biased op. the fact that matriarch does not have to be casted each time but is likely eternal should be listed.
matriarch can save your ass by taking your dmg
matriarch focus can be managed, shadow image cant.
matriach do things with a cost of 0 (called dmg and taking for you to stay alive)
matriach keeps on doing dmg, remember refreshings path doesnt anymore.
i didnt read all answers, just wanted to had those 2cents ^^
Betty_Booms wrote: »Yeah balance means nerf to the ground in this game.
Matriach needed changes... but got sledged instead...
universal_wrath wrote: »
Even if you compare two heals, breath of life is still far superior to matriach. First, it only takes 1 bar and that is a big thing. Second, it's not a summon so it does not die. Third, if I'm not mistaken it scales on both max magicka and spell dmg, were as matraich heal only buffed by max magicka. Forth, breath of life heal increased as health decrease due to templar passives, matriach heal is not supported by any passives of sorcs. Last thing, Breath of life/ honor of the dead give you 2 different play style, first teamplay and other selfish and sustain suppoerted, while matriach is only teamplay even though most sorcs are solo.
Note: now matraich dmg has decreased significanly, there is no reason for the skills to stay as dauble bars skill and should be as such treated as 1 bad.
Hum, no.
That only for pvp, and even in pvp all is not like you said.
Maybe you've to use 2 slot for matriarch, and ?
Huge amount of free damage + burst heal : already worth 2 slot, but let continue :
It CAN'T die in pve DG/Trial, so no problem here.
Matriarch cost 2 time less mana than BoL, Heal for more (yeah, she heal 2 person for 2 time less than BoL)
No LoS required.
In which universe this skill is weaker than BoL ?
It's far superior to BoL, doesn't matter the morph, BoL is not selfish, it heal lower allies around not just you.
Even after the nerf it still far superior to BoL as an emergency heal.
My Sorc heal is my go-to for any 4 man content cuz it's so easy to build for heal + 25k dmg+
Sorc is gonna be weaker for heal cuz of the grand healing change, not cuz of the damage nerf..
Sorc was lacking utility as trial healer, not power-heal or damage.
Tourmentor is what you LF if you want to compare to Shade, not Twilight..
Ofc Twilight was deserved a nerf and pet sorc in general due to how stupidly easy and effective they're.
Some people already tryed PTS change and it's nothing more than a general buff to magika DPS despite what ppl say here.
Yeah you will have to change some thing, that the purpose of this big patch : change thing.
As a healer I'll get hit way more than any DPS drama-queen here, and I don't complain, I'm already theory-crafting and farming to keep all class healer useful even if not easy ; do the same, most people here despite their whining know ZoS will not come back.
drummindrummer wrote: »
I think you are forgetting one big point. It takes TWO slots so it should have at least close to TWO functions. I'm not necessarily whining lol. Just stating facts.
I am actually one of those people that have been testing on PTS and was still able to get 90k with pet sorc on the trial dummy. But guess what, I had to drop the bird. Both morphs are a dps loss compared to other skills. Which means as a dps we lose our emergency heal.
Aznarb wrote:Yeah you will have to change some thing, that the purpose of this big patch : change thing.
So you are QQing about a healing morph doing less damage than a DPS morph? Lol
Yep what's next breath of life is weaker than summon shade too? 😉
Quoting myself :
Healing matri still good for healer.
You still have surge and shield, that already more than most, if not all other magika DPS.
You wanna be lazy and use pet for dmg and heal ? You'll lose dmg.
You wanna improve and do damage ? Take the new option.
I'm not the guy in charge, like you and ZoS have proven many time they don't care about.
Pet sorc deserve the nerf, but don't act like your class is the only one with skill nerf, most class got skill nerf and some no-class skill got buff to replace.
Do we like it ? Not so much. Can we do something ? Not really, that why my point is : move on.
You just prove yourself than you can pull 90k despite nerf, so all good.
You wont use matriarch ? And ? Was you using entropy or soul trap before buff ? No.
You lost one skill who take to slot you got 2 for replace, perfect, in fact you even use flame reach now, one more.
Would love to get some heal to replace the lost me too, but I don't have them, and I'm not making thread complaining all day long.
