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Eso vs WoW comparison

  • GeorgeBlack
    bluebird wrote: »
    vilio11 wrote: »
    Some of you guys make it seem like only wow has legitimate class diversity and identity, when literally every mmo aside from ESO has that. Even the worst mmos out there beat ESO in that regard.
    Genuine question. Who are the MMOs with better class diversity and identity than ESO.
    Yeah, as others said, every other MMO basically. Even ancient ones like GW1 - Dervish had Enchantment stripping which was a totally unique mechanic, you could use Echoes and Shouts on a Paragon to extend buffs, an Assassin could deliver insane damage if they delivered a combo sequence without interrupting it by casting other skills.

    GW2 also allows classes to be flexible when choosing weapons like ESO and yet they still play differently and keep their class identity - a Staff Mesmer will play differently from a Staff Elementalist, and a Staff Mesmer will play differently from a Greatsword Mesmer. In SWTOR as well, you had unique abilities that classes could do while ESO keeps giving all unique skills to guild/wep skill lines like chain, teleport strike, etc. In WoW a single class (Fire mage / Frost mage / Arcane mage) has more build and spell diversity in it than all of ESO's Magicka specs combined.
    idk wrote: »
    It looks like a game made for children.

    I find it really odd that someone who enjoys playing a game full of talking cats, talking lizards, magic robots and thief characters who stole so much they became mischievous gods could criticize any game for being 'childish'. There's nothing wrong with WoW's art style or with something looking cartoonish. Some of the most amazing stories ever have been told via cartoon. There's nothing wrong with being a little whimsical.
    A little whimsical? I think that the Human hand model was larger than some real world cars! :) Ok, ok, ok.... their heads. Larger than their heads.
    I just prefer the Elder Scrolls character models better, I guess.
    ESO is perfectly anatomically correct and not whimsical or childish at all, yes? :wink: Brb, I need to help a cat princess retake her land from a bunch of mustache-twirling evil talking dragons while I also fight zombies and necromancers and have a whimsical quest with a Monty Python comic relief character who looks like he's going to die but wait no of course he doesn't because this is a children's story. :smile:


    Compare the original ESO story, the 3 Banner War to cats/dragons/necro and throw in there Cadwell, a terrific voice actor wasted on a comic relief - relief from what? The whole game has become happy go lucky
  • SirAxen
    Vanos444 wrote: »
    chrightt wrote: »
    I think WoW is a good game for its time when it is first released. I wouldn't go back to playing WoW over the MMORPGs you can play now. Everything about it is just outdated and leaning towards more of the grindfesty nature.

    Instead of WoW, what I would like to see in ESO is actually something from Archeage. The exploration in ESO feels very 2D compared with AA. In ESO even the tiniest of hills is an impassable wall. Yeah, I know ESO isn't a sandbox and plays more like a themepark but seriously, the low level mount speed or exploration related gameplay is really bland and boring. There aren't many secret plays where you need to jump to, there isn't much you can do other than collecting a myriad of lorebooks/skyshards.

    That's why, I don't bother about PvE. It's boring. Apart from the ESO vanilla story experience ( only few quests are good, not the MSQ). The expansion stories are a joke ( especially the MSQ)
    In terms of PvP, ESO gives that trill movement of battle compared to other MMORPG. That's the reason, I just do PvP instead of PvE. ( The Devs undetstand this, that's why the balance is centered around PvP)
    Also, no flying is implement in ESO because the ESO world are filled with Walls.

    It's also kind of lore b
    Facefister wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Casterial wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Casterial wrote: »
    Katahdin wrote: »
    Seriously who cares?!

    ESO is not WOW
    WOW is not ESO
    They are different games

    I dont want ESO to be more like WOW
    I never played WOW and never will
    I won't leave ESO for WOW because

    If you think ESO is flawless its not and has a lot to learn from WoW.

    I never said ESO is flawless.
    I complain about plenty of things.
    I disagree completely.
    ESO does not have to learn ANYTHING from WOW. ESO is it's own game and should remain that way.

    And this is why ESO PVE is slightly a joke.. I went into a trial and the tank was like "Wow! We have to tank swap! thats cool" been a mechanic on WoW for 15 years, eso just got it? and ESO has like no group effort works in trials except rezing... It needs more to it. I will say though., ESO has been improving!

