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PTS Update 26 - Feedback Thread for Antiquities

  • SniperDaria
    Also just ran into a problem where the main artifact, which seems to always be 2-4 blocks, was placed at the edge of the dig area so that half of it was outside of the area and couldn't be dug up.
  • Dusk_Coven
    Can we get special extra storage for the Antiquities System items?
  • Taleof2Cities
    I’m surprised more players didn’t use the in-game help section on Antiquities (especially if they felt the tutorials were lacking).

    There’s a wealth of information there.

    I used it exclusively to complete a Legendary scry and successful excavation.

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on April 22, 2020 2:29AM
  • TheImperfect
    I just tried the antiquities and really like it. There are some issues though. It is not made clear how to access the antiquities scrying device. I found it pretty quickly and I don't think it should be in the characters dialogue but some sort of hint would be nice on screen.
    When scrying it didn't seem clear which paths were 'good' paths or accessible ones and which were 'bad' or which were mine or not. I cleared it really quickly but it seemed like it didn't matter what I clicked on as long as it was heading in the right direction.
    I tried scrying another object straight after the first bottle and it seems to screw up the quest. Gabrielle was outside but I couldn't dig until I logged out and back in again.
    The colours of the dig red, green, orange and yellow need explaining more when you first come to it. Red not a good square, green is antiquity, orange and yellow not wholly sure.
    Seems good overall though.
  • Ilsabet
    • Did you use a copied character or template?
    • What did you think of the introduction and tutorial quests? Were you able to find them?
    I went to Solitude for the purpose of trying out Antiquities, and I found the flyer on the wall easily enough. Picking up the quest got me to the building. So no real issues there.

    The first confusing thing that happened was that when I walked into the Antiquities Circle building, I saw a subtitle for some Gabrielle dialogue, but heard no voiceover and couldn't find Gabrielle in the building at all. These subtitles popped up multiple times while I was there. After doing the tutorial, I understand that the text is what she says to people who are attempting to scry. You need to remove the subtitles for people who are not on that step of the tutorial.

    As most everyone has said, the tutorial quest is confusing and does very little to help players understand how to do anything. I too spent an inordinate amount of time wandering around the building spamming my new memento until I finally did a search on the forum that led me to this thread. You need to have something telling people to open their journal and go to the Antiquities tab to scry. It's not intuitive at all and the directions are terrible.

    Gabrielle's voiceover dialogue during the tutorial scrying attempt (which I assume is supposed to encourage players and give them tips) is distracting and obtuse. I couldn't tell you what she said or how it related to the minigame. Something about focusing on the center and drawing essence from the corners? The game itself is not that complicated, especially at the easy beginner level, but you pretty much have to figure out how it works on your own because the tutorial dialogue has nothing to do with the actual gameplay.

    The dirt mound in the courtyard was bugged for me too and didn't appear until I relogged. It didn't help that I had no idea what I was supposed to be looking for. The excavation minigame wasn't too hard to figure out, although Gabrielle's cautionary dialogue about not rushing and not breaking things was hard to connect to what I should or should not be doing.
    • Did you discover any Antiquity Leads while playing?
    Yes, I found one early on in a thieves trove and a few more raiding safeboxes in different zones. The drop rate seemed reasonable, although they were all purple or gold so I couldn't do anything with them yet.
    • Did you understand how Scrying and Excavation worked? What did you think of them?
    Okay so. Once I had spent a couple of hours working with the system, and consulting the forums to explain things that I had no other way of figuring out, I felt pretty good about how to do things. I even developed some strategies for each minigame when I got access to some of the powerup-type abilities. But it took a while to get there, and I wouldn't say the learning curve was very much fun.

    I wish the scrying minigame showed me exactly how many moves I have left, like the excavation one does. Seeing the bar/crystal thing at the bottom gradually filling up is vague and doesn't help with strategizing.

    Similarly, it could be clearer that the "timer" at the top of the excavation minigame is actually moves remaining, not a time-based countdown.

    I failed? I guess? my first Nord scrimshaw excavation because it told me I had discovered the antiquity, making me think I was done digging it up and could use the rest of my moves on bonus loot, and then it didn't give me anything and I had to find another dirt pile to dig up. Upon reflection I think that's because you have to unearth 4 squares instead of 2, but it gave me a success message after only 2. So this messaging could be clearer.

    The other possibility was that I failed because I didn't find all of the bonus loot before I ran out of moves. If that's the case, and you have to completely start over just because you didn't find all of the bonus loot after finding the main antiquity, then that's pretty rotten. Especially since there's no strategy involved in finding the bonus stuff and you just have to get lucky with your random stabs.

