Emmagoldman wrote: »I paid for the year subscription and im just waiting for it to run out
No, I don't think this is the case at all. If it was, Zenimax would have gave the middle finger to Sony and or Microsoft and just stuck with PC. After all, why loose all that GUARANTEED money just to go to console?
There is a reason why WoW is not on console. Thing was, that ESO was a failure, and had to drop the sub and needed consoles for the fresh blood. I am sure Zenimax would have charged for a subscription fee if they knew they can get away with it. After all, you can get ESO+ on consoles, so that means it could have been subscription based as well.
Subscription based ESO was a failure. Simple as that. Only when One Tamriel came out is when ESO started to become good. At least for me and many others.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
Subscription-based gaming is different from subscription-based services.
You don't pay Netflix or Spotify anything upfront to use the service. Subscription-based games charge you full price for the base game and expansions, in addition to a sub to actually be able to play the game you bought. MMO publishers love to double dip, and I'm shocked the MMO community supports this model as quite frankly, it's a scam. The games should either be fully B2P or fully subscription-based, not both.
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »
Sorry @Davor, but yes that was what happened. I was here. Since closed beta and played every day and was on forums every day. I read all the dev and news articles about it. Might take some searching, but proof is there.
Consoles were put back over a year due to UI issues between controllers and M&K.
The subscription issue was why Zos changed sub system.
Consoles are over 2/3rds of player base. Bethesda has always been console friendly. TES3 was a flagship game for XBox in 2002. They have a relationship that goes back decades and ZoS was not about to exclude this base and income, so they adapted.
Love your post's tho and general agree with you on most things... "Have a fishy stick!"..
shamuISdead wrote: »New player to the game here. Would it be worth adopting ESO+ from the getgo? I've historically been the type of purchaser to wait until the goty version the the game came out....that was the way I experienced Oblivion for the first time in 2010 and it was awesome!
I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion
I had to quote this as my sig. Love it. I will credit you in my sig, but not sure if you would like that or not.
MasterSpatula wrote: »
The game should be sub-only, but that didn't work. That's on the players.