    Guess you haven't done too many vet trials.
    Compared to mythic and even heroic raiding/dungeons, yes, ESO PvE vet trials are a joke.

    I actually disagree. I've never felt WoW raiding was difficult.
  • beadabow
    Never played WoW. Probably never will.
  • Torment
    If you want to run around and feel like your playing a game on a sega mega drive then play World of Wanting something different other than the same old stuff we did before!!!!
  • Saril_Durzam
    Played WoW from 2004 to 2008. Had stopped playing EQ and wanted a change, as it was 5 years (1999-2004).

    Loved it; specially the group content. Loved the progression. I had free time then so i could enjoy it (nowadays would be impossible). Classes are better than ESOs. Pvp is also better but not that much.

    Started playing ESO this January. Loving it so far. The game pace is much faster and im not sure if i enjoy that but it´s a hell of a game combat system, much more advanced than ESO´s. Maybe dedicated more to action RPGs than old MMORPGs but that´s fine. Love the quantity of dungeons and that they are useful. Love the One Tamriel update so you can lvl up whenever you want, and you see people everywhere.

    Wish overland was a bit harder, just a bit because it´s ubber easy; in wow even with best raid gear you had to think things a bit. In ESO you can go naked and will do fine.

    Anyways: WoW was a great game in 2004, with awesome graphics needing few resources which made the game really smooth. Performance was great. Everyone of us was sold on comic looks due it had same look as Warcraft 3 so it worked. EQ is a great game nowadays, in 2019; there is not better overall game and each month more and more people joins it.

    Perfect? Nope. Still good. Maybe content and easyness of getting best loot stirks me (BiS sorc set is overland on nonpet and on pet is two overland sets), but this game goes more about skill than gear so it goes marvellous.
  • Hexquisite
    Combat and Quests ESO--Hands down. There are great story lines in ESO, the side quests in ESO are like all the WoW quests, get X amount of X.

    Performance - WoW. I just started playing WoW classic, I HATE the combat, but I am not crashing all the time, I do not lag--even with hundreds of people around me. I don't know how long I will last in WoW because the combat isn't as interactive as ESO. I would really like an ESO where I didn't crash when pvping.
    PC NA
    ~Ethereal Traders Union~
    ~Spicy Economics~
    ~Tropic Thunder~
    ~Us Ghosts~

  • rager82b14_ESO
    Wow is the number one mmo for a reason.
  • JinMori
    idk wrote: »
    JinMori wrote: »
    Wow overall is better.

    I prefer the type of combat in eso, with animation cancelling slightly more action bases etc, but wow beats it in pretty much every other regards, and while the early graphics are not very good, and still aren;t to the level of eso, some of the environment are extremely good, for example, in my opinion surumar city looks better than any other place in eso.

    M+ and raids also are way better than any content that eso has.

    I played eso during bfa, but only because it was such a disappointment after legion, eso is not a good game, it's a decent game that could be really damn good, in the end it always disappoints.

    Also to say that wow graphics are cartoonish isn't really fair, they aren't, they are half way.

    Eso is a game to play when there aren't any other options, but it lacks a lot of things to retain my attention.

    And while wow isn't extremely good either, it's better than eso.

    If you really felt ESO wasn’t a good game you wouldn’t be here. I’ve never played a game I didn’t think it was good. It’s just seems rather absurd to do so.

    That why I don’t play WoW. Combat sucks. Graphics suck. Stories suck. It looks like a game made for children.

    So I don’t think WoW is a good game so I don’t play it. BTW. I am not saying ESO couldn’t use some real improvement but I’d rather play a good game that has some issues than a cartoonish antique that plays like nails scraping a chalkboard.

    I am not here anymore in fact.

    Just because i comment on the forums doesn't mean i currently play the game.

    I think eso is a decent game with lots of potential that i don;t think will ever be used. So until wow is better i will play that, just like how i did in legion.

    And i personally disagree with most of your point about wow, the story is on the level of eso if not better, it's not like eso story is a godsent either, graphics are "less realistic" but still not cartoonish, and some of the zones in wow like surumar blow pretty much any eso zone out of the water, for the combat part, i myself prefer eso way of combat which is more action based with animation cancelling, but wow combat is not bad either, it's more focused on cd, and the rotation for most classes is usually at least decent to very good, and content in wow pretty much blows out of the water anything that eso has.