    I eventually figured out that the "codex" thing is just the lore notes you get each time you find an antiquity, but upon initial perusal of the journal it seems like some kind of quest objective. Could be clearer +1.
    • What did you think of the rewards themselves?
    The list of furnishings and collectibles looks cool, and I guess that gives you something to aim for, but to start with everything you get is vendor trash, intricates, and the occasional piece of overland gear. These rewards are negligible and the whole thing is basically grinding the skill line up so you can start doing higher-tier leads for the good stuff.

    On that note, it wasn't super clear how to level the skill lines up. The tooltip says something about getting achievements, but there aren't that many of those, and I think it was giving one point for each antiquity found as opposed to points for each scrying/excavating activity. That's gonna result in a lot of grinding.

    The lore notes I saw were a nice touch, although not terribly exciting for the noob-level stuff I was finding. I honestly didn't spend much time reading them since I mostly wanted to get my skill line grinded up. I'll pay more attention to those on live.
    • Were you able to find the individual locations within dig sites within a reasonable timeframe?
    This is another area where once I figured out how things were supposed to work, it got easy, but until that point I wasted a lot of time running around. I was expecting the memento to highlight dig spots or have the mote of light hover over where I was supposed to dig. When that didn't seem to do anything, I just did a lot of running around until I finally stumbled over the sparkly pile of dirt. I had to be told that the light was a directional indicator, and then I figured out that you had to compare its position to where you're standing when you use the memento. After that I didn't have a problem following directions, but again, there are no instructions and the learning curve kind of sucks.

    I didn't run into this issue myself, but I agree that dig sites should not be within aggro distance of mob spawns. Being helpless while in the minigame screen and getting knocked out of the minigame screen before you can complete it are not cool.

    There was one time when I used the memento and no light appeared, so there may be some bugginess there too.
    • Do you have any other general feedback?
    I'm glad I took a crack at this on PTS so I'll have a clue what to do when it goes live. Unless some major things change with the tutorial and some of the minigame mechanics (like indicators), player guides are going to be essential for people to get anything done without going crazy, and zone chat is going to be filled with confused people asking questions and experienced people playing tour guide.

    There are a loooot of skill points to be dumped into these skill lines. Not really an issue for my main character who's done pretty much everything, but that's gonna be tight for newer characters who don't have 30 points they don't know what to do with.

    It would be nice if the "New Lead Acquired" bit in the excavation rewards said what lead it is.

    It's not possible to use R to loot all from safeboxes and thieves troves if they contain a lead. I had to hit E to loot each lead individually and then I could use R to get the rest.

    Do duplicate leads stack in the journal so that we can actually do them multiple times? If not then they should.

    I do appreciate that the noob-level green items in each zone can just be done without having to find a special lead item. That helps with the grinding.

    It could be clearer in the journal that you have to go to the specific zone to scry for the listed item for that zone. I had about 6 Nord scrimshaws before I found out I had other options. :D

    I didn't get my skill line up very far, so I don't know anything about fissures and stuff. I assume that'll be more learning curve.

    I agree that the fill-up bar for using the trowel should probably be moved so it's not covering up squares. I also had no idea what "Intuition" was or how to get it to fill up that bar. I figured out on my own that you fill up the bar by using the brush. Make clearer plz.
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • SniperDaria
    Again, item on the edge of the dig area. This time I think it is completely uncovered, but it won't give me the item:

  • Artanisul
    I used a copied character.

    The tutorial is bad. There are many ways people that are paid to write could have come up with a better tutorial.

    One person earlier said to look in the help section in game. That was the key to me taking the time to actually do this side thing. My advice to anyone out there is to read that section. It gives you all you need. Ignore Gabriel!

    I am getting leads from multiple places but can not scry them because I need to invest skill points into this. I foolishly thought just anyone could start this. New players might as well not even try. Many skill points are needed.
  • tindomiel4
    Day 2 of Antiquities.

    I tried a template character this time, with the skills maxed. That was possibly a mistake. I had no idea what the new excavation concerns were (the extra layers of digging were relatively simple, but I'm still vague on fissures). Opening the given crate of leads was fun at first. However, I have never had a lead show up as an inventory item as a player seemed to screencap earlier in this thread (which is GREAT, as I have enough inventory management issues as it is). But that does mean that when I got a new lead from an excavation, hovering over the icon in the reward screen gave me no details, so I was not always clear what lead in the growing list was new.

