Faction lock is coming.

  • Moonsorrow
    MipMip wrote: »

    Exactly - it is not a faction lock. Thanks for spelling this out.

    We can still log on to any side in any campaign depending on where the good fights are, and whom we would like to fight. And players who prefer to stay with one alliance can do what they enjoy :)

    But since people can do then alliance hopping and "only lost campaign rewards" then it is no biggie to the people who like to "help" all alliances by hopping back and forth since they do not play for AP or rewards so why even people then complain about since they are not loosing anything they play for?

    So a win-win to everyone.

    Or.. do people who complain actually play to troll/AP farm and this seems painful to them and all the "we help everyone by hopping" was just all talk? ;)

    But yeah, to not trigger anyone sensitive about their AP farming with this.. lets see what gonna happen when it hits live. I for one will go play to a campaign that has these sort of actions so atleast fewer trolls. Hopefully. Shall see. Most like their AP and Crystals so after some baby temper tantrums people will love it. I love even the though of it.

  • Joy_Division
    Moonsorrow wrote: »

    But since people can do then alliance hopping and "only lost campaign rewards" then it is no biggie to the people who like to "help" all alliances by hopping back and forth since they do not play for AP or rewards so why even people then complain about since they are not loosing anything they play for?

    So a win-win to everyone.

    Or.. do people who complain actually play to troll/AP farm and this seems painful to them and all the "we help everyone by hopping" was just all talk? ;)

    But yeah, to not trigger anyone sensitive about their AP farming with this.. lets see what gonna happen when it hits live. I for one will go play to a campaign that has these sort of actions so atleast fewer trolls. Hopefully. Shall see. Most like their AP and Crystals so after some baby temper tantrums people will love it. I love even the though of it.


    Nobody would care except missing out on transmute stones.
  • Beardimus
    I'm all for the change, I'm just suprised that they didn't just flat out full lock Shor for those of mad keen on it (Kyne too to give newbies a decent experience) and leave the rest interesting that they done it this way, clearly the data tells them something.

    Step in the right direction at least.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • TerraDewBerry
    Moonsorrow wrote: »
    This is a good thing. Glad they been listening to the majority of people. Yes, there was a poll and majority said campaigns need locks.

    Benefits: not so much trolling (shouting at enemy zone chat), not so much scrolls running to water, all in all less griefing i`d say. Not so many switching to the leading alliance of the moment, making things even more badly balanced on numbers.

    To the people crying about this saying the usual "but i want to play with friends and troll to max reeeeeeeeee pls no locks omgzomg".. you got bgs for fast action to play with friends from any alliance and you also got Shor. Enjoy your trollfest there and be happy. :)

    Us who been wanting locks and less of pointless trolling and griefing gonna enjoy the changes and it does not make us "zerglings who rp" since there are us smallscale people too who never seen point in alliance hopping many times a day to just max troll..

    Cyrodiil long campaigns are supposed to simulate the war and it can be a fun game mode (imo best fun in this game) when there is no trolling. And these changes not gonna end all trolling and switching, but it is better than what we got now.

    So happy about this. Nice job @ZOS_BrianWheeler :)

    I'm really happy ZOS has decided to do this. I think it will cut way down on faction flopping and AP flipping. It's a faction lock that's reasonably flexible (because it only lasts for the current campaign and if somehow things change and you want to play for the other faction, you can switch factions at the end of the campaign). It allows for player choice (as in they can make the choice to faction switch.. but it's gonna hurt if they care about AP or end of campaign rewards). It also hopefully gives players more incentive to help their faction win the campaign (if for nothing else because they want better end of campaign rewards.. but let's be optimistic and say it's because they wanted their faction to win).

