Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Admin changed my password? Zos were you hacked?

  • Elsonso
    Glurin wrote: »
    I just assumed it was some automatic thing. Use the same password for too long or log in with it too many times and you get an automatic password change. It's not unheard of.

    And like @lordrichter said, what used to be strong passwords ain't so strong anymore, so it's a good idea to update them anyway. His example was a little on the extreme side, but using a passphrase instead of a password is also good advice. Not only is it harder to break, but it's also easier to remember. ;)

    Well, I was not exactly accurate in relating the length of my password. :smile: I actually don't know what my new password is. It is a high entropy thing chosen for me randomly and is stored in a password manager. I am told that it will only take 7 milliseconds for a parallel quantum computer to guess it, so I think I am good as long as no one with a parallel quantum computer tries to hack me. :sweat:

    Either Vanilla Forums got hacked, and this is a precautionary measure, or some Mod was wondering what that one button did.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Tryxus
    Either Vanilla Forums got hacked, and this is a precautionary measure, or some Mod was wondering what that one button did.

    "The Oak's Promise: stand strong, stay true, and shelter all"
    Tryxus of the Undying Song - Warden - PC/EU/DC
  • ChunkyCat
    This is a good opportunity to choose a new, more secure, password. Gone are the days when they could be a mere 8 characters. Mine is a 70 word paragraph from my favorite book. Sadly, I cannot type worth a damn, so it can take me a couple hours to get it right when I sign in.

  • Shadow_Akula
    Yup... good thing I remember my email for this forum is one of three... 🙄 there’s a reason I tick the keep me logged in option ZoS
  • JamilaRaj
    117Dios wrote: »
    Zos found out EUPCs server problems was one dude with a 256 character password.


    Reddit. But the password was okay, the problem was his name, Robert'); DROP TABLE cached_data; -- for some reason degraded performance of EU megaserver.
    Edited by JamilaRaj on November 17, 2019 1:15AM
  • molecule
    Just had to change mine to PASSWORD2, how annoying
  • Ragged_Claw
    I just tried to ask a question on this thread, saw I wasn't logged in anymore and yep same thing. Since no-one from ZoS is bothering to explain this, I'm now a bit concerned that it's a phishing thing. Although why scammers would want access to my lame-ass cringy comments for the last five years I don't know.
    PC EU & NA
  • CassandraGemini
    I'm actually kind of relieved right now that this wasn't just me. Was really wondering if I had violated the forum rules so hard without realizing it, that ZoS felt the need to protect people from me. Guess I'm not as bad as I thought after all.

    Would really be interested in knowing what caused this, though.
    This poor little Bosmer stealth passive had passionate friends and a big loving family!

  • MissBizz
    Yup, and it wouldn't even let me change it at first, waited a few hours and then tried again for success.

    BTW everyone who didn't know your game and forums accounts weren't actually linked (and therefore passwords could be different) you should probably update your in game password... since you've obviously never changed it :P
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Ingenon
    I wonder if this was an attempt to fix Group Finder?

  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    The vendor we use to power the ESO forums reset all user passwords for partners that had upgraded to their most recent software version, which included the ESO forums. You are required to reset your password as a security precaution to address a potential security issue in their forum software. Please be aware that ESO forum accounts are completely separate from your ESO game account, so your existing credentials can still be used to access the game. To log into your forum account, simply go to the sign in screen and reset your password. As soon as we receive more information from the vendor, we'll pass it on.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Hapexamendios
    A little sooner notice would have been prudent.
  • Ragged_Claw
    Sounds like the 'vendor' needs a kick up the whatsname. They surely should have let ZoS know beforehand what they were going to do, so that that ZoS could have put out a PSA telling us not to get our knickers in a twist. It would save a lot of ballache for our Community Managers. Instead my knickers got firmly twisted. Ouch.
    PC EU & NA
  • Elsonso
    I have been browsing a number of other forums hosted by Vanilla. They are saying pretty much the same thing as Gina, and also dealing with people who can't remember the email they used.. Sounds like a mess, to me.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Bekkael
    Glad for an update, at least.
    ~~ Lady Gamer ~~ ♥ ~~ Xbox NA ~~
  • tinythinker
    I got it too but it works now with the new password
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  • Deohjo
    FYI after 016, once every six months, things like today will happen,
  • Sylvermynx
    The vendor we use to power the ESO forums reset all user passwords for partners that had upgraded to their most recent software version, which included the ESO forums. You are required to reset your password as a security precaution to address a potential security issue in their forum software. Please be aware that ESO forum accounts are completely separate from your ESO game account, so your existing credentials can still be used to access the game. To log into your forum account, simply go to the sign in screen and reset your password. As soon as we receive more information from the vendor, we'll pass it on.

    Thank you for the info @ZOS_GinaBruno - I was a bit concerned initially, but since I know how providers can be (as I have a reseller webspace provider of my own - though they do generally tell me beforehand when they're doing backend work) and since I got all the right info from the right address etc. after resetting my pw, I wasn't too fussed. Probably, it would have made more sense to not have the same pws on account and forum anyway.
  • SeaGtGruff
    A little sooner notice would have been prudent.