So, not only did he pick a healing morp vs a damage morp. (bad judgement call)
He picked an ability that has been broken for an eternity, without any acknowledgement from the devs.
And this patch when the devs finally address shade, they simply nerf it with a huge increase in cost. lol
ELSWEYR patch:
This ability now scales with the caster's Max Magicka and Spell Damage, or Stamina and Weapon Damage.
drummindrummer wrote: »
lol bro, i do like "near" top dps on multiple classes. I'm just stating my opinions, along with some facts lol
So I do, I'm not blaming you or anything, just stating fact about new and totally competitive option, that all.
Like I said, any class/role (except tank maybe), got impacted in play style, no choice to adapt.
Delete your Pet Sorc, uninstall, play another game. Zos doesn't care.
I mean calling them already weak in PvE is wrong. They’re stronger than every mag toon except Magplars in PvE and at least they provide conduit synergies.
Transairion wrote: »
Matriarch is a morph with lower tooltip than a un-morphed utility pet... yes I think the comparison is valid. Until ELSWEYR patch Summon Shade was for utility only which is why it has so much of it and had bottom-of-the-barrel DPS.
Doing less damage than Shade does means the damage is really, really bad.
As far as I know only the Shade teleport morph is broken when attempting to teleport between uneven terrain (IE up and down Keep walls in PvP), and in PvE it usually works due to flat playing fields. If the other morph and base skill and broken too, how so?
Given it scales better than all Sorceror pets now (no Spell Damage scaling on them apart from Volatile pulse?), a cost increase is a slap on the wrist.
Matriarch needed big changes and them. It's now working as the devs intended--as a low-damage, healer-focused morph. Now we have to pick between high damage or healing. That's balance working as intended.
Blame premade system instead. Its the worst part about battleground. Just wait two/three months post patch and you will see "X COMBO IS RUINING BG's" since thats how arena style games work, you find a mechanic and exploit it. Banning premades would fix much of the issues surrounding class balance as no class could systemically have set + class combo's favoring their team over randoms.
That or just make BG's 6/8 V 6/8 and make them more casual style because lets be honest. ESO isn't a competitive game, and certainly no PvP one.
Purple flying crutch chicken
The pet loses effectivity the more opponents are involved in a fight.
Hum, no.
That only for pvp, and even in pvp all is not like you said.
Maybe you've to use 2 slot for matriarch, and ?
Huge amount of free damage + burst heal : already worth 2 slot, but let continue :
It CAN'T die in pve DG/Trial, so no problem here.
Matriarch cost 2 time less mana than BoL, Heal for more (yeah, she heal 2 person for 2 time less than BoL)
No LoS required.
In which universe this skill is weaker than BoL ?
It's far superior to BoL, doesn't matter the morph, BoL is not selfish, it heal lower allies around not just you.
Even after the nerf it still far superior to BoL as an emergency heal.
My Sorc heal is my go-to for any 4 man content cuz it's so easy to build for heal + 25k dmg+
Sorc is gonna be weaker for heal cuz of the grand healing change, not cuz of the damage nerf..
Sorc was lacking utility as trial healer, not power-heal or damage.
Tourmentor is what you LF if you want to compare to Shade, not Twilight..
Ofc Twilight was deserved a nerf and pet sorc in general due to how stupidly easy and effective they're.
Some people already tryed PTS change and it's nothing more than a general buff to magika DPS despite what ppl say here.
Yeah you will have to change some thing, that the purpose of this big patch : change thing.
As a healer I'll get hit way more than any DPS drama-queen here, and I don't complain, I'm already theory-crafting and farming to keep all class healer useful even if not easy ; do the same, most people here despite their whining know ZoS will not come back.
So you are saying it gets harder to fight multiple opponents? Wow pretty sure that goes for any class....
But to see just how effective it really could be, please open your browser to youtube and type "pelican outnumbered sorcerer" and look at the vids from the last couple patches. The LoS breaking, the burst setup and the survivability.
Royalthought wrote: »2. Nightblades utilities got nerfed too. Go look at refeshing path. Does path do more damage than matriarch?