CP is a crutch for people who can’t sustain and want to be "tanky" so they aren’t immediately punished for making mistakes.
brandonv516 wrote: »
They took away Major Protection from Empowering Sweep, the main ultimate I use to tank with. Pretty salty about it.
The same thing was said when BoL lost its third heal and again when its secondary heal was cut by 33% during Summerset pts for..reasons. Yet you still see us sticking around.What a waste of time.
I just wish they'd rework it so it does a little less, but works as a soft-CC like the new thing they are doing with immobilizes.The eclipse nerf is ok. That skill was way too punishing. It was one of those skills were its so good that you’ve just got people hanging back from range and dropping it on you, and only that, kinda like snipe. It just does so much, the damage, the heal the CC. And it hit hard too. It’s still a good skill now. It’s still going to be a good switch tool to let you go offensive and turn the fight, it just won’t be one skill destroys your opponent.
These developers KNOW that templar has an extremely rough time staying offensive...so their answer is to nerf the damage of a morph that was rarely seen?...while they didn't apply the thought process to other skills on the same type. They keep stripping templar defense. Mainly the defense we use to GO offensive without nerfing the culprit of why they dont want to buff anything else.
I could swear they won't be satisfied until every templar in this *** game is a heal bot. And EVEN THEN. They are are going to start nerfing heal bots. We are by far the worst pvp class in this game and not ONE class can claim the amount of nerfs we've sustained. We need sweeping changes, a complete redesign of our class. Not nerfs to damage
Anyone who says "the changes to Eclipse weren't necessary" never had it placed on them while running as a DK with Hardened/Volatile Armor up. Not only was it wildly punishing, but there was no counter to it as a DK other than to break free instantaneously, even though the visual effect is often delayed. It made it so that Templars could return to full health and take a DK to half health just by bubbling them and light attack weaving with any spammable.
However, I'll concede that the nerf to damage is unnecessary. You're giving up the ability to stun your target for 5 seconds, it should be highly punishing to any enemy that continues to attack with it applied. But the change to the buggy interaction with DK armor is long overdue.
The eclipse nerf is ok. That skill was way too punishing. It was one of those skills were its so good that you’ve just got people hanging back from range and dropping it on you, and only that, kinda like snipe. It just does so much, the damage, the heal the CC. And it hit hard too. It’s still a good skill now. It’s still going to be a good switch tool to let you go offensive and turn the fight, it just won’t be one skill destroys your opponent.
Anyone who says "the changes to Eclipse weren't necessary" never had it placed on them while running as a DK with Hardened/Volatile Armor up. Not only was it wildly punishing, but there was no counter to it as a DK other than to break free instantaneously, even though the visual effect is often delayed. It made it so that Templars could return to full health and take a DK to half health just by bubbling them and light attack weaving with any spammable.
However, I'll concede that the nerf to damage is unnecessary. You're giving up the ability to stun your target for 5 seconds, it should be highly punishing to any enemy that continues to attack with it applied. But the change to the buggy interaction with DK armor is long overdue.
Gonna miss empowering sweep on my stamplar for sure. Nice to hit people with it under pressure for the protection and they don't really realise they're taking damage.
Gonna have to block cancel remeberance instead I guess.
How is the heal from purifying ritual on a stamplar - anyone tested? It's currently 600 on live for me...
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Oh, yes, let's nerf everything a DK has a problem with. Sounds legit.
No, what they should have done was fix the buggy issues with it, and left it alone. Because it can be broken immediately, there is no need for any changes on it.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Oh, yes, let's nerf everything a DK has a problem with. Sounds legit.
No, what they should have done was fix the buggy issues with it, and left it alone. Because it can be broken immediately, there is no need for any changes on it.
Who said nerf everything that DK's struggle with? I literally just said that the thing that needed to be changed was the buggy interaction with volatile armor but that the damage return nerf was excessive, which you apparently agree with? Don't get angry for no reason, it's not worth the energy.
PS I have both a DK and a Templar. I'm not pro-DK or anti-Templar. I'm pro-good game.
Anyone who says "the changes to Eclipse weren't necessary" never had it placed on them while running as a DK with Hardened/Volatile Armor up. Not only was it wildly punishing, but there was no counter to it as a DK other than to break free instantaneously, even though the visual effect is often delayed. It made it so that Templars could return to full health and take a DK to half health just by bubbling them and light attack weaving with any spammable.
However, I'll concede that the nerf to damage is unnecessary. You're giving up the ability to stun your target for 5 seconds, it should be highly punishing to any enemy that continues to attack with it applied. But the change to the buggy interaction with DK armor is long overdue.
So here is my opinion on Total Dark as a magicka Templar. If you're relying on it to damage your opponents I personally feel you're doing something wrong.
When they first made the changes to Total Dark, I used it as my main CC(if you can call it that) and it was critical in my rotation for doing damage. As those changes began to age the skill became less effective. Why? It almost useless against experience players. I use TD just for the heal to increase survivability when I'm out numbered or face a harder hitting enemy.
I wish they would get rid of the damage or the heal(keep 1 of the 2); and take away the break free option so it last for the full duration.
Javelin and Elemental Blockade with an Ice Staff are way more effective options at higher levels of play. But if you're going up against scrubs, Total Dark will "ALWAYS" be a good option because they're too stupid to figure it out. Even the reduce damage against scrubs is not going to change their fate.
Now if they could fix the reliability of our class gap closer...
Gonna miss empowering sweep on my stamplar for sure. Nice to hit people with it under pressure for the protection and they don't really realise they're taking damage.
Gonna have to block cancel remeberance instead I guess.
How is the heal from purifying ritual on a stamplar - anyone tested? It's currently 600 on live for me...
So here is my opinion on Total Dark as a magicka Templar. If you're relying on it to damage your opponents I personally feel you're doing something wrong.
When they first made the changes to Total Dark, I used it as my main CC(if you can call it that) and it was critical in my rotation for doing damage. As those changes began to age the skill became less effective. Why? It almost useless against experience players. I use TD just for the heal to increase survivability when I'm out numbered or face a harder hitting enemy.
I wish they would get rid of the damage or the heal(keep 1 of the 2); and take away the break free option so it last for the full duration.
Javelin and Elemental Blockade with an Ice Staff are way more effective options at higher levels of play. But if you're going up against scrubs, Total Dark will "ALWAYS" be a good option because they're too stupid to figure it out. Even the reduce damage against scrubs is not going to change their fate.
Now if they could fix the reliability of our class gap closer...
The damage is the deterrent for the target to stop attacking not for templar DPS. If it is not noteworthy, it becomes free CC immunity even more so than now. As it is, I already love it when someone puts it on me while I'm trying to get away. Prevents a hard CC which stops me from healing, and stops the zerg from pulling me in. So in a way, yes; it's already mediocre at best.