I still can’t believe we have people complaining about the look of vampirism

Your not supposed to look aesthetically pleasing when you have vampirism. That’s one of the many disadvantages of it, it’s already a easy perk when you don’t have to feed and you get full passives. What’s next, people want a human polymorph for their demihuman characters.
  • KerinKor
    It's the internet, there's always SOMEONE who''ll complain about SOMETHING!
  • Noxavian
    What people SHOULD be complaining about instead is the lack of vampire skills (Despite most basic vampire npcs having way more than we do) and the fact that every magic character takes vampire.

    The fact that over half of the playerbase is vampires purely just because "it's the best on magic chars" is horrible design.

    I can agree, when vampire has these sort of issues and all most people complain about is how they look it's....kind of off putting.

    I think if magicka users are literally forced into a subclass then that's a bigger issue.
  • barney2525
    KerinKor wrote: »
    It's the internet, there's always SOMEONE who''ll complain about SOMETHING!

    I'd like to complain about this comment....

  • zParallaxz
    Noxavian wrote: »
    What people SHOULD be complaining about instead is the lack of vampire skills (Despite most basic vampire npcs having way more than we do) and the fact that every magic character takes vampire.

    The fact that over half of the playerbase is vampires purely just because "it's the best on magic chars" is horrible design.

    I can agree, when vampire has these sort of issues and all most people complain about is how they look it's....kind of off putting.

    I think if magicka users are literally forced into a subclass then that's a bigger issue.

    Yeah I see your point, vampirism should be a niche thing in general. But we don’t have a true paladin play style or a very in depth dawn guard skill line. Maybe Zos will revisit the interactions of vampires and the dawnguard within the game.
  • zaria
    however why do my black Khajiit with black hair turn white while the hair who is part of the fur but growing longer is black?

    On the other hand I agree with you in that 99.999% want the vampire buff with no downsides.

    Grabs tail: ZoS could obviously charge 5000 crowns for this and then nerf hard.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Good thing about rise of magplars and magdks is that vampire filth will be mass cleansing.
  • Orjix
    it looks bad so people should complain, don't buy that "its a part of it" BS. I just wear the Telvanni helm all the time so i can never see it. how is it a disadvantage if i can't see it? however people should be able to look how they want, why oh why are people so determined that people who want to play a certain way need to look a certain way.
  • CynicK
    My khajit was orange like my brother's cat now he is yellowish-white, he looks horrible I thought he would just get som marks in the eyes, vampirism looks horrible it could had been done with more grace.
    I do not complain about the looks of my breton vampire he looked horrible before already, I just complain about the cat.
  • Araneae6537
    If you don’t want a vampire character, don’t make a vampire character. I’m totally not into the whole undead thing and wouldn’t make one whether they appeared ghoulish or sparkly.
  • aqunnna
    I made my breton vampire only because of looks and nothing else. I think stage one looks really good, stage two can look good too. Stage 3 and 4 are disgusting. For my breton vampirism is nothing more but awesome free skin for roleplay.
  • idk
    Noxavian wrote: »
    What people SHOULD be complaining about instead is the lack of vampire skills (Despite most basic vampire npcs having way more than we do) and the fact that every magic character takes vampire.

    The fact that over half of the playerbase is vampires purely just because "it's the best on magic chars" is horrible design.

    I can agree, when vampire has these sort of issues and all most people complain about is how they look it's....kind of off putting.

    I think if magicka users are literally forced into a subclass then that's a bigger issue.

