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MagBlade Theorycrafting Changes Thread

  • WacArnold
    Anybody know what the update is for? Got 27gb on xbox.
    Xbox One - North American - Ebonheart Pact
    Anti-Pop Lv 50 Magicka Nightblade Dark Elf
    WacArnold Lv 50 Magicka Templar Argonian
  • fred4
    Yeah, it's for magblades alright. Dark Cloak now makes you fly.
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • WacArnold
    fred4 wrote: »
    Yeah, it's for magblades alright. Dark Cloak now makes you fly.

    Lol i wish. Seemed big for normal maintenance, was hopping to hear some lag issues were fixed.
    Xbox One - North American - Ebonheart Pact
    Anti-Pop Lv 50 Magicka Nightblade Dark Elf
    WacArnold Lv 50 Magicka Templar Argonian
    Been using my old necro + Alfiq + 1 domi 1 groth setup and doing pretty well. Running triple hots for survivability (dark cloak, refreshing path (major exp) and rapid regen. Using debilitate for extra sustain as well as infused absorb mag back bar. 60k max mag in cyro and around 17.5k Stam. Feels pretty good. Been doing very well in BGs as well.
  • GhostofDatthaw
    Played for this first time this morning in a few weeks. Amazing how slow I am already moving. Wow.... Total scrub move. Went to play my woodelf who's geared with calu. Kept wondering why it wouldn't proc, 4pc....

    Edited by GhostofDatthaw on December 8, 2019 4:09PM
  • Valagash
    I have a question regarding Potentates Set

    I´m playing with my Magblade (Khajit Vampire) last weeks around in Cyro non-CP solo 1vX and find myself best comfortable with backbar Lich Resto / frontbar Spinner Destro / Bloodspawn Monster Set and 2pcs of Willpower jewellery setup

    Sustain is fine also damage is good (if I don´t abandon Soul Harvest - I really really absolute dislike the cast time on it...!) but it would be great to be a little bit tankier (burst heal) because I don´t play as perma-cloak-blade. I was thinking about to replace my Willpower jewellery with the Potentates Set.

    Are this 5% less player damage worse it? I ll lose 1700 max mag but with Lich+Pot my sustain is fine and I think the damage will too.

    Or what do you use as additional setup with Lich+Spinner? 4pcs instead of Monster-Set?
  • Iskiab
    Valagash wrote: »
    I have a question regarding Potentates Set

    I´m playing with my Magblade (Khajit Vampire) last weeks around in Cyro non-CP solo 1vX and find myself best comfortable with backbar Lich Resto / frontbar Spinner Destro / Bloodspawn Monster Set and 2pcs of Willpower jewellery setup

    Sustain is fine also damage is good (if I don´t abandon Soul Harvest - I really really absolute dislike the cast time on it...!) but it would be great to be a little bit tankier (burst heal) because I don´t play as perma-cloak-blade. I was thinking about to replace my Willpower jewellery with the Potentates Set.

    Are this 5% less player damage worse it? I ll lose 1700 max mag but with Lich+Pot my sustain is fine and I think the damage will too.

    Or what do you use as additional setup with Lich+Spinner? 4pcs instead of Monster-Set?

    I used willpower for a while, but imo the huge benefit is the 3 piece bonus and not the 2 piece bonus.

    I used something similar and went New Moon front bar, Transmutation back bar, 3 piece willpower and 1 piece armour monster.

    I ended up switching to bright throat and new moon breaking new moon on the back bar with potatoes and two 1 piece armour sets for a little more tankiness.

    I think you have a good setup but I prefer extra tankiness if you aren’t using cloak. With cloak (meaning Shadowy Disguise) I’d try 3 piece willpower and 1 piece armour set. Then the problem becomes which bar to cloak on, shade and cloak on the new moon bar will hurt.