    I noticed something which I'm not sure is a bug but seems very odd. I played on my new template character, then I returned to my copied main, and she somehow had active the same in-progress scry as my temp. I'm not sure why, because my main did not have the skill to scry or excavate that lead.

    I also had two separate leads listed in my Scryable tab that, when I tried, told me I needed a lead to scry. One was a gold multipart lead from the temp-given crate. The other was a lead picked up in the world. Why are they in my Scryable tab if they are not, in fact, scryable?

    As another player mentioned, I could swear I have scoured entire dig zones several times, only to suddenly see a mound where I've already searched. I still have not seen any visual clues to the location of dig sites (other players describe glowing or sparkling; mine always look like regular treasure mounds). Using the Eye while in a dig zone produces no effect but a long cooldown. Some players say it has provided clues to the dig site, but I've never seen that.

    There is a continued sense of lacking instructions. Because I was too lazy to turn off tool tips on my newly created temp, I finally got some actual guidance on a few aspects of the system, but, like another player above, some of the tips only showed up after I'd already been doing the activity. I appreciate people pointing out the in-game help guide, but I have to say, I have never had to use that for any other aspect of the game before. Why does this complex, entirely new system require that? Surely it's possible to add just a bit more dialogue or markers in the course of the tutorial itself.

    Overall, despite the vagueness of direction, some potential bugs, and one really weird incident where a nearby harrowstorm world boss kept attacking the dig site, I spent most of my gameplay today chasing antiquities. I believe I'll enjoy it more and more, though I think it will potentially be a lot more of a time-suck than just a casual task to undertake while I'm in the area for other quests.
  • static_recharge
    Did you use a copied character or template?

    What did you think of the introduction and tutorial quests? Were you able to find them?
    The Antiquarian's Circle isn't marked on the map, I had to wander around aimlessly for a bit until I found the quest marker.

    Did you discover any Antiquity Leads while playing?
    None that weren't in the codex so far.

    Did you understand how Scrying and Excavation worked? What did you think of them?
    There is next to no tutorial or explaination on how these to minigames work. I have eventually figured out most of it I think but there needs to be tutorial text during the quest while you're inside the minigame to show you how it works.

    What did you think of the rewards themselves?
    So far I've only found things to sell. I was hoping to find more interesting things a little sooner.

    Were you able to find the individual locations within dig sites within a reasonable timeframe?
    Finding the locations isn't that bad. Honestly I think the keen eye passive for the digsites is redundant with the Antiquarian's Eye tool.

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    • The Large Shovel tool during excavation doesn't seem to affect all squares in it's area sometimes.
    • I constantly get kicked to the log in screen for "exeeding the message rate limit" during excavation. We need to be able to click quickly here so this needs to be looked at.
    • It is unclear at first that you have to be located in the zone for the lead you want to scry
    • The "charge" meter for the larger tools in the excavation minigame should be off to the side or above or below the main area. In the middle it is distracting.
    • It would be nice if there were some more specific examples of where to find more leads.
  • wolfie1.0.
    I’m surprised more players didn’t use the in-game help section on Antiquities (especially if they felt the tutorials were lacking).

    There’s a wealth of information there.

    I used it exclusively to complete a Legendary scry and successful excavation.

    i eventually read those today. But you see heres the thing. the Greymoor chapter is going to be the main starter zone for most new players coming into the game after launch. which means they wont know about that section or many of the other stuff that is in game. they need a good foundation for it. So the tutorials need to be clear and provide clear instructions. My goal with testing this was to approach it clean as a new player. and well lets just say it took me a while. the lack of colorblind friendly tools/features didn't help.
  • Dusk_Coven
    Instead of always combat combat combat how about a nod to the furnishing/housing enthusiasts with some of the equippable items? Or maybe even a costume that, when worn, gives a bonus.
    Such as: A stackable percentage chance of bonus furnishing material yield when harvesting? Or increased chance of furnishing material showing up at all during harvesting.
    Edited by Dusk_Coven on April 22, 2020 8:42AM
  • Hotdog_23
    Can the "leads" be given to another character on your account or does the character that finds the lead have to scry and find the item. I would perfer my main to do all the scrying and digging but I am not on that character all the time.
  • Alucardo
    Overall I really enjoy the scrying and excavation stuff. I was looking for something to do when I needed a break from PvP, and this might hit the spot. It was exciting levelling it up and uncovering bonus items, including set pieces (just dropped a piece of venomous smite).
    In general it does a fairly good job of explaining how to do things, but getting started is what trips people up the most. They have no idea that the scrying is found in your journal. So people were running all around the house trying to find Gabrielle's bottle until I told them to check their journal.
    Perhaps once you accept the quest it automatically opens your journal to the antiquities tab and explains that's where you start off.
    But yeah, other than that it has been quite intuitive. It does a good job of explaining what each of the tools do, so I didn't have a problem with any of the mini games. I think the main issue is just getting started for most people.



