Why are you ESO+

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  • Tornaad
    For me, it is simple, if I am going to play the game on a regular basis, and loot everything like I want then not having a subscription makes the game play too cumbersome. The craft bag alone is essentially the whole reason I subscribe. Now, if I am not going to be playing every day then it might not be worth it.
  • ZeroXFF
    I wanted to get mundus stones and figured that even though it would have been cheaper to just buy crowns when they are on discount, the craft bag is worth the extra I pay for ESO+.
  • Van_Winkle
    At first, this game is not free - you must buy it. And you must buy mounts (Yea, this is not necessasry of course. But only horses in base game, really?), you must buy DLC (If you do not want to being binded to endless subscription), you must buy crowns to buy Skill lines (Or you will suffer if you have alts)... You must buy almost everything in Eso and must also pay a subscription to have craft bag, ability to dye costumes, increased inventory and bank space and slots for house furniture... isn't this ENOUGH for NOT free-to-play game??? Yea, and i forgot about countless bugs, lags and crashes! Nyaaa!
    Edited by Van_Winkle on August 23, 2019 3:28PM
  • cyclonus11
    Top five:

    1. Craft Bag
    2. Access to DLC
    3. Monthly Crowns
    4. Crown Store Bonuses (Discounts, Free Statuettes)
    5. XP Bonus
  • Noktpapilio
    I used to be ESO plus, I'm not currently. For me, it just made everything smoother. Having access to all DLC, the craft bag, and extra bank and housing space really made the experience better. Work has been really busy for me lately, but I intend to sub again when I have more time.
  • Banana
    The craft bag. That is all
  • JobooAGS
    Craft bag, I guess the DLC can't hurt too
    Edited by JobooAGS on August 23, 2019 3:37PM
  • FearlessOne_2014
    Craft Bags and Double Bank space. The 1500 crowns is just icing on the cake.
  • Aragorn79
    I get ESO+ because of the extra housing slots, the craft bag and bank space. I played for a long time without ESO+ and had a system of distributing my mats between my alts, it worked well, but was getting difficult to manage. When I started to really decorate my homes, I realized how much better double the slots would be, so I decided to sub. I do not regret it, but perhaps there could be more bonuses to it, like double storage inside storage furniture or something more. So far so good.
    PC EU
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  • Cage_Lizardman
    For the crafting bag and the dlc's I haven't bought. I have unsubbed once for a few months and doing that again now since I don't have much time to play, and I really hate the latest meta.
  • Orjix
    Huyen wrote: »

    Rent is a subscription too. Insurances as well. Heck, even the food you buy is...so why is Eso+ any different except the fact we dont really need it?

    And before you go haywire on me: yes, I dont got it either.

    yeah, i guess rent would be a "subscription" but its necessary, just like food and insurance. i guess i should have said that outside of the basics you pretty much have to have i don't support subscriptions. my bad.
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    craft bags and free DLC and crowns.
  • crowbartool
    Soul Shriven
    I spend 95% of my time in Cyrodiil swearing about the lag and dealing with the poor client performance in large scale battles. I only buy plus when there's an item I want from the crown store. It makes me feel kinda dirty inside buying these items knowing that I am enabling ZOS to continue their practice of churning out the cosmetic items for sale instead of focusing on fixing the core game and network mechanics in our Cyrodiil PvP sandboxes... but atleast I look good at 15 fps.
  • EmEm_Oh
    Casterial wrote: »
    I'm curious what makes you all go ESO+?
    Personally I'm use to it since I use to have to pay to play, never really cancelled lol.. But the bank slots, craft bag and housing slots definitely play a big roll into keeping my subbed anytime I play

    For me it's the craft bag increase and inventory, house item increase--although still needs to be doubled for larger homes. Then there's the extra crowns every month which is nice so I can spend on a few things. Also, the ability to play anything, which actually has saved me money over the long run.

  • Sleep
    no I am not
  • Inaya
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    I've always paid my way. Previous MMOs I played (WoW, RIFT before it went F2P or whatever they're calling it now) were sub only, and I was fine with that. I would have been perfectly happy to sub to ESO, but it had gone B2P before I got into it, but then there was ESO+. So I sub to ESO+ to pay my way in this game. I get some nice stuff in exchange too!