    Oh one more thing. Do you run elusive mist? One thing I did was 2x swift, and it’s awesome. It’ll stop stam running you down in mist form. I’m one of those magblades who thinks the shade is too expensive and mist form is better. I always liked Shadowy Disguise front and Mist back.
    Edited by Iskiab on December 11, 2019 3:16PM
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Valagash
    thank you very much for answer and time! I tried the new moon set but I had real sustain issues! This was one of the reason why I switched back to my old favorite Lich Set and played around with other combinations. Maybe it s my playstyle but I missed burst damage on my New Moon Setup which is way better with Spinner. (especially if I mess up my soul harvest) But as mentioned I m still try out a few setups. Acutally Lich+Spinner is my favorite

    Maybe I try to drop bloodspawn for one piece pirate skelleton and 3x Potentates

    About elusive: yes and no. I switch back and forth my backbar skills. Cloak+Shade / Phantasmal or Race against Time/ Rapid vs. Mutagen or/and both Healing Ward + Rapid / Elusive + Cloak
    I think my english wording was wrong. I use cloak but not permanent. I see a lot of nightblades which use cloak every few seconds. Thats not my playstyle. I use it much more as an escape tool to get my burst heal up without more incoming damage
    But I haven´t think about swift trait. I ll give them a try. Thank you for your input!
  • Iskiab
    Valagash wrote: »
    thank you very much for answer and time! I tried the new moon set but I had real sustain issues! This was one of the reason why I switched back to my old favorite Lich Set and played around with other combinations. Maybe it s my playstyle but I missed burst damage on my New Moon Setup which is way better with Spinner. (especially if I mess up my soul harvest) But as mentioned I m still try out a few setups. Acutally Lich+Spinner is my favorite

    Maybe I try to drop bloodspawn for one piece pirate skelleton and 3x Potentates

    About elusive: yes and no. I switch back and forth my backbar skills. Cloak+Shade / Phantasmal or Race against Time/ Rapid vs. Mutagen or/and both Healing Ward + Rapid / Elusive + Cloak
    I think my english wording was wrong. I use cloak but not permanent. I see a lot of nightblades which use cloak every few seconds. Thats not my playstyle. I use it much more as an escape tool to get my burst heal up without more incoming damage
    But I haven´t think about swift trait. I ll give them a try. Thank you for your input!

    Bloodspawn is a great set, but it’s overrated imo. I went through CMX and found it only has a 40% or so uptime. I think it’s great on a heavy or tanky medium build that already has a good base resistance, but with light armour as your only defensive set I’ve found it’s too feast or famine.... meaning I blow up fast or mitigate a little extra damage for a while.

    With light armour I prefer 2 1 piece armour sets these days. It makes damage more predictable. I miss the stamina regen and Ult gen, but you can’t have everything.

    I switched to a magplar from magblade which is why I went New Moon. Magblade has a lot worse sustain, I’d stick with spinners. As a magplar I run 1500 regen and new moon, that wouldn’t work on a magblade.
    Edited by Iskiab on December 11, 2019 4:47PM
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • fred4
    Boo! Got to keep this thread alive! Where else are magblades going to hang out?
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • Iskiab
    There’ll be changes coming up to tweak more stuff in the coming patch. Then I’m sure there’ll be lots to discuss once Invig (or speed) drain is gutted so more theorycrafting to find the best combos.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Vermintide
    Bump for the bump god!

    What's the state of magblade these days? We;ve been weak for a while, I left a few months ago when it felt like a couple of changes in the game as a whole pushed us to rock bottom (as long as I've been playing, at least). Have we got anything to be thankful for lately? Has the meta shifted somewhere that allows us an edge in?

    My internet sucks these days so I won't be making the 60+gb download if we're still stuck where we were last October.
  • Iskiab
    Vermintide wrote: »
    Bump for the bump god!

    What's the state of magblade these days? We;ve been weak for a while, I left a few months ago when it felt like a couple of changes in the game as a whole pushed us to rock bottom (as long as I've been playing, at least). Have we got anything to be thankful for lately? Has the meta shifted somewhere that allows us an edge in?

