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MagBlade Theorycrafting Changes Thread

  • GhostofDatthaw
    Lol why do I even care, I don't play anymore.

    It's something that always bothered me when I did play. That and people who bash on "zerglings" always irked me. Just bullies picking on the less experienced or talented

    Check this out btw someone sent me this
    Edited by GhostofDatthaw on November 23, 2019 1:29PM
  • brandonv516
    Rianai wrote: »
    I have used Caluurion (and still do occasionally). On a gank build that neither needs to use an ultimate nor Merciless. That set basically removes the need to actually use skills that are meant to be used to burst players down (ofc you can still combine all those for even more burst).

    The reason why i dislike many proc sets (caluurion and zaan especially ) and think they are unbalanced and "carry sets" is that unlike stat sets, they require a lot less player effort to get high value out of it. Stat sets amplify the skill dmg output by a few percent (usually 10% or less). So if someone does not know how to use his skills in oder to generate burst, those sets do nothing for a player. But with sets like Calu or Zaan all a player has to do is press a single button for potential 5-10k+ additional dmg. Yes those sets can be countered, but countering them takes more effort and resources than proccing them. Free dmg should be counterable for free and if players want those proc to land they should have to work for them, eg use cc at the right time, instead of automatically forcing the opponent to burn a quite substantial amount of resources - especially without CP - or outright killing him.


    You said, you don't use Merciless, because it is too difficult to use for you. Actually most proc blades i see don't seem to use it. But claiming a class lacks burst just because players choose to not use the burst aviable to the class is stupid. The fact that you can use Calu as an easy alternative just reinforces my opinion on the set.

    Magblade might not be the strongest or easiest class right now. But it is not as bad as some here claim, and the class certainly does not need to get carried by proc sets if a players knows how to utilize the tools aviable to the class itself.

    We have burst but it's lost the "boom" it once had.

    Cast time ultimates hurt NBs more than any other class because both our AoE and ST ultimates got the shaft. And there aren't many better options from guild lines either.

    I'm not saying Caluurions is a must but for melee Magblade it's the logical choice. Doesn't make you less of a player for using it - work smarter, not harder.
  • fred4
    Rianai wrote: »
    But claiming a class lacks burst just because players choose to not use the burst aviable to the class is stupid.
    I'm saying magblade lacks the ability to combo Assassin's Will with another skill in a single GCD. Other classes have delayed skills. For example, a stamden can hit you with Subterranean and Dawnbreaker of Smiting in the same GCD. If the Dawnbreaker CC works, they will follow that with Executioner while their target is CCd and cannot defend. That's a 3 skill combo with no defense, when it works.

    Magblades used to run Tether combos. This used to be the big payoff. People once said magblades are difficult to learn, but really dangerous. It was, however, only two skills in two GCDs, whereas a warden or most other classes will, these days, fit in 3. That's what the difference is. Assassin's Will had to have a high tooltip to make up for this deficit when you compare it, for example, to magsorc. In addition, back in the day Soul Tether stunned through block. Streak did not. What do we have today? The opposite. Back in the day magblades would use Incap and get the Defile, the stun, the 20% extra damage, and they had Minor Berserk. Back in the day, nightblades also had much better sustain, including stamina sustain from Siphoning Attacks. I never thought about it much, but I suspect the original design team didn't come up with that for no reason. The whole idea was that you could stay on the attack and work up to your burst (Assassin's Will) better than any other class, as Kena once argued in a video on his playstyle. Today? Everything has been cut back so much that you're either a wet noodle or you can't stand your ground. Is it really, really bad? Nah. I'm a solo player and I'm happy to have cloak ... and because I have Caluurion. You might have a point with Caluurion on a templar and Toppling Charge, although I tried that once and it didn't really work for me.
    Edited by fred4 on November 23, 2019 3:16PM
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • Rianai
    You are right that magblade isn't nearly as strong as it once was. But neither are most other classes. And Merciless is finally good again. Not a delayed burst like other classes have, but NB was never designed with that kind of burst in mind and it was still very strong in the past. And personally i'd rather try to stick closer to the "old" magblade playstyle that you describe well, instead of replacing it with a set. And while it often feels like an uphill battle, i'm currently having more fun with magblade than for like a year. Without Calu ;)

    But of course if you have more fun with different builds, then by all means go for it. Never was i trying to belittle players who use the set or telling anyone to not use it.
  • fred4
    Rianai wrote: »
    You are right that magblade isn't nearly as strong as it once was. But neither are most other classes. And Merciless is finally good again. Not a delayed burst like other classes have, but NB was never designed with that kind of burst in mind and it was still very strong in the past. And personally i'd rather try to stick closer to the "old" magblade playstyle that you describe well, instead of replacing it with a set. And while it often feels like an uphill battle, i'm currently having more fun with magblade than for like a year. Without Calu ;)

    But of course if you have more fun with different builds, then by all means go for it. Never was i trying to belittle players who use the set or telling anyone to not use it.
    Well, then everything is OK :smile:. I do agree that nightblade is generally very direct and this is why I like the class. Same with templar, not so much with the other magicka classes. There is something very straightforward about having a "damage enhancement" ultimate (Incap / SH) and a class execute. Merciless is the odd one out, though, even with the latest time buff, which will however be very much appreciated, if I ever use the skill.

    I hate being bogged down in a rotation, unable to lineup my burst or take advantage of a situation, because I am busy with housekeeping. It's one of the reasons I much prefer PvP to PvE. My whole build is almost entirely reactive, with only Siphoning Attacks being something I have to keep up for the heals. What procs allow you to do is spec heavily into speed and sustain, because they are unaffected by your stats. That's the playstyle I like. It keeps you actively engaged and focused on your opponent(s) and the terrain, rather than having to be mindful of your resources and looking inward. For example, if I didn't have such high stamina sustain, I'd have to back off into Cloak, Shade, Mist or Meditate much more frequently than I do. I'd find that frustrating and no fun.

    My magicka warden is the antithesis of my magblade. A magicka-stacking stat-based, shielding build, I find warden very rotation heavy and feel extremely detached on that class, like I'm in my own private bubble walking around with my headphones on, so to speak. Warden has a fixed rythm. You're either buffing outright, or you build everything around casting Deep Fissure every 3 seconds. Then you basically lash out and hope your sheer power will put someone in trouble. It's boring af. I realise this is, perhaps, a simplistic view of warden, but feel the newly buffed Northern Storm kind of reinforces that view. I had some success, but I don't play the class much.

    Caluurion enables - or at least fits in with - a more stamina-flavored melee playstyle (mixed ranged / melee really) on magblade, which I find more fun. With pure ranged playstyles, let's say a traditional kiting / Crippling Grasp playstyle, I feel much more disconnected from the game.
    Edited by fred4 on November 23, 2019 5:57PM
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • Metemsycosis
    Sorry to chip in about magblade but proxy det is very powerful and is considered delayed burst. Ik ik it's not magblade but available nonetheless. And slays when used properly
    Terethea Magdalena, Breton Nightblade
    A Dark-Adapted Eye, Imperial Necromancer

    sanguinare vampiris
  • Iskiab
    Sorry to chip in about magblade but proxy det is very powerful and is considered delayed burst. Ik ik it's not magblade but available nonetheless. And slays when used properly

    Yea that’s true. I always wondered if you could line up prox det, meteor, elemental weapon plus lotus or merciless. I’m not sure what a build like that would look like though.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • fred4
    Magblades used to run Proxy Det for burst against single targets a long time ago, then ZOS changed the scaling and put a stop to that.
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • ThePedge
    May have been posted before as it's on a popular ESO site, but I started using a build today and I like it. Feel like there's improvements to be made.

