FlopsyPrince wrote: »
I tend to do that in most games when I am playing them. This is the only one now.
I am surprised no one noted all the DLC access.
I'm curious what makes you all go ESO+?
Personally I'm use to it since I use to have to pay to play, never really cancelled lol.. But the bank slots, craft bag and housing slots definitely play a big roll into keeping my subbed anytime I play
I am eso plus for multiple reasons.
1) it helps support the game
2) I get to access anywhere I want without having to buy the content
3) crafting bag.
4) I get a bunch of free crowns
5) it’s cheap
MasterSpatula wrote: »I'm stubborn. Cash shops are inherently bad. Paying real-world money for in-game anything is inherently bad. Their presence diminishes the game.
However, I am not a freeloader and insist on paying for the new content, development (if you want to call what they've been up to the last two years that), and server usage that I'm getting.
The game should be sub-only, but that didn't work. That's on the players. Nonetheless, I pay for what I'm getting the only way I should be paying, by subscribing.
I respectfully disagree here. While I agree Cash Shops are inherently bad. Thier presence does diminish the game. After all Zenimax thinks ESO is worthless. After all, how can you sell something that took many man/women hours to make, the salary of the people, the hydro what ever to make the game and sell it for only $12? Then something that takes one person can be sold for $100? Yea ESO is worthless to Zenimax.)
However "freeloader" shouldn't be used. This is where I respectfully disagree with you. I respect your opinion and not saying you are wrong, but I see it differently. After all if free to play games can be free to play, then server usage is not a reason for "charging" people. After all, it's the company that choose to let people play for free. That said, they have a cash shop to make up for the free part.
Why does a game that we HAVE to buy need a cash shop then? In my opinion you are either free to play with a cash shop, or buy to play with no cash shop. If anyone is the "freeloader" here it's Zenimax and Bethesda. They want both sides of the pie.
While you think the game should be sub only, I respectfully disagree. As I said already I don't find the worth to keep playing. It seem a lot of other people agree with me, so they stopped or didn't sub either. Now it's buy to play is not the onus of players as you say, but that Zenimax didn't give a reason for people to keep paying to play. So that is on Zenimax, not the players.
I'm curious what makes you all go ESO+?
Personally I'm use to it since I use to have to pay to play, never really cancelled lol.. But the bank slots, craft bag and housing slots definitely play a big roll into keeping my subbed anytime I play
thatlaurachick wrote: »First and foremost to support the game.
MasterSpatula wrote: »I'm stubborn. Cash shops are inherently bad. Paying real-world money for in-game anything is inherently bad. Their presence diminishes the game.
However, I am not a freeloader and insist on paying for the new content, development (if you want to call what they've been up to the last two years that), and server usage that I'm getting.
The game should be sub-only, but that didn't work. That's on the players. Nonetheless, I pay for what I'm getting the only way I should be paying, by subscribing.