    My internet sucks these days so I won't be making the 60+gb download if we're still stuck where we were last October.

    Not really, same old. There’ve been lots of balance swings lately, and PTS will be up in a couple weeks or so. Maybe there’ll be positive changes.

    It’s still good in duels, for solo play okayish but a hard time with any tanky targets, poor in BGs, good in group play. It’s just the three areas magblade can do okay in the specs are totally different.
    Edited by Iskiab on January 7, 2020 4:05AM
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • ThePedge
    Dark Cloak builds are strong. With that, Siphoning Strikes, Merciless, and Rapid Regen there are a lot of HoTs and mitigation.

    Unfortunately burst is an issue. Basically need to stars to align and Fear -> Soul Siphon -> bow proc.
  • Vermintide
    ThePedge wrote: »
    Unfortunately burst is an issue. Basically need to stars to align and Fear -> Soul Siphon -> bow proc.

    That has been the case as long as I can remember, way back into 2016 or so. Kill combo has always been the same. The trade off used to be we had the best resource management in the game. Sadly that has no longer been true for a very long while.
    Iskiab wrote: »

    Not really, same old. There’ve been lots of balance swings lately, and PTS will be up in a couple weeks or so. Maybe there’ll be positive changes.

    It’s still good in duels, for solo play okayish but a hard time with any tanky targets, poor in BGs, good in group play. It’s just the three areas magblade can do okay in the specs are totally different.

    Ugh. Not encouraging news then. I'll check back in maybe another month or two.

    Before I left I was toying with bringing back a simple, very old school 5H/2L Seducer/Spinner type of build, seems like it would go well with some of the changes they made to mitigation etc recently. Think there would be any mileage in that?
    Edited by Vermintide on January 15, 2020 2:04AM
  • Iskiab
    Vermintide wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    Unfortunately burst is an issue. Basically need to stars to align and Fear -> Soul Siphon -> bow proc.

    That has been the case as long as I can remember, way back into 2016 or so. Kill combo has always been the same. The trade off used to be we had the best resource management in the game. Sadly that has no longer been true for a very long while.
    Iskiab wrote: »

    Not really, same old. There’ve been lots of balance swings lately, and PTS will be up in a couple weeks or so. Maybe there’ll be positive changes.

    It’s still good in duels, for solo play okayish but a hard time with any tanky targets, poor in BGs, good in group play. It’s just the three areas magblade can do okay in the specs are totally different.

    Ugh. Not encouraging news then. I'll check back in maybe another month or two.

    Before I left I was toying with bringing back a simple, very old school 5H/2L Seducer/Spinner type of build, seems like it would go well with some of the changes they made to mitigation etc recently. Think there would be any mileage in that?

    PTS will be up in a couple days. Good news is if you can do well as a magblade, you wreck people on other classes. I think sticking it out with magblade for so long made me a better player.

    All the magblade tricks like swift, etc.. work equally well if not better on other classes, they just haven’t needed to try out different builds because basic stuff works.
    Edited by Iskiab on January 15, 2020 2:06AM
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • NightAngel690
    IMO magblade is super fun to play on! Unlike other patches where Playing a nightblade was considered a carry, it is one of the hardest if not the hardest class to solo on. The survivability on it compared to other classes is laughable. With that being said, it’s one of the most rewarding classes to play on.

    For a solo magblade, I’ve learned that heavy armour this patch is not a very viable option. Though it can kill some players, aka the very squishy pvers, you won’t be able to kill someone properly set up for pvp. The best option this patch is definitely light armour Mostly just for the spell pen passives.

    After endless amounts of tests and theory crafting, I have found that high sustain is the best way to go this patch with pen and max stats taking a back seat in terms of higher importance. Some people play with tk but in all honesty, it’s not something you need. A lot of people tend to think that higher pen is better; (which is true in some cases) however, the majority of your time is spent kiting a Zerg or group around and pen doesn’t count towards healing. not to mention that we’re no longer in a resistance meta but a heal meta so pen is kind of meh. I kill people just fine with my soul harvest merciless burts.