    NO-CP Cyro & BGs

    Troll King 1M/1H
    War Maiden Inferno Sharpened
    BRP Resto Defending
    7x Impen, 7x Tri-Stat
    3x Arcane, 1x Spell Damage, 2x Mag Recovery
    Witch mother's
    Serpent Mundus
    Dark Elf

    Ele Drain, Lotus Fan, Swallow Soul, Fear, Merciless, Soul Harvest

    Shadow Cloak, Phantasmal, Shade, Siphoning Strikes, Healing Ward, Soul Tether / Resto Ult

    I'm missing Major Sorcery, need to test PvE/Spell Power pots, but I think I'll miss the Health burst.

    Also might swap Phantasmal for RAT for Expedition, I use the prior for raid setup so what I had.
    Edited by ThePedge on November 25, 2019 12:13AM
  • Iskiab
    ThePedge wrote: »
    May have been posted before as it's on a popular ESO site, but I started using a build today and I like it. Feel like there's improvements to be made.

    NO-CP Cyro & BGs

    Troll King 1M/1H
    War Maiden Inferno Sharpened
    BRP Resto Defending
    7x Impen, 7x Tri-Stat
    3x Arcane, 1x Spell Damage, 2x Mag Recovery
    Witch mother's
    Serpent Mundus
    Dark Elf

    Ele Drain, Lotus Fan, Swallow Soul, Fear, Merciless, Soul Harvest

    Shadow Cloak, Phantasmal, Shade, Siphoning Strikes, Healing Ward, Soul Tether / Resto Ult

    I'm missing Major Sorcery, need to test PvE/Spell Power pots, but I think I'll miss the Health burst.

    Also might swap Phantasmal for RAT for Expedition, I use the prior for raid setup so what I had.

    Yea, looks pretty good. Warmaiden and BRB work well. A little on the squishy side for no-CP so would be prone to getting bursted, missing major prophesy too. I’d run SP, health and mag pots so you get the health recovery bonus on troll king.

    I’d also run better in CP then no-CP, no-CP can be really bursty so troll king doesn’t perform well but I imagine it’s meant to proc and take effect while cloak’s up. You can burn down a player in under 4 seconds and health recovery ticks every 2 seconds. That means you’d get maybe one health recovery tick while being bursted. I’ve never been a fan of troll king in no-CP.
    Edited by Iskiab on November 25, 2019 1:16AM
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • ExistingRug61
    ThePedge wrote: »
    May have been posted before as it's on a popular ESO site, but I started using a build today and I like it. Feel like there's improvements to be made.

    NO-CP Cyro & BGs

    Troll King 1M/1H
    War Maiden Inferno Sharpened
    BRP Resto Defending
    7x Impen, 7x Tri-Stat
    3x Arcane, 1x Spell Damage, 2x Mag Recovery
    Witch mother's
    Serpent Mundus
    Dark Elf

    Ele Drain, Lotus Fan, Swallow Soul, Fear, Merciless, Soul Harvest

    Shadow Cloak, Phantasmal, Shade, Siphoning Strikes, Healing Ward, Soul Tether / Resto Ult

    I'm missing Major Sorcery, need to test PvE/Spell Power pots, but I think I'll miss the Health burst.

    Also might swap Phantasmal for RAT for Expedition, I use the prior for raid setup so what I had.

    I think there a definitely some things that could be optimised with this setup. Its hard to get too much more effective spell damage but you can certainly get more off stat without giving up anything. I made a post a while back in this thread about trying to optimise these things (specifically looking at BTB and drinks), but at the risk of repeating myself this is quite a good example of it.

    Looking at what you have, two things stand out to me as non-ideal, namely the serpent mundus and witchmothers potent brew.
    Serpent mundus because generally speaking you can get off-stat sustain from other sources where it is better than a 1:1 tradeoff with something that could be used for your main stat.
    Witchmothers potent brew because it is comparatively low amount of stats in comparison to some other options.

    So, starting with a replacement to the serpent I would look to instead get that stam recovery from Amberplasm. Amberplasm is one of the most stat dense sets available, even more so than BTB, if you value the stam sustain, which it appears you do. So I would be swapping BTB for Amberplasm, which gives you the stam rec in a more efficient way but frees up the mundus choice. A side benefit of this is being no longer tied to drinks.

    This will reduce max mag but that can likely be made up with other changes. It could be as simple as using the Mage mundus, as considering BTB + Serpent swapped to Amberplasm + Mage would be something like -1k mag but +129 spell damage and +833 spell crit, with everything else staying almost the same. But there are probably better options once alternate food/drink is considered.

    In terms of replacing Witchmothers I would consider the highest stat options, so Sugar Skulls or Disastrously Bloody Mara. If going Sugar Skulls it would probably mean changing armour glyphs back to magicka from Prismatic (this is a less efficient choice in isolation, but Sugar Skulls more than makes up for it), whereas Disastrously Bloody Mara would likely keep Prismatics. These options both give more stats, but lack the mag recovery so would likely mean using the atronach mundus and/or adjusting jewellery traits/glyphs. Note the Atronach mundus has the slight advantage over jewellery glyphs of being out of combat sustain.

    Putting all that together what I like the most would be the following:
    Change BTB + WMPB + Serpent + prismatic glyphs to Amber + Sugar Skulls + Atronach + magicka glyphs
    Net effect (before stat multipliers):
    -673 health, +2248 stam, +297 mag
    +462 health rec, -106 mag reg, +12 stam rec
    +129 spell dam, +833 spell crit

    So apart from a small health loss and mag rec loss, everything is better. A small damage boost but the main gains are bonus max stam and health rec.

    You could balance out the mag recovery by changing the trait on one jewellery that has a recovery enchant from arcane to infused, which will lose you 870 mag but gain 100 mag rec. This would be a small magicka loss in comparison to what you have now, but the spell damage and crit gain is definitely more, especially in nocp where spell damage is comparatively more powerful vs max stat.

    Alternatively going Amber + Atronach + Disastrously Bloody Mara and keeping prismatic glyphs would result in getting extra health instead of stam, but max mag would be a bit lower. Depends if you want health or stam - I like stam most of the time, but the extra health may be better to stop being bursted and let Troll King be more effective.
  • Metemsycosis
    ...Also wanted to add that i think mageblades should be building around soul tether. True in grp play, true in solo.

    So good rn.

    A build that values a high tooltip, high uptime, high crit damage, strong reliability.

    Everything else is set up. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

    Tether, concealed, impale for the kill. Caluurions excellent here. Without it need an extra gcd.

    I value higher stats than fred but believe he has (nearly) the bis...
    Terethea Magdalena, Breton Nightblade
    A Dark-Adapted Eye, Imperial Necromancer

    sanguinare vampiris
  • Mayrael
    Iskiab wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    May have been posted before as it's on a popular ESO site, but I started using a build today and I like it. Feel like there's improvements to be made.

    NO-CP Cyro & BGs

    Troll King 1M/1H
    War Maiden Inferno Sharpened
    BRP Resto Defending
    7x Impen, 7x Tri-Stat
    3x Arcane, 1x Spell Damage, 2x Mag Recovery
    Witch mother's
    Serpent Mundus
    Dark Elf

    Ele Drain, Lotus Fan, Swallow Soul, Fear, Merciless, Soul Harvest

    Shadow Cloak, Phantasmal, Shade, Siphoning Strikes, Healing Ward, Soul Tether / Resto Ult

    I'm missing Major Sorcery, need to test PvE/Spell Power pots, but I think I'll miss the Health burst.

    Also might swap Phantasmal for RAT for Expedition, I use the prior for raid setup so what I had.

    Yea, looks pretty good. Warmaiden and BRB work well. A little on the squishy side for no-CP so would be prone to getting bursted, missing major prophesy too. I’d run SP, health and mag pots so you get the health recovery bonus on troll king.

    I’d also run better in CP then no-CP, no-CP can be really bursty so troll king doesn’t perform well but I imagine it’s meant to proc and take effect while cloak’s up. You can burn down a player in under 4 seconds and health recovery ticks every 2 seconds. That means you’d get maybe one health recovery tick while being bursted. I’ve never been a fan of troll king in no-CP.

