Hello everyone,
I find most of the overland content in ESO to be too easy. Overland means: Quests & non quest mobs, general overland mobs, elite mobs, Dolmens etc.
I know that I can just fight with white gear, lesser abilities and toggle off my champion points, but I believe this isn't fun nor initiative.
I believe that there should be a toggle option which will make the overland combat harder for the player and thus more rewarding.
What I suggest is to add a toggle option.
When the "Legendary Overland" difficulty is toggled ON:
1. The player character output damage is reduced by 50%.
2. Healing is reduced by 30%.
3. Damage Shields Strength is reduced by 30%.
4. Physical and Spell resistance are capped at 5K each.
5. Physical and Spell Penetration are capped at 5K each.
6. Champion points are disabled. But can still be earned.
7. The cost to block and dodge roll is increased by 10%.
8. Double the experience points, items & gold earned from killing monsters.
9. The rewards from quests are doubled.
10. The effects are per character only. If you're grouped with other players, they shall not receive additional experience & rewards while the option is toggled ON unless they have set the option toggled ON.
Note: This toggle option will only work in Overland PVE and will not carry to the following: Cyrodiil, Battlegrounds, Dueling, Dungeons & Trials & other instanced zones.
*This poll isn't a duplicate of other "easy game" threads, it serves as a poll for a suggestion I make here.
This suggestion is solely for overland content. I'm not against adding one more difficulty to Dungeons & Trials, but this is not included in the toggle option I describe here.
You're welcome to vote and share your thoughts.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Why do players insist on adding harder content ... when they don’t participate in the existing hard content currently available in the game?
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Why do players insist on adding harder content ... when they don’t participate in the existing hard content currently available in the game?
StormeReigns wrote: »Or just leave it as is...
8. Double the experience points, items & gold earned from killing monsters.
9. The rewards from quests are doubled.
Harder overland content should be reward in itself and should only reward the same amount and quality of experience, items and gold as normal/current at the very most.
10. The effects are per character only. If you're grouped with other players, they shall not receive additional experience & rewards while the option is toggled ON unless they have set the option toggled ON.
Should be a sharded/phased aspect, can only group, see and speak to those with the toggle on (this includes guild members)
redgreensunset wrote: »Actually that should have been a no, I missed point 8 on my skim of the list. Because the only way I'd accept it was if it had the exact same rewards as normal. So that would actually be one of the no categories.
i don't think this would work. how could 2 players with different settings not be able to attack the same monster? also, most fights in overland aren't very interesting, so to echo what another player said, longer fights = more boring fights. there's plenty of hard content in the game, by way of world bosses and craglorn content. yeah, they could release another craglorn-like zone. but changing what's already there...nah
This is one of the least important aspects of the game Zos needs to consider. It is insignificant in many aspects.
The most common "complaint" with overland being too easy is power creep, which is often blamed on by the fast leveling as well gear that can be obtained from all areas and certain crafted sets. So what is the point of escaping the power creep when you willingly add it in and basically powerlevel yourself into godhood again with even better gear and make said "legendary" content trivial after a handful of quests?
Though I thought that additional rewards will be nice.
The rewards will be a good incentive to try the harder difficulty.
The phased aspect can be a part of the toggle option too.
StormeReigns wrote: »The most common "complaint" with overland being too easy is power creep, which is often blamed on by the fast leveling as well gear that can be obtained from all areas and certain crafted sets. So what is the point of escaping the power creep when you willingly add it in and basically powerlevel yourself into godhood again with even better gear and make said "legendary" content trivial after a handful of quests?
Titles, exclusive motifs, and maybe mounts and skins could be more then enough for bragging rights and rewards.
Phasing/Sharded aspect would be more plausibly logical outside of building brand new servers - though, still have to deal with the same current issues, and possibly more issues that might happen.
Though I thought that additional rewards will be nice.
The rewards will be a good incentive to try the harder difficulty.
