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PVP exploiter/cheater

  • crowfl56
    Well as usual some people will read and others will only read far enough to react :)

    Now folks my first 2 statements were >>>

    IMO, there a very few pvp cheaters in this game.

    Why do I say this, simply, in pvp there are some extremely good players, with dang good builds.

    Its always the few that make things difficult for the majority :)
  • zyk
    If anyone is obviously cheating, the analysis of a detailed combat log can prove it. Again, the log must display values in milliseconds to be useful. But that takes a lot of work.

    Players who cheat subtly are practically impossible to casually detect. Like, based on what was possible in 2016, if someone was boosting their ult gen or mitigation by 10%, you'd never be able to tell, but that would actually be a huge advantage.

    In every online game, above average players constantly have to deal with accusations of cheating. It's always been this way. Your gut feeling isn't enough.

    I'm a good 10 years past my prime as a gamer. I feel slower every month. I suffer injuries if I play too much. I'm playing on a 4 year old GPU and a Bloomfield CPU. I have only played ESO PVP sporadically over the past 2 years. And yet every play session after I shake off the rust, someone accuses me of cheating. Speed hacks, macros, CE, etc... Major Expedition and medium armor is enough to be accused of speed hacking in this game.

    Baseless accusations only make it easier for actual cheaters. If you're not willing to put in the work to make a conclusive case to show an individual is cheating, don't accuse them.

    Regarding macros, yes, surely some people benefit from them, but it's not possible to tell who because anything a macro can do, a decent player can do.

    I can deduce that cheating is possible in ESO because of available facts, yet I can't recall actually accusing anyone.
  • Mr_Walker
    There is no way to bypass the global cooldown on skills. No one is firing off 5 attacks in one second.

    Seen it happen. Not a desync. Teleport strike from stealth, and was instantly killed by 5 different skills. Not a "wow that seemed fast" death, but literally instant.
  • Thogard
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    There is no way to bypass the global cooldown on skills. No one is firing off 5 attacks in one second.

    Seen it happen. Not a desync. Teleport strike from stealth, and was instantly killed by 5 different skills. Not a "wow that seemed fast" death, but literally instant.

    Which five skills my dude.

    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo


  • maddiniiLuna
    Thogard wrote: »
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    There is no way to bypass the global cooldown on skills. No one is firing off 5 attacks in one second.

    Seen it happen. Not a desync. Teleport strike from stealth, and was instantly killed by 5 different skills. Not a "wow that seemed fast" death, but literally instant.

    Which five skills my dude.

    Just watch the YouTube Video above you'll see cheating is perfectly possible and ZOS does nothing. They don't even look at the Videos. One of the Videos has a guy that is still running Cyrodiil PvP Up to this day.
  • Darsaga
    tim99 wrote: »

    I watched 2 clips. One was from 2016 when CE had not yet been fixed. The other is a NB trolling with draining shot.

    Any NB can stay in stealth using certain attacks that is one of them, and it is assisted by lag. How about next time try using some of the many thing that can pull them from stealth.

    The other clip is void because it’s from 2016 pre patch.

    The rest are not even worth watching because the are obviously just as stupid.

    I wish I had never tried helping out in this thread there is some serious Ligma going on in here.

  • Skarbrand666
    Friend, at this current stage in the game it is literally impossible to cheat. Believe it or not ZoS got a wake-up call back in 2016 and implemented some actual anticheat.

    Apparently someone hitting 50 meteors in a row was enough

    Generally, whenever somebodies complaining about a cheater, it's because they don't understand the persons build, or simply cannot grasp that somebody might understand the game more than them, and as such be more skillfull when playing.
  • Jusey1
    Gilvoth wrote: »

    we are not subject to prove Anything to YOU.

    If you make a claim (such as someone is cheating/exploiting), it falls COMPLETELY ON YOU to prove said claim. This is how a Justice system works and the whole saying of "Innocent until proven guilty".

    That's all I'm gonna say here.
  • Gilvoth
    Jusey1 wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »

    we are not subject to prove Anything to YOU.

