Werewolf right now even solo is incredibly strong, with access to malacath boosted proc sets as well as artificially inflated stamina and resistance stats they are free to spec into max HP making one shotting them impossible, and killing them at the best difficult.
Werewolf used to be balanced around a few key facts:
1) High cost ultimate
2) Weakness to fighters guild/poison
3) Lack of ability/damage diversity
4) High cost to stay in ultimate
However the current game state has either minimized or even negated a lot of these weaknesses:
Because BGs are a queue based instance one can simply build the ultimate required to enter werewolf form so you can start the BG in ww form
With the addition of malacath into the game, werewolves can equip a singular proc set (knight slayer, viper, plague slinger, etc) to do the damage for them along with heavy attacks and defiles, while spec'ing their gear into sustain. It doesn't matter how much weapon damage you have, if a werewolf has 35k+ hp a dawnbreaker won't do over 60%. New gear and potion additions to the game also allow them to permanently stay in werewolf form. Currently werewolves can stay in their form for an entire 16-20 minute bg without having to stop to consume a body once, simply by chugging pots/equipping a certain set, and jumping on people.
I think what finally made werewolves feel significantly more oppressive was the inclusion of malacath with proc sets. There were always the niche werewolf builds that could stay in ultimate forever, or could tank zergs using health regen and their heal, but with the inclusion of proc sets and the heavy attack builds they now can do that and still put out insane amounts of damage.
NA Mag Player