    My judgement on eso is a 5 or 6/10 a game that could be really good, but isn't, because of many reasons, like lag, the fact that zos refuses to separate pvp from pve, sweeping balance changes that really do not make the game better most of the times, the refusal of zos to actually fix the problems the game have, for example, they made the cp system, but did not fully commit to it, like i said before many times, insane amount of bugs, etc...

    Instead wow goes from a 8 like in legion, to a 5 like how it was in bfa first patch, right now it's a 6 to 7.

    And also, have you even tried wow?

    I want to see eso doing better, but what i think will happen, is that only when their asses are on fire, they will actually do something that actually makes the game better.

    I also noticed that you make a lot of assumptions, and this is not my first post with you were i noticed that, like how you made the assumption that i was playing the game because i posted on the forums, i am not, i want to see the forums because maybe something changed for the better, but i see nothing.
    Edited by JinMori on September 3, 2019 9:40PM
  • rager82b14_ESO
    Wow combat is better. Lets just make that clear.

    ESO has one of the worse combats I've played in a mmo.
  • Araneae6537
    Yes, ESO can be quite whimsical but that is different from looking oddly deformed and cartoonish instead of stylized. I like the whimsical style of GW2’s sylvari for instance. WoW just looks ugly to me. It really comes down to personal preference, no? :)
  • asuzab16_ESO
    I've been playing both games continuously since their releases and here's my impression:

    Graphics : ESO for engine, WoW for art

    While ESO graphics are technically superior, they feel like random generic fantasy to me and I find them very stale. On the other hand, WoW is technically dated and the textures are horrible, but the art direction is absolutely insane. BFA's expansion is pretty much garbage but zones like Drustvar absolutely crush any of ESO zones in terms of atmosphere. I'm doing Elsweyr now and it feels very bland after doing BFA zones.

    Music : WoW

    Honorable mention for ESO that has some really good music but WoW easily wins this one. There is a lot more work on sounds and music to create atmospheres unique to each zone.

    Performance : WoW

    Not very hard here. ESO is the perfect example of what not to do and WoW the perfect example of what to do. ZOS seriously needs to improve the game to deliver a flawless experience to the customers.

    Questing : ESO

    Hands down. Not only ESO has more quests, but they're also better written. This is the real strength of ESO for me. If our choices could have more consequences, that would be even better, but still, probably the questing I enjoyed the most in a MMO.

    Lore : ESO

    Even if the lore quality went down with BFA, WoW's lore is absolutely amazing. However, it is impossible to deny that ESO wins this one with an even richer lore and a lot more lore elements hidden around the world.

    Combat : WoW

    This is probably the one that depends the most on personal tastes. In my case, I am not a big fan of the current trend of fast combat, with no GCD, no targeting, etc... The reason? The fights' outcomes depend more on spamming a low number of, very often, less impactful abilities rather than using a large toolkit at the right time. I can understand that many people prefer the first one as it provides a stronger adrenaline rush often associated with fun but I personally prefer slower paced, more precise and impactful gameplays like WoW's one. I play StamNB on ESO and Rogue on WoW and I find the second one to be a lot more precise and tactical to play.

    Builds : ESO

    Despite my personal preference for WoW's gameplay, it is impossible to deny the fact that ESO is far superior in terms of builds variety. It allows the player to create a truely customized character, unlike WoW where you only get to choose some talents, half of them actually being completely useless.

    Class Identity : WoW

    ESO's classes truely suffer when it comes to identity, stamina ones more than the others. It is almost impossible to find one that feels unique. There is very little difference between classes compared to WoW where each class is entirely different. I hope that ESO's incoming abilties overall will improve that point.

    End game : WoW for instances, ESO for progression

    While trials are nice, fun and can be challenging too, they're nowhere near WoW's mythic raids in terms of mechanics, strategy and difficulty. You can hate WoW all you want, but it is simply impossible to deny that WoW is the one and only king in that category. That said, the overall endgame progression of WoW is pure garbage with previous content becoming obsolete after a few months and the over abuse of timegating and RNG is a nightmare. It is what made me focus more on ESO a year ago.

    Open world : ESO

    While WoW's world is also amazing, it becomes completely useless once you hit max level. You travel only to do boring repetitive world quests. Both suffer from being too easy and offering absolutely no challenge, but ESO keeps the old zones alive and there are things to do everywhere even when you're max level.