    EDIT: To answer a few of the other questions; Yes, I found quite a few leads. Had no issue there. While the rewards were mostly what I would refer to as garbage, I'm still in the early stages, and it did add up to a fair bit of gold, so I didn't feel like my time was being wasted.
    The tool to find the dig sites was really helpful, once you figure out to follow the direction of the particles and not the other end. Generally I would go to the middle of the area and then use the eye which made things a lot faster. I never found myself getting lost or frustrated because I could not find the dig site, which was great.
    Edited by Alucardo on April 22, 2020 9:26AM
  • fiender66
    I used a new character for the tutorial quest.

    I'm really surprised that someone can find the in-game help sufficient. True, it has a lot of informative material, but lacks a fundamental one: how to actually start scrying. I found this detailed in a guide by @Saucy_Jack in the PTS forum section, but even with this aid, the process of highlighting/digging was far from clear to perform, and I had to proceed by trial and error. Consider that I'm an old hand at ESO (thousands of hrs played), so I wonder what a novel player has to feel through this ordeal.

    By chance or wit I had no problem to find the Antiquarian Circle

    The mini game in itself is rather amusing, IMO. I look forward to seek other Antiquities, but for now I prefer to explore the main quest and some collateral ones. Also to explore this part of Skyrim is my top list. Good level design and graphic/texturing, for what I've seen till now.
  • colossalvoids
    So those "leads" are complete rng drop?
  • Elsonso
    I’m surprised more players didn’t use the in-game help section on Antiquities (especially if they felt the tutorials were lacking).

    There’s a wealth of information there.

    I used it exclusively to complete a Legendary scry and successful excavation.

    Wait, there is in game help? :smile::trollface:
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
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  • Vicarra
    So today, I had my first instances of both getting booted from the server for "exceeding messaging limit" while excavating (1x) and having the main object I was hunting going across the boundary of the excavation area and thus being unobtainable (2x).

    PAWS - Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff!

    Haakon Stormblade - Nord Illusionist, Dwemer scholar, Horse Whisperer, Bringer of Storms
  • myskyrim26
    I'm sorry for being so negative, but Antiquities system is the hardest thing I ever came across in ESO. It is crazy.

    I played one mini game, I just pressed something without barely understanding what am I doing and why. Nex Gabrielle took me to the courtyard, a dig site. Now what? I must excavate something and I have not a glimpse of idea how to do it. I read my journal, looked at new skill lines, used the Eye... Look. I'm here to play an exciting game, not messing around with something that ridiculous. I didn't manage to figure out how on the earth do dig at the site. I was just upset and logged off.