    Yup. Troll King works best on tanky builds, because it proc is "dot ticking every 2s", so it won't save you if you're squishy. I've killed many NBs using this set, burst > troll king. Also for noCP you need stam recovery or high max stam otherwise you will end in stunlock.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • ThePedge
    ThePedge wrote: »
    May have been posted before as it's on a popular ESO site, but I started using a build today and I like it. Feel like there's improvements to be made.

    NO-CP Cyro & BGs

    Troll King 1M/1H
    War Maiden Inferno Sharpened
    BRP Resto Defending
    7x Impen, 7x Tri-Stat
    3x Arcane, 1x Spell Damage, 2x Mag Recovery
    Witch mother's
    Serpent Mundus
    Dark Elf

    Ele Drain, Lotus Fan, Swallow Soul, Fear, Merciless, Soul Harvest

    Shadow Cloak, Phantasmal, Shade, Siphoning Strikes, Healing Ward, Soul Tether / Resto Ult

    I'm missing Major Sorcery, need to test PvE/Spell Power pots, but I think I'll miss the Health burst.

    Also might swap Phantasmal for RAT for Expedition, I use the prior for raid setup so what I had.

    I think there a definitely some things that could be optimised with this setup. Its hard to get too much more effective spell damage but you can certainly get more off stat without giving up anything. I made a post a while back in this thread about trying to optimise these things (specifically looking at BTB and drinks), but at the risk of repeating myself this is quite a good example of it.

    Looking at what you have, two things stand out to me as non-ideal, namely the serpent mundus and witchmothers potent brew.
    Serpent mundus because generally speaking you can get off-stat sustain from other sources where it is better than a 1:1 tradeoff with something that could be used for your main stat.
    Witchmothers potent brew because it is comparatively low amount of stats in comparison to some other options.

    So, starting with a replacement to the serpent I would look to instead get that stam recovery from Amberplasm. Amberplasm is one of the most stat dense sets available, even more so than BTB, if you value the stam sustain, which it appears you do. So I would be swapping BTB for Amberplasm, which gives you the stam rec in a more efficient way but frees up the mundus choice. A side benefit of this is being no longer tied to drinks.

    This will reduce max mag but that can likely be made up with other changes. It could be as simple as using the Mage mundus, as considering BTB + Serpent swapped to Amberplasm + Mage would be something like -1k mag but +129 spell damage and +833 spell crit, with everything else staying almost the same. But there are probably better options once alternate food/drink is considered.

    In terms of replacing Witchmothers I would consider the highest stat options, so Sugar Skulls or Disastrously Bloody Mara. If going Sugar Skulls it would probably mean changing armour glyphs back to magicka from Prismatic (this is a less efficient choice in isolation, but Sugar Skulls more than makes up for it), whereas Disastrously Bloody Mara would likely keep Prismatics. These options both give more stats, but lack the mag recovery so would likely mean using the atronach mundus and/or adjusting jewellery traits/glyphs. Note the Atronach mundus has the slight advantage over jewellery glyphs of being out of combat sustain.

    Putting all that together what I like the most would be the following:
    Change BTB + WMPB + Serpent + prismatic glyphs to Amber + Sugar Skulls + Atronach + magicka glyphs
    Net effect (before stat multipliers):
    -673 health, +2248 stam, +297 mag
    +462 health rec, -106 mag reg, +12 stam rec
    +129 spell dam, +833 spell crit

    So apart from a small health loss and mag rec loss, everything is better. A small damage boost but the main gains are bonus max stam and health rec.

    You could balance out the mag recovery by changing the trait on one jewellery that has a recovery enchant from arcane to infused, which will lose you 870 mag but gain 100 mag rec. This would be a small magicka loss in comparison to what you have now, but the spell damage and crit gain is definitely more, especially in nocp where spell damage is comparatively more powerful vs max stat.

    Alternatively going Amber + Atronach + Disastrously Bloody Mara and keeping prismatic glyphs would result in getting extra health instead of stam, but max mag would be a bit lower. Depends if you want health or stam - I like stam most of the time, but the extra health may be better to stop being bursted and let Troll King be more effective.

    Thanks for the insight, I've always looked at Amber Plasm but never had luck with finding RoM groups. Might just respec healer temporarily haha

    I main stamblade and use Troll King there and it boosted my survivability compared to Bloodspawn by a lot.

    A full 3s cloak with being disengaged will net me two ticks, so roughly 5k health, plus Healing Ward (or rapid Regen which is my other setup), and any HoT from Swallow Soul.

    Not sure what else to run on a stealth magblade
  • GhostofDatthaw
    I played for a bit yesterday.... Don't know how y'all can still do it. My performance was worse than I remember, if that is even possible.

    Anyway I went full on yolo with gear and I have to say.... It was actually very effective. I was dumpstering everyone I ran into. Just straight spinner/WM/slimecraw with seducer resto for a little extra Regen back bar.

    Anyway try out full on offensive if you're rolling around cp.

    Oh the only trick to staying alive with a setup like this is to front bar dampen magic and keep it up. All you need on back bar is Regen, cloak, shade, rat, siphon. Front bar I went dampen, mercy, fear, swallow, ele drain. With all your back bar buffs up, just weave...hard... Playing it like old-school 1.5 magnb.

    Edited by GhostofDatthaw on November 25, 2019 11:59AM
  • GhostofDatthaw
    ThePedge wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    May have been posted before as it's on a popular ESO site, but I started using a build today and I like it. Feel like there's improvements to be made.

    NO-CP Cyro & BGs

    Troll King 1M/1H
    War Maiden Inferno Sharpened
    BRP Resto Defending
    7x Impen, 7x Tri-Stat
    3x Arcane, 1x Spell Damage, 2x Mag Recovery
    Witch mother's
    Serpent Mundus
    Dark Elf

    Ele Drain, Lotus Fan, Swallow Soul, Fear, Merciless, Soul Harvest

    Shadow Cloak, Phantasmal, Shade, Siphoning Strikes, Healing Ward, Soul Tether / Resto Ult

    I'm missing Major Sorcery, need to test PvE/Spell Power pots, but I think I'll miss the Health burst.

    Also might swap Phantasmal for RAT for Expedition, I use the prior for raid setup so what I had.

    I think there a definitely some things that could be optimised with this setup. Its hard to get too much more effective spell damage but you can certainly get more off stat without giving up anything. I made a post a while back in this thread about trying to optimise these things (specifically looking at BTB and drinks), but at the risk of repeating myself this is quite a good example of it.

    Looking at what you have, two things stand out to me as non-ideal, namely the serpent mundus and witchmothers potent brew.
    Serpent mundus because generally speaking you can get off-stat sustain from other sources where it is better than a 1:1 tradeoff with something that could be used for your main stat.
    Witchmothers potent brew because it is comparatively low amount of stats in comparison to some other options.

    So, starting with a replacement to the serpent I would look to instead get that stam recovery from Amberplasm. Amberplasm is one of the most stat dense sets available, even more so than BTB, if you value the stam sustain, which it appears you do. So I would be swapping BTB for Amberplasm, which gives you the stam rec in a more efficient way but frees up the mundus choice. A side benefit of this is being no longer tied to drinks.

    This will reduce max mag but that can likely be made up with other changes. It could be as simple as using the Mage mundus, as considering BTB + Serpent swapped to Amberplasm + Mage would be something like -1k mag but +129 spell damage and +833 spell crit, with everything else staying almost the same. But there are probably better options once alternate food/drink is considered.

    In terms of replacing Witchmothers I would consider the highest stat options, so Sugar Skulls or Disastrously Bloody Mara. If going Sugar Skulls it would probably mean changing armour glyphs back to magicka from Prismatic (this is a less efficient choice in isolation, but Sugar Skulls more than makes up for it), whereas Disastrously Bloody Mara would likely keep Prismatics. These options both give more stats, but lack the mag recovery so would likely mean using the atronach mundus and/or adjusting jewellery traits/glyphs. Note the Atronach mundus has the slight advantage over jewellery glyphs of being out of combat sustain.

