Why are you ESO+

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  • outabody
    Soul Shriven
    Craft bag has been amazing
  • JusticeForJilarga
    I paid for the year subscription and im just waiting for it to run out

    This one is thinking of getting a Year subscription.
    Leader Of The Children Of Razum Dar Guild (Khajiit Guild) on All 6 MegaServers

    Khajiit Quote Of The Day.
    "These useless senche could only kill a rat if they fell upon it. From a great height."
  • FLuFFyxMuFFiN
    DLC access, craft bag, and double bank and housing space is my main reason. The ESO+ deals and monthly crowns are a nice bonus too.
  • noob in denial
    noob in denial
    Am not eso+ anymore. Game performance and balance killed my mood for it.
  • Caligulove
    It's just crazy good value if you play the game a fair amount. The craft bag alone, as many have mentioned, is huge. There's the DLC, the experience and gold buff, the double bank space, 1650 crowns every month, and more.
  • Donari
    The moment I got that crafting bag I knew I could not bring myself to play without it. I also love dyeing costumes. Then they added the extra bank and house space and, well, packrat that I am dropping the sub would mean dropping the game. I may not play the game much, I am not all that good at the game, but so long as I can afford to pay the sub I will do so. This is because I have a history of subbing to and supporting the games a friend of mine works on so as long as that friend is there, so am I :) Which is a very individual reason, I know, unlikely to be the case for any other ESO+ person out there.
  • shamuISdead
    New player to the game here. Would it be worth adopting ESO+ from the getgo? I've historically been the type of purchaser to wait until the goty version the the game came out....that was the way I experienced Oblivion for the first time in 2010 and it was awesome!
    Edited by shamuISdead on August 24, 2019 1:19AM
  • Partomax
    I've answered this question so many times I don't understand why it keeps popping up.

    I have ESO for the following reasons (by order of importance, the first being the most important) :
    • Crafting bag and extra bank space
    • DLC access
    • Crowns (same price as buying crowns)
    • 10% xp bonus

    PC/EU - This is a signature
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    Davor wrote: »

    No, I don't think this is the case at all. If it was, Zenimax would have gave the middle finger to Sony and or Microsoft and just stuck with PC. After all, why loose all that GUARANTEED money just to go to console?

    There is a reason why WoW is not on console. Thing was, that ESO was a failure, and had to drop the sub and needed consoles for the fresh blood. I am sure Zenimax would have charged for a subscription fee if they knew they can get away with it. After all, you can get ESO+ on consoles, so that means it could have been subscription based as well.

    Subscription based ESO was a failure. Simple as that. Only when One Tamriel came out is when ESO started to become good. At least for me and many others.

    Sorry @Davor, but yes that was what happened. I was here. Since closed beta and played every day and was on forums every day. I read all the dev and news articles about it. Might take some searching, but proof is there.
    Consoles were put back over a year due to UI issues between controllers and M&K.
    The subscription issue was why Zos changed sub system.
    Consoles are over 2/3rds of player base. Bethesda has always been console friendly. TES3 was a flagship game for XBox in 2002. They have a relationship that goes back decades and ZoS was not about to exclude this base and income, so they adapted.
    Love your post's tho and general agree with you on most things... "Have a fishy stick!"..
    Edited by wenchmore420b14_ESO on August 24, 2019 6:28AM
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
    NA / PC Beta Member since Nov 2013
    GM~Conclave-of-Shadows, EP Social Guild, ~Proud member of: The Wandering Merchants, Phoenix Rising, Imperial Trade Union & Celestials of Nirn
    Sister Guilds with: Coroner's Report, Children of Skyrim, Sunshine Daydream, Tamriel Fisheries, Knights Arcanum and more
    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
    “When the people that can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people, they end up running the companies. The product people get driven out of the decision making forums, and the companies forget what it means to make great products.”

    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • barney2525

    Subscription-based gaming is different from subscription-based services.

    You don't pay Netflix or Spotify anything upfront to use the service. Subscription-based games charge you full price for the base game and expansions, in addition to a sub to actually be able to play the game you bought. MMO publishers love to double dip, and I'm shocked the MMO community supports this model as quite frankly, it's a scam. The games should either be fully B2P or fully subscription-based, not both.

    Not all games have an up front cost. A Lot do not. Archeage, neverwinter, SWTOR, anything from Arc just to name a few. All just download free and start playing, with an option to buy a sub, which gives you benefits that the F2P game does not.

  • Davor

    Sorry @Davor, but yes that was what happened. I was here. Since closed beta and played every day and was on forums every day. I read all the dev and news articles about it. Might take some searching, but proof is there.
    Consoles were put back over a year due to UI issues between controllers and M&K.
    The subscription issue was why Zos changed sub system.
    Consoles are over 2/3rds of player base. Bethesda has always been console friendly. TES3 was a flagship game for XBox in 2002. They have a relationship that goes back decades and ZoS was not about to exclude this base and income, so they adapted.
    Love your post's tho and general agree with you on most things... "Have a fishy stick!"..

    Not in a mood to go digging all the way back then. I recall some of the things you just mentioned. I will concede I am wrong. :)
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Davor
    New player to the game here. Would it be worth adopting ESO+ from the getgo? I've historically been the type of purchaser to wait until the goty version the the game came out....that was the way I experienced Oblivion for the first time in 2010 and it was awesome!

