Sylvermynx wrote: »Can anyone tell me if I download the PTS over the weeks it's available, will that be most of the "re-download" for the update so I won't have to wait to get 70+ GBs when it releases? Right now, I have 50 GB available (free bonus) if I download between 2 am and 8 am.
Also, about how long is a PTS cycle?
Sylvermynx wrote: »Okay, thank you idk. I've never done PTS here, as I just don't have the bandwidth (not to mention my connection cannot by any stretch of the imagination be called "fast"....)
That's why I'm hoping I can get a pretty good chunk of it during PTS, and then not have to do a whole 70 GB at release.
At the moment mine are Live 82.2Gb and PTS 71.4Gb (That's with the new PTS Download, Patch 5.3)
Gina mentioned in the PTS Patch notes that there is NOO need to delete the old PTS folder on you system as the new one will OVER RIGHT the old.
Skullstachio wrote: »Easy way to solve this (for those with money) buy a special external hard drive that is capable of holding up to 1 Terabyte of data (1000 gigabytes.) mind you it may make your wallets scream, but it’s worth it.
I have an Emerald External hard drive for my console and, true to its word, it can hold a terabyte which is especially good for games with huge data downloads.
Alienoutlaw wrote: »best thing to do is remove the old PTS files before downloading the new patch, you'll probably have to do the same when it goes live also
If your SSD doesnt have enough space for a fresh install or this major patch, install it on a drive that does then move it over to the SSD. Its a pain but necessary if you are going to use a small drive.
This is nonsense. The U25 is 50+ GB because it will download the entire game. If you delete the files before, you will only download the game itself, which is U25 already. If you keep the base game, there will be 80GB on the disk which will be overwritten by the new files at some point during the update process. So if you're short on disk space, just delete the game files first.
This is nonsense. The U25 is 50+ GB because it will download the entire game. If you delete the files before, you will only download the game itself, which is U25 already. If you keep the base game, there will be 80GB on the disk which will be overwritten by the new files at some point during the update process. So if you're short on disk space, just delete the game files first.
I'm curious if we've to fully uninstall live 1st to be sur to not have some weird bug before installing the new client version.
I'll probably do that anyway, just in case.
darthgummibear_ESO wrote: »The SSD I'm using for my main ESO installation doesn't have enough free space to download an additional 50+gb on top of the existing installation. When this update eventually goes live, will I be able to simply reinstall with the new download size, or will I effectively need 130GB of free space regardless? If the latter is the case, can we please have the update available as a separate installer that doesn't require the launcher?
darthgummibear_ESO wrote: »
I tested the pts client with simply deleting the contents of the pts folder which forced the launcher to just download everything it needed. Total data downloaded was a little over 70gb, and everything runs fine.
ZOS_KaiSchober wrote: »
Das liegt an den Voiceovers.
Depot-, game_player- und soundsets-Patchgrößen sind logischerweise für alle Sprachen gleich.
Voiceovers waren gestern:
EN 7938,73 MiB
DE 9448,94 MiB
FR 8277,71 MiB