    Putting all that together what I like the most would be the following:
    Change BTB + WMPB + Serpent + prismatic glyphs to Amber + Sugar Skulls + Atronach + magicka glyphs
    Net effect (before stat multipliers):
    -673 health, +2248 stam, +297 mag
    +462 health rec, -106 mag reg, +12 stam rec
    +129 spell dam, +833 spell crit

    So apart from a small health loss and mag rec loss, everything is better. A small damage boost but the main gains are bonus max stam and health rec.

    You could balance out the mag recovery by changing the trait on one jewellery that has a recovery enchant from arcane to infused, which will lose you 870 mag but gain 100 mag rec. This would be a small magicka loss in comparison to what you have now, but the spell damage and crit gain is definitely more, especially in nocp where spell damage is comparatively more powerful vs max stat.

    Alternatively going Amber + Atronach + Disastrously Bloody Mara and keeping prismatic glyphs would result in getting extra health instead of stam, but max mag would be a bit lower. Depends if you want health or stam - I like stam most of the time, but the extra health may be better to stop being bursted and let Troll King be more effective.

    Thanks for the insight, I've always looked at Amber Plasm but never had luck with finding RoM groups. Might just respec healer temporarily haha

    I main stamblade and use Troll King there and it boosted my survivability compared to Bloodspawn by a lot.

    A full 3s cloak with being disengaged will net me two ticks, so roughly 5k health, plus Healing Ward (or rapid Regen which is my other setup), and any HoT from Swallow Soul.

    Not sure what else to run on a stealth magblade

    I ran gold amber for a while and it is a very good set, however, in the end I found it to be easily interchangeable with shackle. It's like well I don't have any numbers on front of me but it's like amber -1000 Stam/mag +100 Regen -100 damage over shackle... And I think amber also has a crit line? I forget. Anyway that was the conclusion I came too after running amber then both and then just shackle for a while

    Especially considering you're trying to pug it through dungeon finder. Get some buddies to farm it, that's how I got all my gear. Have 3 friends run it with you and bam that essentially 4 dungeon runs. Honestly most of my gear I didn't even find and vice versa for my buddies
    Edited by GhostofDatthaw on November 25, 2019 12:07PM
  • ExistingRug61
    ThePedge wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    May have been posted before as it's on a popular ESO site, but I started using a build today and I like it. Feel like there's improvements to be made.

    NO-CP Cyro & BGs

    Troll King 1M/1H
    War Maiden Inferno Sharpened
    BRP Resto Defending
    7x Impen, 7x Tri-Stat
    3x Arcane, 1x Spell Damage, 2x Mag Recovery
    Witch mother's
    Serpent Mundus
    Dark Elf

    Ele Drain, Lotus Fan, Swallow Soul, Fear, Merciless, Soul Harvest

    Shadow Cloak, Phantasmal, Shade, Siphoning Strikes, Healing Ward, Soul Tether / Resto Ult

    I'm missing Major Sorcery, need to test PvE/Spell Power pots, but I think I'll miss the Health burst.

    Also might swap Phantasmal for RAT for Expedition, I use the prior for raid setup so what I had.

    I think there a definitely some things that could be optimised with this setup. Its hard to get too much more effective spell damage but you can certainly get more off stat without giving up anything. I made a post a while back in this thread about trying to optimise these things (specifically looking at BTB and drinks), but at the risk of repeating myself this is quite a good example of it.

    Looking at what you have, two things stand out to me as non-ideal, namely the serpent mundus and witchmothers potent brew.
    Serpent mundus because generally speaking you can get off-stat sustain from other sources where it is better than a 1:1 tradeoff with something that could be used for your main stat.
    Witchmothers potent brew because it is comparatively low amount of stats in comparison to some other options.

    So, starting with a replacement to the serpent I would look to instead get that stam recovery from Amberplasm. Amberplasm is one of the most stat dense sets available, even more so than BTB, if you value the stam sustain, which it appears you do. So I would be swapping BTB for Amberplasm, which gives you the stam rec in a more efficient way but frees up the mundus choice. A side benefit of this is being no longer tied to drinks.

    This will reduce max mag but that can likely be made up with other changes. It could be as simple as using the Mage mundus, as considering BTB + Serpent swapped to Amberplasm + Mage would be something like -1k mag but +129 spell damage and +833 spell crit, with everything else staying almost the same. But there are probably better options once alternate food/drink is considered.

    In terms of replacing Witchmothers I would consider the highest stat options, so Sugar Skulls or Disastrously Bloody Mara. If going Sugar Skulls it would probably mean changing armour glyphs back to magicka from Prismatic (this is a less efficient choice in isolation, but Sugar Skulls more than makes up for it), whereas Disastrously Bloody Mara would likely keep Prismatics. These options both give more stats, but lack the mag recovery so would likely mean using the atronach mundus and/or adjusting jewellery traits/glyphs. Note the Atronach mundus has the slight advantage over jewellery glyphs of being out of combat sustain.

    Putting all that together what I like the most would be the following:
    Change BTB + WMPB + Serpent + prismatic glyphs to Amber + Sugar Skulls + Atronach + magicka glyphs
    Net effect (before stat multipliers):
    -673 health, +2248 stam, +297 mag
    +462 health rec, -106 mag reg, +12 stam rec
    +129 spell dam, +833 spell crit

    So apart from a small health loss and mag rec loss, everything is better. A small damage boost but the main gains are bonus max stam and health rec.

    You could balance out the mag recovery by changing the trait on one jewellery that has a recovery enchant from arcane to infused, which will lose you 870 mag but gain 100 mag rec. This would be a small magicka loss in comparison to what you have now, but the spell damage and crit gain is definitely more, especially in nocp where spell damage is comparatively more powerful vs max stat.

    Alternatively going Amber + Atronach + Disastrously Bloody Mara and keeping prismatic glyphs would result in getting extra health instead of stam, but max mag would be a bit lower. Depends if you want health or stam - I like stam most of the time, but the extra health may be better to stop being bursted and let Troll King be more effective.

    Thanks for the insight, I've always looked at Amber Plasm but never had luck with finding RoM groups. Might just respec healer temporarily haha

    I main stamblade and use Troll King there and it boosted my survivability compared to Bloodspawn by a lot.

    A full 3s cloak with being disengaged will net me two ticks, so roughly 5k health, plus Healing Ward (or rapid Regen which is my other setup), and any HoT from Swallow Soul.

    Not sure what else to run on a stealth magblade

    I ran gold amber for a while and it is a very good set, however, in the end I found it to be easily interchangeable with shackle. It's like well I don't have any numbers on front of me but it's like amber -1000 Stam/mag +100 Regen -100 damage over shackle... And I think amber also has a crit line? I forget. Anyway that was the conclusion I came too after running amber then both and then just shackle for a while

    Especially considering you're trying to pug it through dungeon finder. Get some buddies to farm it, that's how I got all my gear. Have 3 friends run it with you and bam that essentially 4 dungeon runs. Honestly most of my gear I didn't even find and vice versa for my buddies

    Yeah they are fairly similar in terms of stat density and what you get. It really depends if you prefer stam regen (Amber) or max stam (Shackle). The reason I like Amber is that It is basically the only way to get stam regen efficiently (as opposed to a 1:1 trade for something), whereas I can get max stam efficiently in other ways (food, prismatic glyphs, race).
    Edited by ExistingRug61 on November 25, 2019 12:19PM
  • ThePedge
    ThePedge wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    May have been posted before as it's on a popular ESO site, but I started using a build today and I like it. Feel like there's improvements to be made.

    NO-CP Cyro & BGs

    Troll King 1M/1H
    War Maiden Inferno Sharpened
    BRP Resto Defending
    7x Impen, 7x Tri-Stat
    3x Arcane, 1x Spell Damage, 2x Mag Recovery
    Witch mother's
    Serpent Mundus
    Dark Elf

    Ele Drain, Lotus Fan, Swallow Soul, Fear, Merciless, Soul Harvest

    Shadow Cloak, Phantasmal, Shade, Siphoning Strikes, Healing Ward, Soul Tether / Resto Ult

    I'm missing Major Sorcery, need to test PvE/Spell Power pots, but I think I'll miss the Health burst.