    Regarding monster sets, I usually run blood spawn (faster ult means faster resto ult for emergency heal) or shadowrend depending on the style I want to play. Occasionally, I’ll throw on engine guardian but I prefer the prior sets.

    Healing and mitigation is very important this patch. I found hots to work better than burst heals. (Rapid regen, Dark cloak). It’s at the point where I can stay alive better with hots than shields. (One hot has a tool tip of 37k fully buffed) mitigation works waaay better than resistances especially with every stam toon running onslaught. The more mitigation, the better. (Maim, 10% merciless, protection, with sets being optional)

    In terms of a 1v1, there’s very few builds or classes that I have lost against in a fair fight. In fact, I would go as far to say that a magblade, in the right hands of course, can easily outperform the majority of the “meta Builds” out there.

    So long as merciless, fear, soul harvest and some sort of hard cc are on your front bar, I have found that Skills are all a matter of personal preference. Example: For solo open world play I play with vamp mist and phantasmal escape on back bar. For my play style, I have found that the major evasion is better than the minor force from race against time or the minor maim/kiteablitlty from shade. Unlike others, I have a very patient play style in which I will not try to burst until I have everything ready and If my burst doesn’t kill you in a 1 shot or followed by two swallow soul light attack spams, I will just go back to healing until I have everything ready again and will attempt to run you out of Stam. Just be sure you’re using shadowrend for access to minor maim.

    Finally, it’s been nice not seeing that many nightblades running around everywhere. The majority of the people who “Mained it” before are now getting carried on other classes. it actually takes some brain to be able to effectively play this class either solo, or in a 1v1 scenario. There’s no copy and paste build that will make you into a god. At this point, if I see someone using a mag blade, I know they are A) either really good and have been playing magblade for a long time or b) really bad and are new to the game or are a zergling.

    The following is a list of people who are, aside from me, still playing magblade and are able to solo:
    - zDan (xbox), YouTube channel:

    - xJEJENUMx (ps4 NA/AD), YouTube channel:

    - isthereno1else

    zDan is amazing. xJEJENUMx is probably the best magblade on AD. (There could be better players idk. Haven’t seen many around.) feel free to add your own.

    Edited by NightAngel690 on January 20, 2020 10:22AM
  • nublife01
    Dude magblade is so freaking strong right now. Go equpi nma (heavy) spinners and bloodspawn with black rose back bar and just livelord everything and put out more pressure than any other class in the game outside of jav spam which is melee
  • nublife01
    If you're wearing light armor as a magblade in this patch you are doing it wrong. The magicka end of your class is busted right now. Extreme amounts of pressure and healing with very good burst and a ranged execute spammable. Figure out how to play it and enjoy it while it lasts before heavy armor passives get nerfed to the floor.
  • Koensol
    nublife01 wrote: »
    Dude magblade is so freaking strong right now. Go equpi nma (heavy) spinners and bloodspawn with black rose back bar and just livelord everything and put out more pressure than any other class in the game outside of jav spam which is melee
    nublife01 wrote: »
    If you're wearing light armor as a magblade in this patch you are doing it wrong. The magicka end of your class is busted right now. Extreme amounts of pressure and healing with very good burst and a ranged execute spammable. Figure out how to play it and enjoy it while it lasts before heavy armor passives get nerfed to the floor.
    Can I have what you're smoking?
  • Iskiab
    Koensol wrote: »
    nublife01 wrote: »
    Dude magblade is so freaking strong right now. Go equpi nma (heavy) spinners and bloodspawn with black rose back bar and just livelord everything and put out more pressure than any other class in the game outside of jav spam which is melee
    nublife01 wrote: »
    If you're wearing light armor as a magblade in this patch you are doing it wrong. The magicka end of your class is busted right now. Extreme amounts of pressure and healing with very good burst and a ranged execute spammable. Figure out how to play it and enjoy it while it lasts before heavy armor passives get nerfed to the floor.
    Can I have what you're smoking?

