mikey_reach wrote: »
mikey_reach wrote: »
Your poll options tell the whole story, i'm simply asking for clarification on the two possible motivations that stand out before i cast my vote.
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mikey_reach wrote: »Recapitated wrote: »mikey_reach wrote: »Recapitated wrote: »mikey_reach wrote: »You want me to put skill and experience on the poll? How does that work skill and experience carries skill and experience?Goregrinder wrote: »That's a loaded poll if I ever saw it lol, skill and experience isn't even on the list.
Being good at the game is a huge carry dude
I dont think that is how you use the term “carry”. You are good then you are good you arent using anything to carry you. Your own skill and experience doesnt not carry you it can carry someone else but not yourself.
No that's totally a carry. A carry is when a bad player punches above their weight because of some advantage they have access to, like you put proc sets on a bad player and they suddenly do great. Take a player who's bad, now make them good, bam, carried. It's clearly the exact same thing.
If a player that was once bad suddenly became good through nothing else but their own skill and experience that means they improved unless you are using the word carry as a synonym to improved.
Recapitated wrote: »mikey_reach wrote: »Recapitated wrote: »mikey_reach wrote: »Recapitated wrote: »mikey_reach wrote: »You want me to put skill and experience on the poll? How does that work skill and experience carries skill and experience?Goregrinder wrote: »That's a loaded poll if I ever saw it lol, skill and experience isn't even on the list.
Being good at the game is a huge carry dude
I dont think that is how you use the term “carry”. You are good then you are good you arent using anything to carry you. Your own skill and experience doesnt not carry you it can carry someone else but not yourself.
No that's totally a carry. A carry is when a bad player punches above their weight because of some advantage they have access to, like you put proc sets on a bad player and they suddenly do great. Take a player who's bad, now make them good, bam, carried. It's clearly the exact same thing.
If a player that was once bad suddenly became good through nothing else but their own skill and experience that means they improved unless you are using the word carry as a synonym to improved.
I'm just goofing, the whole point of "carry" is that they didn't get there by themselves
universal_wrath wrote: »
If it were a 10% damage increase yet still fully disabled critical damage, I think most people would probably ditch it in favor of either a different mythic item (ie, Ring of the Wild Hunt), completing a monster set, wearing 1x Trainee, or shuffling 5 piece sets and/or arena weapons.Surprised so many people vote for proc sets.
Without malacath the procsets are not close to as overwhelming as they are with malacath.
How will you balance proc sets for people with and without malacath unless malacath is nerfed?
25% damage increase vs not having ~30% critical hit on damage abilities is a no brainer mathematically.
10% damage increase would make more mathemtical sense then 25%.
They are peddling a whole expansion pack on the back of one grossly overpowered ring that wrecks havoc on the balance between items and destroys any possibility of good gameplay were many diffrent playstyles and builds can compete.
Surprised so many people vote for proc sets.
Without malacath the procsets are not close to as overwhelming as they are with malacath.
How will you balance proc sets for people with and without malacath unless malacath is nerfed?
25% damage increase vs not having ~30% critical hit on damage abilities is a no brainer mathematically.
10% damage increase would make more mathemtical sense then 25%.
They are peddling a whole expansion pack on the back of one grossly overpowered ring that wrecks havoc on the balance between items and destroys any possibility of good gameplay were many diffrent playstyles and builds can compete.
While I lean towards proc sets being the biggest carry, simply because they're so widespread and work on basically every class (my Magicka Necromancer is pretty much 100% carried by them, since the offense is otherwise abysmal), Stamina Warden's intrinsic overpoweredness isn't far behind. It's one of the classes that can play in the current meta with 0 proc sets and still be absolutely outstanding; and when they're all proc'd up, it's downright silly.Mojomonkeyman wrote: »
Just wait till every single one of those cookie cutter 40k+ HP, malacath + crimson "stamdens" start running Vateshran destros backbar to "make up for lost fracture on sub assault"Might as well alt-f4 if you're not playing one (I hardly play as it is, state of the game is poodoo).
Missing Warden in that poll.
Mojomonkeyman wrote: »
100% agree. Stamina Warden wins the biggest carry/training wheel 2020 competition by miles.
mikey_reach wrote: »Werewulf with malacath and procsetsim guessing dw is op with malacath and fossilize because of the extra 15% damage done with dw passive. Or it procs dolymesh a lot easier with what he said you can pretty much piece it together with research.
I can't agree that classes will be more balanced without proc sets, at least not in all cases. Magicka Necromancer, for example, "needs" proc sets as a crutch; the offense is abysmal without them, even if you go full glass cannon. Stamina Warden, on the other hand, could shrug at a proc set nerf and go right back to being god-tier with nothing but pure stat sets. There's a huge gulf between those two classes right now, but heavily nerfing proc sets would make the gap even larger.Ariades_swe wrote: »Proc sets.
Get rid of them and the classes will be more balanced too.