    Also might swap Phantasmal for RAT for Expedition, I use the prior for raid setup so what I had.

    I think there a definitely some things that could be optimised with this setup. Its hard to get too much more effective spell damage but you can certainly get more off stat without giving up anything. I made a post a while back in this thread about trying to optimise these things (specifically looking at BTB and drinks), but at the risk of repeating myself this is quite a good example of it.

    Looking at what you have, two things stand out to me as non-ideal, namely the serpent mundus and witchmothers potent brew.
    Serpent mundus because generally speaking you can get off-stat sustain from other sources where it is better than a 1:1 tradeoff with something that could be used for your main stat.
    Witchmothers potent brew because it is comparatively low amount of stats in comparison to some other options.

    So, starting with a replacement to the serpent I would look to instead get that stam recovery from Amberplasm. Amberplasm is one of the most stat dense sets available, even more so than BTB, if you value the stam sustain, which it appears you do. So I would be swapping BTB for Amberplasm, which gives you the stam rec in a more efficient way but frees up the mundus choice. A side benefit of this is being no longer tied to drinks.

    This will reduce max mag but that can likely be made up with other changes. It could be as simple as using the Mage mundus, as considering BTB + Serpent swapped to Amberplasm + Mage would be something like -1k mag but +129 spell damage and +833 spell crit, with everything else staying almost the same. But there are probably better options once alternate food/drink is considered.

    In terms of replacing Witchmothers I would consider the highest stat options, so Sugar Skulls or Disastrously Bloody Mara. If going Sugar Skulls it would probably mean changing armour glyphs back to magicka from Prismatic (this is a less efficient choice in isolation, but Sugar Skulls more than makes up for it), whereas Disastrously Bloody Mara would likely keep Prismatics. These options both give more stats, but lack the mag recovery so would likely mean using the atronach mundus and/or adjusting jewellery traits/glyphs. Note the Atronach mundus has the slight advantage over jewellery glyphs of being out of combat sustain.

    Putting all that together what I like the most would be the following:
    Change BTB + WMPB + Serpent + prismatic glyphs to Amber + Sugar Skulls + Atronach + magicka glyphs
    Net effect (before stat multipliers):
    -673 health, +2248 stam, +297 mag
    +462 health rec, -106 mag reg, +12 stam rec
    +129 spell dam, +833 spell crit

    So apart from a small health loss and mag rec loss, everything is better. A small damage boost but the main gains are bonus max stam and health rec.

    You could balance out the mag recovery by changing the trait on one jewellery that has a recovery enchant from arcane to infused, which will lose you 870 mag but gain 100 mag rec. This would be a small magicka loss in comparison to what you have now, but the spell damage and crit gain is definitely more, especially in nocp where spell damage is comparatively more powerful vs max stat.

    Alternatively going Amber + Atronach + Disastrously Bloody Mara and keeping prismatic glyphs would result in getting extra health instead of stam, but max mag would be a bit lower. Depends if you want health or stam - I like stam most of the time, but the extra health may be better to stop being bursted and let Troll King be more effective.

    Thanks for the insight, I've always looked at Amber Plasm but never had luck with finding RoM groups. Might just respec healer temporarily haha

    I main stamblade and use Troll King there and it boosted my survivability compared to Bloodspawn by a lot.

    A full 3s cloak with being disengaged will net me two ticks, so roughly 5k health, plus Healing Ward (or rapid Regen which is my other setup), and any HoT from Swallow Soul.

    Not sure what else to run on a stealth magblade

    I ran gold amber for a while and it is a very good set, however, in the end I found it to be easily interchangeable with shackle. It's like well I don't have any numbers on front of me but it's like amber -1000 Stam/mag +100 Regen -100 damage over shackle... And I think amber also has a crit line? I forget. Anyway that was the conclusion I came too after running amber then both and then just shackle for a while

    Especially considering you're trying to pug it through dungeon finder. Get some buddies to farm it, that's how I got all my gear. Have 3 friends run it with you and bam that essentially 4 dungeon runs. Honestly most of my gear I didn't even find and vice versa for my buddies

    Yeah they are fairly similar in terms of stat density and what you get. It really depends if you prefer stam regen (Amber) or max stam (Shackle). The reason I like Amber is that It is basically the only way to get stam regen efficiently (as opposed to a 1:1 trade for something), whereas I can get max stam efficiently in other ways (food, prismatic glyphs, race).

    If I were anything but Dunmer I would probably use Shackle for the extra Stam, but just having the Regen and once I have Amber Plasm + Skulls, will have more than enough Stamina and Regen to break free and occasionally roll dodge.
  • GhostofDatthaw
    ThePedge wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    May have been posted before as it's on a popular ESO site, but I started using a build today and I like it. Feel like there's improvements to be made.

    NO-CP Cyro & BGs

    Troll King 1M/1H
    War Maiden Inferno Sharpened
    BRP Resto Defending
    7x Impen, 7x Tri-Stat
    3x Arcane, 1x Spell Damage, 2x Mag Recovery
    Witch mother's
    Serpent Mundus
    Dark Elf

    Ele Drain, Lotus Fan, Swallow Soul, Fear, Merciless, Soul Harvest

    Shadow Cloak, Phantasmal, Shade, Siphoning Strikes, Healing Ward, Soul Tether / Resto Ult

    I'm missing Major Sorcery, need to test PvE/Spell Power pots, but I think I'll miss the Health burst.

    Also might swap Phantasmal for RAT for Expedition, I use the prior for raid setup so what I had.

    I think there a definitely some things that could be optimised with this setup. Its hard to get too much more effective spell damage but you can certainly get more off stat without giving up anything. I made a post a while back in this thread about trying to optimise these things (specifically looking at BTB and drinks), but at the risk of repeating myself this is quite a good example of it.

    Looking at what you have, two things stand out to me as non-ideal, namely the serpent mundus and witchmothers potent brew.
    Serpent mundus because generally speaking you can get off-stat sustain from other sources where it is better than a 1:1 tradeoff with something that could be used for your main stat.
    Witchmothers potent brew because it is comparatively low amount of stats in comparison to some other options.

    So, starting with a replacement to the serpent I would look to instead get that stam recovery from Amberplasm. Amberplasm is one of the most stat dense sets available, even more so than BTB, if you value the stam sustain, which it appears you do. So I would be swapping BTB for Amberplasm, which gives you the stam rec in a more efficient way but frees up the mundus choice. A side benefit of this is being no longer tied to drinks.

    This will reduce max mag but that can likely be made up with other changes. It could be as simple as using the Mage mundus, as considering BTB + Serpent swapped to Amberplasm + Mage would be something like -1k mag but +129 spell damage and +833 spell crit, with everything else staying almost the same. But there are probably better options once alternate food/drink is considered.

    In terms of replacing Witchmothers I would consider the highest stat options, so Sugar Skulls or Disastrously Bloody Mara. If going Sugar Skulls it would probably mean changing armour glyphs back to magicka from Prismatic (this is a less efficient choice in isolation, but Sugar Skulls more than makes up for it), whereas Disastrously Bloody Mara would likely keep Prismatics. These options both give more stats, but lack the mag recovery so would likely mean using the atronach mundus and/or adjusting jewellery traits/glyphs. Note the Atronach mundus has the slight advantage over jewellery glyphs of being out of combat sustain.

    Putting all that together what I like the most would be the following:
    Change BTB + WMPB + Serpent + prismatic glyphs to Amber + Sugar Skulls + Atronach + magicka glyphs
    Net effect (before stat multipliers):
    -673 health, +2248 stam, +297 mag
    +462 health rec, -106 mag reg, +12 stam rec
    +129 spell dam, +833 spell crit

    So apart from a small health loss and mag rec loss, everything is better. A small damage boost but the main gains are bonus max stam and health rec.