    If you make a claim (such as someone is cheating/exploiting), it falls COMPLETELY ON YOU to prove said claim. This is how a Justice system works and the whole saying of "Innocent until proven guilty".

    That's all I'm gonna say here.

    this isn't a Justice system, this isn't a court, no one accused you nor any specific named person, and you are most assuredly not a judge here on this forum.
    this is simply a place to talk about the game and topics related to this game, and cheating is a topic we are discussing.
  • JackDaniell
    Either everyone who beats me is cheating, or the earth is flat.
    Ebonheart Templar
  • JamieAubrey
    14 day free trial ?

    *boots up 2nd account*
  • kyle.wilson
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Yeah get you something like these and Animation canceling that is being allowed in ESO just makes macroing SOOO easy.
    When someone in pvp kills you in less then a second and you look at the battle log of how you died and what was cast on you and by WHO.
    5 abilities in half a second from the same person LOL.
    It wasnt skill. It was one of these devices combined with the fact that animation canceling is in this game.
    Put a cast time or make it so if you animation cancel then it stops the whole spell or ability from going off because well hell, YOU canceled it lol.
    Cast times or removing anima canceling and POOF , their cheating macro making devices cease to help them haha.
    I dont care what anyone says, because everyone has at one point or another been victim to an insta death from one of these cheaters . That is if youve even played any pvp in eso at all.

    The animation canceling just enables them to be able to utilize these devices.
    Even the XIM4 allows using your macro mouse or macro keyboard on your ps4 or xbox to mimic and appear as a legit console controller and macro as much as you want .

    Animation cancelling helps these devices because it takes away any kind of delay between skill and abilities and strings them together without global cooldowns of any kind.

    [Edit to remove baiting]
    Gilvoth wrote: »

    we showed proof that, that is not true.

    This was an issue several years ago when it could be done at will with proper timing and cancelling, but it is no longer possible

    yes it is, heres a few examples that were captured recently by a fellow player.
    LegacyDM wrote: »


    Here we have HA-->Sub Assault --->DoS all in the same second


    Here we have a Cutting Dive ---->Heavy Attack ----> Sub Assault all in the same second followed by a DoS one second later. Poor game play design and BS.


    Here we have a lethal arrow ----> Draining Shot all in the same second.


    Here's an interesting one. An Ambush ----> Lethal Arrow. In the same second. Now how did he get an ambush off with a skill that actually requires a 1s channel cast time all in the same second. Not sure.


    Here we have Dizzying Swing ---->Reverse Slice --->Sub Assault all in the same second.


    And my personal favorite. Two focused aims in the same second.

    this does not really show anything other than the combat log is lagging, look at your FPS and ping in each SS

    I'm sure this is trolling to prove a point about skill knowledge.
    Subterranean Assault has a delay between cast and hit, giving ample time to charge an med/heavy attack then cast an instant.
    As for snipe its sorta the same. Usually its Snipe/PI or Snipe/draining shot
  • fred4
    crowfl56 wrote: »
    IMO, there a very few pvp cheaters in this game.

    Why do I say this, simply, in pvp there are some extremely good players, with dang good builds.

    Now as far as the few that really do cheat, you can tell everytime when they show up.

    First way to tell in the forums, is when certain folks try to defend their actions, with its a game mech.

    But its awful weird to attack a player with 10-20 other players and he/she never drops any life, but easily kills anyone they attack in less than 1 second.

    There is NO possible way to set off 5 abilities in less than 1 second, but some players do that all the time.

    How is that, even using anamation canceling, or weaving, you can't do that and have all 5 abilities go off at once, but some peeps can.

    So keep on reporting, but try and make sure they are actually a cheater, not just a good player :)
    I periodically review my FTC combat logs after questionable fights and have yet to find something that I could not explain with standard game mechanics. Mostly it's a way of learning from other players.

    Players whose health does not go down can be due to, in no particular order:

    (1) Shield stacking (magsorcs).

