I think these will be on "pocket planes" in Oblivion.

    Later features will include the ability to add dungeon( because they are going to continue to increase in difficulty) bosses in replicas of their own "room" with full mechanics so that your members can practice. The same will be done with trials bosses. Your guild has to unlock the room for purchase( writ vouchers or maybe some new guild currency) by completing an achievement like maybe killing that boss 10 times. To count, 2 guild members( or 4 for trials) havs to kill that boss while grouped or some other minor achievement that requires guild group participation.

    I think with the next gen consoles coming out we are going to see a push to things that old tech was holding us up on like housing limits.
  • zvavi
    I hope performance improvements
  • Kredo
    Oblivion nostalgia and mediocre content
  • Wolfpaw
    Ekzorka wrote: »
    Another lore-breaking or strange stuff for fan service.

    I hope so, a new non elf/human race would be great.
  • YstradClud
    Pauls wrote: »
    Real selling point would be stable performance but its simply impossible due to incompetence and/or some resource management reasons

    They said in their recent community announcement that "I want to highlight that in 2021 we will devote more time overall to stability and game performance and less time to new game systems (with our standard content updates continuing unchanged)".
  • Stahlor
    Another difficulty level on top of "veteran" would be great to refresh all old content. Reward is golden jewellery in the end. It must be quite hard though.
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