    PvP : ESO

    WoW's battlegrounds are far better than ESO's but that's all. Every attempt to create large scale PvP on WoW has been a failure. The only good one was the initial Alterac but since then nothing. ESO definitely wins this one, but please, fix performance and lag...

    Overall : depends on my mood

    I like both games. As I make this comparaison, I feel like in the end, the reason why I am playing both is because they perfectly complement each other. When I feel like one game misses something, I generally find that on the other game. I started focusing more on ESO about a year ago because I wanted to have a meaningful progression and run away from timegating mechanics. I only played ESO since then and I've really enjoyed PvP (when it works...), questing and the lore but I started missing class identity and slower but more precise and tactical combat. I'll probably keep playing both for the years to come unless we miraculously get a game that combines the best of both worlds.

    That said, I've been playing WoW Classic recently and it sure feels good to be in a world where anything can kill you. ZOS and Blizzard, please bring back some challenge in the open world...
    Edited by asuzab16_ESO on September 4, 2019 3:00AM
  • MisterBigglesworth
    One thing I would like ESO to adopt is the level of class identity WoW has/had.

    Get rid of ALL the generic abilities shared across all classes and replace them with differently flavored class skills that do roughly the same thing. Here I'll give an example:

    For 2-hander skill line get rid of Critical Charge. Instead you get something else depending on your class:
    DKs get Flame Rush, a charge which leaves behind a line of fire on the ground
    Nightblades get Shadow Step - teleport directly behind your target, but does not attack, instead it refreshes the duration of Shadow Cloak
    Sorcerers get morphs Lightning Rush (works like Streak but requires a target and doesn't have a stacking cost) or Daedric Rush, which causes your pets to Charge at the target
    Necromancers gain Phylactery, press once to spawn a Phylactery at your feet, press again to catapult your yourself forward. If you die within 5 seconds your soul teleports back to the Phylactery
    Templars get a channeled, slow moving version of Sorc's Streak, except you can steer while channeling (think the Monk's Tempest Rush from Diablo 3)
    Wardens charge in on their Bear, causing AOE disease damage.

    Think some of these sound too powerful and some too weak? Good news! There are 30 weapons skills (+60 morphs) that can all get converted into 540 new spells (90x6 classes) across the game, all of which can be balanced separately without the unintended consequences that come from every class having access to all the same abilities. Not to mention all the new Ultimates, Guild skills, Werewolf/Vampire skills, etc.

    It's more work for the developers up front but in the long run makes balancing easier since you don't have to worry about: oh if I nerf Healing Springs because it's too powerful on a Templar, but now it's too weak for a Nightblade healer to be effective, etc.
    Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.
  • snoozy
    quests: eso
    visuals: eso

    have been playing eso since beta.
    tried wow once with a friend.

    how anyone would want to go back to wow if you've experienced eso is beyond me.
    except of course for reasons of nostalgia and friends i suppose.
    PC EU
  • Saril_Durzam
    snoozy wrote: »
    quests: eso
    visuals: eso

    have been playing eso since beta.
    tried wow once with a friend.

    how anyone would want to go back to wow if you've experienced eso is beyond me.
    except of course for reasons of nostalgia and friends i suppose.

    Thasts because you´re comparing a 2004 game with a 2014 one. Wow needs to be compared in perspective. Also "tried once wow" doesnt say much really about your playing experience. Play both games deeper, as many have done here, and then you will compare both games truly.
  • Knootewoot
    Hexquisite wrote: »
    Combat and Quests ESO--Hands down. There are great story lines in ESO, the side quests in ESO are like all the WoW quests, get X amount of X.

    Performance - WoW. I just started playing WoW classic, I HATE the combat, but I am not crashing all the time, I do not lag--even with hundreds of people around me. I don't know how long I will last in WoW because the combat isn't as interactive as ESO. I would really like an ESO where I didn't crash when pvping.

    Adn the loading screens man. WoW fires up in 10 seconds and that includes:
    - firing up launcher
    - select server
    - select character
    - entering world

    Only 10 seconds. In ESO with all this i have grown a beard and by balls are hanging on the floor.

    Entering PvP in Wow, 3 secs. ESO, unlimited loading screen.

