I've said it before just lockout the point gains for specific periods and favour the majority.
Point gains for factions unlock 12:00 Midday and then Lock them at 12:00 Midnight.
If you can only play during the lock out time then sorry but tough but at least you can still get AP, the majority will play between between those times and we should never cater to the minority in this instance because its that reluctance that allows for nightcaps to begin with.
Then as a bonus to encourage even more play while the points are unlocked make the campaign rewards much better, add legendary and epic crafting material bags etc at end of campaign rewards things like that give PvPers incentive to actually play and try hard to get good stuff from the game. Hell add a voucher system earned from end of campaign if they're the top 2.5% enough vouchers to get a single legendary gear available of their choice PvE or PvP sets (excluding trial sets), anything behind that would need another campaign or longer before they can pick and choose depending on how efficiently they play and how much they play. Maximum Effort. Maximum Reward. Just do something to grant more rewards for it.
It isn't that hard.
FFS. Once again someone makes a post about very real issue that for years have rendered pvp boring and frustrating for many players. And how does this brilliant forum-community respond? By once again going through same old stupid time-zone conversation. Like, how many times do you need to mention that we have time-zones? I know about time-zones, so does opening poster and probably everyone else here too, this game is for adults afterall for gods sake.
It’s amazing that this had to be stated. OP, the sun does not rise and set on North America. What you call “night capping” is our Aussie/Oceanic friends playing the game. It would be utterly unfair (not to mention disrespectful) to them if their efforts were not valued as highly as ours.
TequilaFire wrote: »
Girl_Number8 wrote: »
This ^ Smh
Wow, What as fabulous argument that is telling players you do not matter because you do not play when I do.
I suggest they read this post from this thread as it explains how pointless the idea is. It is really well thought out.
The proposed punishment of AP gains is ridiculous. So someone who wants caltrops or vigor and happen to be from Australia now has to take 4x as long because you are upset they exist. Ok so what disadvantage do you have that they are exploiting? You are asleep.
So there is a significant population drop during the day while mlgpro players are at school, should we dynamically adjust those gains too?
Its a game that has a world population and also taking under defended or empty keeps obviously is a viable way to win the campaign.
Does it suck to log into a map that is completely blanketed another color? Sure, but it sure gives you something to do every day.
No one is exploiting any systems here, you just are upset about how other people play the game differently than you.
Hurdurdur it's PvP not pvdoor is not acceptable as an answer since PvP is battlegrounds and cryodiil is literally pvdoor or pvwall with defending players by design.
jediodyn_ESO wrote: »Maybe points should be increased/decreased based on:
1) # of players online
2) balance between # of players on each faction.
Not true. There are less people on at night
Ever thought about the european server? You need like 10 people on 4am and you can take the whole map without a lot of resistance. You score the same points on a map with a total of 20 players than on a map with 400. Now tell me how this is balanced.
This might not be a problem on NA servers, but it is a huge one on EU.
I've said it before just lockout the point gains for specific periods and favour the majority.
Point gains for factions unlock 12:00 Midday and then Lock them at 12:00 Midnight.
If you can only play during the lock out time then sorry but tough but at least you can still get AP, the majority will play between between those times and we should never cater to the minority in this instance because its that reluctance that allows for nightcaps to begin with.
Then as a bonus to encourage even more play while the points are unlocked make the campaign rewards much better, add legendary and epic crafting material bags etc at end of campaign rewards things like that give PvPers incentive to actually play and try hard to get good stuff from the game. Hell add a voucher system earned from end of campaign if they're the top 2.5% enough vouchers to get a single legendary gear available of their choice PvE or PvP sets (excluding trial sets), anything behind that would need another campaign or longer before they can pick and choose depending on how efficiently they play and how much they play. Maximum Effort. Maximum Reward. Just do something to grant more rewards for it.
It isn't that hard.
It's simple. Because I live in a different time-zone that is not the OP's then I should be awarded less achievement opportunity than them.
It's not my fault more people play at a certain time of day, but the OP suggests I should get less opportunity becasue of it..
What do you mean proposed punishment of AP gains? I’m not even on about AP. I’m on about an alliance going on at low population hours and taking every keep because there’s no one on to defend those keeps. I’m not proposing any punishment at all in fact. I just want a scoring system that doesn’t benefit the alliance that decides to group a Zerg at low population hours to take the whole map for a cheap campaign win.
disintegr8 wrote: »It's a global game and everyone's on different time zones. Would it be appropriate of me to ask them to restrict points or population on the NA server while I'm at work because all the 'Murkens are playing in their prime time and us Aussies can't play?
You choose to sleep - I have to work
If you reduce the AP gained by a % based on time to reflect "night capping" that is an AP punishment. Low population flips happen because there are people who are online during that time from other countries and with opposite hours of mainstream US.
Again, you are upset about the score, so you propose a way to alter the score so it fits your playtime. That is a punishment for other people because they are playing when you can't or won't.
That's a pretty simple concept to understand.
If you reduce the AP gained by a % based on time to reflect "night capping" that is an AP punishment. Low population flips happen because there are people who are online during that time from other countries and with opposite hours of mainstream US.
Again, you are upset about the score, so you propose a way to alter the score so it fits your playtime. That is a punishment for other people because they are playing when you can't or won't.
That's a pretty simple concept to understand.
Oh you are complaining about actual campaign score?
So you are fine with getting 6.5k AP for a undefended keep as long as it didn't give the alliance the same score?
You are not on about pvdoor emperors and grand overlords?
This is just a simple request to even the odds for a campaign to not be "exploited" by using the system as it was designed during times that you don't approve of.
So fine change all of my AP references to campaign score and the same logic applies.
You get points for taking objectives from the opponent. It is a smarter strategy to take those objectives when there isnt defense.
Even in prime time its a smarter idea to take all of your enemies objectives and avoid defenders at all costs. This is a viable strategy that will win the campaign.
Im not being disingenuous. Semantics matter sure but points for campaigns and points for people are interchangeable in this situation.
Oh you are complaining about actual campaign score?
So you are fine with getting 6.5k AP for a undefended keep as long as it didn't give the alliance the same score?
You are not on about pvdoor emperors and grand overlords?
This is just a simple request to even the odds for a campaign to not be "exploited" by using the system as it was designed during times that you don't approve of.
So fine change all of my AP references to campaign score and the same logic applies.
You get points for taking objectives from the opponent. It is a smarter strategy to take those objectives when there isnt defense.
Even in prime time its a smarter idea to take all of your enemies objectives and avoid defenders at all costs. This is a viable strategy that will win the campaign.
Im not being disingenuous. Semantics matter sure but points for campaigns and points for people are interchangeable in this situation.
CambionDaemon wrote: »And once again who decides the off -peak hours, in what timezone, any way that you look at it you are punishing anyone that doesn't live in the 'correct' timezone. Yes the scoring system is flawed, it would require a great deal of time/money for them to start changing it.
And who is anyone on here to judge that someone did far less for keeps of resources.
I believe it’s a bit unfair that the game continues to count score at the same rate in the low population hours on the EU server because what ends up happening is one alliance Night Caps the whole map, gets Emp and possibly scrolls as well completely undermining the effort of the other 2 alliances during the day. Then they accumulate thousands of points during the hours where there’s no people on from the other 2 alliances which ruins the end result of the campaign.
My suggestion is to pause or reduce how many points can be earned during certain hours in the Campaign (low population hours). Thoughts?
EDIT: this is a thread to suggest ideas on changing how the scoring works and I'm not suggesting people should be punished for playing at certain times because obviously due to different time zones some people can only play during these times. Please comment your suggestions.