    You could balance out the mag recovery by changing the trait on one jewellery that has a recovery enchant from arcane to infused, which will lose you 870 mag but gain 100 mag rec. This would be a small magicka loss in comparison to what you have now, but the spell damage and crit gain is definitely more, especially in nocp where spell damage is comparatively more powerful vs max stat.

    Alternatively going Amber + Atronach + Disastrously Bloody Mara and keeping prismatic glyphs would result in getting extra health instead of stam, but max mag would be a bit lower. Depends if you want health or stam - I like stam most of the time, but the extra health may be better to stop being bursted and let Troll King be more effective.

    Thanks for the insight, I've always looked at Amber Plasm but never had luck with finding RoM groups. Might just respec healer temporarily haha

    I main stamblade and use Troll King there and it boosted my survivability compared to Bloodspawn by a lot.

    A full 3s cloak with being disengaged will net me two ticks, so roughly 5k health, plus Healing Ward (or rapid Regen which is my other setup), and any HoT from Swallow Soul.

    Not sure what else to run on a stealth magblade

    I ran gold amber for a while and it is a very good set, however, in the end I found it to be easily interchangeable with shackle. It's like well I don't have any numbers on front of me but it's like amber -1000 Stam/mag +100 Regen -100 damage over shackle... And I think amber also has a crit line? I forget. Anyway that was the conclusion I came too after running amber then both and then just shackle for a while

    Especially considering you're trying to pug it through dungeon finder. Get some buddies to farm it, that's how I got all my gear. Have 3 friends run it with you and bam that essentially 4 dungeon runs. Honestly most of my gear I didn't even find and vice versa for my buddies

    Yeah they are fairly similar in terms of stat density and what you get. It really depends if you prefer stam regen (Amber) or max stam (Shackle). The reason I like Amber is that It is basically the only way to get stam regen efficiently (as opposed to a 1:1 trade for something), whereas I can get max stam efficiently in other ways (food, prismatic glyphs, race).

    True, but you also have to factor in that shackle is the better damage option also more mag and a base damage line.
  • ExistingRug61
    ThePedge wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    May have been posted before as it's on a popular ESO site, but I started using a build today and I like it. Feel like there's improvements to be made.

    NO-CP Cyro & BGs

    Troll King 1M/1H
    War Maiden Inferno Sharpened
    BRP Resto Defending
    7x Impen, 7x Tri-Stat
    3x Arcane, 1x Spell Damage, 2x Mag Recovery
    Witch mother's
    Serpent Mundus
    Dark Elf

    Ele Drain, Lotus Fan, Swallow Soul, Fear, Merciless, Soul Harvest

    Shadow Cloak, Phantasmal, Shade, Siphoning Strikes, Healing Ward, Soul Tether / Resto Ult

    I'm missing Major Sorcery, need to test PvE/Spell Power pots, but I think I'll miss the Health burst.

    Also might swap Phantasmal for RAT for Expedition, I use the prior for raid setup so what I had.

    I think there a definitely some things that could be optimised with this setup. Its hard to get too much more effective spell damage but you can certainly get more off stat without giving up anything. I made a post a while back in this thread about trying to optimise these things (specifically looking at BTB and drinks), but at the risk of repeating myself this is quite a good example of it.

    Looking at what you have, two things stand out to me as non-ideal, namely the serpent mundus and witchmothers potent brew.
    Serpent mundus because generally speaking you can get off-stat sustain from other sources where it is better than a 1:1 tradeoff with something that could be used for your main stat.
    Witchmothers potent brew because it is comparatively low amount of stats in comparison to some other options.

    So, starting with a replacement to the serpent I would look to instead get that stam recovery from Amberplasm. Amberplasm is one of the most stat dense sets available, even more so than BTB, if you value the stam sustain, which it appears you do. So I would be swapping BTB for Amberplasm, which gives you the stam rec in a more efficient way but frees up the mundus choice. A side benefit of this is being no longer tied to drinks.

    This will reduce max mag but that can likely be made up with other changes. It could be as simple as using the Mage mundus, as considering BTB + Serpent swapped to Amberplasm + Mage would be something like -1k mag but +129 spell damage and +833 spell crit, with everything else staying almost the same. But there are probably better options once alternate food/drink is considered.

    In terms of replacing Witchmothers I would consider the highest stat options, so Sugar Skulls or Disastrously Bloody Mara. If going Sugar Skulls it would probably mean changing armour glyphs back to magicka from Prismatic (this is a less efficient choice in isolation, but Sugar Skulls more than makes up for it), whereas Disastrously Bloody Mara would likely keep Prismatics. These options both give more stats, but lack the mag recovery so would likely mean using the atronach mundus and/or adjusting jewellery traits/glyphs. Note the Atronach mundus has the slight advantage over jewellery glyphs of being out of combat sustain.

    Putting all that together what I like the most would be the following:
    Change BTB + WMPB + Serpent + prismatic glyphs to Amber + Sugar Skulls + Atronach + magicka glyphs
    Net effect (before stat multipliers):
    -673 health, +2248 stam, +297 mag
    +462 health rec, -106 mag reg, +12 stam rec
    +129 spell dam, +833 spell crit

    So apart from a small health loss and mag rec loss, everything is better. A small damage boost but the main gains are bonus max stam and health rec.

    You could balance out the mag recovery by changing the trait on one jewellery that has a recovery enchant from arcane to infused, which will lose you 870 mag but gain 100 mag rec. This would be a small magicka loss in comparison to what you have now, but the spell damage and crit gain is definitely more, especially in nocp where spell damage is comparatively more powerful vs max stat.

    Alternatively going Amber + Atronach + Disastrously Bloody Mara and keeping prismatic glyphs would result in getting extra health instead of stam, but max mag would be a bit lower. Depends if you want health or stam - I like stam most of the time, but the extra health may be better to stop being bursted and let Troll King be more effective.

    Thanks for the insight, I've always looked at Amber Plasm but never had luck with finding RoM groups. Might just respec healer temporarily haha

    I main stamblade and use Troll King there and it boosted my survivability compared to Bloodspawn by a lot.

    A full 3s cloak with being disengaged will net me two ticks, so roughly 5k health, plus Healing Ward (or rapid Regen which is my other setup), and any HoT from Swallow Soul.

    Not sure what else to run on a stealth magblade

    I ran gold amber for a while and it is a very good set, however, in the end I found it to be easily interchangeable with shackle. It's like well I don't have any numbers on front of me but it's like amber -1000 Stam/mag +100 Regen -100 damage over shackle... And I think amber also has a crit line? I forget. Anyway that was the conclusion I came too after running amber then both and then just shackle for a while

    Especially considering you're trying to pug it through dungeon finder. Get some buddies to farm it, that's how I got all my gear. Have 3 friends run it with you and bam that essentially 4 dungeon runs. Honestly most of my gear I didn't even find and vice versa for my buddies

    Yeah they are fairly similar in terms of stat density and what you get. It really depends if you prefer stam regen (Amber) or max stam (Shackle). The reason I like Amber is that It is basically the only way to get stam regen efficiently (as opposed to a 1:1 trade for something), whereas I can get max stam efficiently in other ways (food, prismatic glyphs, race).

    True, but you also have to factor in that shackle is the better damage option also more mag and a base damage line.

    Damage wise it’s basically even between Amber and shackle - both have a spell damage line and then shackle has 2k mag whereas Amber has 1k mag and a Crit line.

    That said I have also used shackle a lot and do like it, plus it sure is more easily accessible
    Edited by ExistingRug61 on November 25, 2019 12:45PM
  • GhostofDatthaw
    ThePedge wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    May have been posted before as it's on a popular ESO site, but I started using a build today and I like it. Feel like there's improvements to be made.