    For such a simple and pleasant thing as Antiquities I need to watch somebody's video tutorial - isn't that crazy?
    Edited by myskyrim26 on April 22, 2020 1:29PM
  • Mix
    • Did you use a copied character or template? I have tried Antiquities on both my main character who was copied and a max level template character.
    • What did you think of the introduction and tutorial quests? Were you able to find them? The Tutorial needs a LOT of work.
      • It MUST direct the player to open Journal or Map to Scry (i tried using the Tool from collections/quickslot and was really confused) I had to ask nearby players for help...
      • Second, my first go at scrying it wasn't very clear what Gabrielle said, she says Foci differently than I do lol, also if the tutorial could highlight a swirly thing and say - hey you want to get all of these. That would be great. The "moves remaining" meter at the bottom should have a counter on it and same with the top Magicka thingy which uses portions of each crystal when using special abilities and since all abilities were appearing the same to me it was hard to tell what was available.
      • Finding the Dig Site - my dig site bugged on tutorial and I had to relog, which reset the Scry portion, but did spawn my dirt pile.
      • I learned this yesterday from a guildie, you can use the Eye from quickslot to get a blue-white arrowish magic effect that points towards the dirt pile once you are in the site. I did NOT understand that at all from the tutorial. It may be better to have the dirt pile NOT directly in the backyard but down the street and a prompt to quickslot and use the Eye to know which way to go down the street.
      • Scry "arrow" is very hard to see in snowy environments, I know it is blue/white but perhaps another added colour would help with the visibility in snowy spots.
      • Excavation: It could use a pictoral info box saying red-orange-yellow-green AND their flare animated effects so the player knows what they are looking for (red = far, green = near; not red = hot/close). I didn't even register the animation effect was different on each colour until a colour blind guildmate was asking about the Scry function in Excavate. I think it is TOO subtle and depending on the type of colour blindness it might hard to see the difference between the background and coloured box/animation. So I think you could either change the shape from a square or add a shape inside the square. Example: Red = Pentagon, Orange = Square, Yellow =- Triangle, Green = Circle and the pattern is decreasing number of sides to the shape = closer to goal. It would still benefit from a picture on the popup info tab.
      • Excavation and its tools: I find it too vague "deep narrow hole" "wide area but shallow". The width is OK because the selection box changes BUT it would be great to have it say how MANY layers it can dig up at once. I also found the charge-up shovel/trowel box in the middle of the screen rather distracting as it covers 1 or 2 dig squares.
      • The health bar of the relic isn't changing from relic to relic properly and it isn't clear how much "health" your relic has; are all relics equally durable? how much health does hitting it with trowel take away? how much health is taken away if a fissure explodes at a distance? We can't really judge this without a better health bar.
    • Did you discover any Antiquity Leads while playing? Yes, this is actually what I am working on testing right now, but I wanted to give some feedback a bit earlier than when i finish testing. One question: Does your skill level/skill point investment change which leads are available to find? Can I only find Legendary leads at a skill of 10? I worried about this as I was trying to track down leads. I picked Bal Foyen as my test area. My character has previously done all quests there. (I didn't want to pick a zone with WB/Dragon etc that I wouldn't necessarily be able to solo, as I aim to find ALL the leads in the zone). I haven't managed to find them all in Bal Foyen yet (are the leads always in the zone they are found in??).
      Bal Foyen leads: Guar Statue and Altar were stolen from Safeboxes. I tried fishing and got nothing, treasure chests nothing, pickpocket/stealing nothing, talk to all merchants/npcs nothing. I explored everywhere in case there are some laying around in the open world, nothing. I worried that having done the quests I was missing something so. I made a template, but the Bal Foyen quest is a continuation of Bleakrock - so Bleakrock leads: Legendary Gear piece lead from Frostedge Sentry (I excavated it and got a second lead but cannot scry it again , guessing we have to use the one we currently have to make the gear piece before we can) and I got the Ruby Dragon Skull lead twice, once from a treasure chest and once from a wood node. I also fished, stole from safeboxes, pickpocketed and just normal stealing from containers and haven't located any other leads yet. But not exhaustively I guess. I will be trying to get ALL the hidden relics revealed for Bleakrock and Bal Foyen now but it seems I get the leads pretty quickly from a given source (safebox, treasure chest, mob) so I may be missing where the missing leads are...
    • Did you understand how Scrying and Excavation worked? What did you think of them? These mini games are good (see above notes about tutorial). I am finding Antiquities very fun even with the few hiccups it has.
    • What did you think of the rewards themselves? I think the rewards are great. May want to emphasize in a tutorial (maybe the written in game one in the help menu) that the easy leads (from excavating) are treasures and the collectible/furniture/gear/etc requires more hunting/searching. I did see one player in the tutorial area by Gabrielle mention that everything was a treasure and yes, all the green ones you start off knowing how to find are treasures - it could turn some players off.
    • Were you able to find the individual locations within dig sites within a reasonable timeframe? Before I knew you could use the Eye to get an arrow, not really - some of the dig sites are HUGE and multi-tiered like Craglorn by Skyreach and CWC - up, down, all around - and I was riding around looking for the sparkly dirt mound. However, since discovering the Eye arrow thingy it has been a lot better. I am still confused why some dig sites are so enormous and others very tiny in similar sized zones (beginner zones, eyevea have a smaller area and notably smaller dig site areas to search)
    • Do you have any other general feedback? Some UI improvements would be nice. On the Map tab it could show how many times you have Found a given relic/codex entry completion. In the Antiquities journal tab under the zones it would be nice to see the same format as under the "scry" part; where "need lead", "need skill" are separated into sections. Especially useful for browsing and trying to decide which zone you want to go to as that information isn't available until in the zone via the scry page. Excavation says "Time" which is misleading because the game is NOT timed, the meter is number of actions you have left. Maybe change "time" to "Stamina" - how long you can dig before exhausted and forced to stop? Lastly, due to achievements my Scry and Excavate started to level at different rates, it did seem that each skill got progress AFTER a relic was found (+1 green, +3 blue, +5 purple) so they are even until achievements add random progress - not a big deal but seemed strange and I had to investigate why they became mismatched if a relic acquisition gave the same progress to both.

