Why are you ESO+

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  • FlopsyPrince
    AndyMac wrote: »
    So, yeah, as long as I am actively playing, I’ll be subbing.

    I tend to do that in most games when I am playing them. This is the only one now.

    I am surprised no one noted all the DLC access.
  • jainiadral

    I tend to do that in most games when I am playing them. This is the only one now.

    I am surprised no one noted all the DLC access.

    At least for me, it's almost irrelevant. I puchased most of the DLC I was interested in with the crown stipend. Looks like that's going to stop w/Southern Elsweyr for me.
  • victory.immortalb16_ESO
    I believe in supporting the games I play, I'm not a great fan of games where some get 'free to play'. It's also got some nice perks.
  • idk
    I find value in the subscription overall. Starting with full access to all DLCs to added bank space and the crafting bag.
  • Aurie
    I recall the days before the crafting bag and other stuff were a thing, and life revolved around logging in and out of multiple alts to keep the inventory halfway manageable. And that was if your bank didn't fill up before you'd finished each manoeuvre.

    Now, with all these perks plus free crowns for the price of two or three drinks down the pub, what's not to love <3
  • MasterSpatula
    I'm stubborn. Cash shops are inherently bad. Paying real-world money for in-game anything is inherently bad. Their presence diminishes the game.

    However, I am not a freeloader and insist on paying for the new content, development (if you want to call what they've been up to the last two years that), and server usage that I'm getting.

    The game should be sub-only, but that didn't work. That's on the players. Nonetheless, I pay for what I'm getting the only way I should be paying, by subscribing.
    Edited by MasterSpatula on August 22, 2019 11:31PM
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Zelos
    Im not:)
    Aeonhack - AD Stamina Nightblade - 5 Star General


    Creator and user of "Questionable" addons and game mechanics.
  • pod88kk
    For the benefits
  • Hazurko_RaShan
    I like selling crowns for in game gold. The costume dyeing. the bonuses to gold and exp are nice. Increase space is a must. I lke having instant access to all the dlcs And yes, the game is just not playable without some type of craftbag - unlimited craftbag works for real.
  • TPishek
    I got it so I could dye my costumes
  • Dojohoda
    All of the perks are nice and I subscribe for them. The cost is low, similar to a couple cups of fancy coffee. I brew my own coffee and my coffee tastes better so it's great perks all around.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Idinuse
    Casterial wrote: »
    I'm curious what makes you all go ESO+?
    Personally I'm use to it since I use to have to pay to play, never really cancelled lol.. But the bank slots, craft bag and housing slots definitely play a big roll into keeping my subbed anytime I play

    1. I've been supporting the game. I'm still for a mandatory sub...
    2. The free DLCs
    3. The crafting bag.
    4. We need more incentives and perks. Much better perks than a 200-300 Crown rebate on some static thing and micro statues.
    5. 1650 Crowns is lower than before after inflation adjustment due to higher Crown Prices.
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • Nemeliom
    Mostly, inventory.
    But I do enjoy having my spare crowns when some cool skin/costume arrives.
    Baradur Morker - Level 50 Bosmer Nightblade
    Le-Duck - Level 50 Dark Elf Dragonknight
    Boom-Stormer - Level 50 High Elf Sorcerer
    Nemeliom the Great - Level 50 Redguard Warden
    Crazy Little Maggie - Level 50 High Elf Templar
  • holley331
    I am eso plus for multiple reasons.

    1) it helps support the game
    2) I get to access anywhere I want without having to buy the content
    3) crafting bag.
    4) I get a bunch of free crowns
    5) it’s cheap
  • Berserkerkitten
    Because I'm worth it. XD
    Nobody cares about your endless list of terribly-named characters.
  • JusticeForJilarga
    holley331 wrote: »
    I am eso plus for multiple reasons.

    1) it helps support the game
    2) I get to access anywhere I want without having to buy the content
    3) crafting bag.
    4) I get a bunch of free crowns
    5) it’s cheap

    This one subs for the same reasons.
    Leader Of The Children Of Razum Dar Guild (Khajiit Guild) on All 6 MegaServers

    Khajiit Quote Of The Day.
    "These useless senche could only kill a rat if they fell upon it. From a great height."
  • bmnoble
    Craft bag, and double storage mainly but the other perks are nice.