    NO-CP Cyro & BGs

    Troll King 1M/1H
    War Maiden Inferno Sharpened
    BRP Resto Defending
    7x Impen, 7x Tri-Stat
    3x Arcane, 1x Spell Damage, 2x Mag Recovery
    Witch mother's
    Serpent Mundus
    Dark Elf

    Ele Drain, Lotus Fan, Swallow Soul, Fear, Merciless, Soul Harvest

    Shadow Cloak, Phantasmal, Shade, Siphoning Strikes, Healing Ward, Soul Tether / Resto Ult

    I'm missing Major Sorcery, need to test PvE/Spell Power pots, but I think I'll miss the Health burst.

    Also might swap Phantasmal for RAT for Expedition, I use the prior for raid setup so what I had.

    I think there a definitely some things that could be optimised with this setup. Its hard to get too much more effective spell damage but you can certainly get more off stat without giving up anything. I made a post a while back in this thread about trying to optimise these things (specifically looking at BTB and drinks), but at the risk of repeating myself this is quite a good example of it.

    Looking at what you have, two things stand out to me as non-ideal, namely the serpent mundus and witchmothers potent brew.
    Serpent mundus because generally speaking you can get off-stat sustain from other sources where it is better than a 1:1 tradeoff with something that could be used for your main stat.
    Witchmothers potent brew because it is comparatively low amount of stats in comparison to some other options.

    So, starting with a replacement to the serpent I would look to instead get that stam recovery from Amberplasm. Amberplasm is one of the most stat dense sets available, even more so than BTB, if you value the stam sustain, which it appears you do. So I would be swapping BTB for Amberplasm, which gives you the stam rec in a more efficient way but frees up the mundus choice. A side benefit of this is being no longer tied to drinks.

    This will reduce max mag but that can likely be made up with other changes. It could be as simple as using the Mage mundus, as considering BTB + Serpent swapped to Amberplasm + Mage would be something like -1k mag but +129 spell damage and +833 spell crit, with everything else staying almost the same. But there are probably better options once alternate food/drink is considered.

    In terms of replacing Witchmothers I would consider the highest stat options, so Sugar Skulls or Disastrously Bloody Mara. If going Sugar Skulls it would probably mean changing armour glyphs back to magicka from Prismatic (this is a less efficient choice in isolation, but Sugar Skulls more than makes up for it), whereas Disastrously Bloody Mara would likely keep Prismatics. These options both give more stats, but lack the mag recovery so would likely mean using the atronach mundus and/or adjusting jewellery traits/glyphs. Note the Atronach mundus has the slight advantage over jewellery glyphs of being out of combat sustain.

    Putting all that together what I like the most would be the following:
    Change BTB + WMPB + Serpent + prismatic glyphs to Amber + Sugar Skulls + Atronach + magicka glyphs
    Net effect (before stat multipliers):
    -673 health, +2248 stam, +297 mag
    +462 health rec, -106 mag reg, +12 stam rec
    +129 spell dam, +833 spell crit

    So apart from a small health loss and mag rec loss, everything is better. A small damage boost but the main gains are bonus max stam and health rec.

    You could balance out the mag recovery by changing the trait on one jewellery that has a recovery enchant from arcane to infused, which will lose you 870 mag but gain 100 mag rec. This would be a small magicka loss in comparison to what you have now, but the spell damage and crit gain is definitely more, especially in nocp where spell damage is comparatively more powerful vs max stat.

    Alternatively going Amber + Atronach + Disastrously Bloody Mara and keeping prismatic glyphs would result in getting extra health instead of stam, but max mag would be a bit lower. Depends if you want health or stam - I like stam most of the time, but the extra health may be better to stop being bursted and let Troll King be more effective.

    Thanks for the insight, I've always looked at Amber Plasm but never had luck with finding RoM groups. Might just respec healer temporarily haha

    I main stamblade and use Troll King there and it boosted my survivability compared to Bloodspawn by a lot.

    A full 3s cloak with being disengaged will net me two ticks, so roughly 5k health, plus Healing Ward (or rapid Regen which is my other setup), and any HoT from Swallow Soul.

    Not sure what else to run on a stealth magblade

    I ran gold amber for a while and it is a very good set, however, in the end I found it to be easily interchangeable with shackle. It's like well I don't have any numbers on front of me but it's like amber -1000 Stam/mag +100 Regen -100 damage over shackle... And I think amber also has a crit line? I forget. Anyway that was the conclusion I came too after running amber then both and then just shackle for a while

    Especially considering you're trying to pug it through dungeon finder. Get some buddies to farm it, that's how I got all my gear. Have 3 friends run it with you and bam that essentially 4 dungeon runs. Honestly most of my gear I didn't even find and vice versa for my buddies

    Yeah they are fairly similar in terms of stat density and what you get. It really depends if you prefer stam regen (Amber) or max stam (Shackle). The reason I like Amber is that It is basically the only way to get stam regen efficiently (as opposed to a 1:1 trade for something), whereas I can get max stam efficiently in other ways (food, prismatic glyphs, race).

    True, but you also have to factor in that shackle is the better damage option also more mag and a base damage line.

    Damage wise it’s basically even between Amber and shackle - both have a spell damage line and then shackle has 2k mag whereas Amber has 1k mag and a Crit line.

    That said I have also used shackle a lot and do like it, plus it sure is more easily accessible

    That's the main thing to me, they are so close in style it's hard to tell which one is really the better set. Only thing that makes shackle clearly better imo is the accessability
  • Iskiab
    ThePedge wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    May have been posted before as it's on a popular ESO site, but I started using a build today and I like it. Feel like there's improvements to be made.

    NO-CP Cyro & BGs

    Troll King 1M/1H
    War Maiden Inferno Sharpened
    BRP Resto Defending
    7x Impen, 7x Tri-Stat
    3x Arcane, 1x Spell Damage, 2x Mag Recovery
    Witch mother's
    Serpent Mundus
    Dark Elf

    Ele Drain, Lotus Fan, Swallow Soul, Fear, Merciless, Soul Harvest

    Shadow Cloak, Phantasmal, Shade, Siphoning Strikes, Healing Ward, Soul Tether / Resto Ult

    I'm missing Major Sorcery, need to test PvE/Spell Power pots, but I think I'll miss the Health burst.

    Also might swap Phantasmal for RAT for Expedition, I use the prior for raid setup so what I had.

    I think there a definitely some things that could be optimised with this setup. Its hard to get too much more effective spell damage but you can certainly get more off stat without giving up anything. I made a post a while back in this thread about trying to optimise these things (specifically looking at BTB and drinks), but at the risk of repeating myself this is quite a good example of it.

    Looking at what you have, two things stand out to me as non-ideal, namely the serpent mundus and witchmothers potent brew.
    Serpent mundus because generally speaking you can get off-stat sustain from other sources where it is better than a 1:1 tradeoff with something that could be used for your main stat.
    Witchmothers potent brew because it is comparatively low amount of stats in comparison to some other options.

    So, starting with a replacement to the serpent I would look to instead get that stam recovery from Amberplasm. Amberplasm is one of the most stat dense sets available, even more so than BTB, if you value the stam sustain, which it appears you do. So I would be swapping BTB for Amberplasm, which gives you the stam rec in a more efficient way but frees up the mundus choice. A side benefit of this is being no longer tied to drinks.

    This will reduce max mag but that can likely be made up with other changes. It could be as simple as using the Mage mundus, as considering BTB + Serpent swapped to Amberplasm + Mage would be something like -1k mag but +129 spell damage and +833 spell crit, with everything else staying almost the same. But there are probably better options once alternate food/drink is considered.

    In terms of replacing Witchmothers I would consider the highest stat options, so Sugar Skulls or Disastrously Bloody Mara. If going Sugar Skulls it would probably mean changing armour glyphs back to magicka from Prismatic (this is a less efficient choice in isolation, but Sugar Skulls more than makes up for it), whereas Disastrously Bloody Mara would likely keep Prismatics. These options both give more stats, but lack the mag recovery so would likely mean using the atronach mundus and/or adjusting jewellery traits/glyphs. Note the Atronach mundus has the slight advantage over jewellery glyphs of being out of combat sustain.

