MojaveHeld wrote: »
There are peak hours for every server, and there are off-hours. In those off-hours, certain toxic groups have decided to try to exploit things in Cyrodiil. It's a problem that needs a solution, so don't be stunned that people are looking for them and providing ideas.
Sandman929 wrote: »I think a lot of people would be in agreement that campaign scoring should be overhauled. It's the method suggested that is the issue.
MojaveHeld wrote: »
I presented an example earlier of a group that used the low night population as an excuse to harass the few players on from other alliances into submission with hate whispers and outright threats, counting on the off-hours to be able to get away with this and make their alliance cruise to a win. The lower population of off-hours is inherently more susceptible to this and other forms of abuse, so making this exploitation much less profitable is the key to disincentivizing it enough to severely limit the occurrences of it.
Sandman929 wrote: »Still stunned by the people who think their schedule is everyone's schedule. Every time.
Its completely unfair that the game continues to count score in the late hours because what ends up happening is one alliance Night Caps the whole map, gets Emp and possibly scrolls as well completely undermining the effort of the other 2 alliances during the day. Then they accumulate thousands of points during the night which ruins the end result of the campaign.
My suggestion is to pause or reduce how many points can be earned during certain hours in the Campaign. Thoughts?
EDIT: this is a thread to suggest ideas on changing how the scoring works and I'm not suggesting people should be punished for playing at certain times because obviously due to different time zones some people can only play during these times.
SaucyMcSauceface wrote: »I think that all Americans should be penalised for 'nightcapping'. I go to sleep in Australia, and wake to find that a bunch of Americans have literally 'nightcapped' everything while we were asleep.
aetherial_heavenn wrote: »
If they are harrassing report them. SEA/Oceanic players are already handicapped by
and now you want to punish them by making their efforts worth less?
swifty3174 wrote: »There is no “night-capping”, ESO is a global game. Just because it’s night in the US, doesn’t mean the rest of the world stops.
True, but how come there's only one faction doing all the capping overnight(us time), while the other factions have 5 players on at most.
Idc, i haven't been to Cyrodiil in months. Saying there's no night capping though, bs...
I am sorry your reports were not acted on. That is not good and ZoS should look at that problem. Have you tried escalating it? Or complaining on reddit since ZoS staff seem to respond there when they don't here? Threats should be acted on immediately by any reputable company or group.MojaveHeld wrote: »
They were reported, by multiple players, several of them had previously received temp bans for cheating. ZOS did nothing. The problem remained. And no, reducing the amount of points earned for the alliance during the night is not punishing Oceanic players, it's making it so that their efforts aren't massively over weighted and prone to exploitation like currently. It's actually fixing an imbalance, not creating it.
swifty3174 wrote: »There is no “night-capping”, ESO is a global game. Just because it’s night in the US, doesn’t mean the rest of the world stops.
You may want to read what you quoted one more time.
What they said is it is always daytime somewhere in the world that is reasonable to expect MMORPG players to reside. So when it is nighttime for the grand ole USA those in AUS that are playing in Cyrodiil and turning the map are playing during their day time.
Another way to put is what OP calls night capping is normal day time for a great many in this global game of things. So they are correct.
Edit: it is also to be expected that you might find some guilds that are AUS/NZ and other similar times time zones just might play together which would explain why one faction benefits. Elementary,my dear Watson.
aetherial_heavenn wrote: »
On the alleged off peak player imbalance:
Revamping the scoring system to reflect pop imbalances and exploits is one thing. Dismissing the efforts of half the world playing the game in their prime time by using the derogatory term 'nightcapping' simply arcs up players who play off peak US or off peak Eu. Language matters if you want allies. That's all I was really saying.
Plus it was an opportunity to show others how difficult it is to actually play the game at all in the eastern hemisphere atm. The fact we have gone from 220ms ping to 400 plus ms ping due to akamai and other changes in recent chapters matters more to most of us who play off peak due to location than any concerns US players may have about a zerg PvDooring off peak. And after 31 pages we have had exactly no response from ZoS. So forgive my somewhat salty response to you calling me a nightcapper because I play in my prime time and still manage to fight with 400ms ping.
My suggestion is to pause or reduce how many points can be earned during certain hours in the Campaign. Thoughts?
EDIT: this is a thread to suggest ideas on changing how the scoring works and I'm not suggesting people should be punished for playing at certain times because obviously due to different time zones some people can only play during these times.