    Would really like an option to exclude DLC dungeons from random queue though.
  • GrimTheReaper45
    not, havent been since nerfmire. Not going to be in the foreseeable future
  • Ri_Khan
    I subbed for about 1.5 years so I could spend time actually playing the game instead of being forced to manage character inventory space every 10 minutes. When I finally maxed out all my characters, mounts, bank slots, housing storage, got the banker, merchant and DLC's with sub crowns, it all became less of an issue and I let + expire. There are a few other reasons that helped that decision along as well but not going to get into it here.
  • ccfeeling
    Crafting bag only .
  • ZOS_RogerJ
    Greetings! Just a reminder, as we've removed some posts, to keep the thread on-topic, constructive and civil!
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  • Davor
    I sub because it gives ME value. While I respect others for not subbing, I sub because it gives me more fun playing.

    I use to view this as a "scum" move, and then I gave it some thought. I bought ESO when it first came out, and gave up after the "free" month. I will not play a game where I have to JUST keep playing. I tried other games, and I see they are even worse than Zenimax. (Looking at you Star Trek Online and Black Desert Online) Yes I know BDO is not subscription based game, but I see how "scummy" companies can be, so Zenimax is the least evil.

    I see that what Zennimax is trying to do to get that monthly income. So for me, that is a company that is trying to make money now instead of just "abusing/taking for granted/actually making a good product" to get that money now. I will always support a game that tries to actually make a great product instead of assuming "we will bend over backwards to have the privilege to give them money".

    So when Zenimax or life happens, I stop playing and unsub. But when I do play I sub. For me, it's 50 cents a day. Can't sneeze at that. So yes I "need" the craft bag. Is it sleezy? At first I thought it was, BUT it's a way for Zenimax to get money from me. That is NOT the only reason why I would sub. If it was just for the craft bag, I would have quit a long time a go. Zenimax also offers "cough cough" free DLC so we don't need to "buy" them. Also getting 1650 crowns is a nice touch added in. I am sure that is the "free try it drug" but I have learned to see it as, buying the crowns, and getting the craft bag for free, the "DLC" for free and what other benefits we get with the subscription.

    I only go month by month, because as I said earlier, when Zenimax does something I don't agree with, or I feel they don't deserve my time/money/loyalty I stop the sub till I feel they are worthy again. Did the 6 month sub once, and was pissed that Zenimax had my money but the game played so poorly that I couldn't quit. Now I can quit much easier since they won't have my money upfront now.

    Still, a great bargain for me. Zenimax actually made it WORTH it for me to sub now. I see a willingness on Zenimax to make something enticing where before I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Davor
    I'm stubborn. Cash shops are inherently bad. Paying real-world money for in-game anything is inherently bad. Their presence diminishes the game.

    However, I am not a freeloader and insist on paying for the new content, development (if you want to call what they've been up to the last two years that), and server usage that I'm getting.

    The game should be sub-only, but that didn't work. That's on the players. Nonetheless, I pay for what I'm getting the only way I should be paying, by subscribing.

    I respectfully disagree here. While I agree Cash Shops are inherently bad. Thier presence does diminish the game. After all Zenimax thinks ESO is worthless. After all, how can you sell something that took many man/women hours to make, the salary of the people, the hydro what ever to make the game and sell it for only $12? Then something that takes one person can be sold for $100? Yea ESO is worthless to Zenimax. :))

    However "freeloader" shouldn't be used. This is where I respectfully disagree with you. I respect your opinion and not saying you are wrong, but I see it differently. After all if free to play games can be free to play, then server usage is not a reason for "charging" people. After all, it's the company that choose to let people play for free. That said, they have a cash shop to make up for the free part.

    Why does a game that we HAVE to buy need a cash shop then? In my opinion you are either free to play with a cash shop, or buy to play with no cash shop. If anyone is the "freeloader" here it's Zenimax and Bethesda. They want both sides of the pie.

    While you think the game should be sub only, I respectfully disagree. As I said already I don't find the worth to keep playing. It seem a lot of other people agree with me, so they stopped or didn't sub either. Now it's buy to play is not the onus of players as you say, but that Zenimax didn't give a reason for people to keep paying to play. So that is on Zenimax, not the players.
    Edited by Davor on August 23, 2019 1:40AM
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • RavenSworn
    Davor wrote: »

    I respectfully disagree here. While I agree Cash Shops are inherently bad. Thier presence does diminish the game. After all Zenimax thinks ESO is worthless. After all, how can you sell something that took many man/women hours to make, the salary of the people, the hydro what ever to make the game and sell it for only $12? Then something that takes one person can be sold for $100? Yea ESO is worthless to Zenimax. :))

    However "freeloader" shouldn't be used. This is where I respectfully disagree with you. I respect your opinion and not saying you are wrong, but I see it differently. After all if free to play games can be free to play, then server usage is not a reason for "charging" people. After all, it's the company that choose to let people play for free. That said, they have a cash shop to make up for the free part.