    I do however, think I know where Mr. Wheeler got the idea.. ;)
    ZOS actually also took part of their idea from @visionality (who I responded to in my post; and is quoted below). ZOS changed the penalty for AP slightly, but the idea was from @visionality. I do understand why they made the AP penalty harsher, and it does makes more sense. ZOS took the core essence of the faction lock idea (I believe, unless, Mr. Wheller would like to tell me I'm wrong), from this thread. Basically, they didn't think @visionality's AP penalty was harsh enough and either didn't want to take the time to implement, can't implement, or just didn't like my AP loss idea; but they liked the core premise of my faction lock concept.. and this is what @visionality and I suggested in that thread:

    I liked this idea and think it might help detour some people from faction swapping to an extent. I would however, make a few changes/additions to your system:

    2. The first faction and home campaign you play on during one of its cycles is considered your account's "faction and home campaign" for 30 days. You can play a different faction on a different campaign.. but you can't play more than one faction on your account's current monthly campaign without a penalty. For someone who faction swapped to play with a "friend" in their home campaign.. they would have their home campaign alliance rank reset as you suggested, and their account wide monthly AP currency would also lose 1/2 of the AP currency it has earned on all campaigns during that month if they switch to a different faction on their home campaign during the current campaign cycle. This AP penalty to their monthly AP total would happen each time they switch factions on their home campaign, just like their campaign rank gets reset each time they switch. So, they still can get a little AP reward (depending on how much they play and how often they switch factions on their home campaign) or they play with their "friends" on a guest campaign with no penalty to their current campaign AP currency accumulation & home campaign rank for that campaign, play a different faction on a different campaign with no penalty, or one or the other "friend" makes a character that matches the home campaign faction of the other "friend"... because friends don't let "friends" play on opposite factions in the same campaign!! :smile:

    Here is where ZOS announced the new faction lock at the Bethesda Days for Elsweyr:
    Fast forward all the way to about 05:43:21 and see if you agree or disagree about where, Mr Wheller came up with the core components for the upcoming faction lock. :)

    ZOS, on @visionality's behalf (I hope @visionality agrees), both @visionality and I would like to thank you for listening to your player base and implementing this idea.. and if helps cut down on faction flopping and AP flipping.. you're welcome :wink:

    P.S. For the life of me, I can't find exactly where I either read or head that if someone did faction flop they would lose the AP they had accumulated and would not get end of campaign rewards.. I'm pretty sure that is what was said, but I can't find where I saw/hear it. In the above video, I went back and watched again, and I didn't find where the AP loss was said. So, that part might not be what they will do.. but the entering a faction and campaign and it locking you into that faction will be what is happening.

    If someone else is able to confirm the loss of AP and no end of campaign rewards if you faction flop thing, I would appreciate it. I just don't seem to be able to find that. Sorry if that was misinformation on my part.

    P.S.S I have gone back to listened to the Dev Q&A from today, and I was wrong about the AP loss. I'm not sure where I got that from. It looks like you will simply be locked to whatever faction and campaign you first enter during a campaign's cycle. It looks like if you try to enter the same campaign with a different faction, the game will tell you that you can't. If that's true, that seems like it will pretty much end the faction flopping during the current campaign.
    Edited by TerraDewBerry on March 31, 2019 5:47AM
  • Ruckly
    A 30 day alliance lock might fly if you can play all your toons on your account for that alliance for the 30 day duration i.e. if you choose DC for 30 days all your EP and AD toons get pooled into your DC bullpen so you can select from all your toons and not just your DC ones. Otherwise many of your toons get locked out of a campaign. If you have a bullpen of 5(soon 6) classes and you can only play 2 you might get bored.
  • TerraDewBerry
    Ruckly wrote: »
    A 30 day alliance lock might fly if you can play all your toons on your account for that alliance for the 30 day duration i.e. if you choose DC for 30 days all your EP and AD toons get pooled into your DC bullpen so you can select from all your toons and not just your DC ones. Otherwise many of your toons get locked out of a campaign. If you have a bullpen of 5(soon 6) classes and you can only play 2 you might get bored.

