John_Falstaff wrote: »@ToxicPAWS , thing is, I'm not sure there's a point. Iron atro allows you to extrapolate your damage onto dungeon bosses too, while low-health dummy with same debuffs won't allow you to extraplate results onto a trial boss. So why even bother.
Neithe 3M nor 6M dummy with all the buffs or debuffs would ever be good representation of DPS. And 30sec of parsing is not enough aprox of DPS. 15M would probably be minimum to get any useful results from parse.
There was a time when 3 mil Blood spawn was DPS standard, and then came 6 mil DUmmy and eventually 12 and 25 mil.
It's called progression. But not everyone makes a build for Trials DPS. Some of the people just want to see their DPS for dungeon and such and their Bosses as well have the same resistances and such. SO I don't see why not to have an option of lower health dummy with same features as the Iron Attro dummy.
I would like a 6 M dummy that has Breach, Fracture, and gives me synergies.
Full trial buffs would be too much.
redlink1979 wrote: »My thoughts regarding this: players don't really need a "trial dummy" since the dps dealt will be just increased by the buffs and debuffs provided. So, if you have a good parse at a 3/6 million dummy you will be fine in any situation.
Besides that, it's dps against a standing still enemy that doesn't attack you...