    It's only fair to support a game you have fun with. And I'm having a LOT of fun with this one!

    Totally agree! I'd sub without the perks but ESO+ is the best value sub I've seen. I get to support a game I love AND get great stuff in return.
  • Cavedog
    I sub because of the craft bag extra storage. It feels good to support the game too, but the honest answer is to get the extra storage first and foremost. ...and we should get more storage than we do for the subscription.
  • KappaKid83
    Craft bag and double bank storage
  • vonScuzzman
    I dislike playing without the craft bag. There really isn't enough in new content to keep me playing so I generally only sub for 1 month a year now when the new chapter comes out and I play everything new then.
    XBox One NA
  • worrallj
    I used to do it to support elder scrolls and also the craft bag. But the crashes and cash shop gimmicks, plus just personally not loving the direction of the expansions, I finally bailed and unsubbed. Barely played for like a week or two.
  • Davor
    RavenSworn wrote: »

    People who play free to play games exclusively are freeloaders, regardless. Hell, I've played free to play games and I call myself a freeloader too.

    But, the problem with eso is that, when it launched with the sub, the game was pretty much unplayable. It was lacking direction and was definitely not worth the sub. (especially with other games in the market, not to mention wow in the mix as well).

    Now, eso has improved in leaps and bounds (yeah theres the performance issue which I think might be its downfall yet) and for the stuff that you get as an eso+, it's well worth the price.

    I just wished they had maintained a proper subscription model on top of that box price. But on hindsight, the buy-to-play model worked out really well for them.

    I strongly disagree here. I respect your opinion though. For me, a company doesn't put out a game for free if you don't want people to not pay anything. Simple as that. Using the term freeloader is demeaning the gamer for no reason or fault on them. If a company wants to make money, then make a great product. Give a reason why a customer would be happy to buy something instead of seeming to be forced to buy something. So make a great product. If a customer doesn't want to give you money then that means you didn't make a great product, OR it means the game should have never been free in the first place.

    So people should be forced to buy other things when they get a free coffee at McDonalds? Isn't that a way to entice people to come in and then sell more things because they want the food? That would mean that McDonalds is making a product people want as well.

    So to make a free game and people to not buy anything means the company did not make a good enough product. Yes of course you will always have those people who just get the free coffee or would never buy anything no matter what, but that would mean then the game should have not been free if the company is upset that there are "freeloaders" in the game.

    So anyone who does a free trial for ESO is a freeloader because they don't buy nothing in the crown store?

    How about, when companies do sales? Is that people freeloading when they don't pay full price? Buy one get one free?

    No, the onus is on the company to make a great product. If the product is great and people still not paying, and company is upset that no money is being given, then the game should have never been free to begin with.

    I said it before it's Zenimax who is the free loader here. Asking for money to buy and have a cash shop. Saying ESO+ will give you free DLC and then change the term of DLC to story so they can ask for more money.

    No, no. There are no freeloarders when a company makes millions of dollars. That means the free to play plan worked. If upset that only few players buy something and yet still make millions and complaining the rest don't pay, just means the game shouldn't have been free to play.

    Just make a great product to get your millions. Funny, Bethesda Softworks has those millions but yet wants to wring the customers for more.

    No wonder we have freeloarders now. We are taught we need to keep paying even when we paid. So now anytime anyone can get something for "free" people do it. Maybe companies just need to rely on making a great product instead of getting as much for as little as possible.

    After all, doing this, the great name of Bethesda has been sullied, and now the name Bethesda is mudd.


    After all, is this Apex Legends here?
    Edited by Davor on August 23, 2019 6:26PM
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • DonRavello
    Just because my cancelled subscription is not yet expired.
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    I do it to show my support for ESO. Plain and simple.
    Have played since day one, and subbed since day one, when sub was mandatory and continued after it became B2P.

