Well, in our campaign there’s a guy who followed our raid around. Whenever we went into stealth he’d stand on us and the opposing group would attack us and not him.
Maybe it is Tin Foil hat, but I wouldn’t underestimate how some people have no lives are prefer to grief others then play for themselves.
Not going to lie, but these changes makes me want to roleplay as alliance traitor even more, since now running with a scroll the the enemy faction might have a bigger impact.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »I can understand why ZOS is making those changes... but the way they are doing it is lazy to say at least. It is a step in the right direction, but it won't do much by itself. Some other things will have to be tweaked (scroll trolling (mostly by "guest" players) or night & mornning pvd that makes the true pvp "play to win campaign" almost pointless).
First, as far as I understand they make those changes for the "majority" of the player base. Also, if I understood this corectly, you will be prohibited from making the same campaign as a "home" campaign on multiple factions. So If you want to "play with you friends" , you will still be able to join to the same campaign on different alliance, but as a guest.
I suspect I know the real reason why they are making alliance lock. Many people use campaigns solely to farm transmute crystals. They play the absolute minimu just to get guaranteed 50 transmute crystals reward on all factions. After that they stop to play cyro and wait till the end of campaign to get 150 transmute crystals. I strongly suspect that this is the case and ZOS wants transmute crystals to be more of a grind. So if those players would want more than 50 transmute crystals, they will have to keep playing campaign to the end.
Yeah, except the campaigns everyone plays are locked and the ghost towns are unlocked. Super fair.
Well, in our campaign there’s a guy who followed our raid around. Whenever we went into stealth he’d stand on us and the opposing group would attack us and not him.
Maybe it is Tin Foil hat, but I wouldn’t underestimate how some people have no lives are prefer to grief others then play for themselves.
So pick an Alliance and stick with it. This should have stayed when it first came out. I hate dc and ad so this is perfect. You dont get to be on everyone's side at once anywhere.
My organized PvP guild consists of EP, DC and AD mains. If faction lock gets to live, this might be the end of the guild, or any fun playing with it, since we will have to play on dead campaigns.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »
Can't you just play the same faction as each other?
ManwithBeard9 wrote: »
2 servers are locked, its your own damn fault if you wanna sit a 200 queue at peak times to get into the 30 day instead of just guesting into one of the 7 days.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
The guild plays twice a week, the rest of the week everyone plays their main alliance.
That won't be possible anymore. That's a really huge problem.
They could just allow us to "guest" and not get the rewards, why isn't that being considered over a total lockout?
Faction locking serves no purpose other than to ostracize a large portion of the veteran PvP community. I'm not alone in saying this will probably be the end of my subscription. I know many who have said the same.
Joy_Division wrote: »
Yes. The people who wanted locks were by far the most vocal and better at presenting their case. ZOS believes they will get more subs than they'll lose.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
ESO was never faction locked. It was soft locked. If you had friend on the other faction you could group queue with them to the campaign just not home it.
Tamriel unlimited encouraged people to expand onto other factions and did away with all locking mechanics (personally I think this was a bad change) but to go to a hard lock system after doing so is just stupid.
If the answer to "why is this being done" is simply "because they made the most noise" it's a sad day for ESO and PvP within it.
I would rather they made a seperate campaign as a tester so people could opt-in to this rule set to see how popular it actually is before forcing it on the active campaigns and saying "well play this dead campaign if you don't like it".
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »
Ah ok cool. Yeah the people I know who have hopped from AD in the past have done so for social reasons so they have someone to play with. Kinda sucks in that regard.
I'm lucky I'm a faction loyalist so it doesn't impact me that much.It's a pretty crazy change this late in the game but I am optimistic. As terrible as it sounds I think the community will be able to adapt to the change and it could mix things up a bit. It might even make some good small scale fights on Haderus who knows. Could be a lot of new players with next update to and then there is Volendrung etc. Hopefully AD loses pop during oceanic on vivec, maybe a guild will hop if they don't.
Here's my breakdown of potential benefits/negatives of adding faction locks:
- Large groups of players can no longer influence the map from both sides
- No spies?
- Can no longer easily play with friends
- Are forced to wait during faction lock times or play in what will likely be dead campaigns
- Faction balance will be at an all time low (join the zerg by force instead of playing on the weaker side
- Those playing in non-prime time will often encounter dead campaigns
What is the data behind this decision?
Also, the case for it is much more sound logically. Easy to present. We wanted to just lock one or some of them while many others, yourself included, wanted to maintain every single campaign as FFA, disrespecting and discarding the wishes of a large segment of the current and potential PvP population. There will still be some FFA campaigns and the devs said this is experimental, hence it’s open to being adjusted. Perhaps some of those that want FFA will stop being so dismissive and maybe reassess the desire to horde every single campaign to cater to rampant faction hopping.
The vast majority of players have friends in all factions and aside from a few PvP guilds, most guilds are tri-faction or it isn’t even considered. Every player is in that same boat so...
OP @ks888 mentions a tinfoil hat brigade implying that people wanting a locked campaign to call home are part of some such clueless group. At the same time, some people already quite hastily surmise that locking one or some campaigns, while leaving others FFA is gonna be some stake to the heart of all ESO PvP period, full stop. Who is really jumping to ridiculous and downright silly tin-foil type conclusions here? And claiming victimhood and ostracization...? Really?!?
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Not everyone PvPs for faction loyalty. Faction loyalists obviously don't like it when people aren't loyal, so why should be expected to be dedicated to faction loyalty? This game has never encouraged it, and this isn't going to change with suddenly putting in locks, it's putting a dent in an already struggling community.
Spot on. The debate needs balance, and options for both.
- Not all switchers are boosters, we get that
- Likewise some of us care about alliance loyalty and decent campaign play without cheating
Both are right.
And having options for both is a great step by ZOS. and clearly they are thinking more holostically too on how to reduce lag, by spreading players out.
BUT reading comments on here people seem reluctant to change and belligerently want to play Vivec just 'cos'.
Had the lock been Sotha,shor, kyne i think most would appear happy - but that clearly isn't ZOS direction looking at the bigger picture / issues in Vivec.
If there are as many people into this faction swapping side of things as some say there are, then the new 7 day server should have plenty of people on it. Meanwhile, those that prefer the factions to be locked will now also have a place to play. They stated they are blowing up the current servers and starting with 4 fresh new ones so everyone will have to pick a new server to begin with. Now there will be a choice so that those that faction loyalty means something can play on a server where that is a thing, and those that don't care a thing for faction loyalty can play on a server where that is a thing. Sounds like win-win.
Really? The whole trying to devalue the need for faction lock behind spies jokes are getting stale.
AP boosting is a thing, emp flipping, scroll moving, turning round of siege, sure some suffer from spies but it's the general bad behavior of some that created the need and reason for the locks. Enough players have asked, ZOS have looked at the data and agree. End of story.
You can still play with friends (just plan it for that period / shor if ad hoc)
If it's as you say shor won't be dead, all the hoppers will be there
Vivec is only a zerg fest now....this may spread players out, that's a good thing...
See above as to if those campaigns will remain dead.
I'll reiterate, I'd gladly take a locked shor / Sotha / kyne over Vivec, as vivec playstyle isn't enjoyable for me. It's odd they have done it this way, but they can see the data and have their reasons.
Change is good.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
The problem is numbers wise it’s not enough players in pvp these days to support this change. This isn’t 2015 where like 5 campaigns was regularly pop locked. It further divides an already small pvp community. They didn’t think this one through enough.