    Yeah i know. ESO is a nicer looking game, and the game is better quest wise and combat wise. But the bad performance overshadows everything (and the stupid proc sets and yes for me also animation cancelling which i just dislike)
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Moonfalcon462
    I would love it if WoW had ESO's graphics but as it looks now it's just too outdated.
  • Finedaible
    I will say that WoW's skills and passives do look far more 'flavorful' in relation to what a character's class is. In other words, the skills have strong themes matching their class, sometimes functioning wildly different than others. In ESO, you can't really look at a skill and see it as a thematic or immersive part of your class's identity, it's usually just another generic skill + effect with different, minor passives associated with using it. Class identity and build diversity are at an all time low with Scalebreaker and I think it would help if devs would break the molds and start thinking about new ways in which player classes can engage in combat.
  • rager82b14_ESO
    Ok lets look at Demon Hunter compare to any class ESO gives.

    Eye beam turning into a demon. Wrecking things, getting to double jump and glide.

    ESO combat is so bad. All you do is just put down your aoes and sing lalalala

    Like anyone who says that eso combat is better than wows makes me questions what world they live in.

    I mean Black Desert online beats them both. but ESO is the worse.
  • Ilithyania
    fell asleep running....

    what was the question again ?

  • Jeremy
    Hexquisite wrote: »
    Combat and Quests ESO--Hands down. There are great story lines in ESO, the side quests in ESO are like all the WoW quests, get X amount of X.

    Performance - WoW. I just started playing WoW classic, I HATE the combat, but I am not crashing all the time, I do not lag--even with hundreds of people around me. I don't know how long I will last in WoW because the combat isn't as interactive as ESO. I would really like an ESO where I didn't crash when pvping.

    Yeah that's the one thing WoW admittedly has over ESO (and most other games for that matter). It runs incredibly smooth - even in densely populated PvP battles.
  • Hexquisite
    Wow combat is better. Lets just make that clear.

    ESO has one of the worse combats I've played in a mmo.

    While I like that in WoW I can use any spell in my arsenal and have several bars, I hate how characters are navaigated in WoW--though I believe there is an add on I can get to move my character differently. Also I play a Warlock, everything takes so long to cast, I can't cast and move, I can't dodge, I can't block, I can't move in a circle around a target and cast, I can't light or heavy attack to get resources back, it's not very interactive. I am not one for Macros either, but use them in WoW.

    I do love the Follow command.
    PC NA
    ~Ethereal Traders Union~
    ~Spicy Economics~
    ~Tropic Thunder~
    ~Us Ghosts~

  • Ozazz
    I came to eso because the pvp system was one of a kind, high skill gap and hard to learn, high risk high reward, invested a lot of time to become a good player in terms of pvp, but for these past several years eso has been regressing patch after patch, so ironically a lot of these eso players will be running back to wow.
    iv'e made recommendations on how they could appeal or satisfy the veteran community in this game, seems they don't care
  • Ozazz
    Also comparing pvp, wow is strictly knowledge based and button clicking

    Eso is knowledge and skill/ animation canceling and maintaining a rotation trying to set up a burst, all while feeling immersed because the game is aesthetically more appealing and your not locked in to clunky ability channeling etc.
    the depth of which you can control/perform you character exceeds that of wow.
  • Rukia541
    red_emu wrote: »
    Game in general: ESO
    Performance: WoW

    I'm guessing you haven't played WoW recently. The servers can't handle more than a few players on screen before getting massive skill delay lag. WoW USED to be able to handle zergs, but not at all anymore. It's as bad if not worse than ESO.

    I blame megaserver/sharding/crossrealm tech.

    The only game I've seen able to handle it flawlessly is GW2.
  • A_Silverius
    bluebird wrote: »
    ESO is perfectly anatomically correct and not whimsical or childish at all, yes? :wink:

    That's a good point about ESO's anatomical artstyle. One thing that WoW does better is horse proportions.


    Please fix the horses ZoS

    Sauce: http://cakeisnotalie.net/2017/12/the-eso-team-has-no-idea-what-horses-look-like/
    All over Tamriel, theres a sudden spike in Bosmers getting caught for their crimes. A sad day indeed... #FightForYourRite Give Bosmers back our stealth!
  • xMovingTarget
    idk wrote: »
    I believe, there must be a lot of people who played WoW before Eso (or do you still play?).
    I would like to know, what do you like more about Eso? Why did you run from WoW to Eso? Which features of WoW would you like to see in Eso?
    Comparing the 2 is like comparing apples & buckets, not even oranges as some might call them both fruit.
    And WoW always was and always will be a pile of crap.

