I haven't gotten my mount yet.

  • Glimmer50
    Glimmer50 wrote: »
    Glimmer50 wrote: »
    I got my boxes but no mount. I hope it is still coming.

    As of June 12th I still do not have my clouded senche mount so I have submitted a ticket.

    Did you check collections? There’s no notification that says you got it, it just appears in there.

    Yes I did check and it is not there. I sent in a ticket and they did send me a response saying they are still being rolled out so I will still get it. So, I just need to wait.

    Well yeah, you thought they could rollout those changes to all those people in the matter of like a few hours?

    No, what I thought was that I had gotten the boxes so therefore I would also get the mount at the same time. I didn't know they were sending them out separately. And I waited more than a few hours. I waited days. My husband got his and we sit right next to each other and watched it together so I just thought it was weird and reported it. I am glad they contacted me but as of today I still don't have it.
  • Nevermore4ever
    I'm PC and I still haven't received the mount or the crates. I've put in some tickets but no real response just a cut and paste message to tell you what you needed to do. I've done everything was ask but still nothing. Is this a bug? They really should just credit the people on here complaining and just forward a mount and crates . I mean we've all watch there Live BE3 Steam. Something went wrong along the way but we still earned the mount/crates. Why make people have a bad memory of BE3, I mean the whole reason for all this was to make everyone excited about all the new stuff in the game. instead you have a bunch of players complaining. So come on just send them out at the end of the day you make a bunch of players happy that will play more and buy more stuff. win - win

    Thanks Nevermore
  • Ramber
    ZoS do 1 thing right and get this person his/her mount!
  • Marcusorion1
    Same problem: haven't received my mount or crates or any email yet and watched the entire show on the link given with my twitch acct linked - same set up has given loot crates before on several occasions
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    I did the same and no response. Everything right to the tee. Worse still, since the event my friends account is glitched and he shows up as nothing. No faction, no level etc. Just his @name. Can't interact with him and it happened right after the event. No word on that at all they just ignore the issue.
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • Zeila
    Never got mine either, got an auto response by ESO Support. So I've given up as they don't really give a sht about it.
  • Glimmer50
    Still no mount as of June 15th now. I hope they are still rolling these out.
  • Verbal_Earthworm
    Nothing here, no mount and no crates, no answers and no response to ticket.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno What gives?
  • clwinters
    Same here, nothing!! One response to my ticket and nothing else. If they don't want to honor this why not just say so instead of enticing us to buy more of their bugged games.
  • Nevermore4ever
    Really I've Left message for 2 or 3 ZOS on here asking them to please help me with this and I've got nothing. I've put in Tickets and got nothing. If I don't hear from someone by the 19th about the missing mount and crates I'm cancelling my subscription I'm a new player And I refuse to pay for a game where if you have a problem you get ignored. I'm regretting spending money now :(

    SO simple to make people happy it's an easy fix just send the people on here complaining there mount and crates.
    Not rocket science just great customer service. If you want to keep me as a customer send me my stuff if not I'm gone

    Thanks for hearing me out …. 0.o maybe :)
    Edited by Nevermore4ever on June 15, 2019 4:19PM
  • Eva13
    SilverPaws wrote: »
    Those who didn't got the mount and crates should write a ticket. I did and I got the mount with crates already.

    I submitted a ticket and got no response. Many people also.
  • Tasear
    Eva13 wrote: »
    SilverPaws wrote: »
    Those who didn't got the mount and crates should write a ticket. I did and I got the mount with crates already.

    I submitted a ticket and got no response. Many people also.

  • Androconium
    Aye, have not received anything as of yet either.
    How will they be distributed?
    I linked my twitch account to me ESO account and my Bethesda Account and watched the show.
    I also understand that there was also another package bonus running too.

    Anyways how will these be given? e-mail notification, or log into game and get a notification or what?

