Integral1900 wrote: »I wish ZOS would at least acknowledge this glaring issue even if they cannot fix it 🧐
The silence is getting frustrating
They have bigger problems to take care of than some gate that doesn't affect gameplay in any way.
BlissfulDelusions wrote: »Fix this plssssss. Just make a road out of Markarth or something
Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »Having the carriage is nice it show they at least listen to us
Maybe they could upgrade it a fully working door eventually but for now im ok with a kart
Next step bankorai/alikr connection anyone?
xclassgaming wrote: »
Honestly, just connect anything that should be connected. Also i'm sure we will have to remind zos that their is a gate in reapers march to the the colovian highlands, where next years chapter is.
The cart seems to be working on one of my characters, but not another. The one it works on is a lvl 8, barely any quests done. And the one it doesn't work on is a lvl 50, which has done the Bangkorai zone storyline. While I am grateful that our feedback has been listened to, I'm hoping that this is just to quieten us down until they can add an actual road/gate in the Reach in a future patch that connects to the Bangkorai gate properly. I understand completely if these carts were all the resources they were able to allocate during this PTS cycle, but this is more akin to considering Stormhaven and the Alik'r Desert being connected because you can travel between them via boat. I suppose a better example would be saying that Daggerfall, Davon's Watch and Vulkhel Guard are all connected to each other because of the fast travel boats. Yes, they are connected, but surely the devs understand that the players are excited to manually travel from one side of Tamriel to the other right? Hell, surely some devs are excited at the prospect of being able to do that without any method of fast travel, right?
xclassgaming wrote: »
That is interesting, did you take the carriage, where does it lead?
also i 100% agree
Its south of the Markarth wayshrine, just outside the city
Both cart and wayshrine in the picSpoiler
Looking southSpoiler
And map viewSpoiler
xclassgaming wrote: »
Honestly, just connect anything that should be connected. Also i'm sure we will have to remind zos that their is a gate in reapers march to the the colovian highlands, where next years chapter is.
Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »
Ther is also one gate east of kvatch and one along the the wall north of the gold coast map
Will all 3 be on the border ofthe new zone? Probably since there isnt anythinh else there
Will all 3 work? Not sure since the reach didnt even get one
xclassgaming wrote: »I feel like its weird they won't use the gate. it makes me think it could be a future dlc dungeon enterance.
xclassgaming wrote: »
So i hope i don't have to make gate 2: the sequel thread.
I don't know about a dungeon entrance with it being so close to Fang Lair, but I do think that their reluctance to use the gate is temporary, probably just so the player knows that carts travel you between Bangkorai and the Reach (at least for now).
TBH, I had a working hypothesis that ZOS would only allow base game zones to be connected to DLC zones if the entrance had a quest marker that kicked off the main quest of said zone. It seemed to ring true for Orsinium, both gates from Bangkorai and Stormhaven had something not too far away to start it off. Also for Dark Brotherhood, the NPC that starts off the questline was standing around the docks. Both Northern Elsweyr gates had that messenger from Abnur Tharn not too far away, and Western Skyrim has that guy bleeding out no matter which boat you take. So it would make sense that any path from Bangkorai or Craglorn would be required to have some sort of catalyst to start off the Markarth main quest. The only DLC's where this doesn't ring true are Thieves Guild... and Markarth if you're coming in from Western Skyrim. Poof goes that theory
I would say wait until after the reveal stream where they potentially announce the Colovian Estates, to make a sort of "reminder" thread to the devs. Right now, any sort of speculation about the next zone will be met with deaf ears, and rightly so, they haven't announced anything yet. But as soon as it is confirmed, I would make a thread to remind them about our concerns, and if it turns out they didn't include gates going into Arenthia and the Gold Coast, it might give them enough time to rectify that mistake
Veinblood1965 wrote: »I actually unsubbed because of this.
I'm guessing that the world builders have already moved on to the next zone, and their time isn't allocated to building anything for the PTS builds/Q4 release. I'm hoping that our feedback has been heard and the world builders have built the road going into Bangkorai, which will be a part of either next years Q1 or Q2 update, with these carts being the easiest thing to add in the PTS cycle, keeping consistency between the two zones travel method until the Reach is updated. Extra hope that they're adding a Craglorn-Reach gateway too, but I'm less certain on that onexclassgaming wrote: »Hey, we don't know how it works, maybe there are rules where they cannot change or hire people to model big things, so maybe q1 we will see it fixed when they add new houses n stuff.
I'm guessing that the world builders have already moved on to the next zone, and their time isn't allocated to building anything for the PTS builds/Q4 release. I'm hoping that our feedback has been heard and the world builders have built the road going into Bangkorai, which will be a part of either next years Q1 or Q2 update, with these carts being the easiest thing to add in the PTS cycle, keeping consistency between the two zones travel method until the Reach is updated. Extra hope that they're adding a Craglorn-Reach gateway too, but I'm less certain on that one
TBH, I had a working hypothesis that ZOS would only allow base game zones to be connected to DLC zones if the entrance had a quest marker that kicked off the main quest of said zone. It seemed to ring true for Orsinium, both gates from Bangkorai and Stormhaven had something not too far away to start it off. Also for Dark Brotherhood, the NPC that starts off the questline was standing around the docks. Both Northern Elsweyr gates had that messenger from Abnur Tharn not too far away, and Western Skyrim has that guy bleeding out no matter which boat you take. So it would make sense that any path from Bangkorai or Craglorn would be required to have some sort of catalyst to start off the Markarth main quest. The only DLC's where this doesn't ring true are Thieves Guild... and Markarth if you're coming in from Western Skyrim. Poof goes that theory
tomofhyrule wrote: »Never thought about that, but it makes sense.
I haven't done anything with the PTS yet, but I assume the main quest starts in Markarth itself? I know that the Southern Elsweyr main quest started in Senchal proper, so you would need to use a cart or wayshrine in for that since it was pretty centrally located. The overland connection to the Reach from Western Skyrim comes down right by Karthwasten, but if the MQ starts in Markarth and has the North Markarth wayshrine active as the default, it seems then that they designed the Reach to be isolated like Southern Elsweyr, but it actually isn't.
Or I could be wrong.
I'd love to see them add the walkable connection in a later patch, but I'm not holding my breath.
I'm starting to worry about the fact that a players have to remind devs about something lore-ish.But as soon as it is confirmed, I would make a thread to remind them about our concerns, and if it turns out they didn't include gates going into Arenthia and the Gold Coast, it might give them enough time to rectify that mistake