A: So we wanna get Blackreach in Skyrim. It'll really proc the nostalgia.
B: Great, so how do we implement it? A deep dwemer ruin that finally leads to an elevator down to the depths of Blackreach?
A: Sounds like a lot of work. How about just a ladder in a basement?
B: ...?
A: Yeah it's not like people want to do adventures in an RPG; just get people down there as fast as possible. Cashing in early has never caused any issues for any game/company/storyline/etc. ever.
Sorry about that. Changed it to Zenimax (Online).First off bethesda has NOTHING to do with eso. That would be zenimax online studio.
Hence why I started off with the possibility of "[...] some poor, honest developers are being goaded into rushing unfinished products".And lastly it's not the devs who are "rushing" it's the lively shareholders. Remember devs them self want an awesome game and work longer hours then even most medical crew members because of some rich investors wants for immediate returns. And lastly bethesda and ZOS are part if zenimax who is the parent company.
Second, there is no way you can know about this "ladder" as it's not even on the pts, it may be a place holder.
It's in the prologue quest; read more in this thread, or alternatively see a youtube video here. It is, quite evidently, not just a place holder. It's a small quest where you follow Lyris Titanborn (with voice lines and everything) into a house, searching through it until you find a trap door into the basement; which has a "secret door behind a cabinet" leading to Blackreach.ArcaneFeathers wrote: »As for complaints about Greymoor and Blackreach it’s not even out on PTS yet so waiting to actually see content and test it is probably better than preemptive complaining.
ArcaneFeathers wrote: »It was stated in pts patch notes that the battleground solo queue is part experiment so there could be changes in the future again. It probably has a lot to do with changes they want to make to their matchmaking system and the population of people queuing up for battlegrounds. Just sounds like an evolving situation right now. Ideally in the future there can be a solo only queue and a group only queue.
Woodenplank wrote: »It's in the prologue quest; read more in this thread, or alternatively see a youtube video here. It is, quite evidently, not just a place holder. It's a small quest where you follow Lyris Titanborn (with voice lines and everything) into a house, searching through it until you find a trap door into the basement; which has a "secret door behind a cabinet" leading to Blackreach.
ZOS has recently started work on a new project and it seems that the majority of the team was moved to this project. According to one of the Community Ambassadors who has visited ZOS's HQ for some event, there are 60 people working on ESO. 60 people. Total.
This is the very definition of maintenance mode. A skeleton crew will keep the lights going and will slowly finish up and release very safe and generic content they had pre-planned before. They just don't have the capacity to do anything fancy and exciting.
Woodenplank wrote: »Sorry about that. Changed it to Zenimax (Online).First off bethesda has NOTHING to do with eso. That would be zenimax online studio.
That being said; Bethesda seems to have had much the same attitude when Skyrim was made. And since their both subsidiaries of Zenimax, I think some parallels can be drawn.Hence why I started off with the possibility of "[...] some poor, honest developers are being goaded into rushing unfinished products".And lastly it's not the devs who are "rushing" it's the lively shareholders. Remember devs them self want an awesome game and work longer hours then even most medical crew members because of some rich investors wants for immediate returns. And lastly bethesda and ZOS are part if zenimax who is the parent company.
I realize I was quite bashful in the original post, and maybe I was unfair. But again; the BG group queue's blunt removal (Subject to change or not), it was a terribly unimaginative solution to a long-standing problem - Yet somehow I can't imagine the "board of shareholders" commanding that "battlegrounds be fixed ASAP, with the simplest/fastest solution". It's not like there's a significant amount of money hinging on Battleground matchmaking.Second, there is no way you can know about this "ladder" as it's not even on the pts, it may be a place holder.It's in the prologue quest; read more in this thread, or alternatively see a youtube video here. It is, quite evidently, not just a place holder. It's a small quest where you follow Lyris Titanborn (with voice lines and everything) into a house, searching through it until you find a trap door into the basement; which has a "secret door behind a cabinet" leading to Blackreach.ArcaneFeathers wrote: »As for complaints about Greymoor and Blackreach it’s not even out on PTS yet so waiting to actually see content and test it is probably better than preemptive complaining.ArcaneFeathers wrote: »It was stated in pts patch notes that the battleground solo queue is part experiment so there could be changes in the future again. It probably has a lot to do with changes they want to make to their matchmaking system and the population of people queuing up for battlegrounds. Just sounds like an evolving situation right now. Ideally in the future there can be a solo only queue and a group only queue.
And they've received a tonne of backlash for it. And yes, it might change before release. That's good, but if they decide to change it, it's based on the (extreme) player outrage. They should never have considered it a valid solution to begin with. People complain about the occasional premade vs. randoms? Just completely wipe out the group-queue and make BGs a solo venture.
It's not a very imaginative solution. Splitting BGs into a "solo queue" and "group queue", like so many other competitive games have done with matchmaking, isn't perfect. But it's certainly a whole lot better than simply trying to cut it entirely.
Again an analogy; show up to a doctor with a mild infection in your finger, and he says "we'll amputate the hand" - you might talk him out of it, but that should never have been the go-to solution to begin with.
I'm not saying the developers are incompetent. I'm speaking out against the "rush content; add more stuff to crown store; more, more, more as soon as possible" mentality that seems to pervade the game.
And please, don't tell me "it's a company, they have to make money" - because plenty of developers take their time with releases, and still turn a profit. But Zenimax is steadily entering a "FIFA" or "Call of Duty" phase where they're consistently pumping out content, with decreasing quality, because they know their loyal, nostalgic fans will gobble it up.
But as I said; Skyrim is their last big nostalgia hit. There are no more familiar lands to explore when they're done. So after Dark Heart of Skyrim, their next batch of DLC will have to stand on its own - and at this rate; I'm not sure it can.
So, someone wanted to build a house and while digging up the basement found tunnels instead of firm ground. So they walled it up and used the basement anyway. When the house turned a slightly shadey tavern, the new owner decided that hidden tunnels might be useful.
I don't see the problem of a basement leading to dwarven ruins, with luminescent mushrooms and I am sure there will be a more impressive quest to enter Blackreach in the new chapter proper.
The only thing which did make me pause was the artificial-sun orb, as I faintly remember, that there was something significant about it (I think there only was one in Skyrim) and it suggests that you are very far down. So, the orb really is the only thing that bothers me a bit, not the ladder or the basement or the dwarven buildings itself.
There are still more parts of Skyrim, Morrowind and Cyrodiil to be added. Let alone Daedric realms like the Shivering Isles and Apocrypha, which have also been featured in previous games. But I agree it will be difficult to draw crowds with "We are going to Skyrim ... again!"Woodenplank wrote: »But as I said; Skyrim is their last big nostalgia hit. There are no more familiar lands to explore when they're done. So after Dark Heart of Skyrim, their next batch of DLC will have to stand on its own - and at this rate; I'm not sure it can.
Woodenplank wrote: »I feel like people are focusing really, really hard on the Blackreach thing. That was just an example; [...]
Anotherone773 wrote: »First wayshrine unlock non one will use it anyway. Just like with boat transports. Those are never used except by newbies who are in no guilds and have no wayshrines unlocked. And the striders in morrowind. A staple feature of the TES 3 game is a yard ornament here.
Why waste a bunch of resources on an elaborate entrance no one is going to use after the first use?
My bet is that ESO won't be putting out anymore [decent] content in 2-3 years and the game will slowly die.
Sad, but I really do feel like they're running out of material and taking the easy/cheap/quick option too often these days.
I hope the ladder thing is just a shortcut for afterwards, and we find the place in a much more adventurous way.