    It took me a moment to understand what you were saying.. (not because you didn't say it well.. but because I'm at times, a little dense). If I understand you correctly.. you're saying that you pick a faction for PvPand then all your characters (regardless of their actual faction) become the faction you picked? For example, I play DC on Vivec and I go into that campaign at the at the beginning of the cycle and then I can play all 15 characters I have on DC?
    In essence, my EP and AD characters become DC while they are in Cyrodiil? I'm not sure how that would interact with people who don't have the any race any faction on their accounts. I think it's a good idea; but I don't think ZOS would like the loss of revenue they get from people buying any race any faction upgrades in the crown store.. even if it was just for PVP. Some people only PvP and ZOS would lose that potential opportunity to get that income from the people who exclusively PvP (imho).
    Edited by TerraDewBerry on March 30, 2019 11:36PM
  • Ruckly

    It took me a moment to understand what you were saying.. (not because you didn't say it well.. but because I'm at times, a little dense). If I understand you correctly.. you're saying that you pick a faction for PvPand then all your characters (regardless of their actual faction) become the faction you picked? For example, I play DC on Vivec and I go into that campaign at the at the beginning of the cycle and then I can play all 15 characters I have on DC?
    In essence, my EP and AD characters become DC while they are in Cyrodiil? I'm not sure how that would interact with people who don't have the any race any faction on their accounts. I think it's a good idea; but I don't think ZOS would like the loss of revenue they get from people buying any race any faction upgrades in the crown store.. even if it was just for PVP. Some people only PvP and ZOS would lose that potential opportunity to get that income from the people who exclusively PvP (imho).

    I doubt it would be a substantial revenue loss. The reason being if someone gets it with crowns they do so on character creation early in their ESO career. I suppose on the flip side of the coin if things remain they way they are EP queues will be 150 long and DC queues will be 10< long during weekend prime-time. Whereas if they let players pool their toons to different factions smaller groups might play on less densely populated factions to avoid lines and to avoid more lines after a disconnect. I don't like lines. Only playing 2 toons but dodging lines vs playing 3 toons and potentially having longer lines: I think I would choose shorter lines. The only bad thing about DC really is the lousy terrain and some sociological functions.
  • aetherial_heavenn
    Runefang wrote: »
    Can I please change my alliances now? I didn’t have any race, any alliance before so they’re all spread out.

    My desire. Happy to trade my race change and other tokens for a one time ever per character alliance change. I have a valid back story ready to go. LOL

    Quoted for truth
    "In my experience, the elite ones have not been very toxic, and the toxic ones not very elite." WrathOfInnos
  • TerraDewBerry
    Ruckly wrote: »

    I doubt it would be a substantial revenue loss. The reason being if someone gets it with crowns they do so on character creation early in their ESO career. I suppose on the flip side of the coin if things remain they way they are EP queues will be 150 long and DC queues will be 10< long during weekend prime-time. Whereas if they let players pool their toons to different factions smaller groups might play on less densely populated factions to avoid lines and to avoid more lines after a disconnect. I don't like lines. Only playing 2 toons but dodging lines vs playing 3 toons and potentially having longer lines: I think I would choose shorter lines. The only bad thing about DC really is the lousy terrain and some sociological functions.

    I see your point. This change might really shake things up a bit in Cyrodiil. People might decide to play for a faction that has shorter queues and find new friends or realize they like whatever faction and decide to stay. It will be interesting to see what happens.
  • Enkil
    Ruckly wrote: »

    I doubt it would be a substantial revenue loss. The reason being if someone gets it with crowns they do so on character creation early in their ESO career. I suppose on the flip side of the coin if things remain they way they are EP queues will be 150 long and DC queues will be 10< long during weekend prime-time. Whereas if they let players pool their toons to different factions smaller groups might play on less densely populated factions to avoid lines and to avoid more lines after a disconnect. I don't like lines. Only playing 2 toons but dodging lines vs playing 3 toons and potentially having longer lines: I think I would choose shorter lines. The only bad thing about DC really is the lousy terrain and some sociological functions.