    Why does a game that we HAVE to buy need a cash shop then? In my opinion you are either free to play with a cash shop, or buy to play with no cash shop. If anyone is the "freeloader" here it's Zenimax and Bethesda. They want both sides of the pie.

    While you think the game should be sub only, I respectfully disagree. As I said already I don't find the worth to keep playing. It seem a lot of other people agree with me, so they stopped or didn't sub either. Now it's buy to play is not the onus of players as you say, but that Zenimax didn't give a reason for people to keep paying to play. So that is on Zenimax, not the players.

    People who play free to play games exclusively are freeloaders, regardless. Hell, I've played free to play games and I call myself a freeloader too.

    But, the problem with eso is that, when it launched with the sub, the game was pretty much unplayable. It was lacking direction and was definitely not worth the sub. (especially with other games in the market, not to mention wow in the mix as well).

    Now, eso has improved in leaps and bounds (yeah theres the performance issue which I think might be its downfall yet) and for the stuff that you get as an eso+, it's well worth the price.

    I just wished they had maintained a proper subscription model on top of that box price. But on hindsight, the buy-to-play model worked out really well for them.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • cmvet
    Casterial wrote: »
    I'm curious what makes you all go ESO+?
    Personally I'm use to it since I use to have to pay to play, never really cancelled lol.. But the bank slots, craft bag and housing slots definitely play a big roll into keeping my subbed anytime I play

    I have asked myself that question multiple times. Right now my sub is cancelled, but it has 2 months left. I do like the bank space, but really, thats about it. I think i have enough crown gems to get a few of the DLC;'s i want, so i don't think i will do another 6 month. I might just make a few chests for the free house i got, use that as my "extra" bank space.
  • Path
    I have always supported games I love.

    ESO+ perks are worth it to me.

    I would rather pay to play than pay the crown store because....I really, really believe there are very few that never offer up real cash to this game. FTP or ESO+.
    Fairy Tales Really Do Come True...Kinda.
    First and foremost to support the game.

    I wonder what's left to support... as a PvP player I just bamboozle myself by still paying a monthly sub for the poor performances we get.
    I gotta give props to ZOS for the deep thoughs about their sub system. once you're subbed it's super hard to cancel, it's nice quality of life improvement
    AD // Marc the Epic Goat // Templar // AR50
    EP // The Goatfather // Templar // AR44
    AD // Unforgoatable // Sorc // AR33
    EP // You Goat Rekt // NB // AR28
    EP // Bill Goats // Swarden // AR28
    AD // Goat Ya // NB // AR24
    AD // Unforgoatten // StamDK // AR 21
    DC // Egoatcentric // Stamsorc // AR16

    and many unused PVE chars


    AoE Rats
    RIP Zerg Squad
    RIP Banana Squad Inc
    Not your typical goat

  • MLGProPlayer
    I only sub now when I'm decorating a new house. None of the perks are worth $15/month for me. I used to sub (for about a year), but after crunching the numbers, it just didn't make sense to me.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on August 23, 2019 3:53AM
  • MLGProPlayer
    I'm stubborn. Cash shops are inherently bad. Paying real-world money for in-game anything is inherently bad. Their presence diminishes the game.

    However, I am not a freeloader and insist on paying for the new content, development (if you want to call what they've been up to the last two years that), and server usage that I'm getting.

    The game should be sub-only, but that didn't work. That's on the players. Nonetheless, I pay for what I'm getting the only way I should be paying, by subscribing.

    Subs don't preclude a cash shop. Look at WoW and FFXIV. Both are sub-only, and both have cash shops.

    Neither cash shops nor subs are needed (let alone both). An MMO can be profitable without either. A sub/cash shop doesn't actually pay for the development of new content (you still have to buy new expansions at full price in all sub-only games). All a sub/cash shop does is add more profit to a publisher's coffers than they would have had otherwise. They're milking tactics that publishers have figured out players are willing to get milked by.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on August 23, 2019 3:59AM
  • Unstable.Pixel
    Purely only for the Craftbag, I am that lazy.
    I swear to drunk i'm not god
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