    Not really. I do know competitive raiders who are not vampires. Further, some are vampires on some magicka characters but not all. Yes, it is min/maxing but it is very small in the end.
  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    What I still don’t get is a black furred Khajiit suddenly turning stark white
  • p00tx
    The hideous vampire skin is one of the reasons I started raiding (besides being thirsty for some arena weapons). I wanted to earn some skins to cover my ugly mug. It's objectively ugly dude. You can't be angry at people for not liking it. That's just silly.
    PC/Xbox NA Mindmender|Swashbuckler Supreme|Planes Breaker|Dawnbringer|Godslayer|Immortal Redeemer|Gryphon Heart|Tick-tock Tormentor|Dro-m'Athra Destroyer|Stormproof|Grand Overlord|Grand Mastercrafter|Master Grappler|Tamriel Hero
  • warabi
    If I didn't feel obligated to be a vampire due to the resource regeneration I wouldn't complain about it. Vampirisim is hideous and I resent the need to even be one in the first place.
  • starkerealm
    zParallaxz wrote: »
    Your not supposed to look aesthetically pleasing when you have vampirism. That’s one of the many disadvantages of it, it’s already a easy perk when you don’t have to feed and you get full passives. What’s next, people want a human polymorph for their demihuman characters.

    Players take vampirism because of gameplay considerations, not cosmetic ones. At that point, it's entirely reasonable to voice some irritation with a cosmetic element being foisted upon you.

    The simplest analogy would be if you were forced to wear a specific costume once you joined the Fighter's Guild and you could not remove it. Locking you out of significant elements of character personalization, and then whenever you went on the boards and said, "but, seriously, I should be able to stop representing the guild for five seconds," someone stormed in and insisted, "you wanted the power from the skill line, you need to live with the consequences."

    And, yes, the Vampirism skin does interfere with several elements of character customization, including bleaching out your tattoos. I'd love it if we could pick off the menu and lock our skin at a specific cosmetic stage (including human), but for now, I'll have to use the Arctic Rime skin.
  • Aliyavana
    zParallaxz wrote: »
    Your not supposed to look aesthetically pleasing when you have vampirism. That’s one of the many disadvantages of it, it’s already a easy perk when you don’t have to feed and you get full passives. What’s next, people want a human polymorph for their demihuman characters.

  • starkerealm
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    zParallaxz wrote: »
    Your not supposed to look aesthetically pleasing when you have vampirism. That’s one of the many disadvantages of it, it’s already a easy perk when you don’t have to feed and you get full passives. What’s next, people want a human polymorph for their demihuman characters.


    In fairness, Verandis is a different bloodline from the player vampires. He may, in fact, be the only example of his bloodline, I'm not 100% certain.

    I still think we should have a lot of options, including skins for stages 1-4 so we can lock at a specific aesthetic, but Verandis isn't a fantastic precedent.
  • MrGhosty
    I don't see any issue requesting a change to the skin, I do like the fact that it gets worse as you progress through stages I just don't think it was very well done. Zos has greatly stepped up their texture game since vampire skins were released, so it would be nice to see them do another pass.

    I would like to see them take some cues from Skyrim's Dawnguard dlc, and add an ultimate similar to the WW transformation. It would be nice to see vampirism be separated from the min maxing aspects of the game and given a unique niche of its own.

    I also saw a cool werewolf model in a dungeon video that I coveted for my WW (no idea what dungeon, I've only been back a month or so), it would be cool if when you became a WW or Vampire you unlocked an option in your collection window that would allow you to customize your WW or Vampire form. All of these are smaller concerns, but if I had more options for decking out my toons, I would be over the moon.
    "It is a time of strife and unrest. Armies of revenants and dark spirits manifest in every corner of Tamriel. Winters grow colder and crops fail. Mystics are plagued by nightmares and portents of doom."
  • Raisin
    My biggest issue is that it's handled horribly in relation to darker skin tones. It's not how I would expect a dark skinned vampire to look, and it definitely strikes me as a lack of effort/thought rather than something intentional.
  • MLGProPlayer
    zParallaxz wrote: »
    Your not supposed to look aesthetically pleasing when you have vampirism. That’s one of the many disadvantages of it, it’s already a easy perk when you don’t have to feed and you get full passives. What’s next, people want a human polymorph for their demihuman characters.

    Players take vampirism because of gameplay considerations, not cosmetic ones. At that point, it's entirely reasonable to voice some irritation with a cosmetic element being foisted upon you.

    The simplest analogy would be if you were forced to wear a specific costume once you joined the Fighter's Guild and you could not remove it. Locking you out of significant elements of character personalization, and then whenever you went on the boards and said, "but, seriously, I should be able to stop representing the guild for five seconds," someone stormed in and insisted, "you wanted the power from the skill line, you need to live with the consequences."