    Recall that with the race changes, many people expressed concern about being stuck in race that was greatly changed, so the devs eventually gave us race change tokens. If having characters tied to some alliance is that big of an issue for enough people, they should be vocal about it—in a respectful way. This is a big Cyrodiil change so perhaps they will allow alliance change tokens even if only for a limited time or a one-shot deal. I’ve been presenting the case for alliance locks since I returned to game last April, and many others have done so and chimed in on it as well. That seems to have paid off. Make your case for it in polls, threads, and interactive venues if it’s that big an issue...

    Edited by Enkil on March 31, 2019 1:38AM
  • ManwithBeard9
    Enkil wrote: »

    Recall that with the race changes, many people expressed concern about being stuck in race that was greatly changed, so the devs eventually gave us race change tokens. If having characters tied to some alliance is that big of an issue for enough people, they should be vocal on the forums and such the about it—in a respectful way. This is a big Cyrodiil change so perhaps they will allow alliance change tokens even if only for a limited time or a one-shot deal. I’ve been presenting the case for alliance locks since I returned to game last April, and many others have done so and chimed in on it as well. That seems to have paid off. Make your case for it in polls, threads, and interactive venues if it’s that big an issue...

    The devs are against Faction Change Tokens because of how it would effect your quest lines. It would be a logistical nightmare.
  • Enkil

    The devs are against Faction Change Tokens because of how it would effect your quest lines. It would be a logistical nightmare.

    I def can imageime and that may be a big hurdle to overcome. however, if they are putting this much effort into factions locks, maybes it’s time to code for them. Maybe they can make it purchase item so it would fund itself.
  • ManwithBeard9
    Enkil wrote: »

    I def can imageime and that may be a big hurdle to overcome. however, if they are putting this much effort into factions locks, maybes it’s time to code for them. Maybe they can make it purchase item so it would fund itself.

    The game launched with factions locks. They didn't put any effort into turning them back on. They can adjust faction lock and population locks practically on the fly.
  • ellahellabella

    The game launched with factions locks. They didn't put any effort into turning them back on. They can adjust faction lock and population locks practically on the fly.

    That wasn't a full faction lock. You could still get group queued into a campaign that another alliance toon was homed in.
    None of this is a full faction lock. Thank goodness...
    Try to read everything I write with an Australian accent

    PC NA
    Full faction locks are only further dividing an already dwindling pvp community

    Ebonheart Pact
    Sophis (M. Templar), Lilivah Rallenar (M. Sorcerer), Diakoptês (M. Dragonknight), Pins and Needles (M. Nightblade), Claws-your-Curtains (S. Sorcerer), Raan-Mir-Tah (M Warden), Hezik (S Warden)

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Sophis-ticated (M. Templar), Tis not easy being Green (S. Dragonknight)

    Daggerfall Covernant
    Sirius Delatora (M. Nightblade), Ellaberry (S. Templar), Ellabear (pve tank) Claìr De Lune (M. Sorc)
  • Edirt_seliv
    Moonsorrow wrote: »

    But since people can do then alliance hopping and "only lost campaign rewards" then it is no biggie to the people who like to "help" all alliances by hopping back and forth since they do not play for AP or rewards so why even people then complain about since they are not loosing anything they play for?

    So a win-win to everyone.

    Or.. do people who complain actually play to troll/AP farm and this seems painful to them and all the "we help everyone by hopping" was just all talk? ;)

    But yeah, to not trigger anyone sensitive about their AP farming with this.. lets see what gonna happen when it hits live. I for one will go play to a campaign that has these sort of actions so atleast fewer trolls. Hopefully. Shall see. Most like their AP and Crystals so after some baby temper tantrums people will love it. I love even the though of it.