    I would say yes. You don't need to buy any "DLC" BUT you do have to buy the "stories", but if you wait a year, I believe the "stories" become DLC then. I don't know when you bought ESO, so not sure if you have Morrowind or not. For the life of me I don't know if Summerset is included or not. All I remember is Morrowind is now a DLC and no longer a story.

    The craft bag is huge incentive. If you are a horder, it's a must. For 50 cents a day it made my enjoyment of ESO so much better. Add in you get the 1650 crowns and the other perks, is great as well. The way I see it, is supporting Zenimax, by buying 1650 crowns, and get the craft bag, all DLC for free and the other perks.

    Please don't take DLC as the cash store. When Zenimax says DLC it means the bigger DLC they put out 3 times a year, and the once a year story you have to buy.

    Still a great deal. So if you get ESO+ my suggestion is go start the first part of the dark brother hood quest. You will get something called the Blade of Woe. After you get it, you don't need to finish the quest off if you don't want to.

    Reason I get that right away when ever I make a new character, for me, I make believe I am knocking out the people instead of killing them, since they come back a few minutes later. So for my roll play, it helps that I can knock out people instead of killing.

    Just make sure you get one month. This way if you don't like it, you can cancel it. Once cancelled you will no long have access to the DLC unless you bought some of them, and you will NOT loose anything you got while you had ESO+ so you will still have Blade of Woe, and what ever weapons, armour, what not. If you went over the bank space, it's still there, all that will happen is you can't add to it. I have subbed on and off. When you resub, everything comes back.

    So if you don't mind the $22 a month (Canadian plus taxes, not sure where you live what it would be) I say it's great for me and would recommend it. Funny I wouldn't play ESO with a mandatory sub, but I will pay to support them since they have given us I believe a great reason to sub.

    Hope this helps.
    Edited by Davor on August 24, 2019 8:42AM
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • generalmyrick
    craft bag
    "The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing the choice between:

    Knowledge, freedom, uncertainty and the brutal truths of reality (red pill)
    Security, happiness, beauty, and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)"

    Insight to Agree to Awesome Ratio = 1:6.04:2.76 as of 1/25/2019

    Compared to people that I've ignored = I am 18% more insightful, 20% less agreeable, and 88% more awesome.
  • Drunk_Owl
    I sub to support the game - but the perks really make the game playable.
  • grkkll
    1. craft bag
    2. DLC

    for me the rest is just useless crud
  • whitecrow
    Not having to worry about inventory slots.

    Regular supply of crowns.
  • KalinRan
    I buy ESO+ for the craft bag and extended slots.
    And since I don't actually buy any DLC, eso+ keeps all DLC free for me.

    It's just generally a good deal. You can absolutely play without it if you don't like it, but compared to most other mmos out there it's hard to find anything of the same high quality with ESO that *doesn't* milk you for cash worse than livestock.
    In contrast ESO isn't as moneyhungry, but it's still a business and needs to make profit. Sustaining a game of this size still costs a tremendous amount of money.

    I also enjoy the idea that I help keep the game alive, even if 0.1%
  • coletas
    I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion
  • Deathlord92
    To support the game as I do love eso craft bag dlcs etc. I still hope they will fix the laggy pvp 🙏
  • CommanderGuts
    All the benefits are great but the craft bag is my main reason.
  • CaptainBones
    Mainly for the craft bag and dlc but the crowns and xp are a nice bonus.
  • Davor
    coletas wrote: »
    I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion

    I had to quote this as my sig. Love it. I will credit you in my sig, but not sure if you would like that or not.
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • coletas
    Davor wrote: »

    I had to quote this as my sig. Love it. I will credit you in my sig, but not sure if you would like that or not.

    Take It if you want :) Is something that lot of friends thinks too.
  • StabbityDoom
    Craftbag, dlcs, mainly. The storage etc are excellent tho when you are into housing.
    EHT zealot
    streamer: http://twitch.tv/stabbitydoom
  • Tigerseye

    The game should be sub-only, but that didn't work. That's on the players.

    It's really not, actually.

    I played at launch and the game was fun and refreshing in its design, but super-buggy.

    In my case, my laptop at the time wasn't up to the job, either and I wasn't happy that I couldn't move like I could move in other games, like WoW (i.e. with one hand, without having to turn the camera/aim separately).

    It gave me pain in my shoulder and even though I have got used to moving this way, now, it still does.

    They didn't have to make it like that - most MMOs I've played don't.

    They give you the option to do either.

    So, I was basically forced to leave for multiple reasons.

    I think if the game we have today was sub-only, it would probably get enough subs, especially if the performance (lagging and crashing) was sorted out.

    Despite the fact that you are still forced to move in one way only.

  • AbysmalGhul
    Inventory space
  • Ahnog
    As the good book says, the laborer is worthy of his hire.

    Argonian Tank Warden
    High Elf Mag Warden
  • Saelent
    I tripped over while trying to cancel and ended up with a year subscription, just kept clicking the wrong things. >.>
  • Aelorin
    Indeed OP, the bank slots, housing slots, and craft bag are too good to pass up. And even then my bank is full sometimes.

    And so the Elder Scrolls foretold.You will be shy, and I will be bold.
  • xMovingTarget
    Dlc and craftbag.

    But I did not renew now. Zos delivers a *** product, *** updates nobody asked for and doesn't fix classes core mechanics.
    Not seeing my money anymore.
    Other than raiding 1-2 times a week. I ain't login in anyway anymore. The game became not enjoyable with scale breaker. And my class is so buggy, the game is more frustrating than anything.
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