    Now lets discuss that, ZoS changing to B2P......
    The REAL reason ZoS left the mandatory system was because of Microsoft and Sony.
    When consoles were about to be added a year after launch, they both had a sub system of their own. They would not work with each other or with ZoS and as it was, Ps4 and XBox users would have to pay 2 sub fees to play ESO.
    So ZoS decided to drop the mandatory sub and offer ESO+ for those who wished to continue subbing but letting console players play without paying 2 subs.
    I remember one of the 2 were willing to work with ZoS on this but the other wouldn't, but forgot which one.
    So remember, ZoS did this as a kindness to console players. :)
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
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    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
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    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • ArchMikem
    The Craft Bag was a major burden off my chest. I used to really fight over organizing my bank space, and because of that I was never really able to become a Crafter beyond armor and weapons.

    Then there's the x2 Housing space, the x2 Bank space, the free crowns every so often. And of course I don't want the game to end and I enjoy the new story content that our subs help fund.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - Khajiiti Aficionado - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Casterial
    I spend 95% of my time in Cyrodiil swearing about the lag and dealing with the poor client performance in large scale battles. I only buy plus when there's an item I want from the crown store. It makes me feel kinda dirty inside buying these items knowing that I am enabling ZOS to continue their practice of churning out the cosmetic items for sale instead of focusing on fixing the core game and network mechanics in our Cyrodiil PvP sandboxes... but atleast I look good at 15 fps.

    I'm 24/7 in cyro and have been subscribed since day 1.
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
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  • Tai-Chi
    I started my recurring 180 day, ESO+ subscription at the beginning of March 2015.

    That is a couple of years before the craft bag, dye station, extra banking space and housing slots were introduced. I am now on a 360 day subscription, so I can honestly say that, in part, I do subscribe in order to support a game that I enjoy very much and, despite its problems, still do not tire of.

    The QOL features that have been added to ESO+ are a very welcome bonus and I would not be without them any more.

    I do not grind anything but incorporate getting the things (or Achievements) I need into my daily adventures and questing.This keeps everything fresh and alive.

    The lore and history of this fantasy world are riveting, as are the NPCs and real people one meets in it. All this and more in a beautiful setting.

    For around 22.5 pence a day, I would say that my money is well spent
    PC - EU (Main) & PC - NA
  • Davor
    I do it to show my support for ESO. Plain and simple.
    Have played since day one, and subbed since day one, when sub was mandatory and continued after it became B2P.

    Now lets discuss that, ZoS changing to B2P......
    The REAL reason ZoS left the mandatory system was because of Microsoft and Sony.
    When consoles were about to be added a year after launch, they both had a sub system of their own. They would not work with each other or with ZoS and as it was, Ps4 and XBox users would have to pay 2 sub fees to play ESO.
    So ZoS decided to drop the mandatory sub and offer ESO+ for those who wished to continue subbing but letting console players play without paying 2 subs.
    I remember one of the 2 were willing to work with ZoS on this but the other wouldn't, but forgot which one.
    So remember, ZoS did this as a kindness to console players. :)

    No, I don't think this is the case at all. If it was, Zenimax would have gave the middle finger to Sony and or Microsoft and just stuck with PC. After all, why loose all that GUARANTEED money just to go to console?

    There is a reason why WoW is not on console. Thing was, that ESO was a failure, and had to drop the sub and needed consoles for the fresh blood. I am sure Zenimax would have charged for a subscription fee if they knew they can get away with it. After all, you can get ESO+ on consoles, so that means it could have been subscription based as well.

    Subscription based ESO was a failure. Simple as that. Only when One Tamriel came out is when ESO started to become good. At least for me and many others.
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • silvereyes
    DonRavello wrote: »
    Just because my cancelled subscription is not yet expired.

    When I play, I keep ESO+ up because bag / bank space constraints create too much of an inventory management time sink for me.

    But with all the performance problems lately, and ZOS' inability to fix them, I haven't been playing. I've canceled my sub until such time as things get better.
  • ImSoPro
    Because I like to be a VIP
  • Emmagoldman
    I paid for the year subscription and im just waiting for it to run out
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