swifty3174 wrote: »There is no “night-capping”, ESO is a global game. Just because it’s night in the US, doesn’t mean the rest of the world stops.
swifty3174 wrote: »Less people on to defend AND less people on to capture. It works both ways.
JumpmanLane wrote: »I fought a squishy emp (who was on a Necro tank oddly enough) a fool I kill all the time and was about to send her a complimentary whisper along the lines of “wow you’re getting a lil bit better!” We 1v1ed and I realized “Oh she can’t kill me; but, she ain’t dead yet like normal. Her nightcaping Zergling guild turned up and got me and I wasn’t even mad.
Then someone mentioned she was emp. So ok I set her a hate tell “ omg you’re TRASH!” Because she is. Oddly enough the fool was offended. So, I tbagged her the next two times I killed her.
Last night the fool, nightcapping with Avante Guard or some such AD Zergling guild got me a few times. Tbagged me and sent me a hate tell. I was shocked because the fool killed me exactly 2 times in a YEAR. So, o told the fool “you keep killing me you might catch up one of these days.”
Nightcapping exists. I still fight these clowns some times 5v50, or 2v30, or 1v20 and don’t care about dying. It makes you a better fighter. They on the other hand learn nothing playing like that.
I patiently mark their names down on my kill on sight list and MOP those fools if they DARE set foot in Cyro in prime time.
I'm on about the end result of the campaign really but I see what you are saying. In my opinion these fools should be allowed to get Emp etc but the scoring should definitely count slower during the night time.
JumpmanLane wrote: »
The nightcapping’s been going on forever. It’s the same folks leading the same crappy Zergling guilds. Their faction loses the majority of the time.
Lil Zerglings I’ve mopped relentlessly over say a years time all are 5 stars and former emps running their own lil crappy guilds now. I tbag em all now and entreat, enjoin, BEG them to check their kill counters lol. If they catch ME slipping, running around a rock.
oxygen_thief wrote: »
how old are you?
Sandman929 wrote: »Still stunned by the people who think their schedule is everyone's schedule. Every time.
Sheezabeast wrote: »A good example of how night-capping isn't really a conscious thing, I play in CST but have an odd sleep schedule because I play with Aussies in my guild, when it's like 5 PM or so for them it's 2 AM or so for me, and then people have like normal human stuff to do like get home from work, eat, do family stuff, ect ect ect. I sometimes don't get to pvp till like 4 AM and just because I play in a populated faction, it isn't fair to assume it's a grand conspiracy to swoop in while the map is dead, when you're just logging in to what would be Aussie prime-time.
But it's not exploiting anything, it's just playing the game. Why is my favorite time window more valuable? If a group has time to play when there isn't enough resistance to make me happy that they "earned" it, then certain time periods should be less valuable? Makes zero sense.MojaveHeld wrote: »
There are peak hours for every server, and there are off-hours. In those off-hours, certain toxic groups have decided to try to exploit things in Cyrodiil. It's a problem that needs a solution, so don't be stunned that people are looking for them and providing ideas.
Sheezabeast wrote: »A good example of how night-capping isn't really a conscious thing, I play in CST but have an odd sleep schedule because I play with Aussies in my guild, when it's like 5 PM or so for them it's 2 AM or so for me, and then people have like normal human stuff to do like get home from work, eat, do family stuff, ect ect ect. I sometimes don't get to pvp till like 4 AM and just because I play in a populated faction, it isn't fair to assume it's a grand conspiracy to swoop in while the map is dead, when you're just logging in to what would be Aussie prime-time.
swifty3174 wrote: »There is no “night-capping”, ESO is a global game. Just because it’s night in the US, doesn’t mean the rest of the world stops.
Sandman929 wrote: »But it's not exploiting anything, it's just playing the game. Why is my favorite time window more valuable? If a group has time to play when there isn't enough resistance to make me happy that they "earned" it, then certain time periods should be less valuable? Makes zero sense.
If you want real scoring based on real PvP, I agree, but simply tweaking the existing scoring mechanics to favor when I play? No.
Sandman929 wrote: »Still stunned by the people who think their schedule is everyone's schedule. Every time.
TequilaFire wrote: »I guess I am guilty because I play on the EU server during the day from NA.
And all my EU friends are guilty when they play on NA during their day.
If only the earth was flat.