  • RedReign
    Did you use a copied character or template?

    +) Template

    What did you think of the introduction and tutorial quests? Were you able to find them?

    +) The introduction quest could benefit from being just a little more obvious (to locate) but the quest itself was simple and straightforward enough, though perhaps a tooltip explaining how to begin scrying would help.

    Did you discover any Antiquity Leads while playing?

    Several, found them just exploring Western Skyrim.

    Did you understand how Scrying and Excavation worked? What did you think of them?

    +) The instructions for Scrying seem a bit unclear (Facets near facets of like facets) but once you start playing the minigame itself it's pretty obvious what to do. Overall I loved the minigames, they were fun little distractions from the usual "Kill everything in sight" gameplay and I could even see how they would be challenging to a degree if you didn't have the skill points in the relevant trees. Well done.

    What did you think of the rewards themselves?

    The motifs/furnishings are beautiful. I absolutely adore what you've done here. The "treasure" items seemed a bit bland, less of a reward and more something to just help you grind those levels I suppose.

    Were you able to find the individual locations within dig sites within a reasonable timeframe?

    Most of the time. There seems to be a glitch where if you die or are forced to the login screen for any reason, the dig site fails to appear altogether which forces you to replay the scrying minigame.

    Do you have any other general feedback

    More antiquity furniture and motifs please.
  • Ilsabet
    Hotdog_23 wrote: »
    Can the "leads" be given to another character on your account or does the character that finds the lead have to scry and find the item. I would perfer my main to do all the scrying and digging but I am not on that character all the time.

    I did some investigating on this, and it seems that leads are account-based. I logged in on a different character, and she had the same leads as my main character in the Antiquities journal. (I did have a message saying that scrying required the skill line available in Solitude, so I couldn't do anything with any of the leads.)

    I took this character thieving in a zone my main hadn't found any leads in, and I did eventually find a purple lead in a safebox. When I switched to my main character, the lead showed up in the journal for her (although I can't scry it yet because my skill line is too low).

    So this tells us two things: You can find leads on characters who haven't done the Antiquities tutorial quest or unlocked the skill lines, and leads found by one character can be pursued by other characters.
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • Malkorga
    Did you use a copied character or template?


    What did you think of the introduction and tutorial quests? Were you able to find them?

    As stated many times, the initial tutorial was confusing and did not teach much. In-game help clarified some of the questions i had.

    Did you discover any Antiquity Leads while playing?

    Before i went to Solitude, i looted a theives trove in stormhaven and found a lead. I had no idea where to look up information on the lead and was wondering why it was not in my inventory.

    Did you understand how Scrying and Excavation worked? What did you think of them?

    After some trial and error i was able to figure out how to work both systems.

    What did you think of the rewards themselves?

    The lore for the relics are interesting so far

    Were you able to find the individual locations within dig sites within a reasonable timeframe?

    Once i understood how the scrying eye worked yes i could find them

    Do you have any other general feedback?

    Under the excavation UI when you are shown what rewards you get, it would be nice if we could hover the mouse over the leads that we find so that we can better track and know what we receive. Almost every site i dug up i get a lead but have no idea to what artifact it applies to.
  • opaj
    Okay. I need to stop myself from playing this system so I can savor it more when it comes out. Even though I'd like to test it more thoroughly, I think I'd better stop and give my feedback now.

    Did you use a copied character or template?
    Both! I tested it with two copied characters and one template.

    What did you think of the introduction and tutorial quests? Were you able to find them?
    I'd like to echo what others have said: the tutorial quest is super broken right now. It seems like Gabrielle is missing dialogue at the beginning of her quest that is supposed to explain how to actually use the system and the tutorial dig site doesn't spawn consistently--I had to drop the second tutorial quest and restart it on both copied characters in order to get the dig site to appear.

    On the subject of Benele, she and I have had our differences in the past, but I appreciated getting to talk about a certain mutual friend with her. However, I noticed that she still appears in the Anvil Mages Guild after you talk to her here, and she doesn't appear to have any new dialogue to reflect the change in her circumstances. Perhaps she does have it, but it didn't fire it properly. I spoke with her in Anvil on a character who had completed Coldharbour and the Antiquities tutorial but not Summerset, so it was kind of okay but a little strange... maybe I'll swing by on my character who completed all three to see if she has something else to say in Anvil.

