Rent is a subscription too. Insurances as well. Heck, even the food you buy why is Eso+ any different except the fact we dont really need it?
And before you go haywire on me: yes, I dont got it either.
I'm curious what makes you all go ESO+?
Personally I'm use to it since I use to have to pay to play, never really cancelled lol.. But the bank slots, craft bag and housing slots definitely play a big roll into keeping my subbed anytime I play
Sylvermynx wrote: »I've always paid my way. Previous MMOs I played (WoW, RIFT before it went F2P or whatever they're calling it now) were sub only, and I was fine with that. I would have been perfectly happy to sub to ESO, but it had gone B2P before I got into it, but then there was ESO+. So I sub to ESO+ to pay my way in this game. I get some nice stuff in exchange too!
It's only fair to support a game you have fun with. And I'm having a LOT of fun with this one!
RavenSworn wrote: »
People who play free to play games exclusively are freeloaders, regardless. Hell, I've played free to play games and I call myself a freeloader too.
But, the problem with eso is that, when it launched with the sub, the game was pretty much unplayable. It was lacking direction and was definitely not worth the sub. (especially with other games in the market, not to mention wow in the mix as well).
Now, eso has improved in leaps and bounds (yeah theres the performance issue which I think might be its downfall yet) and for the stuff that you get as an eso+, it's well worth the price.
I just wished they had maintained a proper subscription model on top of that box price. But on hindsight, the buy-to-play model worked out really well for them.
crowbartool wrote: »I spend 95% of my time in Cyrodiil swearing about the lag and dealing with the poor client performance in large scale battles. I only buy plus when there's an item I want from the crown store. It makes me feel kinda dirty inside buying these items knowing that I am enabling ZOS to continue their practice of churning out the cosmetic items for sale instead of focusing on fixing the core game and network mechanics in our Cyrodiil PvP sandboxes... but atleast I look good at 15 fps.
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »I do it to show my support for ESO. Plain and simple.
Have played since day one, and subbed since day one, when sub was mandatory and continued after it became B2P.
Now lets discuss that, ZoS changing to B2P......
The REAL reason ZoS left the mandatory system was because of Microsoft and Sony.
When consoles were about to be added a year after launch, they both had a sub system of their own. They would not work with each other or with ZoS and as it was, Ps4 and XBox users would have to pay 2 sub fees to play ESO.
So ZoS decided to drop the mandatory sub and offer ESO+ for those who wished to continue subbing but letting console players play without paying 2 subs.
I remember one of the 2 were willing to work with ZoS on this but the other wouldn't, but forgot which one.
So remember, ZoS did this as a kindness to console players.
QFTDonRavello wrote: »Just because my cancelled subscription is not yet expired.