The phased aspect can be a part of the toggle option too.
@Rave the Histborn I don't ask for an increased difficulty because of additional rewards, they are merely a bonus for harder work.
Phasing is great in ESO. You will not see them if they are not set the option to ON.
I edited my original post to reflect this.
@Dagoth_Rac I edited my original post so the players will be phased.
Players who set the toggle as ON will be able to see and group with each other.
Lower and higher difficulty will not be mixed.
I thought of adding it to my original idea, but I do it now.
The "Legendary Overland" will scale with me:
The values I suggested in the OP post can be altered by ZOS at any given time so even if I reach higher power in "normal", the "Legendary Overland" will remain as difficult.
AcadianPaladin wrote: »I've been a proponent of a difficulty slider for as long as there has been whining about overland being too easy. Though not interested in using such an option, I think options are good and, clearly, there are a notable numbers of players that sound as if they would welcome it. One difficulty level will never please everyone so a difficulty slider makes perfect sense for the content OP is talking about.
Since I don't care about loot, I don't care if the difficulty slider incorporates loot changes or not.
The game is already proficient at buffing individual characters - that is how pre-level 50 'battle leveling' works so you already have buffed low levels fighting fine alongside unbuffed high CP characters. A difficulty slider would not buff or debuff content, simply any characters that have chosen a setting other than default. I can't believe there are insurmountable problems to creating such an option.
Daemons_Bane wrote: »I dont think that you should get more xp/gold/items just for wanting a harder difficulty.. the rewards are equal for all of us, and should stay so
Daemons_Bane wrote: »I don't think that overland and instances are comparable honestly
Why is it that all these harder overland content threads all ways ask for extra loot, at most extra XP and the challenge should be the only rewards of a higher difficulty mode.
Even with higher XP rates the new difficulty mode would be exploited, for example large groups doing dolmen runs, in the higher difficulty overland would just overwhelm what ever they are up against for a faster grind.
Removing whatever challenge was added, for what ever extra rewards the new difficulty added.
If they want to add an optional higher difficulty overland content mode, to me the challenge should be the only reward everything else should stay the same.
All I know is if the people that finally get this go to these higher difficulty zones and start asking for "help I cant beat such and such" from their guilds, I don't know about others but a lot of people are just going to flat out tell you to play in the normal mode, they are not going to want to drop everything to help you out with anything less than a world boss/Dragon if your lucky.
That and I assume these will be in separate instances, how will the travel to player from guild/friends list be affected, are players going to accidentally enter the wrong instance without knowing it?
1. The player character output damage is reduced by 50%.
2. Healing is reduced by 30%.
3. Damage Shields Strength is reduced by 30%.
4. Increased damage taken by 35%.
5. Physical and Spell resistance are capped at 5K each.
6. Physical and Spell Penetration are capped at 5K each.
7. Champion points are disabled. But can still be earned.
8. The cost to block and dodge roll is increased by 10%.
9. Double the experience points, items & gold earned from killing monsters.
10.The rewards from quests are doubled.
11.Players who set the toggle as ON will be able to see and group with each other on the same phase.
I don't think it will be exploited, well I hope not.
Same thing can be said about dungeons & trials, good groups will always have the advantage.
Though in Overland, you will most likely find others who will be willing to help you in your travels.
I believe that many end game players want a challenge, so the "Legendary Overland" phases may be more crowded than you think.
2 scenarios:
1. When you will try to travel to a friend/guild mate who has the toggle option set to ON you will receive the following message:
"You are trying to travel to a player which is in higher Overland difficulty area. If you wish to join the fight, please set "Legendary Overland" toggle to ON so you could travel."
2. When you will try to travel to a friend/guild mate who has the toggle option set to OFF you will receive the following message:
"You are trying to travel to a player which is in normal Overland difficulty area. If you wish to join the fight, please set "Legendary Overland" toggle to OFF so you could travel."