    I think he's just trolling because the game is down. I don't think he's figured out magblades have worse burst, healing and tankiness then stamblades. Any setups he says are OP for magblade can be done better as a stamblade unless it's a cloak spammer build.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • SpiderCultist
    hey, I'm back after a few months break

    I've missed lots of patch notes and too lazy to read 35 pages here

    so what are the news? any decent build or idea? I played yesterday with my mNB and felt really clunky, Swallow Soul hitting for 2k on magsorcs ,etc. I can't compete by any mean with them...

    PC | EU
    Ashlander and Mephala worshipper.
    "You are just another breed of domestic animal, grazing stupidly while higher beings plot your slaughter."
  • Langeston
    hey, I'm back after a few months break

    I've missed lots of patch notes and too lazy to read 35 pages here

    so what are the news? any decent build or idea? I played yesterday with my mNB and felt really clunky, Swallow Soul hitting for 2k on magsorcs ,etc. I can't compete by any mean with them...
    Magblades are hot garbage right now. I'm waiting to see what changes turn up on the PTS, and if the class doesn't get a [substantial] rework, I'm throwing in the towel. I can't speak re: Cyrodiil/CP PVP, but in BGs they are almost completely non-viable against other classes once you rise above the lower tiers & are playing even semi-competent players.

    Pick magblade if your primary goal is to be the most effective at sneaking off in retreat from a fight you can't possibly hope to win — if you actually want kills, pick another class. Any other class.
  • Langeston
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Koensol wrote: »
    nublife01 wrote: »
    Dude magblade is so freaking strong right now. Go equpi nma (heavy) spinners and bloodspawn with black rose back bar and just livelord everything and put out more pressure than any other class in the game outside of jav spam which is melee
    nublife01 wrote: »
    If you're wearing light armor as a magblade in this patch you are doing it wrong. The magicka end of your class is busted right now. Extreme amounts of pressure and healing with very good burst and a ranged execute spammable. Figure out how to play it and enjoy it while it lasts before heavy armor passives get nerfed to the floor.
    Can I have what you're smoking?

    I think he's just trolling because the game is down. I don't think he's figured out magblades have worse burst, healing and tankiness then stamblades. Any setups he says are OP for magblade can be done better as a stamblade unless it's a cloak spammer build.

    He's not trolling — he really believes Magblades are OP right now.

    For example:
    nublife01 wrote: »
    Exactly my point. Magblades dont really even need cloak right now. Theyre very very strong with tankyness/good healing/high pressure/decent burst if built/played correctly and honestly from the play style I have witnessed dont take an absurd amount of skill though I have not played one myself. Stamblade however is like in a worse spot than it has ever been right now. Like we can't even run dark cloak builds anymore. It is rough to be a stamblade.
    (Note the part where he says "the [magblade] play style I have witnessed dont take an absurd amount of skill though I have not played one myself")

    Oh, and he started off that thread by saying "Have not witnessed a stamblade better than me..." LMAO
    Edited by Langeston on January 20, 2020 3:14PM
  • Koensol
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Koensol wrote: »
    nublife01 wrote: »
    Dude magblade is so freaking strong right now. Go equpi nma (heavy) spinners and bloodspawn with black rose back bar and just livelord everything and put out more pressure than any other class in the game outside of jav spam which is melee
    nublife01 wrote: »
    If you're wearing light armor as a magblade in this patch you are doing it wrong. The magicka end of your class is busted right now. Extreme amounts of pressure and healing with very good burst and a ranged execute spammable. Figure out how to play it and enjoy it while it lasts before heavy armor passives get nerfed to the floor.
    Can I have what you're smoking?