    Did you discover any Antiquity Leads while playing?
    I found three leads in a fairly short amount of time:
    - On sale at a merchant's shop
    - In a Psijic Portal
    - While excavating another antiquity

    Did you understand how Scrying and Excavation worked? What did you think of them?
    I think I've got a comprehensive grasp of Scrying. Getting all of the circles while trying to minimize your moves was actually pretty fun, and I can see myself going out of my way to not use the special abilities because they look like they might trivialize the game.

    I don't really understand Excavation fully. Finding the main treasure is easy enough, and once I unlocked the trowel I usually had enough turns left to find two or three bonus treasures by blindly stabbing the dirt. Benele indicated that you can kind of judge where treasure might be based on the shape of the dirt, but I haven't figured out the pattern yet. I also saw some people talking about "fissures", and I have no idea what those are.

    What did you think of the rewards themselves?
    I mean, I'm looking forward to the new motifs (YAS), mythic items, and the mount. The furnishings will be nice, too. But for my testing, I didn't even take a look at them.

    You know what got me really excited? Reading the notes between the antiquarians that unlocked as I found items! Those were rad! More of that, please!

    Were you able to find the individual locations within dig sites within a reasonable timeframe?
    Yep, absolutely.

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    I want to thank you for two design decisions you made here:

    1. Thank you for letting non-scrying characters pick up leads and for letting any scrying character follow any lead on your account. I was worried I'd have to complete all of the game content on my main antiquarian just to unlock all of my leads, which goes against my general policy of only doing content that makes sense for the character.

    2. Thank you for not locking this skill line behind the story quests! While it made sense in Summerset from a lore perspective, having the Psijic Order skill only available after starting the main zone quest did cause some issues for characters that weren't ready to start that story.

    I do think the UI could use some clarification. One of the leads I picked up was a fragment for the Thrassian Stranglers, but I couldn't quite figure out which zone I needed to scry on to find the fragment. Also, it's a little disconcerting how leads just kind of dissolve into the Antiquities journal when you pick them up--it seems like it'd be easy to miss if you auto-loot a lead without paying attention. Finally, I think the patch notes mentioned that leads have a time limit, but I couldn't find any indication of this in the UI, so... where's that info?

    Hotdog_23 wrote: »
    Can the "leads" be given to another character on your account or does the character that finds the lead have to scry and find the item. I would perfer my main to do all the scrying and digging but I am not on that character all the time.
    It seems like all Antiquities progress is account-wide. If you find a lead on one character, all of your characters get access to that lead. I spent a few hours testing this out, since I also plan to have one character do all of my excavation.
  • xaraan
    Well, my feedback is that I love the concept but not the execution.

    When I first heard about this system, I pictured little indiana jones style adventures where i followed clues to artifacts. Perhaps that was too pie in the sky for me to expect however.

    A mobile mini-game was the last thing I wanted to see.

    The only mobile mini-games I'd like to see in MMOs are things like card games and other games added to Inns or something that are more for fun than earning anything.

    I realize this is also more a personal preference, I hate lock picking, in FO I hate hacking terminals, these are all just monotonous tasks that really are not fun or challenging. The force lock passive you can earn is the best thing ESO added to the game for me lol.

    That being said, the scrying mini game at least looks ok. The digging one however looks horrible. It literally looks like a bad mobile or browser game (and pretty sure someone posted a similar screen shot that looks almost exactly the same from one of those types of games). I'm not a hard core "my immersion" guy, but wow does it snap me out of the game. I really wish it was more 'in world' type of interaction and places that could be instances, like a grove that could be instances or a cave or small ruin, etc. so you wouldn't see a hundred others around a 'hidden mysterious dig site'.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Vicarra
    So in the end, after a second full day of antiqueing, I got kicked twice from the server for exceeding the message limit. If this is a thing, perhaps the skills should have a short cooldown/delay before using them again to prevent overly zealous clicking (1s, or something)

    I found three reward items that crossed the border of the excavation site and were therefore unobtainable. I had to cancel the excavation and find another dig site in each case. None of these errors happened yesterday.

    The Northern Elsewyr excavations still don't turn up for me. After yesterday's failed attempt I rescryed them and luckily they were both in the same area (a small slip of land outside Tenmar Temple). However, neither excavation site showed up, and using the Eye didn't work because there was no mound for it to point to.

    Today I also made a level 25 Greymoor char. It logged into the game at maxed out Scrying/Excavating, but after doing the intro quest for antiqueing was reset back to nothing.