    And, yes, the Vampirism skin does interfere with several elements of character customization, including bleaching out your tattoos. I'd love it if we could pick off the menu and lock our skin at a specific cosmetic stage (including human), but for now, I'll have to use the Arctic Rime skin.

    95% of vampires in this game are vampires because of the free +10% resource regen. Very few players actually give a *** about vampirism from an RP perspective. I guarantee if that passive was removed, vampires would become a rare sight in Tamriel, as opposed to more than 50% of the population currently being undead.

    It's terrible game design right now. Look ugly and get a free passive. Gameplay perks should come with gameplay drawbacks. This is especially true of an MMO where fashion is such a big part of endgame.

    Vampirism should have always been like WW where you need to slot a vampire skill in order to get the passives.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on August 14, 2019 1:05AM
  • BloodMagicLord
    I actually like stage 1 vampirism, stage 2 can kinda look ok with the right outfit, but the rest is just plain ugly.
    PC EU | Tank | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart
  • Blodreina
    Yes Stage 1 is perfect, i even do my characters in stage 1 when i create them for best result :)
  • msalvia
    zParallaxz wrote: »
    It's terrible game design right now. Look ugly and get a free passive. Gameplay perks should come with gameplay drawbacks. This is especially true of an MMO where fashion is such a big part of endgame.

    You know about the fire damage drawback right? And the health regen drawback? There is most definitely "gameplay drawbacks" beyond RP ones.
  • ChunkyCat
    I still can’t believe it’s not butter.

  • MLGProPlayer
    msalvia wrote: »
    You know about the fire damage drawback right? And the health regen drawback? There is most definitely "gameplay drawbacks" beyond RP ones.

    Then those should be enough. There is no need to introduce an appearance "drawback".
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on August 14, 2019 1:41AM
  • BigBragg
    Players want customization options. Not sure how that is ever a bad thing. Some people just like to watch others not get what they want, even though it doesn't effect them in the slightest.
  • Grandma
    I think it's respectful to the lore of TES that vampires can't hide their identity. they're supposed to be ashamed of it, hide it, cower away from society. They do this at the benefit of unimaginable power and immortality. If vampire was just a passive that had no cosmetic drawback it'd be kinda boring.

    It also roots in the fact that vampire is SO meta. nobody has a reason NOT to be a vampire; it's literally just free recovery and defense bonuses. No reason not to do it. This kinda sucks, particularly when werewolf is the polar opposite; 0 reason to be one besides solo content like vma builds or pre 50 PvP. i think they both need to be looked at. if they added an option to remove the cosmetic, then i'd be fine with it, but as of now it's understandable and okay in my books.

    i do have a lot of skins though, so i have no real grounds to complain on. tip; your advantages start dropping off after stage 2, so i'd keep yourself there. it's not as bad at stage 2 either.
    GH / 3/04/2021 / Elemental Catalyst Necromancer
  • Bowser
    Albino Argonians always appear atrocious
    World First DK Tank Execute on Rakkhat HM
    Play how you want - no meta allowed!
  • MLGProPlayer
    Grandma wrote: »
    I think it's respectful to the lore of TES that vampires can't hide their identity. they're supposed to be ashamed of it, hide it, cower away from society.

    Then why is every other resident of Tamriel a vampire? I don't see anyone cowering away from society. Guards are perfectly fine letting three dozen vampires run around Rawl'kha and Vivec City at any given moment.

    And illusion magic that changes your appearance is extremely common TES lore (there are a ton of quests in this game where the PC or NPCs freely disguise their appearance with magic).

    Gameplay perks should come with gameplay drawbacks. Want the perks of being a vampire? How about slot a vampire skill (like WW has to). I wonder how many people would be vamps then.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on August 14, 2019 2:56AM
  • Skullderic
    I like the pasty white skin, I don't like the fact is make my Tattos look like crap! Ink don't lose its color cause your skin gets funky~
    Gert Soem!!
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