    (2) High passive / semi-passive healing. Works as long as players are not under too much pressure. I've frequently seen this with stamsorcs in the past (Hurricane + Crit Surge), but there are other methods. For example Steed + gold food + 7th Legion + Lingering potion will get you to 2K permanent health regen + 1K lingering health with very little sacrifice. That's passive healing, before you pile Vigor and, say, Crit Surge on top.

    (3) Healing when taking damage. Warden Living Trellis, Templar Living Dark. Sets like Cyrodiil's Crest.

    (4) Healing while doing damage. Every warden animal skill (due to passive). Swallow Soul, Puncturing Sweeps, mag DK Claw and Power Lash, and so on.

    (5) Skilled players will selectively dodge or block your burst while outhealing the remaining damage.

    (6) Health desyncs. You just can't see health moving until you suddenly die.

    (7) Positional desyncs. You think you're hitting someone, but they're actually somewhere else.

    (8) Server unable to cope. In really large battles you can sometimes run through an AOE spamming zerg and not be hit. I am convinced this is because the server can't handle the load. In fact, I pretty much know this to be true, as I sometimes have severe trouble killing NPC guards in such fights. My attacks simply don't register.

    In terms of multiple attacks hitting within one second, there are many legitimite ways for that to happen:

    (1) Delayed burst skills. Warden Shalks. Magsorc Curse and Execute. Templar Backlash. Necro Blastbones. DK Inhale. Proximity Detonation.

    (2) Pulsing skills. Templar Crescent Sweep and Solar Barrage, DK Flames of Oblivion, DW Quick/Deadly Cloak.

    (3) Skills with a cast time will only hit you together with the next attack. Dizzying Swing, Snipe, and so on.

    (4) Slow projectiles may only hit you a short time after they are fired. Snipe, Destructive Touch, Dark Flare, Warden Birds. DK Take Flight (into execute).

    (5) Armor proc sets that coincide with other damage, which are also possibly delayed or slow. Every monster proc set. Caluurion, Shadow of the Red Mountain, and so on.

    (6) Enchants reliably proc from light attacks and weapon skills and will hit you at the same time as other attacks.

    (7) Psijic Imbue Weapon will only hit you together with the next attack weave.

    (8) Templar Burning Light passive. Some other passives, such as CP Riposte (blue Atronach tree) can also hit really hard.

    (9) Most gap closers, except possibly Teleport Strike, have a travel time and will hit together with the next attack.

    Example: A stamden can easily hit you with Subterraneao, Dizzying Swing, Dawnbreaker of Smiting, a light attack and an enchant at the same time. This is intended gameplay. You will also be CCd, which means you cannot escape the subsequent Reverse Slice.
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • fred4
    I almost forgot: WIth the cast time ZOS added to ultimates, they inadvertently created a new kind of burst: The ultimate that only hits together with the subsequent (execute) skill, even when it's not Take Flight.

    I also forgot to mention plain old DOTs. You will see them ticking along with other damage. Especially Poison Injection can get very strong, if you fall into execute range.
    Edited by fred4 on October 1, 2019 6:24AM
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • RouDeR
    It is called Git Gud, i was perfectly able to tank 30+ PvE scrubos who had no clue how to PvP and what is Defile/CC, keeping aside the fact that such groups are being annihilated in less than a minute if they do not have proper healbots with them in a 2vX situations
  • WeylandLabs
    Speaking of what's wrong with PvP. 😂
  • Vanos444
    PvP as always been a den for cheaters, exploiters and hackers.
    The ToP # 1 cheating tool is TeamSpeak. Why? This game doesn't have GCD's. So, with TeamSpeak and Animation canceling. You literally become a god.

    In WoW, you have GCD's. ( Not by a huge margin) but based on it, you had to plan your attack that brings out a combo to kills your targets and at the same time, you were vunersble to heavy damage. Thus, one can call such players "good". For they have to time their combos and utilities to survive a fight.

    But, in TESO. You have to just dump your damage on the target or switch to defensive role on the fly, if in danger. Which brings out diversity to your gameplay but ultimately breaks the game, that bring in more exploits, cheats and the list goes on....