    In general, I think the hardest thing about scrying is seeing the symbols at the highest difficulties because they are so small. It would be nice if Scrying came with extra achievements to make it more challenging like "rule out 2/3/4/5/6 sites in one go" or "collect 20/30/40/50 of the same facet in one click" or something. I'm challenging myself to do this anyway, and it makes it a bit more fun. Otherwise I can just click coalesce, collect, coalesce, collect...rinse repeat.
    PAWS - Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff!

    Haakon Stormblade - Nord Illusionist, Dwemer scholar, Horse Whisperer, Bringer of Storms
  • Olauron
    This is the official feedback thread for Antiquities. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
    • Did you use a copied character or template?
    • What did you think of the introduction and tutorial quests? Were you able to find them?
    • Did you discover any Antiquity Leads while playing?
    • Did you understand how Scrying and Excavation worked? What did you think of them?
    • What did you think of the rewards themselves?
    • Were you able to find the individual locations within dig sites within a reasonable timeframe?
    • Do you have any other general feedback?
    • Copied character.
    • It is not hard to find the quest. It is really hard to understand that to scry you need to look into the Journal when you just got a Scrying tool (Antiquarian's Eye Tool). Why doesn't it open that Journal tab on activating when scrying is not done yet?
    • I have discoved 3 leads. I have seen them in the excavation results and in the achievement number. Where are these leads? What should I do with them? I have read that they may expire (Leads expire 30 days after you obtain them) in the Patch Notes. OK, but where are those leads after finding them? They are not in the inventory and not in the scrying tab of Journal. Are they for some Hidden items in the scrying tab of the Journal? I have literally no idea.
    • First, Scrying. I've got a passive to convert a some hexes around selected hex. I have found a button to do it. This button has a number, that number is 2. I have used this ability. The number is still two. The ability is available again after getting glowing hex. What that number 2 means? Will I get more uses of the ability if I get more than one glowing hex in one turn? Second, Excavation. I used a shovel on the green square and was told that an antiquity is damaged. I got it in the inventory. Is it damaged or not? Will it be damaged next time and that was a tutorial not true damaging? Then, I was told to tactically search for bonus items. At that time the only tactics was random selecting a square to dig till the bottom. Will there be more tactics with more abilities? I was really confused by that word. The only tactics after getting a shovel was "dig by brush to activate shovel on less ground and use shovel right after this on rocks".
    • Rewards are fine. Furnishing rewards are excellent. I haven't got to them yet. Why there is no furnishing preview in the scrying journal tab? Or will it be available after the item is no longer hidden?
    • Yes. I guess. Is there any timeframe except "I am tired now"? All dig locations were easy to find (in Western Skyrim, Summerset, Artaeum).
    • General feedback. I don't really understand the levelling process of the new skill. It is said in the tooltip that I should get achievements. I have Excavation 3 and Scrying 2. I look at the achievements and the only achivements that seem available to get are "Do 30 excavations", "Find 50 bonus items", "Scry 30 items" and "Find more leads" (random). Other achivements are for the higher levels of the skills. For example, I can't capture all foci on uncommon difficulty because I can't scry items on that difficulty, I need more skill. Is it correct that those are the only possible achievements to progress the skill on my current level or I am missing something?
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • Olauron
    The furnishings are great but would work better if be stored in the collections tab instead of the inventory so they wouldn't need to be repeatedly farmed for. (i.e, the same way that the talking skull rewarded at the end of the Psijic questline is stored.)
    Items from the collections tab (not from the inventory) can't be placed more than one time in one house.
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • Internet_Mask
    Olauron wrote: »
    Items from the collections tab (not from the inventory) can't be placed more than one time in one house.

    Hmm that's true I hadn't considered that someone might want more than one of a given furnishing in their house at a time. I guess ZOS could change it up to allow Antiquity furnishings in the collections tab to be placed more than once in a home.
  • RedReign
    Olauron wrote: »
    Items from the collections tab (not from the inventory) can't be placed more than one time in one house.

    Hmm that's true I hadn't considered that someone might want more than one of a given furnishing in their house at a time. I guess ZOS could change it up to allow Antiquity furnishings in the collections tab to be placed more than once in a home.

    I actually like the current system better because we can collect multiples of the same furniture by just acquiring more leads. I like the idea of being able to have multiples of some of these items. Actually used several of the Stahlrim Brazier things from Western Skyrim in Proudspire and love the effect.
  • dcam86b14_ESO
    I definitely would like to place multiples in my home.
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