    But you're assuming that the vendor actually gave ZOS advance notice. For all we know, ZOS didn't even know about it until the vendor had reset all user passwords, thereby prompting ZOS (after all the brouhaha on the forums) to contact the vendor and ask what the heck had happened.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Hapexamendios
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    A little sooner notice would have been prudent.

    But you're assuming that the vendor actually gave ZOS advance notice. For all we know, ZOS didn't even know about it until the vendor had reset all user passwords, thereby prompting ZOS (after all the brouhaha on the forums) to contact the vendor and ask what the heck had happened.

    Doesn’t matter if it’s the vendor or ZOS. Prior notice should have been given.
  • jlboozer
    Same here, I thought it was odd
  • Saelent
    Pfft, all you people who got the email saying your password got changed...I didn’t know anything had changed until I saw this thread! Don’t know ya’ll been born, getting warnings ‘n stuffs, quick links through emails instead of having to slog the forums like us ‘ordinaries’. Pfffft!!!
  • ForzaRammer
    The vendor we use to power the ESO forums reset all user passwords for partners that had upgraded to their most recent software version, which included the ESO forums. You are required to reset your password as a security precaution to address a potential security issue in their forum software. Please be aware that ESO forum accounts are completely separate from your ESO game account, so your existing credentials can still be used to access the game. To log into your forum account, simply go to the sign in screen and reset your password. As soon as we receive more information from the vendor, we'll pass it on.

    wow how annoying
  • Lumenn
    The vendor we use to power the ESO forums reset all user passwords for partners that had upgraded to their most recent software version, which included the ESO forums. You are required to reset your password as a security precaution to address a potential security issue in their forum software. Please be aware that ESO forum accounts are completely separate from your ESO game account, so your existing credentials can still be used to access the game. To log into your forum account, simply go to the sign in screen and reset your password. As soon as we receive more information from the vendor, we'll pass it on.

    Thank you for the update. Would be nice had the vendor your company is using let you know what this security issue is that caused a reset on their end or if they have access to more than the forums. Looking forward to your update.
  • SeaGtGruff
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    A little sooner notice would have been prudent.

    But you're assuming that the vendor actually gave ZOS advance notice. For all we know, ZOS didn't even know about it until the vendor had reset all user passwords, thereby prompting ZOS (after all the brouhaha on the forums) to contact the vendor and ask what the heck had happened.

    Doesn’t matter if it’s the vendor or ZOS. Prior notice should have been given.

    So are you saying that even if the vendor did it without warning ZOS ahead of time then ZOS is still to blame because ZOS should have given us a warning ahead of time? Because that makes no sense.

    Or are you saying that if the vendor did it then the vendor should have warned ZOS ahead of time? Because that makes sense as long as you don't blame ZOS for not giving us prior notice. Except it sounds like you are blaming ZOS for not giving us prior notice, in which case it makes no sense.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Glurin
    molecule wrote: »
    Just had to change mine to PASSWORD2, how annoying

    I would laugh, but I've actually seen people do that on many occasions. Even had one lady who had her email hacked and I advised her to change her password, which she did. From something like "cookies" to "cookies2". That was pretty much the limit of her willingness to cooperate with me. Wouldn't you know it, she got hacked again. She then got angry at me because the password change didn't work and complained to my boss about it.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • max_only
    The vendor we use to power the ESO forums reset all user passwords for partners that had upgraded to their most recent software version, which included the ESO forums. You are required to reset your password as a security precaution to address a potential security issue in their forum software. Please be aware that ESO forum accounts are completely separate from your ESO game account, so your existing credentials can still be used to access the game. To log into your forum account, simply go to the sign in screen and reset your password. As soon as we receive more information from the vendor, we'll pass it on.

    Thanks for letting us know!
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Ingenon
    The vendor we use to power the ESO forums reset all user passwords for partners that had upgraded to their most recent software version, which included the ESO forums. You are required to reset your password as a security precaution to address a potential security issue in their forum software. Please be aware that ESO forum accounts are completely separate from your ESO game account, so your existing credentials can still be used to access the game. To log into your forum account, simply go to the sign in screen and reset your password. As soon as we receive more information from the vendor, we'll pass it on.

    Thanks for the update!
  • VaranisArano
    Thanks for letting us know what you can right now!

    I'm glad to know it wasn't a hack or someone's cat walking over the keyboard, or some intern pushing the big red button to see what happened :smiley:
  • Ackwalan
    The vendor we use to power the ESO forums reset all user passwords for partners that had upgraded to their most recent software version, which included the ESO forums. You are required to reset your password as a security precaution to address a potential security issue in their forum software. Please be aware that ESO forum accounts are completely separate from your ESO game account, so your existing credentials can still be used to access the game. To log into your forum account, simply go to the sign in screen and reset your password. As soon as we receive more information from the vendor, we'll pass it on.

    In other words, the "vender" got unzipped.
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