    Lol, you are going be severly disapointed by the impact this change will have. You understand you can still farm AP as much as ever right? You're not going to loose the AP that you farm. I can still take my group to AD, farm 200k AP an hour, go buy all my AP sellables for a good days work, come in tomorrow on EP and do the same thing, and turn some seige for the memes along the way. This change isn't going to revert my actual AP earnt and take back the things i bought with it.

    So yeah win win right. I am just glad this hasn't impaired the thing faction loyalists hate the most. Trolls.

    Edited by Edirt_seliv on March 31, 2019 2:57AM
  • zyk
    So yeah win win right. I am just glad this hasn't impaired the thing faction loyalists hate the most. Trolls.
    I don't think this is what players hate the most at all. It just seems this way because trolls are loud so things involving them tend to be overstated.

    The main practical issue with multi-faction play right now is just geode grinding. When AD is rolling the map, I see so many EP and DC mains switch over to their AD characters to profit from it -- which exacerbates the issue of one team completely dominating to the point there is no good PVP anywhere.

    I don't think ZOS has really spelled out exactly what they're doing, so because of all of the unclear or conflicting info, I don't have an opinion on the change yet. My hope is that it reduces the pure reward grinding we see now.
    Edited by zyk on March 31, 2019 2:44AM
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    zyk wrote: »
    I don't think this is what players hate the most at all. It just seems this way because trolls are loud so things involving them tend to be overstated.

    The main practical issue with multi-faction play right now is just geode grinding. When AD is rolling the map, I see so many EP and DC mains switch over to their AD characters to profit from it -- which exacerbates the issue of one team completely dominating to the point there is no good PVP anywhere.

    I don't think ZOS has really spelled out exactly what they're doing, so because of all of the unclear or conflicting info, I don't have an opinion on the change yet. My hope is that it reduces the pure reward grinding we see now.

    So the obvious answer is to implement soft locking like players suggested 2 years ago where you choose the faction you score with but can still play on other factions and earn AP but not campaign based rewards.
    Thus solving both issues.

    Instead the tinfoilers shout loudly as usual and everyone has to suffer. Its not gnna make them happy because they have one less excuse when they lose and its not gnna make the people who dont want it happy because now they cant use characters they levelled and play on.

    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • Enkil

    Lol, you are going be severly disapointed by the impact this change will have. You understand you can still farm AP as much as ever right? You're not going to loose the AP that you farm. I can still take my group to AD, farm 200k AP an hour, go buy all my AP sellables for a good days work, come in tomorrow on EP and do the same thing, and turn some seige for the memes along the way. This change isn't going to revert my actual AP earnt and take back the things i bought with it.

    So yeah win win right. I am just glad this hasn't impaired the thing faction loyalists hate the most. Trolls.

    Wow! Farm this, farm that, farm, farm, FarmVille... surely we all know this is the PvP section?

    Farming is a PvE mindless activity. Do the devs really need to make a new AP farming campaign just to placate the carebear types? So odd how in this game, farmer-type gamers think they are tough or la crème de la crème. It’s CAREBEAR! Who are they kidding?

    This is not some silly argument between this or that group. I have toons all 3 and when I join a certain campaign, I don’t log other factions toons on that campaign for the duration... does that make me a “faction-loyalist”? lol. It’s simple self-control to me.

    If this update doesn’t resolve some of the most despicable goings-on, the devs are clearly more open to addressing them...

    Why can’t people keep themselves in check so the devs don’t have to put restrictions on?
    zyk wrote: »
    I don't think this is what players hate the most at all. It just seems this way because trolls are loud so things involving them tend to be overstated.

    The main practical issue with multi-faction play right now is just geode grinding. When AD is rolling the map, I see so many EP and DC mains switch over to their AD characters to profit from it -- which exacerbates the issue of one team completely dominating to the point there is no good PVP anywhere.

