Tanis-Stormbinder wrote: »Well the easy fix to ensure we still need a healing role in ESO would be to nerf self heals (which no one wants to see) and buff a few healing skills enough in order to be able to heal those two or three instances where needed. Zos what a fine mess you have created.
Saril_Durzam wrote: »... a tank with good selfhealing (like NBs), and 3 stamina DDs with Echoing Vigor.
Nightingale707 wrote: »-) you did not use a defensive ultimate to give you major protection (NB veil, warden northern storm) wich would have taken away 30% of the incoming damage thus reducing the healing needed, you also didn´t have your DDs run maditate, wich also would give them the major protection + a heal - once again, I do not really understand why you wouldn´t try that
WuffyCerulei wrote: »I wouldn't say nerf self-heals, as a lot of people actually don't do end-game group stuff like trials, and they shouldn't be forced to use a resto staff to just stay alive. But definitely have healers do a little more than just heal. I honestly can't say what should be given though, as I don't heal that much.
Well, yes, trial groups will probably bring a "buff ***", as a poster above you named it, with a resto staff for combat prayer. But a dedicated healer, oder even TWO healers? Nope. Big nope.FrancisCrawford wrote: »It will probably be the case that every group should have at least one restoration staff, for Combat Prayer. Healing Ward will now also be the main remaining omnidirectional emergency "heal", for healers weak enough to care about that, which may be a large fraction of us.
So notwithstanding the other drastic changes, namely resto HoTs getting much worse and Force Siphon actually becoming an alternative to Elemental Drain, chances are resto staff wielders will still have places in about as many groups as they did before.
Nightingale707 wrote: »...basically what I see from the healing changes: good groups will find other things to occupy their healers ...
We tried various things in different pulls, including multiple dps running Echoing, everyone running their own Resolving, stacking many Rings of Protection, etc. Multiple Echoing vigors do not stack with each other (getting hit by one has the same effect as being hit by 8) -- only ground-based aoe heals will stack, and so RoP with Resolving Vigor actually ended up working a lot better than Echoing.Nightingale707 wrote: »-) you had 1 stamDD and 1 tank on echoing vigor - the best heal in the game atm that is also strongest when on a DD specced for WD since it scales with WD and not with max stats - that is your ticket to getting through beam phase (without testing, just looking at healing numbers) I do not really understand why you wouldn´t try that
Meditate does give 30% mit from major protection, but it also prevents blocking which is 50% mitigation. The tradeoff does not make sense.-) you also didn´t have your DDs run maditate, wich also would give them the major protection + a heal - once again, I do not really understand why you wouldn´t try that
Nightingale707 wrote: »
-) you did not use a defensive ultimate to give you major protection (NB veil, warden northern storm) wich would have taken away 30% of the incoming damage thus reducing the healing needed, you also didn´t have your DDs run maditate, wich also would give them the major protection + a heal - once again, I do not really understand why you wouldn´t try that
Saril_Durzam wrote: »WuffyCerulei wrote: »I wouldn't say nerf self-heals, as a lot of people actually don't do end-game group stuff like trials, and they shouldn't be forced to use a resto staff to just stay alive. But definitely have healers do a little more than just heal. I honestly can't say what should be given though, as I don't heal that much.
As I said, every class should have a new selfheal attack skill which wasnt cheap and didnt do much damage, so Dds would use them just when heals were needed, but much weaker than nowadays self-heals. This way you would be able to solo content perfectly, but on dungeons you would need a healer with heavier damage incoming. We wabt healers to be useful and needed on group content.
So what's the point of the dedicated healer when multiple stam DDs casting a RoP every 20s (yes, the healing from multiple players' RoPs do stack) provides more group healing than a restoration staff ability? What's the point of the dedicated healer when a tank could sacrifice just one bar slot and one GCD to provide the synergies that in the past required multiple GCDs and thus a player dedicated to shouldering that burden?
This is the problem with balancing by "power budgets", which I had in the past derisively called "balance by spreadsheet". The problem is that this sort of balance does not take into account gameplay considerations that cannot be easily quantified. For example, why do resto staff abilities have the same kind of "power budget" as an easily-accessible guild ability? One requires the sacrifice of weapon choice and is thus build-restrictive, whereas the other requires no sacrifice except for a spot that could be on either bar. How does that fit into a "power budget"? How do "power budgets" account for things like my initial premise of "Support roles exist to do things that are impractical or impossible for damage dealers to do."? They don't.
This "power budget" approach is why we have this ridiculous homogenization in Update 23 where everyone's using the same non-class DoTs and non-class spammables. How does "power budget" account for things like "unique class identity and feel"? They don't.
The justification for removing multiple instances of Grand Healing was for consistency with AoE DoTs. You can't have Endless Hail in two different places, so you shouldn't have Grand Healing in two places. Again, this sounds straightforward from a "power budget" and "consistency" standpoint. But healing isn't damage-dealing. Why do the two have to behave the same and feel the same? Healing is utilitarian and doesn't follow the same use patterns as damage-dealing.
How does this "consistency" balance take into account these sorts of gameplay considerations? As far as I can tell, they don't. Since ZOS doesn't really share what their final vision is or go into specifics into their thought process, it's really hard to not come to the conclusion that these are all decisions borne of a naive approach to combat balance that eschews gameplay considerations because those kinds of considerations aren't quantifiable and don't fit neatly into a spreadsheet or chart.
As I've argued in the past, PvP and PvE balance cannot happen with the same brush. PvP enemies think and react and the challenge in PvP is outplaying your opponent. In PvE, the enemies are, well, dumb. They follow specific rules, and the challenge is in understanding those rules (mechanics) and in dealing with the vastly amped up damage that they throw at us. Where in PvP do you encounter sustained 10K/s damage. Where in PvP do you have opponents with 100K instant-damage tooltips that require dedicated mitigation to survive? PvE needs amped incoming damage because that's the challenge of endgame PvE, and so that players are forced to specialize into support roles to deal with that amped incoming damage.
Finally, on the topic of the feel of healing. In this run, I was just a tank, but I did hear mixed reactions from the healers. On one hand, it was relaxing, because there wasn't much to do. But that also meant that it was boring and bland. Even if all the other concerns are addressed, this point still remains. It's just not fun being a healer next patch. Full stop.
Nightingale707 wrote: »according to your 2 remarks of healer playstyle being boring and orbs changes being great: you are aware that orbs changes are the main thing, that will make the healer playstyle boring? we do not get more barslots but still need all our skills but cannot cast them anymore ^^
you had 1 stamDD and 1 tank on echoing vigor - the best heal in the game atm that is also strongest when on a DD specced for WD since it scales with WD and not with max stats - that is your ticket to getting through beam phase (without testing, just looking at healing numbers) I do not really understand why you wouldn´t try that
you did not use a defensive ultimate to give you major protection (NB veil, warden northern storm) wich would have taken away 30% of the incoming damage thus reducing the healing needed, you also didn´t have your DDs run maditate, wich also would give them the major protection + a heal - once again, I do not really understand why you wouldn´t try that
I do agree, that healers got gutted a lot, I was one of the ppl voicing my concerns on the forums. but I do not think not adapting is the way to go. a lot of groups will adapt and shuffle things around, and Lokke HM will totally be doable imo, but things will change, you will not go in there with the same setup that you use now.