    Putting all that together what I like the most would be the following:
    Change BTB + WMPB + Serpent + prismatic glyphs to Amber + Sugar Skulls + Atronach + magicka glyphs
    Net effect (before stat multipliers):
    -673 health, +2248 stam, +297 mag
    +462 health rec, -106 mag reg, +12 stam rec
    +129 spell dam, +833 spell crit

    So apart from a small health loss and mag rec loss, everything is better. A small damage boost but the main gains are bonus max stam and health rec.

    You could balance out the mag recovery by changing the trait on one jewellery that has a recovery enchant from arcane to infused, which will lose you 870 mag but gain 100 mag rec. This would be a small magicka loss in comparison to what you have now, but the spell damage and crit gain is definitely more, especially in nocp where spell damage is comparatively more powerful vs max stat.

    Alternatively going Amber + Atronach + Disastrously Bloody Mara and keeping prismatic glyphs would result in getting extra health instead of stam, but max mag would be a bit lower. Depends if you want health or stam - I like stam most of the time, but the extra health may be better to stop being bursted and let Troll King be more effective.

    Thanks for the insight, I've always looked at Amber Plasm but never had luck with finding RoM groups. Might just respec healer temporarily haha

    I main stamblade and use Troll King there and it boosted my survivability compared to Bloodspawn by a lot.

    A full 3s cloak with being disengaged will net me two ticks, so roughly 5k health, plus Healing Ward (or rapid Regen which is my other setup), and any HoT from Swallow Soul.

    Not sure what else to run on a stealth magblade

    I ran gold amber for a while and it is a very good set, however, in the end I found it to be easily interchangeable with shackle. It's like well I don't have any numbers on front of me but it's like amber -1000 Stam/mag +100 Regen -100 damage over shackle... And I think amber also has a crit line? I forget. Anyway that was the conclusion I came too after running amber then both and then just shackle for a while

    Especially considering you're trying to pug it through dungeon finder. Get some buddies to farm it, that's how I got all my gear. Have 3 friends run it with you and bam that essentially 4 dungeon runs. Honestly most of my gear I didn't even find and vice versa for my buddies

    Yeah they are fairly similar in terms of stat density and what you get. It really depends if you prefer stam regen (Amber) or max stam (Shackle). The reason I like Amber is that It is basically the only way to get stam regen efficiently (as opposed to a 1:1 trade for something), whereas I can get max stam efficiently in other ways (food, prismatic glyphs, race).

    True, but you also have to factor in that shackle is the better damage option also more mag and a base damage line.

    Damage wise it’s basically even between Amber and shackle - both have a spell damage line and then shackle has 2k mag whereas Amber has 1k mag and a Crit line.

    That said I have also used shackle a lot and do like it, plus it sure is more easily accessible

    That's the main thing to me, they are so close in style it's hard to tell which one is really the better set. Only thing that makes shackle clearly better imo is the accessability

    There’s also the advantage on shacklebreaker that it’s crafted. That allows you to use a heavy chest and medium helm/legs for a touch more resistances.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • srnm

    Both Shacklebreaker and Amber Plasm are outlier sets - meaning they provide more benefit than most other sets in the game.

    I've seen a magden build that uses both sets together - but it also gets most of its kills in combo with the vampire stun.
    Notice how many vamps are running around cyro again?

    Anyway, I've been meaning to see what what Amber + Shackle is like on a magblade.
    Anyone using it?
  • fred4
    Those sets are high value, let down a little by pairing best with a food that is no longer BIS, e.g. Witchmother's Potent Brew. Clockwork Citrus Fillet and Disastrously Bloody Mara are better, but on the other hand, if you're running Sugar Skulls and/or prismatic enchants, you probably don't need Shackle. If you're managing your stamina with Leeching Strikes, Meditate or by using Mist Form a lot, you might not need the stamina regen. It all comes down to playstyle and build.
    Edited by fred4 on November 26, 2019 4:06PM
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • Iskiab
    I’m leveling a new toon, when I have time I’ll throw shacklebreaker and amber plasm together using Mara. It could be a really good idea.

    Likely a good combo for a trolltankblade using ice staff and sword and board. It could work... maybe.
    Edited by Iskiab on November 26, 2019 4:14PM
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
    Well it's patch day. Played 3 Battlegrounds Deathmatches, got first place on my team in all 3, and I don't feel like I need to even change my build one bit.

    Two favorite changes:

    -Spectral Bow - very reliable now in being effective
    -Soul Tether - amazing burst heal when outnumbered and low
    I really do wish the cast time was removed from Soul Tether though.

    And thank goodness they reverted the range on Shadow Image...

    Just coming back, did they buff soul tether?
  • WacArnold
    Idk how you guys do it the more i play the more i realize how much everything is dodged.

    One dodge roll dodges my ulti and bow. Its like the since the travel time has decreased its fast enough to hit during a dodge roll. Everybody notices soul harvest and dodges and fear is worthless that same dodge roll to break fear dodges the ulti and bow. Plus building bow procs is pretty much obvious what your gonna do, not to metion a hey look at me, my defenses are down and i cant burst, good time to attack dont you think? Just played a bg im low on resources just keeping up rat to stay with team. Plus aoes everywhere cloak is a no go. Bought to tear my hair out.

    The last thing im going to try is using soul tether. Can that be dodged since its aoe? I still dont know if it would be worth a crap. Its expensive for trying to use like soul harvest and without a ulti i will never put dents in most players. I could use some reduction gear but then im lacking even more stat wise.

    Pissing me off with this game. God bless you guys that can make it work. I just can't seem to find my bearings anymore.

    Xbox One - North American - Ebonheart Pact
    Anti-Pop Lv 50 Magicka Nightblade Dark Elf
    WacArnold Lv 50 Magicka Templar Argonian
  • Iskiab
    WacArnold wrote: »
    Idk how you guys do it the more i play the more i realize how much everything is dodged.

    One dodge roll dodges my ulti and bow. Its like the since the travel time has decreased its fast enough to hit during a dodge roll. Everybody notices soul harvest and dodges and fear is worthless that same dodge roll to break fear dodges the ulti and bow. Plus building bow procs is pretty much obvious what your gonna do, not to metion a hey look at me, my defenses are down and i cant burst, good time to attack dont you think? Just played a bg im low on resources just keeping up rat to stay with team. Plus aoes everywhere cloak is a no go. Bought to tear my hair out.

    The last thing im going to try is using soul tether. Can that be dodged since its aoe? I still dont know if it would be worth a crap. Its expensive for trying to use like soul harvest and without a ulti i will never put dents in most players. I could use some reduction gear but then im lacking even more stat wise.

    Pissing me off with this game. God bless you guys that can make it work. I just can't seem to find my bearings anymore.

    Dodged or they’re a projectile. I always get a kick out of bow Stamblades, all the Wardens always ask to not kill them so they can build ultimate.

    In general melee > channel > aoe > projectile. I’d look at meteor as an ultimate maybe, soul tether’s a lot better then it was as well.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • casparian
    Well it's patch day. Played 3 Battlegrounds Deathmatches, got first place on my team in all 3, and I don't feel like I need to even change my build one bit.

    Two favorite changes:

    -Spectral Bow - very reliable now in being effective
    -Soul Tether - amazing burst heal when outnumbered and low
    I really do wish the cast time was removed from Soul Tether though.

    And thank goodness they reverted the range on Shadow Image...

    Just coming back, did they buff soul tether?
    The initial burst now heals you for half damage.
    7-day PVP campaign regular 2016-2019, Flawless Conqueror. MagDK/stamplar/stamwarden/mageblade. Requiem, Legend, Knights of Daggerfall. Currently retired from the wars; waiting on performance improvements.
  • GhostofDatthaw
    The thing that still sets soul harvest apart is defile. With healing buffed to stupid hights it becomes even more important
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