    I don't think ZOS has really spelled out exactly what they're doing, so because of all of the unclear or conflicting info, I don't have an opinion on the change yet. My hope is that it reduces the pure reward grinding we see now.

    It’s important to remember this is all still under development like @zyk said. Instead of trolling others and seeing people with different points of view as opposition or people to argue with incessantly, why not RECOGNIZE we all want to PvP with balanced numbers, not get zerged all the time or be overwhelmed, and have as many good fights as frequently as possible?

    Are your most fond memories of ESO PvP when you zerged down the enemy, the whole map, got zerged? Perhaps it is more when u had a 2 hour siege over that last emp keep that was truly epic... hmm I wonder....

    Edited by Enkil on April 1, 2019 12:07AM
  • Morgul667
    I think this is great
  • merevie
    DC had a problem with a group of people who took huge numbers of keeps & ran several x and y pug groups to aid themselves. The second the map was too blue they swapped to another color and started taking them back. Then flipped again. All day long. Quite happy to see new idea in place that takes away their reason to 'help all factions'.

  • Vapirko
    Turelus wrote: »
    That was the impression I got from ZOS, although granted this was never stated outright that I recall so others could be correct in their assessments.
    I just assumed from the information I got they would add a new campaign and lock it like the old ones were. Sure the old bypass might work but it's more effort and hopefully will keep people focused on one faction.

    There now another thread with vids. Looks like Vivec and Sotha locked w/no guest option. Shor, Kyne and two IC campaigns are open.
  • chellieharringtonb16_ESO
    Ruckly wrote: »
    A 30 day alliance lock might fly if you can play all your toons on your account for that alliance for the 30 day duration i.e. if you choose DC for 30 days all your EP and AD toons get pooled into your DC bullpen so you can select from all your toons and not just your DC ones. Otherwise many of your toons get locked out of a campaign. If you have a bullpen of 5(soon 6) classes and you can only play 2 you might get bored.

    This is the best solution I have seen so far to the dilemma me and my husband have. We have both been playing since beta and I didn't initially buy any race and alliance so we have characters on all alliances. My husband is a pact player but has a covenant character he likes to PVP with sometimes. Also, my main character is covenant so if I wanted to PVP (which is not very often) he would have to switch alliance (and lose AP) to play with me. I don't disagree with faction locking but veteran players need a way of playing all their toons without penalty.
  • Nermy

    Watched that vid from 5.43 and Wheeler says NOTHING about losing AP or rewards, just that you will be locked into whichever alliance you first log in for the duration.

    Edited by Nermy on April 1, 2019 8:16AM
    Ex-Leader of The Wabbajack [EU EP PvP guild - Now stood down from active duty]

    Nermden - EP Warden, Nerm-in'a'tor - EP Dragon Knight, N'erm - EP Sorcerer, D'arkness - EP Nightblade, Nermy - EP Templar

    “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” ― Oscar Wilde

    "An Army is a team; lives, sleeps, eats, fights as a team. This individual heroic stuff is a lot of crap." -General George S. Patton
  • Gretzel
    ATomiX96 wrote: »
    All campaigns except Shor are affected by this.
    So everyone that has friends on other campaigns is kinda bound to play on Shor now.
    The diehard PvDoor-Friends and Zerglings will stay in Vivec and Sotha anyways.
    Might be a good thing, at least for Shor.

    Scared to fight against your freinds? Its good sportsmanship. Barely anyone is in Shor anyhow.
    Sorc dps / DK tank / Templar healer - Xbox NA - Black Marsh Legion - cp 270
  • DisgracefulMind
    Gretzel wrote: »

    Scared to fight against your freinds? Its good sportsmanship. Barely anyone is in Shor anyhow.