    The Dot meta was good start but was poorly done.
    Edited by Vanos444 on October 1, 2019 8:56AM
  • Artorias24
    I really like how Gilvoth shows pictures of clearly not cheats, just well timed burst and snipe desync.

    Then shows text from a hacking website where you can only fly, walk through walls and see players everywhere.

    And still claims cheaters are everywhere and hit you with 74628643 skills in one second. Show me the cheat wich can bypass GCD. Or give me Screenshot/videos that i cant explain with normal game logic or the game just being buggy.

    Someone must be really mad that He doesnt understand basic game mechanics.
  • zyk
    Vanos444 wrote: »
    PvP as always been a den for cheaters, exploiters and hackers.
    The ToP # 1 cheating tool is TeamSpeak. Why? This game doesn't have GCD's. So, with TeamSpeak and Animation canceling. You literally become a god.
    ESO does have a GCD and animation cancelling does not bypass it. You probably animation cancel frequently without realizing it.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler You guys really need to document how the GCD works to dispel the myths that exist about it. It would encourage people to learn how to play and you wouldn't need to nerf your mechanics to appease those who don't understand it. Perhaps also consider a visual indicator for the GCD as part of the default UI so players are more cognizant of it.
    Rungar wrote: »
    A true global timer would go a long way to making it a more fair game. Block and roll dodge being the only exceptions to this.
    It has a true GCD. It actually has more than one kind of GCD. I would describe how it works, but it's been over a year since I last tested and I don't want to add to the pool of misinformation. I really wish ZOS would document it properly.
    Edited by zyk on October 1, 2019 9:12AM
  • Rungar
    A true global timer would go a long way to making it a more fair game. Block and roll dodge being the only exceptions to this.
    It's 0.0666 of a second to midnight.

    Rungar's Mystical Emporium
  • Mr_Walker
    Thogard wrote: »
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    There is no way to bypass the global cooldown on skills. No one is firing off 5 attacks in one second.

    Seen it happen. Not a desync. Teleport strike from stealth, and was instantly killed by 5 different skills. Not a "wow that seemed fast" death, but literally instant.

    Which five skills my dude.

    I don't remember. I didn't expect some kid to quiz me on the specifics 7-8 months after the event. I'm thinking 2H, but I could be wrong. I do remember one of them was a duplicate though (ie hit me twice).
  • idk
    There is no way to bypass the global cooldown on skills. No one is firing off 5 attacks in one second.


    You do not see when a player uses a skill. You see when the server tells you a skill was used and server lag can cause the information to come all at once even though they actually occurred over a few seconds.

    Unfortunately this happens with the games design. It is part of the reason why ESO PvP is not taken seriously even though the game itself and it's combat are fun.
  • JumpmanLane
    Blackrose Resto! HOTS and DOTS, and pugs hit like wet noodles.
  • Rungar
    idk wrote: »
    There is no way to bypass the global cooldown on skills. No one is firing off 5 attacks in one second.


    You do not see when a player uses a skill. You see when the server tells you a skill was used and server lag can cause the information to come all at once even though they actually occurred over a few seconds.

    Unfortunately this happens with the games design. It is part of the reason why ESO PvP is not taken seriously even though the game itself and it's combat are fun.

    even though i agree with that i routinely get hit with walls of abilities that shouldnt be possible. Its because in 2 global cooldowns which appears like 1 second to a player you can fit

    1 ultimate
    2 skills
    2 light attacks
    a bash

    add in even a little lag and you can double most of that so players experiences are not wrong. Zos is supporting a combat model that their game cant keep up with resulting in bad outcomes.

    sounds like your coming around to the notion that continuing this might be bad for the game on the whole.
    It's 0.0666 of a second to midnight.

    Rungar's Mystical Emporium
  • heng14rwb17_ESO
  • EmEm_Oh
    Darsaga wrote: »
    Some people may exploit but the cheating your trying to explain is more than likely a health dysnc on your end or a lag effect. Someone recently posted a video of a full to dead scenario and you can clearly see them take a curse and frag to the face with no change in their health. So when another small burst came in it looked to them like they got “cheated” but they did not.

