Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Update on PC NA & EU Issues [Updated 10/27 @ 8:40pm]

  • VanNoodles
    After the Easter Debacle comes the Halloween Horror...

    Nice one LW :smile:
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    These are the playernumbers from two recommend WoW-Servers (New Classic WoW). US has less than an half active players then EU. Yeah its not ZOS i know, but i think its similar to it. The most EU Players are on PC, not on consoles, like in US.

    One thing to add the EU server doesn't have people from EU only.
    Has quite a few from South America which have better connection to EU than NA. Has Asian players due to the peak time zone is closer to them also and of course African players.

    Also the even base European population, is twice as big than USA - AUS - CAN put together which is the base population demographic for NA server. And that applies to all games.
    Edited by p_tsakirisb16_ESO on October 27, 2019 9:08AM
  • rucker
    Games are made by people, and people can make mistakes.
  • Schattenfluegel
    These are the playernumbers from two recommend WoW-Servers (New Classic WoW). US has less than an half active players then EU. Yeah its not ZOS i know, but i think its similar to it. The most EU Players are on PC, not on consoles, like in US.

    One thing to add the EU server doesn't have people from EU only.
    Has quite a few from South America which have better connection to EU than NA. Has Asian players due to the peak time zone is closer to them also and of course African players.

    Also the even base European population, is twice as big than USA - AUS - CAN put together which is the base population demographic for NA server. And that applies to all games.

    You forget Russian, Asia for EU..
    Love my Stamsorc
  • KingMagaw
    Sub cancelled.

    Business is a disgrace. No point paying for something that is unusable.
  • Kadoin
    Watchdog wrote: »
    I cancelled my ESO+ subscription. Playing without it would be so unpleasant, I don't think I can play anymore when it runs out.

    This is a message saying I am fed up...

    ^^^My thoughts and actions mirror this. The reasons I cancelled in a nut shell...Update 23, Update 24, ongoing and uncorrected performance issues which are worsening with every "improvement and update.

    I have about 80% fewer people online at any given time in the 5 guilds I am in since the release of Update 23 so I cant be the only one playing significantly less after these updates. I logged in earlier during prime time Saturday night and spent over a hour in the queue for a random normal dungeon.

    When you fix the game and get your character balancing act done to fit your vision next year maybe it will be time to reconsider but for now - this is not a product worth paying for.

    To be fair, activity finder had serious bug, so this maint is not surprising.
  • tonne.backlinderb16_ESO
    Well I work within IT and since we've had this problem for so long and they reboot server and turn of this and turn on that but still we have these problems I'm pretty shure they have no clue how to solve this
  • Delpi
    No activity finder? The new and better activity finder they fixed? The first of the performance fixes they announce? Oh man... this has no solution AT ALL
    "I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee..."
  • Sanguinor2
    New and "improved" activity finder didnt even last for a week. That is sure to inspire confidence in further "fixes".
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • ArRashid
    So, nerfs everywhere for 2 patches in a row, and getting DC'd almost every time you're changing zones.... huh...
    There's only so far the questing can take you as an MMO. Hope they know that. Seriously.

    Most of the players work, and when they finally have a couple free hours, the worst thing they can see is that there's STILL A *** MAINTENANCE, every damn day!

    I'm still thinking they're just trying to come up with a software solution for a hardware problem, ignoring the practical impossibility of the task, just because it's ultimately cheaper than maintaining another server room. Losing subscribers? Who cares.
  • Hans_58
    so how about the ingame free crown gifts we are supposed to be getting are they smoke or wil they be extended or already in the inventory?
  • moonsister
    at least I got some stuff done in RL during downtime. Cleaned out some of the cellar and tidied my wardrobe yesterday. Just put henna dye in my hair and noticed my windows really need washing. ... ....nah, the sun is super annoying as it is coming from a certain angle (where my curtains cant shut it out) so I am not seeing *** in dark environments like dungeons. That is a good reason not to clean them. Right? Right?

    Silver lining aside I am really disappointed about the frequency of downtime and the overall problems lately. I have never had that in any other game. Granted, the only other MMOs I have played are GW 1 and SWTOR and that has been a while back.
    But like so many of you I am working all week and I was looking forward to relaxing in game and thus had some things planned for the weekend. Like my first trial.
    Instead of being exciting or relaxing, whatever strikes my fancy on a day, the game has been an exasperating experience lately where I never know if I an actually play at all- be it PvE or PvP. Especially on patch days...even the announced ones.
    And the recent changes in skills coming in so fast..they just leave me exhausted. I am glad we have some ppl that are putting builds together because quite honestly, I do neither have time nor enthusiasm to keep track of everything and constantly change my build and craft new armors.

    I am dreading the undaunted event and I was actually looking forward to probably get some othe dungeons done I havent done yet. I am not anticipating the group finder to work without causing problems till then. meh.

    PS: patch complete, tried to log in -> 304. :s
    Edited by moonsister on October 27, 2019 9:28AM
  • Hans_58
    I bought south elweyr and I want to game While I went into they limestone Quarry the game froze and never came up again. does this mean my game wasn't saves as well like 2 weeks ago?
  • Neoealth
    Instead of tinkering with the code, spend big money on the new servers. If I was a betting man I'd say that is the root of the issue. Your hardware just sucks.
  • daedalusAI
    Delpi wrote: »
    No activity finder? The new and better activity finder they fixed? The first of the performance fixes they announce? Oh man... this has no solution AT ALL

    Just wait for the upcoming "backend improvements" - they will blow your mind.
  • ArRashid
    Neoealth wrote: »
    Instead of tinkering with the code, spend big money on the new servers. If I was a betting man I'd say that is the root of the issue. Your hardware just sucks.