    I duel my friends all the time. I want to play with my friends, as I have for the past five years. For example, my good friend @Fairweather91 is a DC main. We've known each other for 4 years now, we have played all three factions with each other, we duel tons, etc. etc. etc. So because I'm an EP main, and he's a DC main, ZoS is telling us to abandon having good PvP together and hanging out, discouraging an actual sense of community, and suddenly cutting off an aspect of the game both of us have always been heavily involved with.

    And for what? So we can be told how to play this game, even though we've both been playing it since launch in this manner?

    The "ur scared to fight against ur friends" argument is invalid and holds absolutely no argument as to why being completely faction locked makes any sense or promotes anything for the game.

    Ah, and, even though you're on a different server, you make the same point PC/NA is trying to make -- there is not any population in the 7-day campaigns. And why is that? Because there isn't enough population, and people want to PvP where the fights are -- the 30-day campaign. Soooo go play a dead campaign if you want to not be a faction loyalist is the solution? Even though we have been told for years we don't have to be loyal.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • MipMip
    For one, its a war simulation. Let's treat it as such

    Correct, and in a war scenario there can be

    a) soldiers loyal to their king / queen = players enjoying being loyal to a faction
    b) adventurers looking for glory = players enjoying going wherever the best fights are
    c) mercenaries looking for riches = players enjoying optimizing rewards (AP, transmutes...)

    All these behaviors fit a war scenario.

    Faction locks on the main campaigns, if they really go live, would mostly remove option b) (which is my playstyle) and reduce the options the game offers (among other disadvantages that faction locks would present)

    PC EU ∙ PC NA

    'My only complaint about ball groups is that there aren't enough of them. Moar Balls.'
    - Vilestride
  • Ormtunge
    Nermy wrote: »
    I heard a whisper it's a thing... About time? ;)
    Nermy wrote: »
    I heard a whisper it's a thing... About time? ;)

    For me and many others it is. It will bring back the fun and competition to fight for the campaign. And thou we dont know how it will turn out yet, if some servers are locked and some are not, then all should be happy, yes?
  • MipMip
    Ormtunge wrote: »

    For me and many others it is. It will bring back the fun and competition to fight for the campaign. And thou we dont know how it will turn out yet, if some servers are locked and some are not, then all should be happy, yes?

    If some campaigns of equal importance were locked and not locked it would be perfect, we could all enjoy the game the way we best like it, I would agree with this. But locking the 30 days campaigns and leaving Shor, IC and Kyne not locked does not at all present the same opportunities. If this really goes live it would be a huge disappointment for me and many others.
    PC EU ∙ PC NA

    'My only complaint about ball groups is that there aren't enough of them. Moar Balls.'
    - Vilestride
  • ATomiX96
    idk wrote: »

    LOL. Vivec is not the most active campaign because of PvDoor and Zergs. Players that prefer PvP go to where the most PvP is. This has been the case since the game launched. When we would fill two campaigns we filled two campaigns.

    Even back in the day the only time I heard someone wanting to go to a less active campaign was for an attempt at Emporer since they had less competition or because their PC could not handle the action of the more active campaigns (or maybe they could not).

    Yeah vivec and sotha are playable from 12-5pm after that its a lagfiesta and a pure pvdoor zone dominated by 24 man lfg zergs which can afford to buy sieges :trollface: , so if you wanna actually pvp in primetime you gotta go shor on PC-EU.
    Edited by ATomiX96 on April 2, 2019 11:00AM
  • DisgracefulMind
    ATomiX96 wrote: »

    Yeah vivec and sotha are playable from 12-5pm after that its a lagfiesta and a pure pvdoor zone dominated by 24 man lfg zergs which can afford to buy sieges :trollface: , so if you wanna actually pvp in primetime you gotta go shor on PC-EU.

    We don't even get barely anyone in Shor during PC/NA primetime, really. Maybe 2 bars, usually not. The weekends sometimes hit 3 bars, but mostly 2 bar. :( Not seeing faction lock helping this problem at all qq I wish, believe me, I wish, but I just don't see it.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
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