Nothing different on this ability than any other. It works exactly like every instant cast abilities and can be easily weaved in (la-ba-bash) combination with no issues. Not sure if you are experiencing latency problems or you are just being confused by the animation.
Thats with over 200 latency. Can reproduce it infinitely.
Nothing different on this ability than any other. It works exactly like every instant cast abilities and can be easily weaved in (la-ba-bash) combination with no issues. Not sure if you are experiencing latency problems or you are just being confused by the animation.
Thats with over 200 latency. Can reproduce it infinitely.
Try doing it reliably against a moving target, anything is easy to use against a target dummy.
In the time it took you to make bound armaments land at the same time as light attack and bash (which is a clunky animation I might add) I am able to do two whole weaves for much greater damage.
No you didnt? You know you can La - BA - bash - La - power slam - bash and its more damage over the same period of time?
Not in the same amount of time, from the moment armaments fires to the time the damage ends you will have lost a whole weave of damage. If the damage was instant and fired a little faster you would be correct.
You almost got hilarious but it's clear as day that you came here to diminish the matter discussed, the concept of which clearly eludes you. Furthermore you ignored the part when we said it would be more worth to gain damage and lose the passives if the devs feel it gives too many things. If that's not enough look at the other abilities listed in a previous comment. They all have secondary effects superior to bound armaments and they aren't nerfed this patch, in fact backlash is buffed. Your argument is invalid and a joke (but not a funny one)
You dont have to wait for armaments you know? Once GCD is over you can use another ability even those armaments are still firing...
You dont have to wait for armaments you know? Once GCD is over you can use another ability even those armaments are still firing...
If the ability barely weaves with a fast spammable like power bash how would it perform with spammables like snipe and dizzy swing? The world of PvP is very different to doing the same rotation against a static target.
If its going to be viable it needs to synergise with those too.
Im starting to think you are just saying words you heard on stream and dont know what they mean and your only goal is probably just that desire you mentioned above to have this ability hit when you use another ability for bigger burst. So far we confirmed it can be weaved with LA, it can be bash weaved and it does more damage for single use of GCD therefore also more DPS using it than not.
you know you can pair Armaments with Crushing weapon?
Oh, by the way, increasing your stam an 8% is a huge buff. If you sit at 30k it adds 2.4k extra stam
I should have said some people here want everything left on it, while others have said that they would take a trade off. You seem to be suggesting that everyone here is on the same page about a trade off, which isn't the case.
As for the passives not being strong compared to other skills, I say it depends. I only do end game pve and I think that the light attack damage and max Stam are pretty damn good, especially in this next patch where light attack damage will be a larger component of DPS.
I won't make comments on bound armaments for pvp because that's not my forte.
Over and over in this thread, people who want it to be buffed try to reconstruct the facts to support their original position.
It took you almost 2 seconds to weave armaments with just a light attack and bash, if you think that's good then I dont know what to tell you. I can get two whole weaves in that time.
Its also only gonna be up once every 4 weaves so even if it was on par with a spammable that's just not good enough, especially since stamsorc favours burst and mobility in PvP, even more so next patch.
Crushing weapon as melee in PvP? Gl. The ability might be good for end game pve but in PvP it's underwhelming and it shouldn't be. 2.4k stam is nothing if the active attack is not worth using.
I've used it melee and range on a hybrid sorc. It works OK. It procs frags and can be timed with rune (well, tbh i was using elemental wpn)
Yeah well, I got nothing to say to that so I dont become mean.
It took you almost 2 seconds to weave armaments with just a light attack and bash, if you think that's good then I dont know what to tell you. I can get two whole weaves in that time.
Its also only gonna be up once every 4 weaves so even if it was on par with a spammable that's just not good enough, especially since stamsorc favours burst and mobility in PvP, even more so next patch.
So you are rending an option useless without even trying it? The window for imbue is 2 secs, you have plenty of time for even 3 procs on armaments, one of them a very hard hit.
You can even use shield charge to have reliable stun on a gap closer.
LiquidPony above already checked, corrected and hopefully also put you in line but let me at least explain my combat log since I guess like most of things it looks foreign to you.
Even with my 200 latency and not trying hard to be fast there was exactly 390ms between light attack and bash. Light attack started the 'combo' of LA, BA, bash and by the time I hit the bash 390ms later the skill was already casted. Thats what weaving is. Just because the skill is then spending next 1.2s firing in periods of 0.3s is totally unrelated to weaving. Its not channeled attack therefore whatever the skill is doing and how long is simply irrelevant because while the daggers are flying you can already do next attack
So you are rending an option useless without even trying it? The window for imbue is 2 secs, you have plenty of time for even 3 procs on armaments, one of them a very hard hit.
You can even use shield charge to have reliable stun on a gap closer.
How do you feel about Bound Armaments?
I personally like the feel of the new version of armaments and the idea behind it but right now I find it lacking.
For me its hitting for less or the same as most spammables while requiring far more effort and timing. Snipe for example currently does the same damage as the bound armaments proc and can be spammed at range. I think a small buff is needed to put this ability on par with other class damage abilities or even close to the damage of a spammable. Right now against a medium 23k resist player im hitting for 4k non crit while having 6k weapon damage and 26k stam in non cp. This just isn't worthwhile.
It is my opinion that the damage proc of this ability should be comparable to grim focus from the nightblade class. Please consider adjusting the damage of this ability to make it the ability Stamsorc needs.
I would like to hear the opinions of fellow Stamsorcs on this.
Saril_Durzam wrote: »For.damage considerations, are you all forgettng that the active skill requres two GCDs? The damage caused should be at least 2 times of one spammable. Its also a delayed damage but not burst so not the most desireable thing...
Right now is a thematic skill only useful as a passive, hence a slight nerf from old skill. Damage has to be improved.
LiquidPony wrote: »
You do understand that the "2 seconds to weave" is not true and Bound Armaments does 4 separate ticks of damage over a short period of time, right?
There, over a period of 2.9 seconds:
LA-->Power Slam-->Bash, LA-->Bound Armaments-->Bash, LA-->Power Slam-->Bash.
Note also that Bound Armaments did about 33% more damage than Power Slam.
You'll also note the time stamps ...
41.139s: Light Attack
41.303s: Bound Armaments
41.530s: Bash
It weaves perfectly fine with LAs and bashes.
Im getting tired of repeating myself but it took you twice the amount of time to do those weaves than it took me. Again, I would have gotten a whole other weave instead of casting armaments. This skill requires timing, must be built up and can only be cast every 4 weaves.
your 2 weaves = 2.9s
my 2 weaves 1.5s
I could get almost 4 weaves in that time and the screenshots are there to back it up. This is just the PvE side of the skill technically since it doesn't take into account the fluidity and unpredictable environment of PvP.
As for the PvP side, this skill has almost no synergy with the most common Stamsorc playstyles. Stamsorc favours mobility and high damage because you lack the skills and passives to tank players outright compared to other specs. By the time you get armaments up you will probably be forced to streak to cover.
This skill is not even close to being good enough for Stamsorc in PvP. With 5k+ hours of stamsorc alone, I can say that with certainty.