    They will be sent in snail-mail on a 3.5 inch floppy.
  • Nevermore4ever
    They won't answer any of my tickets or pleas on here but they had no trouble charging me for another month of game time lol

    I'm pretty I will have to go "The Shawshank Redemption" on them and sent a letter every week till they give me books for the library errrrrrr… Mounts and crates :P

    Meee Waaannnnttts mounts and crates pllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee please :)
  • Marginis
    Only June 17th and so many players angry about not getting the things promised to be delivered by June 19th. Getting stuff early is a privilege, not something you're owed, guys. :neutral:
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
  • Verbal_Earthworm
    Marginis wrote: »
    Only June 17th and so many players angry about not getting the things promised to be delivered by June 19th. Getting stuff early is a privilege, not something you're owed, guys. :neutral:

    Did you get yours?
  • Eva13
    Marginis wrote: »
    Only June 17th and so many players angry about not getting the things promised to be delivered by June 19th. Getting stuff early is a privilege, not something you're owed, guys. :neutral:

    June 19th for consoles. PC/MAC it was June, 10th, but was postponed for a day and should be taken several hours. It was official ZOS reply. Several hours, not days.
  • Wolfkeks
    I have the feeling they're done with it :/
    Put a ticket in but no response for 3 days....
    "Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?" - Fadomai
    EU PC 2000+ CP professional mudballer and pie thrower
    Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, vAA hm, vHelRa hm, vSO hm, vMoL hm, vHoF hm, vAS+2, vCR+3, vSS hm, vKA, vRG, Flawless Conquerer, Spirit Slayer
  • barney2525
    Eva13 wrote: »
    Marginis wrote: »
    Only June 17th and so many players angry about not getting the things promised to be delivered by June 19th. Getting stuff early is a privilege, not something you're owed, guys. :neutral:

    June 19th for consoles. PC/MAC it was June, 10th, but was postponed for a day and should be taken several hours. It was official ZOS reply. Several hours, not days.

    If you are PC/MAC and haven't gotten it, I would put in a ticket a day. Should get someones attention.

    and yes, I got mine already

  • Verbal_Earthworm
    Wolfkeks wrote: »
    I have the feeling they're done with it :/
    Put a ticket in but no response for 3 days....

    You may well be correct.

    I put a ticket in 5 days ago and an "agent" hasn't even looked at it yet.

    Typical ZOS customer service.
  • Eva13

    If you are PC/MAC and haven't gotten it, I would put in a ticket a day. Should get someones attention.

    and yes, I got mine already

    Of course, I put a ticket with pretty much of screenshots proving my accounts linked and me watching the twitch. Screenshots which I took during E3 and screenshots from my husband's account which prove I'm online and watching the twitch. No response since. The point is it's not the first time I've got nothing. So I don't really wait I'll get something. Just want to see what they'll do and when they'll close the ticket without providing any answers.
  • Marginis
    Marginis wrote: »
    Only June 17th and so many players angry about not getting the things promised to be delivered by June 19th. Getting stuff early is a privilege, not something you're owed, guys. :neutral:

    Did you get yours?

    I already have the clouded senche mount, so I don't know if I'll be getting anything at all in that regard, but I have not yet gotten my ouroboros crates yet, so no, I have not gotten my rewards yet. I'll see if I don't have them by the 20th before I submit a ticket though, because that's all ZOS promised.
    Eva13 wrote: »
    Marginis wrote: »
    Only June 17th and so many players angry about not getting the things promised to be delivered by June 19th. Getting stuff early is a privilege, not something you're owed, guys. :neutral:

    June 19th for consoles. PC/MAC it was June, 10th, but was postponed for a day and should be taken several hours. It was official ZOS reply. Several hours, not days.

    They said they would be starting the rollout, not that it would be finished earlier than the 19th. It's reasonable to think the rollout would be finished earlier, but ZOS to my knowledge hasn't stated that anyone is guaranteed their stuff any earlier than the 19th.
    barney2525 wrote: »
    Eva13 wrote: »
    Marginis wrote: »
    Only June 17th and so many players angry about not getting the things promised to be delivered by June 19th. Getting stuff early is a privilege, not something you're owed, guys. :neutral:

    June 19th for consoles. PC/MAC it was June, 10th, but was postponed for a day and should be taken several hours. It was official ZOS reply. Several hours, not days.

    If you are PC/MAC and haven't gotten it, I would put in a ticket a day. Should get someones attention.

    and yes, I got mine already

    If you spam ZOS with tickets you're probably just making their job harder right now. If by the 19th you haven't gotten your stuff ZOS might be more likely to actually look at your ticket instead of just throwing it on the "it'll probably resolve itself in a couple days" pile. You have to remember, the support people at ZOS are humans, so sending them a ticket a day for the same issue isn't helping anyone.
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
  • iLLcrime

    Marginis wrote: »
    Only June 17th and so many players angry about not getting the things promised to be delivered by June 19th. Getting stuff early is a privilege, not something you're owed, guys. :neutral:
    Eva13 wrote: »
    June 19th for consoles. PC/MAC it was June, 10th, but was postponed for a day and should be taken several hours. It was official ZOS reply. Several hours, not days.
    Marginis wrote: »
    They said they would be starting the rollout, not that it would be finished earlier than the 19th. It's reasonable to think the rollout would be finished earlier, but ZOS to my knowledge hasn't stated that anyone is guaranteed their stuff any earlier than the 19th.