    Every company tries it's hardest to pump the most money out of the least expenses. Then they blame everything in sight for their problems, all while floundering around trying to save face. Only when the losses become unacceptable do they admit mistake in some very roundabout way and actually do something about it. Expecting their customers to just roll with it as if nothing was happening at all.

    Sometimes it makes me wonder why the hell did our parents want capitalism so badly. The principle of market competition doesn't effin work when you have to invest extreme amounts of time into something. Sure, there are plenty MMOs around, but they know very well that 90% people are very reluctant to start from zero again.
  • ArRashid
    After maintenance:

    2 DCs in less 10 minutes.
    No skill has any animation (just light attacks do).
    Unending lags (usually culminating in a DC).
    Some people even report being unable to sprint.

  • Fiktius

    After the maintenance of this Sunday morning I'm still having this issue with guild rosters:

    If I try to load guild history pages (bank log for example), the game becomes very unresponsive and game freezes for seconds.
    Same thing happens if I try to load member roster of any guilds of mine.
    If I try to swap between member rosters often enough, my whole game freezes entirely and my only option is restarting entire game.

    Good thing is that this issue is gone after full game restart and I can manage rosters normally again.
    Perhaps this could be something your team could take a look at and fix during future maintenance?
    Edited by Fiktius on October 27, 2019 10:15AM
  • daedalusAI
    @ZOS_GinaBruno How long is the "improved" dungeon finder now unavailable?
    Couldn't find anything among the "impressive" amount of communication the last 2 days.

    Edit: I did find it.
    "Later" this day. Sounds almost like "We hoped we fixed it"
    Edited by daedalusAI on October 27, 2019 10:19AM
  • Aragorn79
    Hi Gina and thank you for your efforts. Just something I noticed yesterday when I played there weren't many players online because I logged in after hours to just get my ticket and I still experienced extremely long load screens when changing zones. You said the servers seem overloaded due to high population but in this case it wasn't high population. So just something I noticed and hope you find the root of all this. Thanks
    PC EU
    DC D'aryn, Breton Magblade
    DC T'agwyr, Redguard Stamblade
    EP B'eryth, Nord Magsorc
    EP K'ewan, Nord Magplar
    AD L'adaryel, High Elf MagDK
    AD S'eladiel, Wood Elf StamWarden
    DC D'evyn Imperial StamDK
    DC G'avyn Breton MagNecromancer
  • Tandor
    oddbasket wrote: »
    Move part of the population out with an oceanic server?

    I thought most of the oceanic players were on the NA servers?

    It wouldn't be just one oceanic server, it would be three - unless you were proposing a second-class status for oceanic players on console?

    ZOS have said previously that the numbers aren't there to support separate servers for oceanic players. I haven't seen any evidence to disprove that.
  • eklhaftb16_ESO
    ArRashid wrote: »
    No skill has any animation (just light attacks do).

    That gives an entirely new meaning to "animation cancelling".
  • ryh
    Not much better after maintenance. Probably less people online not improve because of maintenance.
  • Kadoin
    ArRashid wrote: »
    After maintenance:

    2 DCs in less 10 minutes.
    No skill has any animation (just light attacks do).
    Unending lags (usually culminating in a DC).
    Some people even report being unable to sprint.


    NA or EU? NA seem pretty stable...
  • Melilotta
    I still can't log in. I restarted the computer once more, but no luck. The game crashes even before it gets to the password. "The Elder Scrolls Online quit unexpectedly", again and again.

    PC EU

    Upd: Ran REPAIR, and finally managed to log in!
    Really hope these issue get resolved. Good luck to ZOS and to us all!
    Edited by Melilotta on October 27, 2019 11:45AM
  • Ascarl
    As you likely have surmised, this is related to the Update 24 launch, and has been exacerbated by the Witches Festival event currently live which is resulting in a lot of players logging on to participate.

    So why is the Witches Festival in the same week as Update 24 ?

  • Aurie

    We'd like to give you an update about the instability some of you are seeing, particularly on the PC EU megaserver, which includes issues such as long loading times, inability to log in, and other "servers are overloaded" experiences. As you likely have surmised, this is related to the Update 24 launch, and has been exacerbated by the Witches Festival event currently live which is resulting in a lot of players logging on to participate.

    Thank you for your communication, it is of course much appreciated. :)

    I have just one question. Was it sensible to run Update 24 launch and the Witches Festival event so close together? Each of those obviously attracts a lot more players, and the EU server struggles every time with just one content launch or event. It strikes me that it's asking for trouble to expect that the EU server will cope with both at the same time without going into major meltdown.

    However, I do wish you all luck trying to sort this out. And we all look forward to being able to play ESO without the current issues again.

  • Rhaegar75
    on the bright side: I spent the last hour in Cyro and worked like a charm!!!!
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Thank you ZOS for admitting that. It means a lot to me, as it simply shows that you care for us and you at least realize that EU servers need some love. After all, you have said this:

    "This is because there are more concurrent users there during peak times than on any other realm."

    Thanks for the information. However, I do understand that words are just words. Lets hope that words will be the
    beggining of an actions that will "eventually" resolve most of issues EU servers are suffering from.

    This is not prazing ZOS by any means, I will just observe how things will go and if any noticeable fixes will occur. I am here since 2014, and it was never this bad. Yeah, Cyro was playable, then it was not playable, then it happened to trials, (they became unplayable), but now it is happening even to casuals who just do crafting & overland stuff.
  • Warndihr
    Good work and thanks for the information! :)
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