    Pretty much a +1

    WoW was made on the cheap. I find playing it like nails scraping on a chalk board.

    ESO is great in every manner expect Matt not off lord then he could manage with the mega server design which is why we have performance issues.

    wow was made on the cheap...kinda a weird statement

    That statement rather fits with eso. Look how much of a buggy pile of trash eso has become. Why do people still defend this..
  • Raideen
    idk wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    I believe, there must be a lot of people who played WoW before Eso (or do you still play?).
    I would like to know, what do you like more about Eso? Why did you run from WoW to Eso? Which features of WoW would you like to see in Eso?
    Comparing the 2 is like comparing apples & buckets, not even oranges as some might call them both fruit.
    And WoW always was and always will be a pile of crap.

    Pretty much a +1

    WoW was made on the cheap. I find playing it like nails scraping on a chalk board.

    ESO is great in every manner expect Matt not off lord then he could manage with the mega server design which is why we have performance issues.

    wow was made on the cheap...kinda a weird statement

    Not at all. WoW graphics are very poor. They do not put the work into updating graphics to the quality that can be done today. I do not recall voice acting in WoW which saves them huge development costs and reduces the quality of their questing. They also use a small server design which saves revenue. When I played the game I felt I was playing a children's game.

    So not very weird at all.

    Actually the graphics in Legion and BFA rival ESO, they are very detailed but a different art style. The WOW artist do use less polygons but at magicians with what they do use. The bonus to that is a larger, more detailed world. Eso does not have anything even remotely as vast or detailed as Boralus in BFA.

    There is a lot of voice acting in wow, always has been but its not on every quest, just the main story line.

    Small server design is irrelevant. The fact is ESO is mostly instanced, wow is not. You can run/walk/fly from the very top of Kalimdor, to the very bottom and NEVER ONCE hit a load screen. Wow only loads between continents.

    WOW can also handle more people in a general area than ESO can.
  • idk
    idk wrote: »
    It looks like a game made for children.

    I find it really odd that someone who enjoys playing a game full of talking cats, talking lizards, magic robots and thief characters who stole so much they became mischievous gods could criticize any game for being 'childish'. There's nothing wrong with WoW's art style or with something looking cartoonish. Some of the most amazing stories ever have been told via cartoon. There's nothing wrong with being a little whimsical.

    Highly doubtful this person has played both games if this is their response to my comment. Either that or the very obvious meaning of it was lost on them.

    Further, WoW story telling is not that great. It is done on the cheap in comparison to ESO. WoW does not think enough about their story telling to voice it.
  • Raideen
    idk wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    It looks like a game made for children.

    I find it really odd that someone who enjoys playing a game full of talking cats, talking lizards, magic robots and thief characters who stole so much they became mischievous gods could criticize any game for being 'childish'. There's nothing wrong with WoW's art style or with something looking cartoonish. Some of the most amazing stories ever have been told via cartoon. There's nothing wrong with being a little whimsical.

    Highly doubtful this person has played both games if this is their response to my comment. Either that or the very obvious meaning of it was lost on them.

    Further, WoW story telling is not that great. It is done on the cheap in comparison to ESO. WoW does not think enough about their story telling to voice it.

    They do voice the main story (not side stories/quests).

  • idk
    Raideen wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    It looks like a game made for children.

    I find it really odd that someone who enjoys playing a game full of talking cats, talking lizards, magic robots and thief characters who stole so much they became mischievous gods could criticize any game for being 'childish'. There's nothing wrong with WoW's art style or with something looking cartoonish. Some of the most amazing stories ever have been told via cartoon. There's nothing wrong with being a little whimsical.

    Highly doubtful this person has played both games if this is their response to my comment. Either that or the very obvious meaning of it was lost on them.

    Further, WoW story telling is not that great. It is done on the cheap in comparison to ESO. WoW does not think enough about their story telling to voice it.

    They do voice the main story (not side stories/quests).


    That may be so. I could not stand the game and remember reading a lot of test. What was voiced was clearly not very memorable.
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