    Umm.. Reading is hard I guess?
    Hey guys! Because we had so many people watching the stream, it's going to take a bit longer to get the Drops out to all the PC players. They will start to go out tomorrow morning (June 11) and should be complete by June 12. Console players should still receive theirs on June 19.

    I put on my robe and wizard hat
  • iLLcrime
    To also note as I have on another thread, I haven't received my mount or drops yet as well, yet my fiance did get hers. Funny tho, her PC was afk most of the time and we actually watched and participated on my account. Both accounts are linked as we frequently get drops when they're available.
    I put on my robe and wizard hat
  • Marginis
    iLLcrime wrote: »
    Umm.. Reading is hard I guess?
    Hey guys! Because we had so many people watching the stream, it's going to take a bit longer to get the Drops out to all the PC players. They will start to go out tomorrow morning (June 11) and should be complete by June 12. Console players should still receive theirs on June 19.
    Hey guys! Because we had so many people watching the stream, it's going to take a bit longer to get the Drops out to all the PC players. They will start to go out tomorrow morning (June 11) and should be complete by June 12. Console players should still receive theirs on June 19.

    Added some bolding. Should help you with that reading difficulty you said you have.
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
  • JumpmanLane
    I don’t think I’m getting a mount. I watched it a work and drained the battery on MY phone til about 15% watching an old video of @ZOS_GinaBruno doin a trial. Then during the E3 thing MY phone died, then I tried watching it on my work phone and couldn’t remember my twitch login. :( the trial was interesting tho
  • Glimmer50
    It says on the bottom of my ticket that if they don't hear from me again after 4 days they will assume the matter is resolved so I will be submitting another ticket in 4 days time. I submitted one today and got an immediate canned response. I watched it on PC so I would think by now I would have received the mount. I did receive the crates but no mount. I thought I might get it today due to the update but nope nothing.

    Update June 19th. Still nothing. Waiting until Friday to send another ticket.
    Edited by Glimmer50 on June 19, 2019 6:31PM
  • Nevermore4ever
    Just stay with it And make sure you put a ticket in. I got my mount and crates today so just hang in there :)

  • Glimmer50
    I have not gotten my mount yet. I submitted another ticket today. The thing is I was sent a code saying that I received it but it is not in my mount collections. Here is the email:

    Clouded Senche-Leopard mount from the 2019 Bethesda E3 Showcase!

    Code :

    Congratulations! You’ve received a Clouded Senche-Leopard mount from watching the 2019 Bethesda E3 Showcase! You can find your new mount within your Collections. Best of luck to you and your new friend on your adventures!

    Please send me my mount.

    Edited: I deleted the code because I don't want everyone to have it since I put it as proof in my email.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can i get a response to this please? I put in a ticket and I get a canned response saying this should be corrected in 4 days, but I still do not have my clouded senche mount despite getting an email saying I should have it.

    I put in another ticket today 06/25. Yet another ticket put in today 6/28. Still no reply.
    Edited by Glimmer50 on June 29, 2019 2:40PM
  • Glimmer50
    Can someone please look into this? I tried using the code I was sent to no avail. I have put in multiple tickets and no response. In the beginning I got a canned response saying that I would still receive the clouded senche mount but now I have received no response from my last few tickets. It even says on the ticket to submit another one if my issue is not resolved in 4 days which it is not.

    Here is the email:

    Clouded Senche-Leopard mount from the 2019 Bethesda E3 Showcase!

    Code :

    Congratulations! You’ve received a Clouded Senche-Leopard mount from watching the 2019 Bethesda E3 Showcase! You can find your new mount within your Collections. Best of luck to you and your new friend on your adventures!

    Please send me my mount.

    Edited: I deleted the code because I don't want everyone to have it since I put it as proof in my email.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can i get a response to this please? I put in a ticket and I get a canned response saying this should be corrected in 4 days, but I still do not have my clouded senche mount despite getting an email saying I should have it.

    Still no mount. @ZOS_GinaBruno

    And YES I have checked under my collections tab and it is not there. @ZOS_GinaBruno
    Edited by Glimmer50 on July 3, 2019 9:03PM
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