    I think he's just trolling because the game is down. I don't think he's figured out magblades have worse burst, healing and tankiness then stamblades. Any setups he says are OP for magblade can be done better as a stamblade unless it's a cloak spammer build.
    I honestly had to chuckle at the part where he said "extreme amounts of pressure". If he's not trolling then he's either fighting potato's or getting carried by others. Magblade with NMA in heavy lmao. Lets take the class with the worst sustain and slap on 2 damage sets in heavy armor with a 5% cost increase on top, while relying on a very expensive (and garbage tier) healing ward to survive :D
    So I am sad. I now have more damage on my mdk PvP build than my magblade. More survive-ability on my mdk than my magblade. My how the mighty have fallen.
  • kaithuzar
    Nightblade is and has been in such a terrible position for BG’s & small scale/solo play for 3 months or so now.

    It really saddens me that the rogue/assassin archetype class is completely unable to burst down aka overwhelm a player with damage due to the amount of damage other classes passively have, enabling them to all build as tanks.

    It feels as if nightblade has 1-3% more damage than other classes when we spec into 100% damage & die whenever we’re looked at, while everyone else gets 90% of the damage we have AND the ability to tank for days.

    BG’s are heavily dominants by AOE damage but many users also have a ton of speed which makes things like our Veil ultimate seemingly useless due to the fact that it’s stationary. I would argue the warden tree ult is even better than Soul Siphon.
    Sap has had many nerfs through the years I think the damage version of refreshing path is even better & that doesn’t even proc set bonuses like scathing anymore but can’t necro proc it’s own synergies with harmony builds LOLOLOL

    Nightblade is sheer trash can right now & I can’t pray hard enough that they do something to help us.
    Member of:
    Fantasia - osh kosh b-josh
    Just Chill - Crown's house
    GoldCloaks - Durruthy test server penga
    Small Meme Guild - Mano's house

    Former member of:
    Legend - Siffer fan boy club
    TKO (tamriel knight's order) - free bks
    Deviance - Leonard's senche tiger
    Purple - hamNchz is my hero
    Eight Divines - myrlifax stop playing final fantasy
    WKB (we kill bosses) - turd where you go?
    Arcance Council - Klytz Kommander
    World Boss - Mike & Chewy gone EP
    M12 (majestic twelve) - cult of the loli zerg
  • Iskiab
    kaithuzar wrote: »
    Nightblade is and has been in such a terrible position for BG’s & small scale/solo play for 3 months or so now.

    It really saddens me that the rogue/assassin archetype class is completely unable to burst down aka overwhelm a player with damage due to the amount of damage other classes passively have, enabling them to all build as tanks.

    It feels as if nightblade has 1-3% more damage than other classes when we spec into 100% damage & die whenever we’re looked at, while everyone else gets 90% of the damage we have AND the ability to tank for days.

    BG’s are heavily dominants by AOE damage but many users also have a ton of speed which makes things like our Veil ultimate seemingly useless due to the fact that it’s stationary. I would argue the warden tree ult is even better than Soul Siphon.
    Sap has had many nerfs through the years I think the damage version of refreshing path is even better & that doesn’t even proc set bonuses like scathing anymore but can’t necro proc it’s own synergies with harmony builds LOLOLOL

    Nightblade is sheer trash can right now & I can’t pray hard enough that they do something to help us.

    I’d say soul siphon was better, but with an interruptible 1 second cast time on soul siphon almost anything else is better.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Iskiab
    See the PTS notes? Thoughts?

    Main things:
    - some set changes that might help a bit, hard to tell from notes
    - Scathing mage might be good
    - Dizzy will stun off balance targets, off balance will have a CD so will be up 1/3 of the time
    - Single target abilities will be able to target people in stealth

    Overall? Hard to say, I think things will be worse overall. Expect things to be harder 1v1, the last time dizzy stunned was when I quit magblade
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • fred4
    "You can now only queue as a solo player into Battlegrounds."

    This change seems huge to me and might just make life a bit easier for nightblades. No pre-made coordinated groups.
    Edited by fred4 on January 20, 2020 8:50PM
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
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