    What I find funny is all the people that accused someone of cheating have no video evidence to back their claim. It so simple to record and upload a 60 second clip.

    But I don't think players are looking for cheaters either, nor do they expect it, so you'd have to record your online gaming all the tme. Which will certainly put a drain on your pc resources.

    I will agree however, video of the interaction is very helpful.
    Edited by EmEm_Oh on October 1, 2019 10:45AM
  • Rungar
    zyk wrote: »
    Vanos444 wrote: »
    PvP as always been a den for cheaters, exploiters and hackers.
    The ToP # 1 cheating tool is TeamSpeak. Why? This game doesn't have GCD's. So, with TeamSpeak and Animation canceling. You literally become a god.
    ESO does have a GCD and animation cancelling does not bypass it. You probably animation cancel frequently without realizing it.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler You guys really need to document how the GCD works to dispel the myths that exist about it. It would encourage people to learn how to play and you wouldn't need to nerf your mechanics to appease those who don't understand it. Perhaps also consider a visual indicator for the GCD as part of the default UI so players are more cognizant of it.
    Rungar wrote: »
    A true global timer would go a long way to making it a more fair game. Block and roll dodge being the only exceptions to this.
    It has a true GCD. It actually has more than one kind of GCD. I would describe how it works, but it's been over a year since I last tested and I don't want to add to the pool of misinformation. I really wish ZOS would document it properly.

    the point of a global timer is that it is global. Eso does not have a global timer. It has a global timer for abilities called skills. Light attack has its own and so does ultimate and bash.

    it should be anything that does damage should be on 1 timer and defensive abilities like roll dodge and block on their own timers. That's balanced.

    what it is now is unbalanced and literally the main complaint when you boil down eso issues.
    It's 0.0666 of a second to midnight.

    Rungar's Mystical Emporium
  • fred4
    Ultimates are not on a separate GCD from skills. You cannot cast a skill and an ultimate in the same second. Although it is possible for an ultimate to land together with another skill, the attacker had to spend 2 GCDs to achieve that.
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • Voltranox
    I've heard about players who find a bug or glitch in some set or skill and exploit it. Whatever.

    By far the worse problem has been the cheating. The same names keep doing it, day after day.
    Here are some examples I have seen in recent months...

    -- 20 ranged shots in a row dodged (not roll dodges). This miracle of chance is repeated every time they are engaged. Not even in medium armor. Same players, same names.

    -- Characters that cannot be CC'd - for a much longer time period than any combo of pots or skills would allow (constantly for minutes on end). Pots run out and have a cool-down. This performance is often combined with never-ending super speed.

    -- Global cool-down of skills being bypassed (often referred to as macros, but much more than simple macros). When this happens, the character will shudder oddly. Very different from the visual appearance animation cancelling - it's like a strobe effect. Same players, every time, while other attacking enemies in the area show no signs of lag.

    -- Extremely poor players who are easily killed on repeated encounters suddenly become god-like and wipe out swathes of players while their health bar barely moves. Did they suddenly 'L2P'?

    -- Weapon enchantments and other proc's hitting every single second without fail. This a new one that I have noticed only in the last few months. Constant 100% up time on enchants adds a lot of damage.

    -- Characters who repeatedly drop ultimates in very short time frames. I see some who forget themselves in the heat of the battle and drop 3 or 4 within seconds of each other. This has been confirmed for me beyond all doubt when fighting 1 vs 1 in the middle of nowhere.

    -- Characters who have all specialty builds rolled into one. Huge mitigation, huge damage, huge sustain, huge heals, huge ulti gen, constant speed. No weaknesses. WTB that set please.

    -- Flying. No longer simply a Youtube spectacle - I have witnessed it several times with my own eyes in recent months.

    Whether these players are 'good' or 'bad' at the game doesn't matter. They are essentially ego-babies. If you can't play a tough, punishing PVP competition without resorting to cheating, then get out.

    Growing bored with reporting these obvious morons, only to have them show up again a few weeks later. It is up to ZOS to police their game...not us.
This discussion has been closed.